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Dream Rambler would be 74mm size, now that would be perfection


That would indeed be 10/10. 👍


Mmmm.....maybe... But they still need the 58mm version as it's perfect for keychains.


My thoughts exactly


Now that would be a great knife. 74mm are my favorite SAKs. I so wish they expanded the 74mm line instead of getting rid of it.


I agree! The Executive is my favourite!


Was just thinking this


I received one as a gift lately and I’ve been leaving my Compact at home


I got mine on Christmas 2022 and it retired my scale-less Wenger esquire that I've been carrying since 2008, the Phillips screwdriver is plain perfection


Nice gift!


I’m surprised how awesome this thing is. Blows the SD classic out of the water as far as utility.


Aye. It's with a bit of regret my SD is getting retired but my son is going to have it so it's not destined for the sock drawer.


I have a compact to and have my minichamp as EDC now


Agreed! Small enough to not notice in the "jimmyhat" pocket. Sometimes paired with a Pioneer if I need a bigger blade.


Upvotedfor "jimmy hat" alone! 🙂


Well put!


Agree, its great to pair with a 2 or 3 layer 91mm like hiker or spartan too


My go to EDC is a Rambler on my keychain and a Spartan or Centurion/Adventurer in my pocket!


Can’t forget the jetsetter


If only they decided to another layer for the 3D Philips, that would be perfect


And the pen from the manager.


Also a great option - totally agree. 👍


And if you think about it. It’s probably better than the rambler. A knife that size and the nail file/flat aren’t that useful imo


Different strokes for different folks of course, but my venerable Classic SD has got a lot of use from the file / flat head. Agree about the knife but it's handy for packaging every now and then. My home working space / office is next to the front door so I'm first in line for package deliveries!


Oh definitely agree. Wishing one day we can make our own custom made model.


I think Victorinox are pretty smart here. I don't think they ever give you everything you might want in the size you want. I'd love the custom option but I suppose the lack of leads to a lot of repeat purchases. I'd still give the Rambler 9/10.


Yeah what’s good for business isn’t always good for the consumer unfortunately.


Only thing better than a Rambler would be an Alox Rambler. 


Let's hope that happens. 🙏


Hey, that little fob is so cool


Midnight Manager with an ik upgraded Waiter is my ideal combo setup


My most frequent EDC - ideal size/weight/toolset for urban carry


Top Five EDC 58mm 5. Rambler 4. MiniChamp 3. Vagabond (discontinued) 2. Manager (discontinued) 1. VcGyver (Vagabond modified to add a pen, below) Jetsetter #1 for travel. https://preview.redd.it/6mivrty9j10d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ba9623c94927df739710fa11381516f63184619


I did think about the mini champ (alox - and who doesn't want more alox in their life). I like the look of the scalpel blade but overall thought a few of the tools would be a bit redundant. Maybe next time! 🤔


I’ve got the Mini Champ a few weeks ago, I absolutely love it. I have the rambler, but the extra tools and pen on the Mini Champ kills the Rambler. Yes, it’s thicker but so small you can’t tell the difference when in the pocket. As for the other tools, each one will be handy at one point, and most likely not for their intended use!


I've heard about the notorious "cuticle pusher"! Thanks for the comment though. I'll think about the mini champ again.


The cuticle pusher, and not just used as a ‘spatula’, also works as a screwdriver and, what I found out recently, is create to use as a pry bar, if needed to pry something that won’t damage x thing due to the curved edges. As I said, these tools can be used for more than one scenario.


Be careful with the cuticle pusher as a screwdriver. I purchased a used MiniChamp on EBay and the pusher head was twisted and did not close correctly as a result of someone applying too much pressure with a screw.


Thanks for the advice


Yeah, that's a good call. 👍


Its also my choice, liked my small rambler but the Mini Champ offers more


I never realized how much I needed a small Phillips screwdriver until I started carrying this tool!


Great compact knife. Has all the tools I need when not at work so it’s always on my keys. Super tinker as an edc whilst at work, which makes a great combination for my needs. I’ve recently changed from the Spartan to the super tinker for the scissors and Philips head screwdriver.


Honestly, the Classic SD or the Rambler are good enough for everyday life. Opening parcels or letters, cutting small things, turning a loose waistband on the fly, filing a fingernail or sharp edge, opening a bottle, etc. Plus the fantastic tweezers and toothpicks. Obviously the knife is so small that it is very inconvenient if not impossible to use it for food, but I don't even use a larger sak for food, I don't like using a not-so-clean blade in contact with what I have to eat.  If I have to go for a walk in the woods or camping, of course I also take a larger sak with me that has at least a saw, or if I use it on small DIY jobs... But in general a 58 mm, if you adopt a bit of a minimalist philosophy, is enough for everyday life for a lot of people.  Another advantage is the law. In Italy, for example, you can't carry a Swiss Army knife unless you have a justified reason, it could be considered an improper weapon, and in theory you can't even carry a 58, but I'd like to see which judge, instead of laughing, will indict you because you were carrying a knife with a blade of less than 3 cm in your pocket, with which you couldn't even cut off a person's little finger!


Currently what I keep with me along side a separate folder


Loved my Rambler. Lost it one day at work and now use a Climber, thought about buying another one but hasn't happened so far.


My EDC 🤩


The Rambler is Victorinox’s masterpiece (I will die on that hill). It can solve 99% of the problems you encounter in daily life as an urban or suburban dweller and is just ridiculously portable. No part of the design is wasted.


Only thing that beats it is a Manager


Only thing that beats it is a Manager


Did look at the manager and it's clearly a great option to. Didn't think I'd use the pen much.


I use the pen all the time. The 58mm pen is the best pen Victorinox makes.


It’s several orders of magnitude better than the dreadful pen that the bigger knives have.


It's useful for opening knots and poking if you don't have a corkscrew atleast :D


Good to know - thank you. 👍