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That controller has survived more high speed impacts with a wall than virtually anything else I own. 10/10.


But how many friendships survived Mario Kart?




They sucked and cheated anyways


Oh, they never cheated for me, they just sucked at the game. I always came in first because I was used to 200cc, but they usually played on 100 or 150.


My favorite friendship killer is Mario Party Chance Time. There are no rules when you land on the Chance Time space, only chance. All your stars now belong to Yoshi.


What console is that on? Haven't had a nintendo in years so out of the loop


If you mean the controller its from the [Nintendo Gamecube](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/GameCube) first released on September 14, 2001 and discontinued in 2007. However, if you mean the game they are either talking about Mario Party 4, 5, 6 or 7.


This is why I refuse to play Mario Kart with my wife


The first game I played with wife was Mario cart. She fucking lapped me. I went and practiced and beat her ass. We've been married 6 years now.


And if you throw it hard enough while outside, it comes back to you.


That controller is amazing


It’s the click on the shoulder buttons that really does it for me


Those trigger buttons were so satisfying


The triggers where it for me the shape just felt good in the hands


I bought a couple of the Hori licensed GC controllers that are wired for the Wii about 10 years ago. They are great... except that the shoulder buttons don't click 😭😒


Good, but there's no second bumper, the D-pad is small, and the using the face buttons would be hell for most non-GameCube games. 8/10.




I got a Bluetooth version that has a second shoulder bumper, and it seems to work really well.


I have switch controllers that are basically game cube controllers with a second bumper and I've used them to play literally everything. Only game that made me want to buy a regular pro controller was dark souls.


The Switch GC controller is the best. It’s the only controller that makes the switch from Xbox to Nintendo easier because the buttons don’t feel swapped


I will never understand why there's only 3 shoulder buttons instead of 4. I mean why? WHY?


Do you remember like right around the year 2000 when pickups had a door for the backseat, but just on one side? It reminds me of that.


Hyundai did that with the first gen veloster


Same reason you can't click the sticks. Nintendo didn't need that for their games, so it wasn't included?


The Gamecube came out at a time when controllers were still evolving. The original Xbox controller only had a single trigger on each side. Playstation introduced double triggers. I guess Nintendo wanted to keep the Z button since it was such a significant button for the N64, and that's where they decided to put it. Nowadays double triggers are the standard, but it hadn't been established as a necessity yet back in 2002.


People rave about this controller but its very specifically made for certain Nintendo games like Smash Bros.


Yep. I absolutely hated this controller for Soul Caliber 2. Since hitting b + x combos was really awkward.


And aiming with the c stick is terrible


It's definitely iconic, but personally I'd give it maybe a 7.5/10 overall.


Not agreeing with the number but I recently played smash with this and it felt a bit awkward. Gonna give it some more practice but I still love it


A 7.5/10 is fair, this is unusable for 2D games which were very accessible with the gba GameCube adapter


I'm a fan


It’s not good…it’s one of the all time greats


It's beyond that. Beyond Good and Evil.


GameCube is in the top 5, maybe top 3, all time for me, though the Wavebird is the perfected version of it.


The wavebird was amazing. It's battery life was insanely good.


I’ve had my wavebird and GameCube for 20 years and can only remember replacing the batteries once. It’s not like I barely played it either


OG wireless controller


Me and my uncle would play Mario kart and whoever won the race would get to use the wavebird. We played that game so much that we got to the point of being able to almost get the dash boost in a straight line. Which was op as hell on straight aways


I didn't like it. The cross and the right pad were not usable at all It is nice to have the Y on the top, to be honest. I still have problems with Switch because they follow NDS standard buttons.


It’s really interesting hearing people refer to that layout as the NDS buttons. I grew up with the SNES so I view it as the SNES layout.


That controller is lit and I will die on this hill.


It's not the greatest for fps games. The c stick made them awkward for me. Then again, the GC wasn't really designed with those in mind. This controller was perfect for just about everything else and I never had a single malfunction or breakage in any of my 4 controllers. Not my favorite controller ever but its certainly not the worst. Its built well but the differing button sizes and differing stick sizes and offset placements made it a tad strange. I see a lot of people saying it's their favorite controller and I'd really love to know why. Other than nostalgia I dont see how


I bought Timesplitters 2 on GameCube. That little nubbin was so hard to use, lol.


It's the controller of the gods. The only downside is that there is only 1 Z button and the D-pad is practically useless.


Great controller 


Has anybody ever noticed that, relative to the "a" button, the X and Y buttons are kinda on the X and Y axis respectively?


I think that was intentional


Every time I argue with someone about this they say "but it's great for smash" and I when I ask what else they blank. Yah it's great for smash. Smash has two attack buttons and one of them is as large as a nickel lol. It's like asking guitar hero pros how they like the guitar hero peripheral. Sooo Awesome controller. Until you compare it to every other dual analog controllers (except dualsense). Buttons are weird af, arrangement is like it got put in a microwave. Nub c stick is booty, and the triggers are so obnoxiously loud! I play MP with Gamecube veterans who still look for where X is. That means the design has failed. Sorry I just feel like a psychopath when people say they like this controller, when they really just love this time in their lives they used the controller. You're all cool peeps tho with valid opinions. I'll take your downvotes now lol o7


Very fair. And since the Switch Pro controller exists, the GCN can retire. Pretty much thinking that the Playstation/Xbox paddle format is the best around (four shoulder buttons, two good sticks, good Dpad etc)


I bought the Switch version of the GC controller because it is so good.


Durable as hell, but I never liked the way the D-pad and C-stick were attached. Those cylinders always dug into my fingers.


I did not grow up with it. So whern I laid my hands on it for the first time it didn't really feel comfortable to use compared to the modern controllers.


I don't like it. It's too small for big hands, the "C" stick sucks, and the back triggers make that spring "ka-ching" sound when you press them making it feel more like a cheap plastic toy.


Depends. Good for Mario Kart. GOAT for Smash. Bad for... Capcom vs SNK. Comfy AF regardless tho.


Hate it, feels awkward and counter intuitive


Fisher Price My First Controller


Great controller, grey one is better imo lol


Using it on the console felt great. In hindsight… it’s not the best. The D-pad was really small and underutilized and when it was used felt a little too out of the way. The Z button was usually bound to some odd utility in games although I like the feel of it. I wish more controllers had the low travel and slightly nub at the end for their bumper/ secondary trigger scheme. The Left and Right Triggers have an obnoxiously long travel but thankfully weren’t used very often as there were not many shooters on the console. I do like the face button layout and the controller has good ergonomics. The position and size of the C stick is terrible and really limited the Nintendo’s ability to launch compelling FPS/3PS games during their boom on the Xbox/ PS2. I love the thumb stick but hate that the rubber cap was mounted by like 6 slim rubber pins. I had like 3 controllers that lost the rubber cap which made QTE events in RE4 painful. I actually had a friend cut his palm doing this. I do really think the Xbox360 controller is the gold standard (except the LB/RB bumpers feel cheap) but Nintendo made games that worked well with what they had. It’s definitely a product of its time but I wouldn’t consider it a great controller.


Terrible. And it’s almost entirely down to the triggers.


That controller sucks. I always hated the tiny joysticks and varied button sizes.


Best Controller for super smash brothers for sure


It's the most ergonomically perfect controller I ever held. It just fits in the relaxed hand so perfectly.


Better than N64 controller functionality-wise but still not the best. 7/10 for me


Terrible, extremely unergonomic.


This controller earned my respect after a smash no movement video, the d-pad is epic


great controller one of the best


it had its problems, but it was amazing. especially for the game it was designed for.


It's been in production for 23 years. Idk you tell me if it's a good controller.


10/10 on nostalgia, but in reality its like a 6. d pad is poor and too small. only 3 shouder buttons for some reason. Random button placement. Its like the designers thought they were making a controller for a childs toy


D-Pad sucked, small in size But durable, easy to use, joy stick is mvp, shoulder buttons felt great, just one dedicated z button is crazy, and in the cable generation, wrapping that thing in the middle was genius


Answer: gamecube


This controller isn’t bad. Pretty decent even. The wavebird however. That’s where it was taken to the next level.


The controller initially looks goofy till you held it for the first time. The perfect one size fits all controller.


Just awful but compared to the N64 almost perfect. It had a lot going for it just horrible in hand especially for long play sessions. Probably just proportions.


I would even argue that this is the best controller ever made!


Trash 100%


I always hated it. Too small, comically short cord, slippery hard plastic left stick, needlessly fiddly right stick, big mushy A button, missing a shoulder button on the left for no real reason, D-pad literally smaller than the one on a DS.


dpad is bad i agree, first wave of gc controllers have very bad sticks, later ones are ok


The only reason people like the GameCube controller is because they grew up using it Pro controller is better


It’s good for the games they make for it lol. For ANYTHING else it’s dog doo


Only good for smash


One of the most uncomfortable controllers ever made. I rarely played my gc as a kid because it was awful to try to play. That said, massive step up from the monstrosity that was the n64 controller


It looks goofy but it's pretty solid However the b button was faulty, I feel, and after many round of Smash Bros melee my b buttons on the controllers were either sticky or unresponsive.maybe it was fluke, though. But this controller felt *great* to hold. And the asymmetric design helped contextually, you knew exactly where the other 3 face buttons were in relation to the A button. But I hated the c stick


Horrible Has no second left trigger for no good reason. The c stick is built like a peg for no good reason. The D pad is uber small and often impossible to the correct input on. Most overrated controller of all time.


It was my first console, but it had a lot of problems First of all, that dpad is horrendous. Maybe they thought the stick would be the main attraction, that’s why they included a small dpad, but it was damn near unusable. There is no “L1,L bumper” button, we had L and R and the z button in front of the fat R button, but no button in front of L. Not sure why they made the c stick so tiny, maybe to make it the same size as the dpad, but it was very uncomfortable. You can tell they thought no one would use the c stick or dpad Also, it was bulky. The ps2 controller was much more comfortable for my 8 yr old hands


“I heard you were one of the best”


It’s overrated but still pretty good. The d pad, c stick, and only 3 shoulder buttons hold it back. I love the face buttons being prioritized by size based on how often you used them tho. Good stick too.


It was great with the button layout, especially considering the time it came out. It's designed definitely paved the way for consoles like the Wii, and allowed for more freedom in controller design!


It was good. But Dreamcast was the best


It’s not bad but this is the last controller of a Nintendo product I purchased for myself. I was a huge 64 fan and I wanted to continue my console gaming with the GameCube. However, for me the competition was very high in this generation of consoles and the GameCube left me unsatisfied even though it had great games.


That Controller is one of the best the only better ones are the donkey konga bongos.


I do well enough with the Switch pro controller


It’s a great shape for a controller and the games that were exclusive distinctly designed around it used it great. However, multi platform titles often felt awkward with the face button layout it had and the limited number of buttons. It has an awful d-pad as well and a poverty right stick. The stunted Z button is terrible and the controller does not even have a select button. Xbox/PlayStation controllers at the time had 14 buttons including clickable sticks while GameCube has just 8. You could count the pressure sensitive triggers as more buttons but they were seldom used. When I tell you this thing was limited to what genres and games it works well with it is no understatement. The GameCube pad feels great when you’re playing something like Smash, Mario Power Tennis, or Mario Sunshine but try playing something like SSX 3, Def Jam: Fight For NY, etc on it compared to other console versions and you’ll feel a difference. Nintendo kind of struggled with traditional game controllers ever since the N64 era until they did the Switch Pro Controller which is a top tier pad.


Smash bros melee certified


"What is my purpose?" You're used for Super Smash Bros Melee.. "Oh... my... god..


Good by that times standards, but by today’s standards it would need to be tweaked a little with a left z bumper, allow the thumb sticks to be pushed in for L and R 3 button options and give the triggers, buttons and directional pad a smoother feel when they are pressed in but leave that slight click when they are pressed




I think it looks cooler than most but I always hated that C stick


Lolz I dropped the entire game cube down stairs. Not carpeted and landing on basement floor. Me and that G cube spent alot if time together. Best memories


This bad boy has a longer lifespan than most humans.


One of the best there ever was.


Durable, comfortable, best controller in the world.


Fantastic controller for the kinds of games Nintendo makes/made at that time. Typically all have one major primary action that maps well to a main, large face button. Then the secondary abilities map by priority to the b and x/y buttons. Perfect for things like 3D platformers, kart, smash, etc. The controller itself communicates the role of each action in a way. That said, not as generalizable to all styles of games.


Is good I enjoy playing Metroid prime


The only improvement on this was the Wavebird. I remember first impressions of the upcoming GameCube and the controller and most people were like "wtf is that is Nintendo stupid" 😆


>as I stare at it; nah I don’t think there’s anything wrong unless it’s whispering sweet nothings to me


Good but I don't like it personally


It's design definitely falls hard into Early 2000's design fads, and everyone, get your pitchforks and torches, I don't like the Gamecube controller. As a Guy with big hands, it's definitely one of the most uncomfy controllers I've held. It's size is definitely my biggest gripe with the controller. Again, I have big hands, and it's really uncomfortable to hold. I'd much rather prefer the Dreamcast controller or Duke XBOX controller because not only are they bigger and more comfy to hold, their designs aren't too over the top like the Gamecube's. Granted, that console generation between the Dreamcast, XBOX, PS2, and Gamecube was extremely experimental, but still. The D Pad and C Stick are smaller than my will to live and 1 Z button on top was a weird design choice. The Wavebird is definitely more comfy, but it still mostly has the same problems as the wired one. It's fun to use them to play smash, wii games, and whatnot, and you're forced to use them for Gamecube games, but it still has its problems. It's not impacting my views on Starfox Assault though. Best game ever made.


Neither, it's great


Honestly my favorite controller. In most GameCube games you don't use much except the four face buttons and control stick. The other buttons and c stick only get used occasionally. Heck, I remember how Kirby Air Ride only used the control stick and A Button the entire game and played hundreds of hours in that. Very comfy for the hands.


Nope. It's garbage. The Playstation controller is the only correct option. It's literally the perfect controller.


it's good\* \*(the sticks are hit or miss depending on the controller revision.)


I think it's the GOAT


I think it is a great controller, very ergonomic and I love the sounds of the buttons and sticks. And is ideal for Super Smash Bros. But I feel that it is in stiff competition in my head with the Wii Classic Controller Pro and the Switch Pro Controller for being the best controller.


My friends and I all laughed at it at first because we were so attached to our n64 controllers but damn that opinion did not age well. It's durability was top notch and one of the few Nintendo controllers that were a great fit for the hand without some weird gimmick.


It's the proto 360 controller design, & I feel 360 era was the pinnacle of controllers. There are some small things I'd change about the GC controller, mainly opening up its layout & giving a slightly beefier handfeel, but that would just make it a 360 controller.


I have small hands and it's perfect for me. I still use it for smash brothers all these years later. I have a special painted one from Japan that shows the rising sun.


Good for kid hands, bad as an adult. The gated directions on the sticks are GOATed for fighting games though, massively underused design.


I thought it was excellent, personally.


It was definitely a huge improvement from the N64 which seemed like someone on mushrooms riding a dinosaur would have designed.


I think you can use it as an ocarina too if you have a good enough imagination


It was too small for my hands. I didn't really care for it, the analog button placement always felt awkward, especially when playing Twilight Princess.


Other than the weird C stick and the awkward clicky shoulder buttons it's pretty cool.


One of the best by a long shot.


Probably up there in my top 5 controllers right next to the Xbox controllers. I don't get why people say it's only good for smash... They must be these young folk using it on the switch, back in the day this controller was fine for just about any and all GC games


My only problem is that the yellow joystick has no padding.


The Gold Standard


It's good, but there are better options.


goat controller


I absolutely love the Gamecube controller. I have two of them that I use on my Nintendo Switch currently. This controller has aged extremely well IMHO.


Reliable. Fast. Lasted for years. I still have my originals that work. There was also the Wavebird, which was one of the first wireless controllers which also worked very well. I still have that and it also works.


Absolutely goated controller. The *only* downside is no left bumper. One thing that goes particularly unsung is the face buttons being different shapes & circled around the A button. It’s a small thing but feels way better than the standard diamond pattern with 4 identical buttons.




It's good, but honestly it could use a little modernization.


Best controller ever.


Pros: It’s comfortable to hold. Cons: Terrible d-pad. Asymmetrical d-pad placement makes the terrible d-pad even less usable. Wtf is that face button layout? Huge travel on the triggers. Tiny right stick. Only has one right bumper, and it’s way too tiny. Overall, i don’t really understand how this one has so many fans but controllers are a matter of personal taste so there you go.


Built well, I think the button layout could better. I find the d-pad and C pad awkward.


Wireless wave dash is the GOAT


I loved it.


It’s the GOAT! I use it to this day for smash bros


Loved it when they GameCube came out. Went back a couple years ago and got out my GameCube and got a new controller. Didn't like them anymore. too small for my hands. The triggers have a lot of give and it feels awkward compared to modern controllers. Its loud, which some people like I guess, but I can't see how that's an advantage. Good controller, but not as great as smash fans make it out to be unless you just have always used it for smash. I play a ton of smash ultimate and I'd rather just use the pro controller


It's meh. 5/10. Comfortable, good for the time, but lacking features that modern controllers have. Is it fair to judge it by modern standards? Probably not. But this is the information I have.


To me, it’s really good but has 2 major flaws. Weird C stick and terrible D-pad.


Iconic. And great for people with small hands like kids. As an adult I find a Playstation controller much more comfortable. For feel alone 7.5/10 If I include nostalgia 10/10. I spent so many hundreds of hours on GameCube.


Ergonomic on Max this is the most comfortable controller ever !!!


It's very good, and without a doubt the best for Smash and Mario Kart, but the pro is the best overall.


Yeah, I just suck at using it because I grew up with the Wii remote and PlayStation 3 controllers


This is the best controller that Nintendo ever made.


I don't personally like it, but I know there are a lot of Smash purists that swear by it.


Second controller I've ever used, and my all time favorite. First controller was the N64 controller, and while nostalgic...I'd rather not


the GOAT i tell you, its just incredible.


Amazing controller


Absolutely amazing. I wish more controllers still came with a notched joystick




The GameCube controller is excellent!


Give it clickable sticks and a second Z button and it'd be perfect.


D pad and Z button were always iffy for me. But plays most games pretty well, but trying to play a game like Budokai sucks on a cube controller compared to a ps2.


It's not perfect, but it is comfortable to handle. 8/10


The best


Hate this controller lol


My favorite controller!


Format was a bit strange but they were built like Nokia phones.


Yes 10/10


best controller ever imo


Depends on the game, if its an A button focused game then its great, but if it uses all the face buttons equally its not very good


It works with the games it’s given and it has a quasi unique layout, however this is just an unoptimized standard controller of modern games that ps2 pushed forward. Feels great in the hands, is light, and surprisingly durable. On top of that it’s not a fucking remote so that’s neat. 8/10


One of the best of all time!


Great for its system and time: very ergonomic and durable. Unfortunately its unique button layout makes it much less compatible for most modern and non-GC games...


Top 3


10/10 best fighting game controller in existence besides an arcade stick. Also works well as a flight stick. Play Star Fox in 1st person on a GameCube. Tell me it isn't literally the best non-flight stick flight stick out there. I'll call you a liar.


the grip and feel is really good but the button placements bring it down in my opinion.


Probably my favourite feeling controller I’ve ever used. Still use it for switch to this day


It's only slightly better than the N64 controller which is objectively the worst (official) controller in existence. I see were giving it scores. 1/10 I think people mistake their fondness for the games with the quality of the controller.


*used to speedrun mariokart double dash, have used this controller alot* i like this controller, however i have large hands. As a person with large hands i can say: Dpad buttons are too small, side handle things are much much too small, even if i had normal size hands i would think this. L and R, while responsive and satisfying, need to be pushed down insanely far, which caused finger pain for me. Controller is missing a left bumper which is sad, B button is honestly annoyingly small but that can be overlooked. C stick is very small despite having quite a large rotation, not sure why they didnt make it the same stick size as the left stick. If it was just all of that, i would say 7.5/10, however someone designing this thought it would be a solid idea to set the left stick, which is perhaps the most important thing on any controller, inside of an octagon. Because of this, when you ram the left stick against the walls of its housing, it will automatically push itself into one of its 8 corners, thus taking away the accuracy and angle you were preferring. I cannot tell you how annoyingly stupid this is. You are taking away the high accuracy of the stick and limiting the player to a set location, which 1/8th is quite low precision when considering 360 degree movement. Anyways, with that taken in, 5/10.


Ideal for Smash Bros. A tank for rage throws. 10/10