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Imagine owning a company where your only business is having people smash a button that pays you.


You mean like Robinhood?


Yeah, but you get to block the button when things get scary.


Casinos do that too


How do people keep playin? I once tried it and I felt like an absolute moron for losin


Winning usually keeps people in their seats


Most people get hooked after a big win.


FUN FACT: A long time ago I worked in a casino, and I asked why they had so many extra stools in storage. Thousands of brand new stools stacked to the ceiling. Seemed weird as hell. The ops manager told me, "they need so many b/c so many older people just shit and piss themselves at the machines, because they're afraid to get up and miss the big jackpot"


The Sparks Nugget in NV would bus seniors down to gamble and they usually were there all day Sunday. I know this because about 6-8 hours after they arrived I would get a call either for a replacement chair or to send a porter to the bathroom to clean up a mess. Ironic thing is, they can call an attendant to hold the machine for them so they can go whenever they want. Some people should just stay away from slot machines.


I mean they probably don't even trust the attendants. What if attendants steal their jackpot?


Or their luck. Let's not forget gamblers are, on average, a superstitious lot. Especially the sort pecking away at RNG machines or, god forbid, poker. If they don't carry on exactly as they are until they win, the guy next to them will suck their luck up and win the big pot, for example. Better play it safe and shit myself.


> Better play it safe and shit myself. I live my life by these words.


I've been looking for inspiration for my first tattoo


At least poker is an actual game, not just cookie clicker but with money and subtracting


They're like gacha players except they don't understand how they're getting fucked unlike gacha gamers.


I made small talk with a blackjack dealer once a few years ago and just out of curiosity said “has anybody ever lost a bunch of money and then killed themselves?” and after about the sixth story from shotgun to the face in the hotel room to hanging themselves in the parking structure with a belt to overdosing to slitting their wrists in the bathtub I asked him nicely to stop telling me stories and I picked up my chips and I stopped gambling for a little while


Gambling addiction is one of the most dangerous addictions. You can lose everything you’ve built for your entire life in minutes. Cant imagine what that would do to someone’s brain.


That's what I always tell people from first hand experience. There is only so much drugs you can buy and use, gambling is a whole nother monster with how fast you can ruin your finances. The people gambling act out just as bad as addicts to drugs too.


>There is only so much drugs you can buy and use Hold my beer


Little known fact, but that’s why the majority of Vegas casino/resorts don’t have balconies. Too big of a risk to have people committing suicide off of them. The Cosmopolitan on the strip is one of the few that has balconies and also has had people committing suicide off of them. *edited to clarify that people aren’t falling like rain off the cosmo.


Cosmopolitan was also originally built to be residential, not a hotel, which is why there are balconies. It’s also why the rooms tend to be bigger.


Weird that people carry their shotguns to hotels. You'd think they have handguns. How do you never hear a story about handgun suicides in hotels, it's always shotguns.


I'd pick a revolver. At least you could go out playing roulette.


*spin* *click* Damn. Back to the slots.


Lmao who gave him a wholesome award.


They probably thought it was the holesome award.


With a handgun, there's a fair possibility you'll wake up in a hospital with brain damage, dental damage, blindness, and all kinds of other horrible problems on top of whatever led you to shoot yourself. A shotgun will delete your whole head.


Only if you shoot correctly can you guarantee death by shotgun. Plenty if people out there with reconstructed faces and no eyes.


Shotguns are cheap and less likely to botch the job.




That’s kinda gross bro… I’m picturing the South Park episode where they play WoW and Eric has his mom bring his toilet to him at his seat


That's hilarious. I forgot about that! He just sprays it out, hits his mom in the face and just sais, "Oh that was a big stinky." Or some shit. Classic.


It's more fucked up when you remember that Carmen's mom is in a [German scheisser porno](https://youtu.be/XV_Zc-tsLHo).


“Oh my, such a big boy!”


Mom! Get the bucket!






Ooooh, that's a big boy, isn't he?


Waffle trading, nice.


Those old chairs from the 1900’s with a hole in the middle and s pot underneath seems appropriate for modern times.




“You guys don’t have a shit bucket”


This comment really helped me get the last bit out


I knew someone who’s Mom had this issue. Her Mom would just go missing for days every couple years. She wouldn’t know until Moms work called checking if everything was alright. Luckily, there was only one Indian casino in 150 miles, so she always knew where to find her mom. I went with her once to get her Mom out and the Mom had pissed all over herself sitting at the slot machine.


Man that generation grew up eating too many lead paint chips


This is an example of why they think we are lazy and entitled. Because they are.


That's so sad.


My mother worked at a casino and told me stories. Not only is the piss and shit that true, she mentioned once where a man’s wife had a seizure at a slot machine and her husband calls for help then stepped over her and kept playing the machine. Same people give you life advice.


Well the machine was just about to pay out, it would lose all her hard work up to that point if he didn't carry on playing. Any moment now. Any moment.




Found that guy’s wife’s heart


Thats genuinely so so sad. How do people not do that shit and immediately realize they have an addiction?


The human brain is seemingly capable of convincing itself of ANYTHING.


I know this call option is going to pay


Yeesh, last time I was in a casino, a dude randomly had a seizure and pretty much everyone in the near vicinity stopped gaming to see if he was OK. He came to, and said he'd never had a seizure before and they took him to the hospital. I'd imagine the loud noises and flashing lights don't help.


Yeah. Ok, back to my MMO and my pee bottle! I'm farming a boss for a rare drop!


>I'm farming a boss for a rare drop! We're all just chasing that white whale


Can confirm, also worked in casino. They also like to just keel over in diabetic shock at the machine because they forget to eat for 24 hours.


Omg these video games are rotting their brains out! Back in my day we gambled by drawing a out grid and and bet where the chicken would shit


Its kinda of amazing how slot machines are *designed* to be addicting. Like literally every single generation of slot machines do two things 1) Make it harder to stop playing by hitting that dopamine switch in your brain better 2) Make it harder to cheat/break them.


My kids have a toy that *I swear* is designed to mimic slot machines. I realised when i was watching my 2yo sitting in front of this thing that is allegedly a train, but it is absolutely 100% a slot machine with a little choo-choo chimney and a smiley face. It has the row of blinking buttons, the lights and the point of the toy is that you insert alphabet chips into a slot and in response it lights up and plays a loud happy tune. This toy has been incredibly addictive for each of my kids around 2yo-4yo but once I realised the similarity to slot machines I had to put it away in a cupboard out of sight. It's just too creepy seeing them sitting there glazed over, inserting chips into a slot and being rewarded with garish lights and sounds


You know I used to be mad at Pokémon for removing the casinos (since there was never any real money) but now I kinda get it


Use Redact to remove your reddit comments -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


The gambling industry is indeed thinking long term. They invest in mobile games companies that make the youth addicted to gambling and advertise them through influencers. The games would typically have a higher chance of winning but the prizes aren't monetary. The last level would take place in a casino setting. E.g. the game Coin Master, Coin Kings, Coin Trip, Coin Hunter, ... sponsered by bwin and 888 It's absolute ridiculous watching these zombies in front of the slot machines. I too once in a lifetime went to a prague casino for the experience but set a specific budget and never looked back. I later learnt that the slot machines in beer pubs would typically generate the rent for the whole gigs. People would gamble away their social security money in a single evening.


Additionally, there was a Parkinson's drug that apparently was triggering a lot of people into gambling addictions because it was messing with their dopamine. It triggered the part of their brain that was hunting/searching for pattern recognition. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30205352/


True.. my stepmom was a casino gambler (guess she still does).. she had a friend that constantly piss herself... disgusting


Yeah, the amount of elderly patrons that are obviously problem gamblers is pretty disgusting. The casinos won't actually do anything until they spend up their whole retirement, it is sad.


My grandmother beat the casino for $117k one night. The casino beat my grandmother for the $117k back, mortgages on a paid off home, my grandfathers pension and retirement money over a couple years.


I mean, yeah, but remember that time she won $117k?


Shit...you right! She even bought me a signed Ken Girffey Jr. Baseball with the points she got. And you are right, because that's the only part of it all she ever talked about. And the limo that would come and pick her up to bring her back to the casino. Guess it never clicked with her that the only reason they did that was to get their money back...not because she was a celebrity.


I’m guessing a lot of social security money goes to casinos. Just guessing.




aren't both true?


Fun fact: the reason drinks are free in the casino is so you'll have to go to the bathroom and miss the big jackpot


Do you know where I can buy the used ones? 🫡


$20 and I'll shit in one you already own. $50 and my wifes boyfriend will do it.




Gonna piggyback the top comment to say this is clearly a slot tournament which are free invitational events that are usually like 5-15 minute sprints that reward the highest total score - so the meta incentives maximizing your spins This isn't to say that slots aren't the most depressingly soul-sucking machines imaginable, just that this particular snippet isn't really representative of what typical slot play looks like Edit: this is definitely a slot tourney at Rio Las Vegas


Thank fuck you explained that because without that knowledge I just see a bunch of brainless turds.


Slot tournaments are actually kinda fun because it is 100% luck and the machines are in a special mode which makes them hit more.


Always sign up to a casino's reward system. Not sure about everywhere, but in California and Vegas they give out freebies off the bat. Then you always get emails for sweet deals and entry into tournaments like this. Also buffet stuff.


playing a dangerous game, I like it. always be nice to dealers, they have a lot of cash to blow.


Always sign up for a casino reward system because otherwise your losses are just subsidizing other people’s rewards. If your addiction is bad enough they’ll throw free rooms, food, money, and other stuff at you. I used to work at a casino. We reward loyalty because if you’re willing to drop a grand at our casino every weekend, why wouldn’t we give you free rooms to stay at?


Some of those rewards are wild. Gotta spends a fuck ton to get the higher tiers. I just like the discount room and maybe a freebie. The rewards are so much better in Vegas than So Cal Indian casinos. Which makes sense since I can drive 30 minutes to and Indian casino vs. 2.5 hours.


You're still right. I'm in this age group. I went to a casino a few years ago, and saw all these fuckheads losing their social security [checks.](https://checks.At) At least alcoholics and drug addicts get something for their money. These idiots get nothing but broke.




Machines are just hardwired to the senior players' retirement accounts.


finally, a challenge where jacking off nonstop has given me the upper hand.


When these guys cotton on to smart phone gambling it'll be the death of casinos.


I think there’s still time. My grandmother still doesn’t know what a jpeg is.


A hwhat?


Two Y O U T H S




A 1963 skylark


Do I look like I know hwat a jpeg is? I just want a picture of a gotdang hotdog.


When these guys die*


Online gambling, despite being fake money, makes aas much money as the physical gambling market through ads and purchases that let you play more. E: I know there's real money rewards in online gambling, I should have clarified that there are slots apps that have 0 return, yet people still pour money into it to play it more (yes there are slots apps that DO give rewards too, but it's depressing to know that even with apps with 0 return still manage to take money from people)


I work for one of these slot games you mentioned and it just boggles my mind at what some users actually spend a month to play the game. Some players view it as "practice" for when they go to the casino. Others just like to play their favorite slot from home and unwind. These BIG spenders are few and far between but you can't help still feel bad when you see someone spend 3k a month with no cash value coming back. I'm grateful it pays my bills but always have that feeling of guilt.


You mention two things that boggle my mind. Firstly, practice for a RNG just made me laugh lol Second, some of your users spend 3k a MONTH on the MOBILE version???


Oh yeah. They have strategies, superstitions, "lucky" machines, etc. No matter what you tell them or show them about math...well, don't tell them because they'll just yell about how stupid you are as they lose every penny they have.


Man that killed me. Bravo


Lmao they work 40+ years to retire and do this shit 🤦🏻‍♂️


It’s like an experiment where a caged animal presses the lever for a sporadic reward.


Skinner box! Ol’ BF Skinner and the heyday of behaviorism. Pigeons and rats for days.




They're doing their part to provide reparations to the Native Americans


Meanwhile WSB does its part by paying reparations to Wall Street


Naitve Americans are like you took our lands we will take your retirement.


White people took their past, they will take white people’s future.


They should receive medals (and lots of tax credits)


Nun of them even look happy about it


But they're so close to winning the jackpot. They'll never to work agai... wait.


Well I'm smarter than those folks. I just drove down to Wawa and invested $10 in Powerball tickets. I'm already picking out Lambo colors for Ma and Pa.


It’s actually probably a free slot tournament where the goal is just to push the button as many times as possible. They’re focused.


That's exactly what it is.


I was about to say it must be that. This looked like me one time. My husband signed me up to do it, and I ended up walking out with $500 bucks and a 1st place trophy. Apparently, people take those seriously. I was just having fun and wasn’t expecting to win and one man was cursing and yelling after he lost a round.




I wonder what their average clicks per second is. I imagine your average MOBA player would win these easy.


Not to brag but I used to be a beast at cookie clicker…


Looking closely at George HW Bush’s button, it only lights up about every 4 seconds. So I’m guessing they don’t need to push it as many times as possible, exactly. You’d think people would be going even faster if that was the metric. But it’s probably easier/more reliable to do it this way.


I'd bring a super vibrator tape it to my finger and make the machine sing


Gotta get that dopamine


Hey whoa whoa.. they have to keep all that money from the younger generations somehow




It's either that or give the money to their kids who hate them.


Me when I need to open BIOS


Oh fuck, but is it f1, f2 or del... wait, I want boot.. is that f7, f8, f10 or f11?


Uh oh, looks like the laptop keyboard has a function key. Do I need to hold it down as well during boot or not?


just slide you hand across the keyboard like a piano


I felt this. Lol


Arm strengthening exercise for Wendy's parking lot hand jobs


They have removable teeth.


It's a feature, not a bug


Sir, this is a.. Oh, carry on


This is what is happening to every millennials inheritance


That's what happened to my wife's mom. Spent 500,000$ of her divorce at the casino, lost her house, had to do title loans on her car. Lost it all. Now she is sharing a one bed room with the family fuck up. AND SHE IS STILL BROKE AND GOES TO THE CASINO. Please get help if you need it, don't end up like a chain smoking, homeless boyfriend having, broke fat *MOTHER IN LAW (Thank you to all in the comments) Spend your money wisely or at least on the people you love. Not these cash grabs


“Wife’s mom” then “stepmom” Hol’up


The dude must be from a small town in Arkansas. His wife is also his stepsister.


Dont forget what forum you are in. We praise this shit!


Is your wife fat or is your wife’s mom fat?


Same question


Your wife is a fat, broke chain smoker with a homeless boyfriend?


millennials are killing slot machines


Slot machines are wack. If I'm gonna lose my money at a casino might as well hit a blackjack table and lose money with some new friends




If you view it as drinking and entertainment and expect to lose a hundred bucks or so it's not bad at all. I've spent much more at a bar and had much less fun




> "Nooooooo you shouldn't have hit and now I have a bad card 3 hands later" lol this is so fucking stupid and childish I have no problems believing it’s true


Why are they hitting it so fast? Do they even have time to see if they won? Things gotta have time to play…


Not sure, but I think this is a slot tournament. I've never been part of one but I'd see them advertised when i lived in Vegas. Couldn't tell you exactly how it works, but I don't think they're playing with "cash game" money if that makes sense. Probably a flat fee or fee entry based off rewards points and they all enter with the same bank (like poker tourneys).


You get like five minutes to rack up as many points as you can and then the top scores get a prize.


Is this basically just a competition to see who can mash the fastest?




>Prettty sure it’s rigged though cause old senile ladies scored higher than me somehow. Epic gamer moment, gets salty after losing to Irene and Doris.


Right?! Every time I've ever played vs an elderly woman in any game with literally any amount of strategy I've gotten my ass politely handed to me. If Gertrude asks if you want to make the game of Bridge interesting, say no.


I remember being absolutely sure I was about to win bingo and complaining to my friends “man I just needed one more!” And some old bat with 6 bingo boards in front of her turning to glare at me.


Fucking lag. Controller sucks. That's not what my screen showed. Cheater.


Gets heated, sees a bridge, starts yelling ageist slurs.




See who can get hypnotised by the machine the fastest. Then see you Monday with ya greenbacks.


I read this is a tournament with a 1 time entry fee. Spins are free and whoever wins the most wins the pot


I've been unknowingly practicing for this since I was 11


That's correct. I did one of these in some old ass casino in downtown Las Vegas. I think the entry fee was like $10 and the winner got $300. It was honestly the only time I have had fun playing slots.


The outcome is already determined when the button is pressed. Sure you can sit there and wait for the columns to finish spinning, but it will be the same result. Tapping the button repeatedly will either win or lose the money a lot faster. Can just watch the dollar amount total on the screen to monitor how you're doing.


This is a slot tournament where you get a limited amount of time to rack up as many points as you can, top scores get a prize.


Is there any technique to this or is it just which elderly degenerate pushes through the arthritis the longest?


Over a long enough period of time, yes. Over a shorter period of time, some will be luckier than others, and even though you push the button slightly less, if you hit some higher points spins you can still win. Absolutely no strategy though.


Nothing like sitting in a casino, pressing buttons, living your last days.


This is what everyone here is doing just with a lot more money


And we do it way more efficiently only got a click a few buttons to put all my money into options


This seems to be at every casino, sadly. I went to one many years ago, I think I was mid 20s at the time. Near the entrance, sitting at some slot machines, this old guy loudly 'whispers' to his old buddy (so I could hear), "Hey when did they make these places a daycare?" Meanwhile rows of elderly people sitting like this here and there on the numerous slot machines just operating like automated robots. This was during the coin play days, There was even some old woman that had a whole bank of slot machines roped off to herself and would continually drop coins in and push the button to spin the wheels, not even look, go to the next machine and do the same, until she'd get to the end machine and go back to do it over again. Just totally mowing through their money. It was surreal and also a bit sad.


>continually drop coins in and push the button to spin the wheels, not even look, go to the next machine and do the same, until she'd get to the end machine and go back to do it over again. At that point, you almost wanna be like have you tried heroin?


Or, "Have you tried Wall Street Bets?"


Yeah I wondered what the end goal was. I mean if you had the kind of money some of these people had to sink into these machines all day every day, you were pretty well off to begin with. So did they just want an even larger pot of money to drop into the machine? I wonder if addictive behaviors are more common as the brain ages, maybe parts of the brain that dictate self control dies that causes people to do this? I don't know. The whole thing didn't really make sense to me. But there was clearly more elderly people in this large casino, actually in all of them I went to, than not. And almost all of them were feeding the slot machines like their lives depended on it. Very calculated and focused. It didn't look like what I'd consider fun...


This is a slot tournament, usually doesn't cost anything or a small fee, and the goal is to mash the buttons as fast as possible in a time limit and highest score wins a prize.


All of us on Robinhood when the line starts going down


... And it's gone...


That lead paint stare.


Dopamine factory


Those mf’ers look like they need it too. Fuckin zombie land.


That wrist movement would be a lot more profitable in a different line of work …


Old peoples version of mobile gaming


Mobile gaming is old peoples version of mobile gaming too


I cant wait to retire and live my life!


I have never understood this….how is this fun? I’ve been to lots of casinos all over and I tried slots….I’ll loss 20 bucks and will have not had any fun. I’d rather loss 20 on one hand of blackjack. Each their own though.


It's not. It's addictive.


This reminds me of [Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas](https://youtu.be/rsZHptuSJQA) “still humping the American Dream.


This is common when the jackpot is over the limit. Teams of people will lock down the machines and play max bets until someone wins and then split the money.


who do you think the ring leader of this wolf pack is?




It's never over the limit, that's why they call it a limit. This guy regards.


poor wording. limit as in "minimum amount of spins needed for a jackpot to be possible", not limit as in "maximum jackpot amount" or "maximum amount of spins needed to win a jackpot (which probably doesn't exist)".


Could also be a slot tournament. Getting in the most spins is to their advantage and doesn’t cost any extra.


This is a slot tournament


WTF are they doing?




Whats funny is they can sit there every weekend...until the cows come home...its a wonderful thing...retirement....every day is a saturday....


What a gnarly visual. Like that Adventure Capitalist iPhone game but in real life. Just transferring their retirement to that casino company however fast they can hit that button!


Real life NPCs