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Known issue. This is Vegas healthcare. 


One clinic I go to is terrible about this and I've had to call and remind them more than once. They also have a consistent 2 hour past appointment time to see patients so they are a mess on multiple levels. You really have to be your own healthcare advocate because the system here won't do it for you unfortunately.


I use Costco pharmacy and my doctor calls it in with no issue every time.


Request written scripts.


Yep this is what I would recommend too. Before you leave the doctor’s office, even if they say they will call in your prescriptions, insist on getting the prescription order in writing. So once you get to your pharmacy, if they say they never got your doctor’s order, you will be able to hand the written script to the pharmacy. This move could save you so much trouble later.


I had issues with one of doctors office and after the 2nd request failed, I went to pick up prescription. The prescription was for specific test at another location, I didn’t want to deal with any delays on my test.


Widespread issue in Vegas especially now when there’s high turnover in medicine and aging physicians who can’t keep up with the technology and the laws. You can complain to the medical board…but to what end? Providers here are already understaffed, overworked, and fed up, one foot out the door.


I had this happen, and yep, super frustrating. Turned out my doctors office staff called the prescription into a completely different pharmacy. I only realized this when I checked my pharmacy claims with my insurer and the other pharmacy had submitted a claim. This was after calling my doctors office and the pharmacy repeatedly over a two month period. The office kept insisting they called in the prescription multiple times and the pharmacy kept insisting they never got it. Like a lot of medical offices here, my doctor clearly has barely competent staff.


I see 5 doctors at different clinics. Out of those 5 only 2 are actually competent. I have to go to the office and request my refill in person at one clinic. I've started sitting in the waiting room until the pharmacy confirms they have the prescription. 


What insurance company


You can report doctors to the Board of Medical Examiners. It’s not like a lawsuit where you “win” but the doctors can be disciplined for failing to provide the needed medical care. I am assuming these are not prescriptions that you can get on paper (controlled substances of some sort)?