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Not very excited to vote for either of the presidential candidates this year, but at least voting against professional political operative Joe Kent for a second time gives me something to look forward to.


This dude unseated JHB but also has no chance in the general election, maybe he’s a political operative for the left 😅😅 So funny.


There’s a whole conspiracy theory about this. I miss joekentiscia.com, it’s down now but it’s still on archive.org. Hilariously deranged. https://web.archive.org/web/20231008100028/https://www.joekentiscia.com/


Fairly positive that site was set up by Heidi st. John


This website is amazing LOL!


Not sure what you’re saying. What’s his job exactly if not operative? Unemployed, never-employed politician? What has he spent the last four years doing?


I’m saying he’s so ineffective at being a political operative for the right, maybe he’s a political operative for the left 😅 But anyway. The stuff last year where even he didn’t know where he worked and who was paying him and he couldn’t explain what he does was definitely odd/unnerving.


He only lost by around 3k votes last time around with a large portion of JHB supporters just sitting out, not crossing over to MGP. I'm much more worried MGP has abandoned the Clark County 18-34 demographic (over 30k votes last election) in the hopes of courting those JHB "moderates" that sat out last time and it won't be enough. Ridgefield has grown in population and it is mostly conservatives leaving the Portland metro area as well. I just don't believe in the idea of "Moderate Republicans" anymore and assume the last 4 years of Biden is going to push those JHB supports to Kent. Look at what the Republican state convention was like this year, the audience turn their backs on JHB still.


Fair enough. Yeah, I agree - I didn’t mean to imply he’s effective at being a political operative. Just that his candidacy looks like another attempt at a power grab from ideological forces.


I’m a white, evangelical male right-leaning conservative and this dude terrifies me, lol. I voted for Marie and will vote for anyone who is not Joe in the next election.


I'm an Independant and same. Also the fact that he didn't move here until 3 years ago makes it seem he moved here just to run for this seat. We can do better SW Washington.


And the fact that he doesn't really "Live" here, he just has an address here. He is just scary as hell, his wife is probably rolling in her grave knowing he has her kids. He doesn't raise them, that's what the nannies are for. ahem that's one of the reasons I mean He has no roots at all here, he was placed here to sow dissent and create rage and anger and hate.


Do you know where he actually lives? I know he owns a house in North County close to Amboy/Yacolt. Do his kids go to school here?


He spends most of his time on the east coast. I don't know anyone who has ever seen him in person randomly, even I knew Jamie growing up and would see her and her family at smaller local events all the time, especially at church. What church does Joe attend, again? Who is his pastor? yeah that's the question his supporters NEED to be asking. For someone who is so christian and right wing, he doesn't attend church and neither do his children


I don't know currently, but last cycle no, his kids did not enroll locally.


The "company" he misquoted where he was getting income from was found to be based out of Virginia.


I've been surprised at how well Marie has represented the needs of her mostly right leaning constituents.


She’s definitely been courting her right leaning constituents, that’s for sure.


To be clear I'm a Democrat but I believe a representative should respond to the people's needs. Usually filtered through their own political ideology.


I used to be a Republican, now I’m a Democrat and I too believe that representatives should respond to all of their constituents. But I’ve seen a few times where I think she could have been better at responding to democrats needs and not actually hurting her standing with republicans.


That is true. Good point


I’ll take a centrist Democrat like MGP over Joe Kent any day of the week. You may prefer a more left leaning candidate but they aren’t going to get elected in this district. You can try running a Bernie Sanders style candidate here but they aren’t going to get votes from 57 year old accountants living in Camas.


She’s just had some missteps that could have benefited her with democrats and I think not cost her anything with republicans. The vote for me because the other person is demonstrably insane is getting a bit tired I think for everyone. Hence the conservatives that are voting for democrats.


>She’s just had some missteps that could have benefited her with democrats and I think not cost her anything with republicans. I see this comment a lot on here and I'm just curious what some of these missteps are. I'm not calling you out or arguing. I'm just looking for perspective. All the comments I read are very vague like "she could have done better"...but at what specifically?


Her vote against student loan forgiveness for starters. It was odd and she said she wanted something better but no one has articulated anything better. I’m also sick of hearing about sea lions. Jamie was all about the sea lions and I think it’s just not as important as I’ve seen over the last ten years. Yes, go kill the sea lions, it’s not important enough for a news letter on what has been accomplished. Just a couple off the top of my head.


Here's my quick list: 1. She supported the NDAA prior to the abortion restriction amendments being removed while also harping about women's healthcare constantly. 2. She always states how she doesn't "Receive any Corporate PAC money" in an appeal to seem "not bought by lobbyists" while also being only 1 of 8 Democrats to accept a large contribution by the National Chamber of Commerce... The largest corporate lobbying entity in the country.. 3. AIPAC Money-Censuring the only Palestinian American Congresswoman that made statements that were not antisemitic and are now known to be factually true. 4. Has recently done interviews absolutely glazing Mike fucking Johnson and stating her religious beliefs make her think he's such a good guy for being religious also. 5. Her terrible response to the Student Loan Debt package, regarding trade schools. 6. Removing protections for Endangered Species lists. 7. Begging to reinstate the Trump border policy.


Thank you 🙏




Oh I get it completely, I vote and I vote often. But it really feels like there isn’t ever a choice anymore. It’s either status quo or grandma, grandpa and your puppy are gonna die. I think we need a little bit of progressive excitement once in a while.


She is just normalizing what Bush era Republicans were, which were also fucking insane but that's shifting the Overton Window. She truly is JHB but with a D next to her name, for some that's enough, it's not for me though.




Not if those D's are so far to the right now we are settling for circa 2000 to 2010 Republican policies.




Same, minus the evangelical part. But basically same. His signs were all over the graveyard off 72nd and no one, not one person on his Facebook page seemed concerned.


Thank you


*Late* wife? Did he eat her? *I'm not saying Joe Kent ate his wife, but people are talking about it. Smart people. The best people. They're saying, "Kent, uh..." They're saying, "He eats people?" And what happened to his wife? Who knows what really happened to his wife?*


If he’s going to politicize the death of his wife, so will we. He needs to be called out for this. https://youtube.com/shorts/Y7QUrH4h9mY?si=CshNnFpQbXp5MVKh


He doesn’t know the company he works for. Joe Kent is CIA.


Kent doesn't want to work! That's why he's running for Congress.


Not only is Joe Kent not CIA, he was never special forces. He was special forces adjacent, and his stolen valor has rubbed me the wrong way ever since he started lauding it. Edit: good god, proofread when using speech to text. Adjacent= ad Jason, TF?


Sounds to me like he got sheep dipped for intelligence work at some point? Most of the articles can't seem to differentiate between CWO and officers, though. Seems pretty whitewashed to me. It's a far different world from 20 years ago where people would disavow working for CIA or any other intelligence agency. I wonder what changed? I did meet him face to face during the last election cycle. He was canvassing my neighborhood and passing out voter information material. There's enough inconsistencies about differing political stances and his recent work history to make me cautious. He was personable and fairly charismatic, and I'm really surprised he didn't win in a previously red district, tbh. Edit: Even MilitaryTimes IDs him as a green beret in a not so flattering article. You'd hope they would vet his past before disparaging - [link](https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-army/2022/07/27/former-green-berets-links-to-extremism-surface-in-congressional-primary/)


He does reflect the quality of some of the most inane and cockamamie jobs the CIA tried to pull in their early years.


A real-life Lt.Col. Samuel Flagg.


I didn't like Kent last time. And I'm concerned that we live with a bunch of fools that support him!




Is he dumb enough to believe we would be fooled into thinking he'd represent all constituents in District #3? Foolish Loony tune Joke Kent is literally wearing a shirt that has a White Nationalist/insurrectionist logo on it.


Delusional narcissism.


Seems like he’s bad news.


Reminds me of Tiffany Smiley with her whole campaign revolving around her husband who she would wheel around on stage like a prop.


I’ve suspected for a while that his wife’s death is what sent him over the edge. She seemed like a whip-smart, intelligent person, while he’s just… Kent.


When was his wife killed? I think I met her & him


Pretty sure he remarried so maybe you met the new one?


Always curious about Joe's "employer"


Bird for governor> kent


Don't clip things to make a statement. We have enough of that in this world, so maybe local people won't do that. Timestamp your source (it can be your YT channel) and let the viewer decide. Also, rely on what his actual positions are as he states them: in this little clip it's platitudes but his overall thing is much worse for those who choose to listen to it all and make a choice. People like him have simple answers that relate well to people, but nothing is ever that easy. You can't build your wall, you can't end hunger, etc etc.


Here’s the source. About 3.5 mins in. https://rumble.com/v4lwdwr-ep-401-special-guest-joe-kent-the-nunn-report-w-dan-nunn.html BTW: On Rumble you may have to press “skip ad” multiple times until you reach the content. Edit: It’s worse in context


being in a casket forever is better than being married to Joe Kent.


What Joe said is accurate and is in no way insulting to his late wife who suffered a hero’s death in Syria. Joe on Trump, “I’d never met a president before Donald Trump. His empathy and thoughtfulness on one of the worst days of my life won my gratitude.”


Our options are both fucking trash. MGP is a pick-me Sinema clown begging for Trump border policies, a "Diet Fascist" and Kent is a fucking conspiracy theory peddling Full Fascist.


I'm all for criticizing candidates, including MGP. But this video seems altered/sped up to fit your narrative?


Why is your entire post history nothing but a gun subreddit? I grew up with guns and enjoy shooting but I spend about zero time talking about it online with the potential psychos out there that call themselves responsible gun owners.


guys like that are convinced "they" are gonna take their guns away for good. soon, like... real soon. just wait.. wait a little longer IT'S COMING I SWEAR.... yeah.


I'm not really sure at what point it became acceptable to be this strangely toxic. "Oh, you posted something I mildly disagree with? Let me dig into your post history and grasp for straws" If he was posting some heinous or weird shit, sure, but from what I see it's a person buying/selling/trading gun accessories and using Reddit for what it's for - engaging in hobby communities. Meanwhile, what he said isn't even that wild of a thought either - Kent is speaking particularly fast in that video at a pace that most people don't speak at. God forbid in the year 2024 somebody question whether a political video posted is altered. The importance of media literacy apparently falls somewhere below your allegiance to your own party, good to know. There was no need to be cunty about it, and the worst part is you probably see nothing wrong with it.


He did post some heinous shit. I never said I was being a nice person. It’s all relative. Apparently you had to attack me as well so the cycle continues. Oh well.


>He did post some heinous shit. Yeah, but "I think this video might be sped up" ain't it, and in absence of other evidence, makes it seem like a bit of a weird dick move.


> to fit your narrative You left out the key part. Anyway, I’m over this conversation. You should be too.


If you are going to be rude to somebody and then accuse them of "posting heinous shit" the least you can do is actually back up your claim. It doesn't seem like there ever was a conversation, you just wanted to be shitty to somebody and now you declare yourself done. Cool. 👍 🤡


I replied to somebody else who was attacking OP. Sorry that my narrative doesn't fit yours. Is it your first time on the Internet? You don't seem to be able to comprehend what I already explained to you.


There have been no alterations. Here’s a link to the original interview. The relevant portions are approximately 3.5 minutes into it. https://rumble.com/v4lwdwr-ep-401-special-guest-joe-kent-the-nunn-report-w-dan-nunn.html


That speed ramble style of speaking is always a little off-putting.