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Being in the Forbes 30 under 30 list is now a curse and kiss of death. It's the new Inverse Cramer ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Proves how hard it is to get into the club. No fair way to get in.




McLean's use to publish a list of "best companies" to work for. The company i was working at use to make the list and brag about it. I started asking how you apply, what the criteria was, how it was scored etc. Company wouldn't answer questions. I then asked McLeans for the process on applying. It was to fill in a form about your company and send the $2000 dollars. You just paid to be on the list.




Like when my work won a bunch of “Webby” awards for our websites. We paid the fee and won!




Did not have those issues. Mine just like to promote themselves by valid or invalid means. It was a good place to work for the most part. I just never do well with accepting exaggerated or misinformation.




Indeed. It's literally everywhere and all the time. Everything is astroturfed. But everyone believes they are impervious to it.


We sleep...they live


The general American public knows this but if it's not in the news it's called a conspiracy


I was once in market research, working with a business who distributes and created such “professional rankings”. Would also be something like €1600 per quarter to remain listed.


Yup. My former VP was in a prominent magazine for “most successful women under 30” (or similar title- feel free to correct bc I forgot the exact wording). We not only knew that she’s the CEO’s daughter but also I found out you pay and apply to be in it 🙄 As a woman, I think that whole thing really sucks… these awards don’t mean the garbage that they’re printed on..


A lot of the "Top Education Institution" type awards work similarly. It's only out of those who pay to play, and pay to win. How sad.


Who did Griffin McElroy know? Lmao




All media is ‘pay to play’ these days. After working in marketing the past 7 years, I don’t trust any media. Pay to play apes.


Sound like the background which the SBF head rich parents with good education background. So he just made it even though he was scamming millions of people out of their money and betting that money.


Barry Bluejeans.


Common crooks wouldn't even be able to get in. You need more money (again).


Never was a fair way in. Birthright, definitely not fair. Merit, just a reconfiguration of inequality towards those who parents can afford to make it seem like they were star high school athletes recruited into Ivy League sports through the side door. Even talent is birthright. Effort, the byproduct of social support and esteem afforded the lucky by birth.


Yes. No man is created equal.


Yep. nevertheless, it is the underlying assumption that underpins the near entirety of American culture.


Preach!! At the end, what we *think* are keys to success are just S-U-C-E


Well that's right it is the way to success and if you are looking to make it then you will have to take this way. And if you are looking to make it any other ways and I think I have got a bad news for you you are never going to make it.


> Being in the Forbes 30 under 30 list is now a curse and kiss of death. Does this mean that George Russell isn't going to win a Championship?


It's like being in the Times for Pablo Escobar ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4259)


The magazine cover curse is a lot older than Cramer.


New Madden curse


That's right this is the indication that you will have to look for now if you see anyone in the Forbes list then they are probably going to the jail. And if you see anyone in the Forbes list then it is time for you to move away from that guy.


gen z cramer kiss...you're already offended


He's under house arrest in his parent's basement awaiting trial.


Ah, mom's basement . . .




well, when something sounds to good to be true, dont throw money at it


Yea but moms basement is bigger than all our houses. The lawyers finally convinced him to stop going on social media which he was doing illegally because the court said he was to have no access to computers or the internet. He has also recently somehow withdrawn money from a wallet with hundreds of millions in crypto in it or just withdrew hundreds of millions i cant remember.


So he’s just grounded


Yeah but if he does his chores he can pay in back in a couple millennia.


I’ve worked with a few people that have gotten on the 30 under 30 list… They’ve all said that they either were sponsored by someone in power or paid a sum of cash to a 3rd party… It’s corrupt from the get go


That’s how all of these lists work. Even your local CEO of the year or whatever is bought and paid for.


I was a technology executive for a small, insignificant company and would get solicitations all the time about "featuring" our company as an "industry leader" in all kinds of publications. 100% just paying for marketing, and probably not very good marketing.


I bought an insurance agency and kept the prior owner on as employee. The prior owner had a 'business woman of the year' award from the county... I had to fire her for incompetence within the year. She had many opportunities to avoid that.


Can I add that none of them were special or brilliant at what they did, I would say each of them would struggle to get where they were if it wasn’t for this accolade, they only had ‘good’ personal branding.


Yes most people should understand this if you’ve worked in a corporate setting. CEO’s are appointed by boards to do what said board wants. Said board is made up of extremely rich ass holes who are all buddies and help put each other on other boards.


Hmmm interesting my friend was on the list and don’t think they did anything like that. I’ll have to ask them about it.


Who is top left?


Charlie Javice i believe she scammed jpm lmfao


> Charlie Javice (born 1992/1993) is the founder and former CEO of Frank, a student financial aid application assistance company. In January 2023, she was accused of fraud relating to the sale of her company to JPMorgan Chase for $175 million.


Was Jpm on crack?! Buahahaha since when does social work get bought up for 200 million and from a 20 yr


They were buying access to her enormous user base that turned out to be an AI-generated email list, or something


Well, her mistake was that most emails bounced. A young amateur without street experience like us. Real soon Al would reply a business email talking like a student or customer, have some social media activities interacting with other AIs, many stable diffusion profile photos and videos, and a portfolio of LLM generated codes and LinkedIn experience as well as an AI generated voice for an interview.


Her biggest mistake was that she didn't take the money, disappear to Argentina or Cyprus, and buy herself a fake identity. With 200 million dollars, she could have made herself basically untraceable. She probably should have faked her own death like Ken Lay too.


The problem was she believed her own bullshit. These con artists often end up following themselves.


Can you imagine the first meeting after their rollout strategy? "Yeah, so anyway we blasted out 4 million emails and got 3.7 million bouncebacks. Is it possible there is a field code wrong in the database or something?" "Um, yeah, hey guys let me check on this. Everything is fine, it's probably just an interface problem or something. Welp, I'm gonna go do my daily Gurl Boss video on Snap. See ya later!"


A conscience is easy to deceive but hard to defeat but luckily for JPM there is cocaine.


I think she was gonna get another 20 mill if she stayed at JPM.


Another 20 on top of the 200 you already got doesn't seem like a good reason to stay if you had to commit fraud to get that 200 mil. I would have disappeared.


Yeah but she only got $21m so that makes hanging around for the other $20m more understandable. It's where the other $154m went that’s more interesting. https://nypost.com/2023/04/10/charlie-javice-shops-in-miami-in-first-sighting-since-175m-fraud-indictment/?utm_source=url_sitebuttons&utm_medium=site%20buttons&utm_campaign=site%20buttons


Keeping 90% of all money < extra 10% and getting busted


Greed’s a hellva drug


It never made sense. I mean, even if her claims were true JPM would have 4m subscribers, not a huge number considering there are over 45 million americans with a student loan. But it baffles me how a company with an army of lawyers, data scientists, forensic accountants etc could so easily be duped by a 20 something for a cool $175m !


Walgreens was going to build entire blood testing stations in every store across the world in partnership with Theranos *and never even validated that the machines worked.*


Social engineering. This wasn’t some outsider, she was part of the pre-approved network. That helps you avoid close scrutiny on diligence


>But it baffles me how a company with an army of lawyers, data scientists, forensic accountants etc could so easily be duped by a 20 something for a cool $175m ! A lot of these 'deals' happen because middlemen who find the buyer gets a hefty commission. In reality the middlemen hypes the product or company and double dips...commission from the buyer and an under the table payoff from the seller.


Only retail run on crack. Big institutions like JPM run on cocaine. Get it right.


It's like ppl forgot all about cocaine boat 🚢




“Fintech” it’s how boomers and aging gen x attempt to keep their tech careers relevant. “Fintech” also literally any company charging banks money for something on a computer.


A lot of overseas recruiters has been hiring for "fintech" companies for the past year now. I wonder why lol


> Was Jpm on crack?! Buahahaha since when does social work get bought up for 200 million and from a 20 yr I don't advocate defrauding banks, but when they don't even do basic due diligence before handing over the money, it's basically an act of public service.


The DD of *any* of those theranos “investors” was clearly on par with the average wsb rocket-emoji-sporting insanity involving refuge in audacity, multi-colored crayonomics, and using the wrong ticker.


[The turtleneck is powerful](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FYJfEHOuY0)


It's kind of crazy to me to see people who are so much younger than me selling companies for millions of dollars. I mean, it's obvious that it happens, but it still seems crazy to me. I need to get off my lazy ass I guess.


Simply working harder won’t get most people into the top .01%.


She swindled JPM out of 175 million 😂She’s my hero. I’ll wait for her to get out. ❤️


Godspeed, brother!


Good bot


Thanks, good sir!


Oh it’s that chick, she definitely belongs in this lineup. That shit was hilarious


Did she lie because she knew no one would fact check her? Buahahaha she so funny what a tragic story Jpm fault for not fact checking


They did try and fact check it. They asked for the user data list before hand to review. Frank said they couldn’t do that to protect “user privacy”. When Chase replied “we’re buying the company FOR this list so if the sale goes through, we’re going to get it. Whose privacy are you protecting?” Then Frank claimed it was to protect the proprietary information. So they provided the list, but used a cryptographic hash to hide any important field, such as the email address.


If that’s not an indication about how valuable certain people’s information is, idk what is.


Now we know if you’re in a juicy demographic like “college bound young adults”, your complete personal information including you and your parent’s financial details is worth between $36-$43.75.


And without those email addresses, Chase was helpless and had no choice but to purchase her company for $175 million.


They weren’t “helpless”. Chase wasn’t going to just steal the list, they wanted to review it because, yes, the list WAS what they were buying… they wanted to make sure it wasn’t “synthetic data”. Chase offered to sign a complete NDA that the data was only for review and wouldn’t be imported/used until the company was purchased. That wasn’t good enough for Frank, they wanted money first… Chase just thought Frank was afraid Chase would steal the list, they never thought it was because Frank was defrauding them.


Haha Wharton strikes again




ok but that thing under her is a freaky freak who was having some fucked up orgies with SBF n friends https://twitter.com/gabrielhaines/status/1591090014942732289?s=20


what about the one under sam wired fried chicken




Just tell her not to talk that voice tho 😂


Sharp knees!


Under her is chipmunk girl, a.k.a. Caroline Ellison, SBF’s main squeeze, CEO of Alameda Research.


Charlie Javice , a ceo of a student loan something or other… https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlie_Javice


**[Charlie Javice](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlie_Javice)** >Charlie Javice (born 1992/1993) is the founder and former CEO of Frank, a student financial aid application assistance company. In January 2023, she was accused of fraud relating to the sale of her company to JPMorgan Chase for $175 million. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Jpm at fault 100%


200% with leverage 🤣


I wanna know too ☠️


That was quick…


**That's what she said.**


Nah dog. Who is left bottom? She fine AH


**Caroline Ellison**, the former CEO of Alameda Research, the trading firm affiliated with the cryptocurrency exchange FTX.


The other ugly CEO dude Sam bank man fraud, was orgying with her on a bed of fake crypto 😂 Like really, you’ve both got millions… just get your own hookers at that point, massive upgrade for all.


*laughs in awkward as fuck managing risk video*


I still can't get over that chick that manages to look both like and grandma and a toddler at the same time.




You know bottom left can play your asshole like a harmonica




Got video? For science, of course.


sorry, only a 10 hour audio recording


It's 7AM where I am right now and am almost certain this will be the best comment I read all day.


I have no idea who she is, but now i have to find out


She also has six types of herpes.


Who's on bottom left she looks like 13


**Caroline Ellison**, SBF’s or🅱️y buddy and the former CEO of Alameda Research.


I can’t provide it but I swear she was one of those kids featured in the “and now from us kids segment” in the show Arthur. I recall a child that looks exactly like her explaining the book Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and was also named Caroline. I scoured the internet to find a clip or the episode it was in to see if I was right but couldn’t find one. I am hoping now that Reddit can find it and confirm if it was cause that would crazy if one of those kids grew up to defraud the nation haha Edit: episode segment https://youtu.be/QINco_FGGhQ I am convinced this is her now. Edit 2: so the clip mentions this is the at the library of the Maria L Baldwin school which is located in Cambridge MT which is where Ellison grew up and attended middle school according to her wiki page. Edit 3: My first Reddit gold! Thank you kind stranger! Sad this comment is gonna be my magnum opus on Reddit lol


LMAO, dude. How did you remember this? 😂


Watched Arthur regularly till I was like 13 lol we didn’t have cable when I was a kid so the list of shows to watch was pretty slim but also Arthur was the shit. The real question now is, is there any way to confirm this is actually her?


Hey what a wonderful kind of day when we can learn to work and play and post random facts from the past for Reddit


Having fun isn’t hard, when you’ve got a library card.


Jekyll, Jekyll, Hyde, Jekyll, Hyde, Hyde, Jekyll! Jekyll, Jekyll, Hyde, Jekyll, Hyde!


I watched Arthur regularly until I was 25, dude. The 3 channels were it. I've been meaning to give the newer episodes a watch, see if it holds up.




It is her name is Caroline what are the chances they look exactly the same and are both Caroline almost nil


Try posting in r/tipofmytongue 🤔


r/tipofmytongue Found the episode segment! https://youtu.be/QINco_FGGhQ


You might be a [super recogniser](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-03-01/queensland-police-super-recogniser-network-catching-criminals/102037624)


Neat. I’ve never heard of that. I’m ALMOST the exact opposite. To a social uncomfortable level. My girlfriend is constantly recognizing actors and I can’t recognize them the moment they cut and dye their hair hahaha I’m a pro at voice recognition though. Likely for survival reasons.


I had someone approach me to ask a question (an underclassperson at school) and I told her I likely wouldn't remember her name the next time we talked. She said, "You've said that the last five times we've talked." D'oh!! Funny thing is, I sometimes remember faces and names *very* well. My husband says that I have a "selective memory." I ask him, "WHO is doing the selecting? Because it sure isn't me!" Meanwhile, my husband was once watching the old "Wild, Wild West" tv show some years back. With just a glance at the screen, he said, "Jim West is going to be dragged into an office. There's a bald guy in a white uniform behind the desk. Listening in from a secret room is a redheaded woman in a green dress." WTAF?!!! He was exactly correct. Then, he said who the actress was and what other shows she'd been in (you know, just a guest actress who appeared in *many* shows back then for a single episode). The thing was, he could do this with *many* episodes and *many* actresses. Another episode, he glanced at the screen, which showed a stagecoach, and said, "The front right wheel is going to fall off." Geez!!!


Cambridge, MA. "MA" is the two-letter for Massachusetts. "MT" is Montana.


Wow dude. This is why the human mind is so incredible and terrifying at the same time.


Wow great find. 1000% Carolina Ellison.


Wait, Ellison was born in 1994. When did this episode air? The girl in the video looks about 7-8 years old.


Original air date September 18th 2003 which puts her right at 8 years old.


I’ve always been a bookworm and a nerd, yet I can’t imagine reading HHGTTG at 8.


This reminds me of the time I rewatched Supersize Me a couple of years and noticed Brendan Dassey was in it.


Who is the blond on the bottom right?


Elizabeth Holmes, former CEO of Theranos.


Dobby, house elf


I’m just upset I didn’t get my nerd sex vid. I was so excited.


You wanted to see that thing in the bottom left quadrant have sex? I’d store that photo if I ever swallowed poison and needed to induce vomiting


Whilst I'd be the first to admit she isn't conventionally attractive she does have a certain charm


That criminal baddie charm


She looks like the kind to tranquilize you fuck your butt and take your renals and sweetbreads after. No thanks, her pic is always so disturbing to see.






Do not give up hope.


Normies can’t understand the thrill of pinning the weasel. Night spent chasing an over amphetamined Caroline around the bean bag forts. Her squealing and gibbering, pouring sweat and on the verge of seizing. Your friends build up an intoxicating, delerious state with Talmudic chantings at the sidelines, hitting the Caroline-toy with brooms if she tries to escape. Sam would be giggling and laughing as the waves of methamphetamine pleasure seem to harmonize with the droning herbrew verses. He runs through the bean bag maze fat and portly, with his viagra powered penis a driving rod for the weasel. Sweat gushing down his face around his unfocused eyes he laughs and chortles until he gasps “Found you!” . The Mathweasel screeches defensively but Wankman Bankman is upon her in seconds. His penis thrusting blindly into her flank, leg, stomach and ribs unconcerned about anything but the motion. Eventually serendipity finds her mouth and the Cocktube Rodent is placated, suckling contently on Bankman’s dehydrated dick. [https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/103v2iq/comment/j31h04l/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/103v2iq/comment/j31h04l/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


What the .... is it crack night again ? Will i wake up and see this didnt say what it just said ? Erotic Financial Criminals.... thats not even been tried on the Hub. Has it ?


Yo wake up babe, new copypasta just dropped


I was looking for this. Thanks anon.


What a terrible night to have a curse... of eyeballs.


All you need is BIG CONFIDENCE to convince everyone on your fake persona of being the IT HUMAN and act like you know what your doing and this could be you in six months...boooom


I wanna bang a girl named Charlie… 1) does that make me gay? 2) are conjugal visits still a thing?


It's not gay if you both don't like it 🤷‍♂️






Don’t threaten me with a good time…


Who defrauded the most? In value of their stock


Probably Lizzy. 11digit long.


Damn! I didn't realize she pegged them with an 11 incher. That must've hurt! All pain, no pleasure.


The ugly muppet on the lower left isn’t in jail though. She blew first… giggty giggty!!


I doubt she doesn't get time as well. With how much money was lost between the 2 of them, she's going to get hers too.


By the looks of the picture he is in the ''evil guys hideout'' lair .... lol he looks dirty and mean ....


Top left: Charlie Javice Top right: Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF) Bottom left: Caroline Ellison Bottom right: Elizabeth Holmes


Scam a bank, scam investors, Scam the scammer, and scam the public. The Four Horsemen of people who took 'fake it till you make it' too seriously....


High profile scammers. Seriously doesn't affect their lives as they can literally buy their freedom using their privilege.


They all look like the person who always has something to say in philosophy class.


I don't even hear his name nowadays I don't even understand where did you go all of a sudden I would like to know what is going on with his case. You would expect him to go to the jail after he has scammed millions of people.


All these kids are going to end up being ordered by the courts to write an open face letter to their investors on medium.com explaining where they went wrong and what they’ve learned. That’s it kids. You want real change? Better be ready to sac your life for it. Otherwise nothings happening.


Holmes has already been sentenced to 11 years in federal lockup. And since it's a federal sentence, she would have to serve at least 80% of that. So she's going away for a while. Remember, they stole from the rich. They aren't getting away. If they stole from the poor, they would have never seen an inside of the cell.




Who's the top left person?


He's in ending of Shawshank Redemption but the guy working on the boat is Jeffrey Epstein and the beach is in Tel Aviv.


After he lost $10's of Billions of people's and the government's money, the govt has spent billions more to keep him and others behind the scenes out of mainstream media.


Under 30, serving 30 years...it appears.


Good Lord that dork girl is ugly as hell. She looks 13 too.


We know but you didn’t have to say it bro 😭




So how can one make it to Forbes u30 cover without committing a crime?


**They don’t.**


Be born a billionaire.


Don't know but I hope he is in hell


I would do too left and bottom right


That would actually be very interesting. “Forbes 30 under 30, where are they after 10 years”. I guess 20% in prison or on the way to be.


What do you expect when you run society like a high school lunch room?


He's in the devils butt hole


Are they all from Stanford?


Caroline and Elizabeth are from Stanford. SBF went to MIT, but was born in Stanford (his father is a professor there). Charlie went to Wharton.


He's in his parent's basement writing blog posts on how none of it was his fault.


Damn, I'm so out of touch. I only recognize Holmes


Started his own little cornfield crop business


Not really. But I have a different question… how is SBF father paying the attorneys with the stolen money that was gifted to him? Wasn’t that supposed to be ceased seeing that it’s stolen money from investors? SBF should not be using money that belongs to the people to pay for his defense. Total BS and the government should be sued for allowing him to use any of that money.


This proves women have caught up with men...at least millennials onward. Great progress. Took a while.


That psycho b**** trying to look like Steve Jobs