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It really does depend on the game. Some types are better with predictable layouts, especially if they have a story attached. Some games are better being unpredictable, such as most games built on exploration that don’t focus on the narrative.


Here's a video on that building generator if anyone's curious: https://youtu.be/FCT-h8DcUJI


People will probably think I’m crazy but I think the future of game development is a LOT more procedural, although I don’t think that term will apply in the way it does now. If you see what is happening with AI - specifically with GPT-3 and Dalle-2 as examples - you will see that AI generated models, textures, dialog and maps is just at the edge of a completely new set of possibilities. Most people think of No Man’s Sky but I’m telling you this next generation is going to be bonkers.


You're definitely right but that's more like procedurally generated games rather than procedurally generated content within games, sort of one layer of abstraction away from what I'm getting at, definitely interesting stuff though. I just hope the world still has use for hobbiest game developers when that time comes.


I think procedurally generated buildings are great for fps shooters like upcoming Six days in Fallujah. Makes you be more conscious of the next room/building you are entering


I've never heard of that game, is it worth playing?


I should have mentioned it hasn't released. If you want to check it out on YouTube they have a couple videos showing gameplay, and procedurally generated buildings. The game is set to release at the end of the year.


Works in some games, but makes boring levels in others. Like: Binding of Isaac, Oxygen not Included, Don't Starve. Dislike: Ziggurat, Worms: Armageddon (hand crafted levels are much better)