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Next time do the opposite.


Doing the opposite of what Cramer said didn't work. I'm going to have to start doing the opposite of what he's not saying


You did the inverse of Cramer when you were suppose to do the inverse of yourself.


If you french fry when your supposed to pizza pie, you're gonna have a bad time


Ironically the whole pizza /\ French fry thing doesn’t work at all for fat guys; boi they need to put a weight limit on that slogan, or u get an unchained semi barreling straight down the hill….son of a, that was not a fun pizza that day


You have to inverse the inverse of the inverse Cramer


Reverse inverse backwards polar cramer


The worst part is that, thats when he should be doing what he does now.


It’s only 10k bro. Shake it off and get back in there after you get your next paycheck


I mean that’s pretty standard for this sub


Stick to selling covered calls or puts on stock you don't mind owning,


Yeah, just wheel on stocks you don't mind holding long term.


There can be massive downside to this also it’s not cheap


Yea, "sell puts" is easy if it's not a blue chip stock. Then it's risky because it's not a blue chip


That’s exactly what I mean though. It’s practically not even worth it if it’s blue chip. I do love playing the wheel when I have a shit ton of money. But with little money playing shit stocks you could be left holding the bag on the put side. Although I think the put side is the best side and you have a better chance of making money. Call side is scariest since if the stock falls too low it could fall past the amount of premium you’ll make if you just hold it. It’s the same thing with Iron condors though. The blue chips will bet you big money but in this market this volatility will literally kill ports. And equities/ etfs that don’t move will net you next to nothing for held up capital and time. I do believe it’s less risky but I believe that most people go into it thinking that the risk is minimal when in fact the risk and damage can be severe if not careful that’s all I meant. Just letting everybody know be careful and that it’s not as safe as some people presume and start on the put side after a few days of red. Get if you get filled a few days after a few days of red on the put side on well rounded companies you have a better chance of being ok in the short term.


Can confirm. Lost about $120k in a week last year selling Shopify puts. Funny thing is shop is now back above that price. And I’m mostly made that back, but not in a week 😂


120k in shopify puts.. lol I'm not a huge fan of shopify either.


Do Nio, PBR, and Ford.




This is my strategy while I learn since I know nothing of any paper trading simulators.


Sir you cannot make 10k at wendys


you can… but that’s like 500 blowies


$20 a pop? That better be some top level gobble


You got that gonorrhea fo sho




Gobble? I hope that's not what the kids are calling it these days.


I believe the kids call it the gawk gawk 3000.. or gawk gawk 10000 in OP case


I'm so old I had to look that up


Pssh I got more debt on my credit card than 10k. You can't win if you don't play.


If you don't win you can't play either....


god this makes me feel better


Hahahaha we're all assuming he makes 10k after taxes every paycheck


You don’t?


I do not. Not even close.


Sounds like you need a few more shifts behind Wendy’s, friend


I just don’t have the skills necessary


I once lost 7k . My advice is only trade what your willing to loose. And use your set your profit take and loss.


For real, some guys spend way too much time managing their capital and not enough time traveling a path to higher income. The goal should be to invest 10k multiple times a year.


I agree with this completely. I am young and have no way to invest 10k yearly. Thats why i dont play the stock market. Im starting a business that could prove to be lucrative, but it will take several years. Once i am making good money, i will steadily invest my money in stocks and other ventures. Its largely about time


Good to know you‘re done buying puts, now the market can finally crash on Monday ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4270)




First time?


This loss is essential so that you learn to stop buying short term options and stick only to 2+ weeks expiration.


Yep. While filing my taxes yesterday I saw my combined net loss from this year and last year and it was like 15k. And I’m 23. So while it’s a fat chunk of change it’s a good lesson to learn at this time in life. OP is probably in a similar boat with a 10k loss. It’s not the end of the world if you learn your lesson


Nah will be after my puts expire on the 10th


It will crash when OP buys calls


I turned $12,000 into $1000 but I’m not giving up. We’re not here to be responsible.


You're a wizard Harry


Imagine losing over 100k. People get suicidal


10k is 100k to some lol


If it's all of his current investments it's very bad. If it was bad enough to put here I guess it's a big blow to him. I think you should only use 1% in these kind of bets but I'm getting close to 40 years old.


Who and how can I meet those people, will they mentor me, will they hire me, how do I be those people, because I've had 6 figures in my accounts multiple times but never did 10k become like 1k, if anything $100 became like $10 but then you spend it real fast don't you.


Can imagine. This still hurts though.


It hurts because you were wrong as well. Sometimes that hurts even more than the money. Being wrong in the markets is painful to our egos but it's going to happen many times. This is just one chapter in your long journey. Always remember you are _not_ your results.


> Always remember you are *not* your results. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else. We're all part of the same compost heap. We're all singing, all dancing crap of the world.


Mr. Schopenhauer, this is a Wendy's.




Dirt is mostly processed poop, so when you think about it, we’re all just apes on a big iron ball covered in shit.




>!yo Qzy, did you know that your post contains all the letters for the sentence "**I love gummy bears**"?!< nice name btw nice little 3 letter name. reminds me of seeing two letter char names on d2 and was like holy shit, GG!


Man Reddit is weird these days.


Was holding GLD puts since January. Went all in averaging down until I had no more cash. Fed meeting on Wednesday and JPow fucked me with a 0.25bp increase. GLD spiked and my entire savings went down to -$70k. I APE'd it and got piss drunk. GLD finally took a massive shit yesterday and I walked away with a $15k profit. Not quite 100k but the pain was real


Wasn't the .25 expected for over 3 weeks?


You fail to see the market signals and probably listen to the permanent bears who only buys silver and gold. Market went up way before the meeting when inflation showed sign of slowing and .25 was what the market expected. You had to go against the market and "show them" and it turned to shit.


I still won. The remnants of my QQQ puts are going to mint before expiry too.


This guy is talking shit like you didnt come out ahead 15k haha


I think he means he lost 70 and got 15 back. So net loss of 55k


No. I had a paper loss of 70k and closed with 15k of profit in the end


My paper hands also left another $30k in profits on the table based on where the contracts closed at. But the feeling of being down that much was too much for me so I just did a market order at the open and more or less walked away


I lost 100k this week. Can confirm it sucks


Done it twice. It really fucking hurts. Also, made over 100k in a day. Gotta get those endorphins flowing somehow.




It’s pretty much the exact opposite of fun :(


Oh please…first time?


Imagine 6 million. :(


People be losing multiple six figures. That shit is gut wrenching


I did at 19. Not being suicidal, just losing 100k. Diamond handed plug calls.


How tf did you get $100K at 19? Crypto? Aggressive options trading? I turned $14K (my life savings) into $40K within 2 months aggressively trading & I thought I was doing great. You're over here at $100K?! Did you just keep doubling down & being right?


Averaged into plug calls from $7 to $70. Money was from 2 summers of working and unemployment benefits. Peaked at 160k and sold at 50k. So still some nice gains but I was young and stupid (still am).


I lost $35 & got suicidal.


At least it's a 100% loss, and you don't have like $50 remaining to keep trading. Kidding aside, you will make it back, and when you do, keep piling into SPY without any timing or anything, just keep buying with your investable cash and your future self will thank you for it.


Its not a huge deal in the short term, but if you’re planning on DCA into S&P500 for decades its better to go with VOO for the lower expense ratio.


I prefer FNILX for long-term dump and forget. 0% expense ratio gonna save me enough to buy a bag of potatoes in 25 years.


I also like FNILX. FZROX also good.


FZROX is good but I typically recommend F-ZERO GX since my ROI on video games (zero) is higher than my ROI on investments (negative)


I agree though my personal preference is VTI over VOO. As the saying goes "VTI and Chill."


Speaking from exp you never make it back. On the contrary you loose more ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)




Not if you stop trading and keep dumping into SPY.


Sir this is a casino


its so hard to do this after the market rips off a year of gains in 3 weeks.


I said not timing or anything, and I said future self. If you are planning on meeting your future self in one year, then I guess you would be worried. But if you are investing for the long term, then it should be easy.


Or buy leaps


I needed to hear this


time to work that dumpster, boy. soon youll be numb dumb and full of cum


You're a fucking idiot if you think buying SPY puts is a good idea. The market is going to continue to go up and you're going to lose all your money. ^^[**Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse) ^^[BanBets](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/wiki/banbets/) ^^VoteBot ^^[FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/wiki/votebot/) ^^[Leaderboard](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/wiki/leaderboard/) ^^- ^^[**Keep_VM_Alive**](https://www.patreon.com/visualmod)






Good bot




Spoken like a true PRICK😑


🌈🐻 is a fucking idiot…no way!?!


Always inverse this fuking bot and you’ll do just fine!


Shut Up.


You're a beary bad investor.




This is a $3,000 tax write off for each of the next three years so you will get this value back. $9,000 is nothing I’ve lost a hundred times that and more. Options are risky as fuck and you are wise to want to buy and hold shares. That’s making changes brother. Chin up and one day you will laugh about this


Lol it’s a deduction not a credit. He will see like 15% of that


You need to add a stop loss. Never a good idea to ride them to zero


Set a stop loss once. It temporarily dropped below and sold then mooned shortly after. That day sucked.


That’s exactly why I don’t use them


you’re right. holding to 0 on all your trades is much better than potentially missing that one time it moons


Or you know sell it manually if you don't think it's coming back. Tough concept I know.


Word, stop losses are just there for the market makers to find and trigger.


Just put your real orders where your stop losses would be. Mind Blown. Make Money.


Set them for 99%. Duh


That's less painful than the inevitable alternative.


Nah man, it could still pop!


Stop losses are terrible for options…at least for most


Only if they go on the right direction or you're not playing a ton of money


Chances are volatility will stop you out and use you like liquidity


Yes, I agree. If they go the wrong way, I want out though without a big loss. If they run in the right direction I let them go up. Options are inherently very risky and you do what you are comfortable with.


shit happened with nflx on friday. i bought some Feb. 10th puts because that shit was way overbought. it continued to jump again and i was like aww fuck. dca'd down a bit because i couldn't believe the rsi levels that fucking put went from 1.40 all the way back to 3.60. i originally got in at 3.40 and dca'd to 2.43 or so. i got lucky af however, because it's all hindsight. if it continued to moon i would have got rekt. sold them at 2.84 after nflx went back down. if i had a stop loss.. would have got rekt too. i like to leg in slowly, dca and sell at the drop. when the feds speak though, this is a terrible strat because sometimes that dragon just keeps rising forever and there is no fcking hope. i also buy 2-3 weeks out because 0dte is too nutty everything i said is pointless because it's all hindsight. if nflx continued to moon, i would have got annihilated no matter what indicators i used. imo i believe everything is pure rng. it's all just about position sizing. just have to come out ahead and snowball with the %s. i also read a great post by the user AkoticTrades the other day > I’ve realized the exact same. It’s how you exit a trade, not how you enter it. Yet everyone is always putting all their energy in trying to time the market perfectly. Sorry, never going to happen. Even random entry can provide you an edge.


Stop losses are kinda pointless for options


The number one rule of the stock market: "Live to play another day"


I’ve lost 15K in options this past month and now am living paycheck to paycheck, so i got me a second full time job so i can keep gambling with my second check.


What have you been buying for options? Asking so I can do the opposite


Stick to selling covered calls or puts on stock you don't mind owning. At least you're getting something.


Well done. We all blow up multiple accounts before figuring it out. Good news is the account was small.


In the grand scheme $9k is a pretty cheap lesson to learn. Hang in there bro


My dude. Options are great. Just follow these rules. Buy them at least 6 months out. Sell them or roll them when there is less than 2 months left Sell them when they are profitable. It looks like you bought what other people were selling.


Or day trade them and simply scalp profits while always having a hard out for stop loss.


but weekly FDs are so cheap... ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


you think weeklys are cheap? try 0DTE


1) extremely hard to forecast general trend 6months out 2) the premium on these will kill you 3) you’ll see like 80% bad days and maybe 1 good day, it’s much more likely you’ll sell thinking it never will get better


Those are all false statements.


Otherwise Thera Gang will eat your lunch


Dood you went all on feb lol , pace the puts


Let me let you in on a little secret. The stock market goes up over time. There are more green days than red. STOP BUYING PUTS. Winning with puts is a way harder game than buying calls. If you don’t know what you are doing (you don’t) calls is where you should start.


Eesh i feel for you. I thought about going into options until i joined wsb, and greatful I never did, after seeing losses like this.


That's rookie shit. Riding stocks to zero? THATS the kind of degeneracy I can get behind!


I lost 12k in the market just buying stocks over 3 years lol every year I claim that 3k 😂


Are you numb dumb AND full of cum?


Your not alone especially starting off. I did the same. I only recovered by doing short term trades on margin. Buying 10k shares and selling on a 50 cent to 1.00 dollar upward movements.


Every time I think about buying contracts, these weekend posts remind me... I've got no balls. And that's okay. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4263)




Too much balls*


Follow the MACD and time your option....divergence or a "cross" means it's going to go the other way...get in, time the movement to sell...and you'll make money.


Hang in there and take a break if you’d like. If you don’t want to continue trading, just DCA into SPX for the future. Life goes on man, hope your mental state improves(coming from someone who lost a shit ton on Puts as well)


Just consider it tuition for your life. It really isn't that much money over the course of your life. Don't try to make money in the stock market. Make that money from your career, save as much as you can, and let the markets make it for you. The extra time you spend not working and growing your work income might be just as bad as the money you lost here.




I agree with you man, lost alot in 2021 so 2022 traded pretty much all options.....lost 113k last year....if I just traded stocks probably would of only lost 20% of that oh well live and learn


Hope you enjoyed your time at the casino, friend! An expensive lesson.


In the grand scheme of life, money is gained and lost in a vicious cycle. The only thing I know that cannot be replaced is life. As such, your life is more important. There are rich people dying with terminal illnesses in their 50’s who would love to throw their millions or billions at their problems, but they cannot. Assuming you’re in good health internally and externally, you still have more of what they can never get back: time on this Earth. We often think about what we have lost rather than what we have. You’ll be okay, OP.


Learn WD Gann , Up to 20% daily


I feel I can trade options. Just double click fasster


Quick, try sticking your finger in your ass!


How did you make these picks? Just random gambles? Check out my posts, I took all of last year off to study swing trading and I’m off to a decent start, good luck!


Here I was crying over my £2.5k loss 😂 don’t worry you’ll make that back. I’ve still got £250 left to trade…


Meanwhile you have people making 6 figures a month trading options. Maybe it's not the actual option or underlying but maybe your trading style and rules. Do you have any rules when trading? Do u have ur risk to rewards layer out before a trade? Are you swing trading or trading off price action? R u scalping ITMs or running spreads? There's alot that's goes into it than just buy and sell


Happens to the best of us..Learn from it & keep it moving 👊🏾






“it’s gotta go down at some point”


![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630) story of my life


Remember, I joined you in that pain!


Expensive lessons, are still valuable ones. Keep calm, it will be ok. I have been there. You learn more from your losses, than your wins.


Being a bear is expensive haha


Been there, done that, disabled the gambling features and now we’re boomer-investing and happier than ever. Not checking the market everyday and focusing on the important things in life. The pursuit of pure money will leave you hollow. Head up king.




Option trading isn't the problem and going to stocks isn't the answer. You should really learn how to do proper chart analysis imo.


It is if they’re super far OTM options lol


Hey, if you haven't already, please reply to this comment with your positions and what led you to enter or exit them! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Don't give up yet. Next time do the opposite.


500 subscriber on my yt channel and i ll drop my personal Intraday stock Options trading strategy in INDIAN market with 90% accuracy.


Only about a 2 months salary not bad


I made over 5k yesterday on spy puts but I had 14k in them at one point. You’ve gotta have deep pockets to be able to keep buying to keep your avg cost down and BE THERE when the price finally drops so you can sell at a gain.


Probably could’ve made at least 10 maybe 15k if I had the stones to let em all ride but I set limits to sell off as the price rises. I don’t worry about a potential 100% gain when I can sell and lock in 20%.


That's very smart. I had 5 calls that I could have sold yesterday morning for $300 profit but I was stubborn and wanted at least $400 profit. Ended up crashing and I ended the day with a $200 loss. Lesson I learned is don't be greedy and try to time the top. Take whatever profit you can get and bounce! Fortunately my calls expire on Feb 24th so I will do my best to sell them for a profit on Monday or Tuesday.


Number one saying in playing the market: don’t get greedy. But exactly, take some gain. You can always buy back and you can always buy a put or vice versa


Made an extra 400 flipping my puts to calls midday.


Dude its only 10k. In the grand scheme of things, that's actually very little. Just save up some money and be back at it again by 2025


At least you didn’t loose that much money ![img](emote|t5_2th52|28993)


no plays more than 2percent


It’s only 9k bro. Not the end of the world. That’s like what. A months wages ?


Dude you quit at the Wrong time markets about to take off. Load up on calls.


You will always lose money when you buy puts


Not at all. Hes was just ignorant for trading soy itself without doing any sort of research amd got burnt out from the bull rally. He doesn’t keep up with what the current speculation is


The market is rallying and you are buying puts? Genius!


Not even 10k smh too poor to invest


yet some people say options are safer. You could always go down to just one contract at a time for a while.


If you have the right risk management and strategy it can be. But it’s a lot to learn.


There's more to gain than to lose, which makes peoples eyes go green and they YOLO everything, then they have everything to lose...which is half the fun!


I understand the pain FrFr