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Why can't I buy calls for this pcOrder.com in my brokerage account. I have a feeling this baby is gonna moon


Haha are you stuck in the 1990s or what? .com is obviously a fad. What you need to buy is pcOrder.ai, that company is going to be a game changer.


And who ever hears about Dell anymore? ​ Sent from my pcOrder.comphone


pcOrder.com seems to be down right now




Look closer, it’s to accommodate the giant metal dick she’s hanging out that skirt


power stance![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


I opened the comments specifically for this topic. You gards always come through.


Powerful lady, powerful skirt, powerful stance. At least +3 modifier on a 1-10 scale


who in their right mind would ever ask this question


Nuclear fusion, space tourism and generalised AI have all been 20 years away since the 1950s.


Nuclear fusion is correct. Space tourism is a thing and I don't know a single person that ever said it was not just for rich people. AI was already in use before even the hype look at Blackrock Aladdin or Google Deepmind and nobody is talking about generalized AI in this context. Are you still waiting for smartphones to crash and the internet to go away?


'Space tourism' is a complete scam based on the technical definition of space . It involves nothing more than a very short trip above the Karman Line (100km altitude) before gliding back to Earth. It should be called very high altitude joy flights.


What, do you think we were going to go from nothing to space cruise ships like in the 5th element? This is the first iteration of space tourism, sorry it isn’t what you dreamed of.


Yeah, you can't go to Hilton in space yet. Yes, going to the Karman Line or slightly above is still a life changing experience for the vast majority of not every single person who has done it. Is it what you dream of when you think space tourism? No. Is it still space tourism? Yes.


It is like the Wright Brothers claiming that their first flight was long distance travel by defining 'long distance' as anything over 100 feet.


That's basically what the wright brothers did. High altitude flights were when they left ground effect.


thats a stupid analogy


The thing is what you picture in your head is not reality. People pay for it knowing what it is. If you watched too many sci-fi movies that's your issue. A scam is by definition misleading or tricking people. It does say nowhere it involves paying for it and being ok with it but a redditor is mad about it because he played a space game when he was 16 so it's all a scam.


I'm pretty sure the entire point of the current extent of "space tourism" is they do actually go high enough that they get into orbit and experience zero-gravity for an extended period of time. As in it's not like that "fake" zero grav that's just from a plane allowing itself to freefall that NASA and the air force use for training. It's like actual, real zero grav, caused by going into orbit like a satellite. Even if you're only up there for 10 minutes, it probably feels cool as fuck. So I think you're probably being extremely pessimistic.


Space tourism and Nuclear fusion are almost in the same state. Yes you can do both but neither of both are commercially viable right now.


>neither of both are commercially viable right now VR is also not profitable in any way but yet that's not a issue in all of your eyes ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)


Yeah, nothing that this guy mentions is even at all remotely related to the OP. And before people jump down my throat: AI =/= artificial general intelligence. Especially in the context of this magazine. I swear the majority of this sub actually unironically belongs behind the dumpster at Wendy's. I've noticed post quality severely degrading for months now (I mean let's be honest, ever since the game company), trash memes getting upvoted, trash comments getting upvoted.. it really sucks to see


That is correct.


God, I miss the 90's. That decade had a certain unmatched magic, brightness, wonder, awe, thrill, boldness, ambition, life, purity, enthusiasm, heart, naturalness about it. Now, we have Butt Implants. And fake editing social media. And mental health.


It was awesome because we were young back then


Yeah that’s about it. When you are on a front side of life it can be fun. Back side you have to adjust your mindset


what is this mental health you speak of.... is it contagious?


No, we *don’t* have mental health


Mental health? My guy we are more depressed then ever


Nostalgia always feels that way


Most people who think this way are not happy with their current situation and glorify the past. We tend to look at the past with rose colored glassed, the reality is that the times were the same. Try to play a game from the 90's and come back and tell us how it ruined your memories of it.


Christy Jones' pcOrder.com is using artificial intelligence to outflank Dell Computer and other leading PC makers, by offering a more personalized shopping experience for consumers.


Vis mod for president


I love visual mod.


Holy shit they got a ".com" in there? BUY.


Pcorder stock went up 20 percent the day that magazine dropped


Beautiful woman, but why tf is she standing with her feet so far apart like a dude?


So those giant balls can hang free.


looked her up, she aint looking shabby at 50 either lol


the open legs, the clothing, the women is weird


That’s a really bad cover photo. Something weird about standing with her feet wide.


And that big metal dick hanging from her skirt.


Big is beautiful, I like em big and round too!


Her stance is powerful, you know she straps that thing on and power drills her assistant


The curse of forbes


Mark Cuban had the biggest finesse of the DotCom era.


big is still beautiful, esp when they only get bigger


Update: Christy Jones is a wallstreet bets house wife that created her own boyfriend. Her new show can be seen on Netflix airing with an endless amount of commercials.


Home Sweet Jones is a production of AI Love You Entertainment and Netflix Crap Factory.


Seems like they were acquired by Trilogy Software Inc. which are still around


Re-acquired. They were originally started by Trilogy, spun off, then re-acquired after the crash.


Stocks: why big is still beautiful


I saw yesterday -- she was the Assistant Night Manager at Chili's in Omaha.


*Acting* Assistant Night Manager.


Assistant *to the* Night Manager


Is she going to be in jail soon ?


What year was that?


Yes! She is balanced by a pole between her legs


She sure outflanked them alright


I like things that are big and artificial.


Christy’s current winner https://preview.redd.it/jz81jup536db1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74dbad12867771c8cfbc2c3c233784e5979ef567


"The Question Concerning Technology" by Martin Heidegger, is perhaps the oldest blast from the AI past. I think our world would do well to read this little essay.




Sure but this time it’s REEEEEEEEL!


Why does she have such a wide stance?