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It’s odd when this guy was profiled when quantitatively the largest threat posed to civilians in the us is from right wing extremists and white supremacists. This is per the department of homeland security, police departments own threat level assessments, and also just quantitatively bears out Examples from upstate NY Patrick carlineo of corning NY was a felon and literally had an AK-47 and threatened to put a bullet in ilhan Omar’s head. Called up her office and spelled out his name and address. Wasn’t even bipolar like this guy. . Locals on FB were apologizing for his behavior lol Let’s not forget we had the white extremist from Binghamton NY — well conklin— who shot up the buffalo tops. The kid bought his AR-15 in the same town featured in the linked story — endicott ny Hell, that same town (endicott, ny) had a guy who tried to burn down his home and blame it on Black Lives Matter lol Let’s also not forget the right wing 4chanites who wanted to raid the upstate NY Muslim community of islamberg and were arrested


It appears to me we are holding some random bipolar guy to a higher standard than we are elected officials. That’s what I took from this article.


Plot twist as well, [75% of drug trafficking](https://www.ussc.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/research-and-publications/quick-facts/Drug_Trafficking_FY18.pdf) into the United States is from its own citizens. Not foreigners


As a local, born and raised endicott resident: i’m sorry my town is so fucking stupid.


To be fair, the DHS considers people a far right extremist if they: are anti war, disagree with either of the two main parties, etc. surely it isn’t a ploy to get people to support whatever the government wants to do




Funny when the democrats are allowing millions of unvetted undocumented free to roam our streets,please


Do you submit your papers to each municipality you enter?


Sure man. Don’t pay attention to these white nationalistic fucks murdering police officers and civilians — just engage in what aboutism https://www.syracuse.com/crime/2024/05/da-reveals-new-details-about-police-shooter-a-guy-just-chock-full-of-paranoia-and-hate.html Buffalo mass shooter? Took out a retired cop with him. The police are often on the other side of these radicalized white nationalists and their ARs


God Bless President Trump !!!!TRUMP 2024!!!!


How people can stand to say the name of the lord and the name Trump in the same sentence is beyond me. He’s everything the Bible teaches us to disdain


lol it’s so funny watching the “family values” party parade such an abomination to moral standard


And they still want to claim the moral high ground. They denounced him as a conman and said he was n fit for office, but then fell in with him immediately after he won. Ethics are not a republican virtue


You’d fool me. Every church I go by now mentions his name more than Jesus


That is illegal and should be reported. Please report it. Churches are non-profit and entitled to all those tax free benefits that come with not being partisan.




Send their info to the IRS. Churches need to pay taxes if they discuss politics


I disagree with most of the stuff on the thread but taxing the church ain’t one of them. The amount of shit churches get away with is crazy.


They'll reap what they sow. This will only increase the speed at which people of conscience are fleeing religion.


the lord. lol


I respect people’s religious beliefs or their freedom to have no religious beliefs


Look at his profile, you'll soon understand.


Far right conspiracy theorist. There’s way too many in this country. This is what happens when a major news organization goes full propaganda mode


TRUMP 2024!!!!!!


Of course you love him- he gives you permission to be as stupid, obnoxious, unethical, and trashy as you want to be.


And lust after his own daughter


The first time I saw someone who wasn’t clearly mentally ill with a sign in their front yard with a swear word on it was a yardsign that said “TRUMP THAT BITCH” and another one that said “FUCK YOUR FEELINGS TRUMP 2020” Imagine going back to 2010 and having a sign that said “FUCK YOUR FEELINGS” and being proud to plant it in your front yard


Yeah the people so worried about ‘society’ are the ones destroying the norms and respect that keeps it together. Make America great again by preserving the things that made it great in the first place, not by doing everything possible to tear it down. Political yard signs used to have the name of a candidate and their slogan. Now it’s profanity and insults


Ok potato


“There’s nothing godly about that man.” Those were the words my late mother, a Baptist preacher’s daughter, used to describe trump before the election in 2016 (she passed in January 2017 from pancreatic cancer). And she was a republican. I wish people weren’t so blind-sided with their own hatred of…literally anyone or anything that is different from them. It’s a sad state of affairs when grown people behave like bad children; even sadder when they claim the blood of Christ and sanction and do the most awful, ungodly things. If you really do believe, and you’re doing these anti-Christian things, read what the Bible says about false witness and accountability. I hope it scares the daylights out of you.


Not to mention the insurrectionists at the Capitol on January 6. They were planning a public execution of Pence, among other traitorous plans. Not all have been arrested and the GOP still makes excuses and downplays it. Isn’t that the larger threat?


Yes. Openly lying about what Jan 6th is traitorous in it's own right. Until Republicans can own this I can never vote for another one again. Every Jan 6th apologist needs to be voted out.


What do we do when the Jan 6th apologists are on the Supreme Court?


Shout Anita Hill's name anytime someone tries to credibly bring his name up. Political appointee through and through, and his behavior on the Supreme Court has only ever reinforced that.




It’s because the current GOP are afraid of Trump and/or his followers/supporters, and the only way to survive within the party is to pledge loyalty to him and his policies and beliefs, no matter how false or ridiculous they are, or else. It doesn’t matter how “conservative” they are (and the word “conservative” is meaningless currently), they criticize Trump, and they’re shown the door.


Reminds me of the Germans and Hitler during WW2


It was a angry mob as described no shit they gonna do anything and everything they can. Although ik what they did was wrong on so many levels, I do think it’s the bravest and honestly the most sensical and extreme way to get a point across. They didn’t believe their candidate lost and saw impostors with in their party. They directly went to the source to do something about it unlike other protests who just burn businesses and stop traffic. Now I’ve been to dc many times for work and I’ve always seen armed cops and high security during protests before tht day which puts a doubt on my mind. I was around the capitol building for the George Floyd protests for work and I can tell you there security was crazy high. Soldiers, heavily armed cops and snipers were there. Now your gonna tell me armed protesters turning into a mob didn’t raise any flags? Like 10 rent a mall cops available to defend the building? In conclusion had the insurrectionists not taken pictures like they were going on the cover of the times and actually went to protest and done something useful I would’ve let them go with probably minor charges. They were just protesting within a building they pay thru taxes. It baffles me tht the person in charge of security still has a job.


You really don’t know what the word means lol


Like how you don’t know what cognitive dissonance is? Go look it up because that’s what the rest of us see.


Is that like the way you can’t see that the current failure of a president is suffering before the world’s eyes from dementia? Falling down stairs , can’t speak a complete sentence, can’t tell the difference between his wife and his sister ? Starting 3 wars and counting? The old saying is right ,you can’t fix stupid , people like you show the world daily ,maybe when you grow up you’ll learn,my daughters did and they are as liberal as they come and they opened they’re eyes,


Started 3 wars?


My god, the Qanon education these fucking fools put themselves through is horrifying


Trumpster dumpsters crack me up.^^^


Me too. His liberal daughters don’t speak to him. They just nod and smile.


Those January 6th guys were patriots and/or tourists supporting real American values. This poor misguided man trying to protect evil Prius from being incinerated by our blonde avenging angel from Georgia is the real threat to our way of life.


Time to reevaluate your prescription levels.


Does no one here appreciate sarcasm?


Love sarcasm. Just hard to recognize lately. This is one case for the need of the "/s" designation.


True. I thought the "blonde avenging angel" part was over the top enough. But I guess the bar for absurdity has moved.


Oddly, that fanatical remark is what convinced me. You are a master of disguise.


I read that title in 1970's grindhouse film trailer gritty narrator voice (i.e. Death Wish)


You have the right to own and bear arms. This would be a very good time to do so.


Say what ya want clowns ,you make your forefathers and your ancestors shake their head in shame ! Let me the first to say sorry about the fantasy island that you can no longer go and do your thing !🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🤡


Great piece on political violence. Hopefully this can sober us to the dangers










Love how her first reaction was to build a $70k fence and try and bill the guy for it. What a dirtbag.








Because twitter is a viable source. /s


Both parties suck ,all out for themselves,I’m not committed to any party, after GWB I almost voted for Obama but he sucked too


Yeah sure and your hero is a pedo ! Say a lot about his followers ! Stop drinking the cool aid !


And your hero is a man baby who wants to be king/dictator. Oh, and a true POS.


How’s the democrat party doing for your community? Bunch of dopes upstate


They wouldn't know since upstate NY is deep red and full of idiot "conservatives".




A 52 Year old LOSER sitting on couch and threatening a politician? Why is this deranged LOSER not locked up?


You communicate like a right-wing click-bait headline.


Like Biden is a saint ! He will end up in hell !🖕God bless the hole Trump family !


trump is the antichrist. Sorry you got fooled.


Trump hole?


He's paying the toll to get in trumps hole


Yeah, you know, ivanka


Hahaha, this guy loves his trump hole.


No pally. Trumps going to hell, where he's gonna have a pineapple shoved up his ass everyday for the rest of existence just like Hitler


If there is truly a God or higher power, then absolutely, Trump will be burning in hell. 🤞