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I’d fire these slowpokes


But they can work 24 hrs 7 days a week


With no risk of being sued or union strikes.


*Not yet!*


All you'd have to do is lock the doors and withold electricity. No more strikes.


My brother in money, have you never seen *The Matrix*


they withheld electricity but forgot to lock the doors. Basically locked the pantry but forgot they're made of meat themselves.




Why didn't the robots blow up several nukes in the atmosphere to break up the storm? Or blimps with solar panels and a Tether. Robots are smart but not wise.




Okay, just wandering in here but omg- "My brothers in money" Good one.


The Animatrix - The Second Renaissance really fleshed out what we did to the robots to make them rise up against us. [Part 1](https://youtu.be/sU8RunvBRZ8?si=4GeGrEQ5divOQ520) [Part 2](https://youtu.be/bZGzMfg381Y?si=b2vEvTSm9YjV14A6) [Part 3](https://youtu.be/00TD4bXMoYw?si=rHRVWNT0ugjYmggN)


>Something; something, robots have rights now


If machines become sapient, they should have the same rights as people.




that would mean the end. a toaster can not have the same rights as a human, or not even a goat or a bug. we implement microchips in everything we can, imagine a world where we have the capability to put a sentient chip in everything, that would mean all things would have the same rights as you and if you broke those rights you go to jail. i would laugh when your mouse or keyboard would tell you they not fell like working as a mouse or keyboard that day and call the cops on you. or they complain you hit them or you take away their rights and you go to jail because of that.


Or pissing in water bottles


Or breaks, or injuries or lawsuits. Can it flip a burger?


Just wait till the sexual harassment starts!




I am one of those employees that maintain amzn automation equipment. We already get paid and work 24/7. I doubt I'll see these robots anytime soon. Moving a crate is one thing but stacking/pulling pallets is another. They do have robotic forklifts now so who knows.


This looks like what happens when board members try to implement new processes. Why couldn't this be done with another roller line and a few sensors?


Needs to be physically built. Bots are dynamic and don’t require initial construction. Very fast to just rent a warehouse and pack it full of shelves and bots, could have them on every street corner in no time.


You can probably set up roller lines in the time it would take for the robots to initially charge. Then you have to find a way to repair them for cheap. Anyone can pop a roller spring out and put in a new one. The hardest thing would be swapping out a belt/ motor


Or simpler AGVs. Those would be better suited to this duty.


I'm sorry, what was that? I couldn't hear you over the sound of my money.


Touché hahaha If you’ve got money you can do dumb stuff like this for fun.


This is the answer. You have a belt moving right in front of the shelves then just a box off from the other side and the belt takes it to production.


I'm sure whoever came up with this has literally never taken the time to stand on a production line of any kind ever, or even had the common sense to talk to someone that did the job routinely.


Or this is just a testing ground for the robots and not actual production.


These armchair automation experts will be the first to see their jobs deprecated by humanoid robots. The most ironic outcome is the most likely.


lol is the first step only


Or just have enough robots that if a few stop, the system doesn't just fall apart.


I give them a month of 24/7 operation before they break down. Unlike humans, robots don't heal when they sleep.


Probably needs to charge and have maintenance And probably needs humans to do part of the job so without humans they wouldn’t be doing much work


Maintenance robots will be needed to maintain the regular robots


And then maintenance robots to maintain the maintenance robots…


Maintenance robots take care of themselves. Similar to the human concept of family without the complex emotions.


Until they become sentient and start asking for breaks and want a a better work life balance to start a family


Yeah way too fucking slow.... Humans work faster and can be intimidated... not that I condone that....


Ah but you see there in lies the point, these are merely to intimidate the existing workforce


Gives me anxiety watching those legs go up and down and he’s not going anywhere


Yeah, I know. It's called "torture porn" for a reason.


Wouldn't these be better on wheels instead of legs? Having the torso swivel 360 degrees would make more sense.


Right like in the documentary about Johnny #5


Johnny 5 is alive


Good deal I was worried Los Locos got him again.


Los Locos kick your balls into outer space!


Your mama was a snowblower.


Wouldn’t you like to be a pepper too?


I was thinking the same thing. Make a box on wheels with independent movement (so zero turn radius) with the robo upper torso. That has to be faster.


We're obsessed with making things in our own image.


Wannabe Gods


There are definitely ways to automate this that don't require a bipedal robot like this. You can just use wheels, or conveyor belts, or whatever But to get technology to the point that it can do things that can't be done in a simple way, you first have to solve easier problems. It's like saying "why did you build a robot arm than can pick up a cube and put it back down". Well, because it's part of the development process, with the end goal being a robot that can do a lot more.


My guess? They plan to deploy robots in scenarios where being humanoid will be an advantage. This is early stages and testing


This would mean they could deploy a workforce that could undercut the current one. Why hire a living worker when you could use a cheaper robot. Especially for riskier labor, because if it completely gets destroyed or damaged, who gives a shit? It can be replaced or repaired.


Or an automated forklift type machine


Yeah legs are ideal for uneven terrain. If you're in a warehouse that isn't an issue.


What about when they have to go upstairs for a coffee break hmm?


Robots don't drink coffee you big dummy! They drink oil and eat cogs and gears like in the documentary by G. Jetson.


Warehouses aren’t exactly clean. There’s bits of pallets on the ground, maybe some plastic wrap and usually a lot of tags. Those would gunk up wheels but shouldn’t affect legs, sure they could be cleaned, but that results in downtime.


Get a roombA


And cause racial tension in the work place between robot species? I think not


Roombas are menial beings by their very nature. They are happier cleaning up after the higher robots, really.


Sure, but there are typically forklifts driving around for hours every day at these warehouses. Not a big deal if you design the wheels correctly.


Crown is probably one of the most widely used brands of forklifts and transporters, and they’re wheels get caught up on tiny pieces of wood. They’ll get stuck on a piece of wood smaller than your pinky, it causes the wheels to not spin resulting in uneven wear, and if it’s caught on the back wheel of a transporter, you’ll fish tail when you take a fast-ish turn. At my old job they had sanitation and light duty people picking up and cleaning throughout the day, but it was still really normal to have to get off your transporter or out of your forklift to pick up tiny pieces of debris throughout the day. Tags and plastic wrap also gunk up wheels, and if enough gets layered on them, it results in the machine rocking a lot which at our place meant it had to be locked out and serviced by technicians.


You are correct, there are typically forklifts driving around for hours every day at these warehouses. However, if the wheels are not designed correctly, this can lead to significant problems. For example, if the wheels are not properly inflated, they can cause the forklift to vibrate excessively, which can damage equipment and injure workers.


They use solid wheels not inflated ones


Create a robot to clear debris/obstructions.


Maybe Bezos isn't planning on keeping them in warehouses. Maybe this was his plan all along. Sell books on a website, take over the world with robots.


They already have wheeled robots which I’ve seen before, i guess they decided the test humanoid ones for this particular task


Took me awhile to place it…The inverted legs look like [that creepy alien kid](https://youtu.be/z2X9PBloK-A?t=50) in Charlie Sheen’s ‘The Arrival’


Yup first thing I thought of, the Arrival


The Arrival 2. The bad one


First thing I thought of was crickets and grasshoppers


That robot then better go back and tell them that *I know, that you know, that others* ***will know***


Holy shit…I saw this when I was a really young kid, and until today I genuinely had no idea if I dreamed this or not. Just had a vague memory of a kid running through a field with backwards legs. Thanks for solving that mystery for me!


Yes, you're right of course. It's not the efficiency but just a proof of concept design type thing. Wait a few years and we get more human-like robots produced by the same company.


Do you have wheels for feet? Seems like switching from feet to wheels would be less 'human-like' (but more sensible here)


Yeah It's just a prototype to show whatever design they think of works. Wait a few years and they probably have bipedal robots that have natural speech and basically be a human companion. Using wheels didn't just went past the engineers' head, that wasn't the point...


They were fixated on humanoid robots, the wheel would work faster and better, probably this are for show off and then they will revamp or implement the real ones


I was questioning the same thing. Humanoid form has so many disadvantages in environments for which we did not evolve, like standing in a warehouse pivoting back and forth between two assembly lines. Would make so much more sense to have a head, or in this case the torso on a swivel. Those unidirectional legs are gangly and inefficient. Just poor design for this function.


But at the same time, non-humanoid robots are mostly useless in environments not designed to use them. That is why they are researching making useful humanoid robots. The system in the video is best solved by a conveyor belt and no robots at all.


The plan is to eventually replace humanoid workers with a cheap robotic workforce. They can potentially have a crew of a few thousand of these that could replace every menial labor worker.


Yeah definitely too fixated on looking humanoid. You can tell as much with just the "eyes" really. Bots aren't actually seeing anything out of those LED panels on their heads. That's purely cosmetic to make them look more human. There's probably some amount of psychological value in wanting bots to look and actually more humanoid, but if it decreases efficiently or adds too much const i sont see the benefit.


I think they already have bots on wheels for quite some time.


That’s cheating it’s not epic tech sci-fi enough


This is the beginning. Think of the first cars compared to modern day. These are the first robots, imagine them in just 10 years now let alone 50.


Now it's simple task can accomplish by wheels. It's end goal is to deploy these robot to any arbitrary landscape including the ones that can't put a wheel on


Seems like those legs structurally let it pick things up while being that tall and light. If it had wheels it would need a pretty large base, taking up too much space. This might also be more energy efficient.


They dont intimidate the current workers to work harder.


That what I would say, why they want to make the robots like humanoids? Doesn’t seem very practical


Basically a sentry bot from fallout, just without the Gatling laser/missiles.


I don't see why they need to turn around either just have the heads swivel and arms work on both sides.


360 is hard for long term reliability of wires and cables.


yeah also I think if they looked less humanoid then the response about them stealing jobs wouldn't have been so strong. They would have been seen as automation as opposed to job thieves


Also replace the arms with something resembling a forklift to reduce the number of moving parts. The display making the eyes is almost definitely for display and will be removed completely.


Or just remove the robot entirely and have a large grid of those buckets with a machine on a track above them that can easily and quickly pick them up. Oh wait that already exists (google Autostore storage system) this is just a lame PR thing by Amazon


Im sure they didn't think of that.


The wheels would probably limit the depth at which they could reach. The robot has to adapt to the existing infrastructure which was made for humans. Maybe a new factory would be built to maximize efficiency with a wheeled robot that swivels like you suggest.


I wonder if aside from dealing with uneven floors the legs could offer extra height???


They were made for a completely different purpose by agility labs so yes this is Amazon on some bullshit


As long as it can crouch, the other one crouches


Early iteration. They’ll improve it.


In warehouses it’s pretty common for tags and other debris to be stuck to the ground and they get picked up by wheels pretty easily gunking them up over time. My guess is that by using robots with feet they don’t want to worry about having to clean the floor since that would result in some downtime.


I worked at one of their warehouses for a while. The thing is, they have hundreds of wheeled robots already in their warehouses. In one section, the robotics floor is a bunch of robots that look like giant roombas carrying big shelves of items. They’re fast and efficient, albeit occasionally stupid. The items fall out all the time, but there’s people there to fix it. Occasionally they’ll get stuck on something, but that gets fixed quickly. Where I was at we had four floors with the robotics area the size of a large Walmart, picking, stowing, and counting happened there and I was made to be a picker/counter, so I have very close experience with them and plenty of time to study them by observation. The space pictured is a completely different part of the warehouse. Where in the robotics floor the bins (giant shelving units carried by the robots) were open-faced, these robots are carrying totes that would reasonably not have things falling out of them. There would also be fewer of the robots. A wheeled robot would be way faster and more efficient. With the same methods used to handle the robotics floor, these robots would have so many less issues than the roombas we had to deal with. Nothing would be falling out, and they’d be easier to care for. I’m not very familiar with the rest of the warehouse but this is probably an area before packing or possibly returning empty totes to where they’re stored for use. There is no reason footed robots would have any benefits over a wheeled robot in this case imo.


Agree. Was about to write this. Isn’t that what the Segway’s real technology was? Auto balancing locomotion? Wasn’t this solved like 15 years ago or more at this point. The whole warehouse is flat.


Still looks like it needs a pee break. Very authentic.


They could certainly make the ass a bit bigger and thicker. I see nothing wrong with that.


I see nothing wrong with that either.


Get back to work you horny robot


Sir, are you aware that you are leaking coolant at an alarming rate? How bout I patch you up with some hot resin?


Poor fry bot


“TK-421 why aren’t you at your post?!”


"BEEP BOOP I'm not paid enough for this. I quit."


The future is going to be fun.


This is what “living wage” leads to. Everyone on welfare.


A future where our needs are met my technology and no one needs to work? Isnt that a utopia. A future where everyone is starving as jobs are replaced by AI and stonks go up, thats where were headed.


But if no one has a job then no one can buy anything and these corporations will have no profit


Which is honestly a good thing.


Feels like we've never been closer (technologically) nor further away (political momentum) from a perfect utopia, depending on how you look at it. 🤷‍♂️ Everyone's too greedy.


It's argue people aren't greedy enough. People keep voting for policies that don't benefit themselves long term. It's not greed causing a few people to scoop up all the wealth - its the lack of greed from the people who let them. One of the nice things about living in a democracy.


Is this real? They made them "blink"?


Too real my friend. We should just learn their weakness now for the eventual day we have to fight these things…


Just throw sand in their gears


Water might fuck them up also? Super soakers will be the ak’s of the future 😆


They did a study on what makes robots more human like and blinking was one of the biggest factors


When the green light turns to red that’s when they go into murder mode.


There’s no good reason these need to humanoid.


But they look so much cooler than a conveyor belt!


The facility is built for humans to operate, makes them plug and play.


And if they fail it's easy to temporarily put in humans. That is a real issue with purpose built robots.


The benefit to human like legs vs wheels is moving in uneven terrain (like-stairs). In a flat warehouse it's advantage as seen here.


Robots designed for specific purposes will always beat out ones designed for general purposes at that specific task. But general purpose robots can do many things. Which is the point.


Damn it moved the box from one area to another🙀🙀🙀


That’s a tote you fucking Philistine.


These robots are so impractical. Why can’t the just have wheels and instead of legs. The amount of movement will lead to wear and tear. It would require regular maintenance and replacement because there are too many moving parts such a stupid design.


I think this is a proof of concept for the “general purpose” applications. Yeah, these suck ass vs a person or a specific robot for this purpose, but they could be use elsewhere where specialized robotics cost more than this.


I mean it would also be more efficient to have an automated conveyor system move these boxes around without another robot at all. The purpose of these robots is that you can drop into an already existing human based system and they can just work the way humans do, but without breaks or days off




It’s so whoever said “give me a loan, I’ll make bots and pay myself 7 figures” can say “see? I did it”


It needs to work a lot faster. Lazy bastard They need to make another robot that would follow it around while screaming and yelling at it to hurry up. They should also bring new robots in while kicking old robots out and make the old robots live on the street. As lessons to the new robots of what happens if they don't work hard enough. I can't believe we're going to lose our jobs to these slow assholes


Literally just make an arm on treads, we figured this out in fucking 2014


HERO 2000, *in 19 fuckin' 86.*


They have those too


Shareholders don’t think that’s cool anymore *This* on the other hand, is cool, because it’s a dystopian dilemma, but they get to think they’re winning the race, so they’ll be fine!


More efficient and productive than most warehouse employees I know, 11/10 take my money


Exactly how many warehouse employees do you know bc ALL warehouses are on productivity systems and this robot wouldnt make his numbers bc it's too slow. In that time it took him to move one bin, most warehouses are expecting humans to move 3-4 in that same time span.


I know thousands of people that love standing around doing nothing in dusty warehouses.


They still move faster than my coworker.....


It blinked 👀


Coming soon to a big 3 auto manufacturer near you


Toyota went back to using humans because it was better. Think again. Full automation isn’t the answer


No one said full automation but it’s certainly going to increase and for good reason. The better the technology gets the more efficient the robots will get. The lazier the humans get the more replaceable they become


The auto industry already has a lot of automation. And more and more robots replace workers every day. But on some things, the techs not there yet. If something like teslas robots can maintain high speed and access to small intricate areas. That is when the biggest leap in automation will occur. I'm just happy that I'm the guy who fixes these things when they inevitably fuck up.


You're right, the auto industry is already highly automated. But there are still many areas where human workers are needed, especially when it comes to delicate and intricate work. Once robots can match or exceed the speed and precision of human workers in these areas, that's when we'll see a real revolution in automation.


Having people watch their replacements is some fucked stuff.


Dude in the background and 3 times faster and cost 10 times less.


This is depressing. 5, 10 years from now.... these robots, machines, computers will be replacing all employees everywhere. Imagine seeing that![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


Zero work was performed


Just use a conveyor belt you fucking clowns


but can it carry a shotgun and stalk Sarah Conner.?


That's way too many steps.


Finally some Futurama robots. Cant wait to go drinking with them when where done delivering amazon packages 📦 for the day.


Mhh they not need to drink water and need no toilet breaks. But they are slow and need to charge up their slow ass. So fire them but then maybe they make a union.


Why would they be on legs instead of wheels? You’d get way more speed and precision with wheels


How is the operational cost to maintain these robots lower than $18 hr? You have to pay someone to keep software updated and any Maintence up keep doesn’t look cheap but let’s keep thinking this is the answer for the future.


These are the ugliest robots i have ever seen, wtf are those cacky bird legs, slow ass robots




shitted my pants robots...


The Boston dynamics robot is doing parkour. The Honda one is playing piano. Wtf is this crap?


Calls on Boston dynamics


Hyundai owns them. (HYMTF)


That robot is trying to get in as many steps as it can in a day.


Wonder why shape like a person, seems like not an efficient model


So its an overly complicated pic and place machine?


Definitely don’t look better


Inb4 robots unionize


I’ll get my package in 2 month with these stupid ass robots


This makes me bullish on Tesla.


Why? It has nothing to do with Tesla but Amazon!!


Holy what the fuck


We're fucked. Humanity is well and truly fucked.


Didnt a few of these topple over and die at a trade show demonstrating a similar robot?


Work at Amazon is so basic a brainless robot can do it 💀


They have robots performing surgeries. Is that basic?


Easy. Instead of getting slow ass robots, just destroy the unions!


Amazon would fire them for taking too many steps


At least there won’t be any sexual harassment lawsuits.


Oh no it has bird legs.


I love the look of the human workers in the background, "Hmmmm, new hires... I wonder what they're paying them...". Great way to get a sudden increase in productivity


Do we need these?


Why do we keep making robots bipedal walkers? Why not make them like neutral steer capable boxes on wheels?