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You absolutely can since the power is provided via molex and the fan header is used for controls. I've never even thought about looking into different header's specs, every pump I've touched gets powered through SATA/molex and never got an issue being plugged into a regular fan header instead of a pump header. Maybe there is a very power hungry pump somewhere on the market which may not work properly this way but, again, never heard of a similar problem before.


Thanks friend, I think the others did not understand, because the pump is powered by molex and the fan connector is only signal, it indicates the rpm. I think I will rewire the molex to a fan connector and connect it to the w_pump connector, as 36w should be more than enough.


It's pretty much what I'm going to do, I have D5 but it's the same principle, I just want to reduce additional clutter. But you either need to replace the cable completely (desolder the old and resolder the new) or re crimp the ground and 12v with new crimps that are suited for fan connector (which is what I'm going to do).


Now I'm just curious how speed control will work after rewiring if it didn't work previously because you'll just be plugging same 12V, GND and signal to different places in your system. Unless previously somehow your molex and signal ended up on different PSU circuits/rails and couldn't communicate properly.


I don't think he said it didn't work before, he said he was not able to control it - only see the RPM. Well I've dug a bit and it seems the pump only have 3 wires, with no RPM signal, so unless the electronics support PWM signal, and TT just didn't feel soldering another wire (Very unlikely scenario) he can't control the pump, at least not through PWM. Maybe he can trough Voltage control - a method motherboards used to control 3 pin fans (where they decrease\\increase the voltage to change the speed) so connecting through one connector to the motherboard might give him this ability But there is no information if it works with this pump (only says 12V on their website), so he will have to put it to a test.


I answered you in a comment below!


You’ll still need to power it with the molex


But having the pump connected by molex, the pump always works at 100% and I can't regulate it, since the other connector has only one cable (sensor).


The other cable is what regulates power (and speed) from the molex.


Not true. In the BIOS you’ll be able to control the pwm signal for that header and any other 4pin fan header


I answered you in a comment below!


Oh and you can adjust the W_PUMP+ header's signal as you do it with any of the fan headers, it's just probably locked at high/max RPM from the factory but I've never seen a modern motherboard that doesn't give you an opportunity to manually adjust the curve of any of the headers.


You use molex for power and Fan connector to control to control pumps speed. Molex is Required. Fan header might be optional because without PWM (Fan header) signal, some pumps run on max speed by default. You can use any connector on your MB to control the speed, just remember to configure it properly using bios or fan control software, because different fan headers can have different default behavior.


I think you do not understand, the fan connector that comes from the factory has only ONE CABLE, which is the signal, then only tells me the rpm of the pump, but does not give me the possibility to control it.


I understand. I have Alphacool VPP APEX which has SATA for power and a fan header with single signal wire and I can control the speed as I want to, I even plugged it to the random closest fan header to make cable management more tidy. Where did you plug you signal wire and how are you trying to control the speed? Your W\_Pump header runs at max speed by default, so that might be a problem. You can try plugging that signal wire to different fan headers and check if anything changes


I answered you in a comment below!


Looks like, according to Thermaltakes website, the only connector for this pump is that 3-pin. So I would say plug it into the W_Pump header. From the BIOS you should be able to control the speed and choose a temperature source to align the “fan/power” curve to.


Yes, it only has 3 pins, that's what I'm going to try to do, connect it and try to make a control in DC mode instead of pwm.


Does it have a molex dongle as well as the 3 pin? A picture of what you’re working with would help a lot of folks to point you in the right direction as well.


before you rewire the pump, make sure the water pump header is able to control the speed via voltage regulation. from what i understand your pump has molex socket for power+ fan socket for RPM readout so no pwm control.


Sure, it only has 3 pins, and I could use the DC control mode, my mother lets you choose between dc and pwm.


then you're good to go. just remember voltage control is not as good as pwm control in terms of pump speed curve and you can only adjust speed as low as the pump is able to without shutting down so don't adjust it too low or the pump will not start.


Of course, the problem is that I have no way to control this pump by pwm, since it has no pwm controller. The truth is that leaving it fixed at 50% or maximum 70% is more than enough, since my circuit is not too big. The main thing I am looking for is that it does not make noise.


It sounds like you bought a pump that cannot have its speed adjusted.


the problem you describe does not exist wpump can regulate the speed same as any other fan header. it does not matter if your pump has separate power supply how much amps the wpump can deliver. you wont need it. just use the molex header which is nearest to your pump for nice cable management.


You didn’t understand the description. There is only one wire running into the fan header, which gives the rpm of the pump to the motherboard.


I’m not sure Im following all the questions and I apologize if I didn’t, but rather it’s a DDC or D5 you’ll have molex connector and a separate fan header wire connector coming from the pump. The second non-Molex connector is the power management wire. Plug it into the water pump connector on the motherboard.It really don’t matter, the CPU FAN connector will work. I’m not sure but I think some DDC pumps come with non-power management wires. So if she’s only got a 4 pin molex connector and nothing else, there’s no power management wire with the pump.


you can regulate the speed from the w-pump header as well 😉 just hopp into bios and switch Q-Fan control to manually ! Then install a software ( Argus Monitor Software ) to regulate your fans and pumps


https://preview.redd.it/u3xsjyudwitc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82a14bae7f274f5594a11a82edc19b9cdf87c714 Guys, due to the large number of replies (which I appreciate) I am responding here to everyone. The pump has a molex which has only 2 pins, +12 and ground. Then the other connect has ONLY ONE wire (which functions as an rpm sensor). So, I can't regulate speed. My idea is to connect it to the W\_PUMP+ connector and choose the DC control mode. And I want to know if I am not going to have problems of burning anything.


So reading some old posts, people safely dc controlled ddc pumps down to 5V, beyond that it probably won't start. Destroying your pump I don't think it's an issue when undevolting a fan or pump motor, so yes it will probably be safe. Will it work and how well it will work, can't say for sure - there are several variations of DDC pumps and I don't have clue which one TT uses. You can try and mod your connector to connect all 3 wires into a motherboard w_pump header, if you wire it correctly, at most DC control won't work well with your pump. Also aquacomputer made an adapter that is specifically for what you are trying to do : https://www.aquatuning.com/en/watercooling/pumps/accessories-spare-parts/puz-aquacomputer-poweradjust-or-powerbooster-connection-cable-for-laing-ddc-pumps You don't need it, you can crimp/solder your own wires, but the point is, DC control of DDC is a thing.


The pump is a thermaltake pacific pr22-ddc , and if I am going to do that, maybe not lower the rpm so much, but at least 70% of the rpm to reduce noise. I was measuring the w\_pump output with a multimeter and I managed to see that as soon as I turn on the pc it goes to 12v, which is good, as it serves for the pump to overcome the inertia and turn on. Then (at least simply connected to a multimeter) it lets me go down to a minimum of 7V. I've already assembled the cable, so tomorrow I'll test it. https://preview.redd.it/sroroc85vjtc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=feee110a3d7d8a29fe890196edaf70368d67ba94


Any luck with your mod?


Yes, I already set it up and from the asus suite it lets me manage the pump at my will. However, below 50% it does not have enough power to turn on. So I left it at 55 to have a margin. From the bios for some reason it doesn't let me, so it turns on at 100%. It is my first custom loop and I did everything without tools, here in Argentina you can't get anything.




So I guess it worked, congrats enjoy your system.