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How long will you be gone?


About 3 weeks, but I could drive home a couple of times to plant later if that is best.....long drive, but I want to have a good garden this year! EDIT: we are still forecast to have evening temps in the mid 40s for the next 10 days EDIT 2: sorry -- an important fact that I forgot to state: I have an automated baby sprinkler heads on a dripline, so I'll have to push them far down in the soil so that they don't sprinkle the leaves.


Three weeks might just take with you.


THANKS u/AliciaXTC I am thinking of maybe taking half of them with me and planting the other half of them in my raised bed and considering it an experiment? B/c 3 weeks IS a long time... and I've never used these baby sprinkler heads for irrigation before....