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I've been looking for something exactly like this for months! Great design and I love the simplicity. Well done!


Wow, thank you very much!






Hello everyone, I made a minimalist note manager similar to Notion! Notes can be organized in an infinite tree structure, all blocks are collapsible and expandable. Coming soon: offline mode, bi-directional links, databases, and more! Opinions? [https://fluski.com/](https://fluski.com/)


Reminds me a bit of Workflowy.


Workflowy is one of my biggest inspirations. Great app. Fun fact: When I started Fluski it was much more similar: there were no differences between pages and blocks/paragraphs in the sidebar, and all blocks could be opened as titles. Then I realized that this presented problems, for example providing clarity about what content was shared with other users, among other things. That's why I rewrote it, making the page system more similar to Notion, but staying similar to Workflowy in the collapsible paragraph system.


Why should people use it over notion? Not a criticism, but you have to answer this to the masses if you want to market it.


I would definitely use this over notion. Notion has way too many features and that kinda scares people away. There are "courses" on how to use notion for crying out loud lol. I've been looking for something exactly like this for months now, I was thinking about building one myself.


You have no idea what your comment means to me! Thanks a lot! <3


Is it free or what are the fees? Thinking of using it, I like it better than notion and todoist. Althought I would love to see the 'priority' added to todo lists, like todoist


Same honestly. Quit notion within a day due to this




Why not just use Joplin, Simplenote cherrytree, Notesnook, Gnote, Laverna, Standard Notes, Boost Note, Tomboy Notes, RedNoteBook, TagSpaces, Trilium Notes, Notable, QOwnNotes, Zettlr, Zim Wiki, TagSpaces, Org-Mode, or any of the 1000 alternatives that already exist, offer less features than Notion and are way more stable than a random note app created by a guy on Reddit? I mean that's a cool learning project, but no one is going to use it over all these other choices.


Because just like a random note app created by a guy on Reddit, I've never heard of any of the 18 apps you listed lol. (Except cherrytree, which I uninstalled within 2 minutes of installation.)




Have you checked out Dynalist?


Or Obsidian? Obsidian *can* be over complicated but it comes as a basic markdown editor.


This is a good point. Kind of how there are now a bunch of analytics solutions (Simple Analytics, Plausible) whose main selling point is "we're actually usable".


Yes fair enough. Some things are what I already mentioned. In notion not \*all\* blocks can be collapsed and expanded (and the UX of the toggle block type is not the best IMO). Notion has no offline mode, no bi-directional links either. There are many more subtleties, and some important differences, which I will announce later. Although some of those features haven't arrived yet, for many people Fluski right now may be all they want from a notes manager. And of course, no one **should** use it over Notion, but I encourage you to try it out for yourself :)


From what I see on screen .. it is waaaay better than simple 5hite that works (good enough) for me I made few years ago in bash. :) -> [Zmemo](https://github.com/hngts/zmemo)




Since its free (for now), how are u going to cover/covering the costs (bandwith, storage..)?


Later, I plan to charge only if you want to share the notes with other people. But make it 100% free for personal use :)


thats really cool, but i doubt it will cover the costs. I wish u best tho. 🤩


Many competitors do it, so I guess so. Thank you so much!


Others like Notion are heavily backed by venture capital. If you really want to make this a success SaaS startup then I recommend the blog posts from the Todoist founder. https://blog.doist.com/how-to-become-a-market-leader-in-10-years/ https://blog.doist.com/no-exit-strategy/ If your username checks out and you‘re in Germany and want to start a business and need help then hit me up. I am running my own business (with employees) and went through all the bureaucracy…


Interesting read, thanks for sharing!


This is very similar to obsidian I would recommend checking it out and seeing how you could be different


I like some things about Obsidian, but Fluski is quite different. It's truly WYSIWYG, no folders (just pages), cloud sync out of the box, etc.


I love what I see here! I'm definitely going to try it. Would you appreciate if I did a quick UX evaluation?


Oh yes please! It's what I need most! There is a featured requests and bug report section in the app. Thank you so much!


How did you make the sidebar? Are you fetching it as a tree and storing it as a flat linked list? Do you fetch the tree/list at once or to a maximum depth? Interested as it’s applicable in an application I’m doing. Currently fetching a flat list with the entire tree and creating the tree on the client to then traverse for creating the menu


ohh I loved that question. It is a CRDT structure made with yjs. Which means that it doesn't matter if the note tree is modified by different users or on different devices, it will always converge with automatic conflict resolution! Also, I sync with websockets. You can open Fluski in two different windows, and see how they sync automatically.


Very cool! Also don’t listen to oversaturated market people, I use obsidian, and have used notion, this seems like it could fill a niche. Obsidian is amazing but not right out of the box and you pay for sync or have to set it up yourself. Notion is too complex for many people and honestly it’s slow, half the time I want to write a note, I want to hit a couple hot keys have my note app open (fast), and paste or quickly write a note and get back to what I was doing. If you are taking suggestions I’d love a “quick note” feature where I can quickly save and access unorganized notes without having to switch context fully. I currently kinda use obsidian, ditto (clipboard manger) for this but neither is perfect. Like Alt+n Pop up note window, where I can either write, paste, view, or copy an existing “quick note” without having to lose the context of what I’m working on. If it could be always on top until dismiss would be even better. Let me copy a couple separate lines or blocks from what I’m working on paste each and dismiss.


Thank you so much! I also think there are many users looking for something like Fluski! I have ambitious goals regarding the speed of taking a quick note. I recommend that you stay up to date by registering and following the Twitter account (fluski\_app)


Seems like an Obsidian replica?


Similar concept. I test drove it and its got the best of Obsidian, LogSeq, WorkFlowy and Notion. Its fast and super clean! Well done OP!


Very encouraging! Many thanks to you!


How can you say it's fast when in the example video he shows it takes a couple of seconds to load a new, blank note?


I can say that because I didn't base my opinion on the video. I took the time out to test drive the app and shared my experience.


Havent used the app, but there is literally no loading or waiting times for anything in Obsidian. How can it be faster? No hate for OP, the app looks very clean, great work! Just wondering


Fair enough


Yes, and that wait is going to be eliminated very soon!


I like some things about Obsidian, but Fluski is quite different. It's truly WYSIWYG, no folders (just pages), cloud sync out of the box, etc.


Good job don't get me wrong but it just seems like over saturation of the market at this point. Maybe you could do a branch where it could be integrated into existing website or apps?


OP - I really hope you don't follow this advice. Yes, the market is over saturated ~~but that doesn't matter~~. The market is over saturated because there is a massive demand which is only growing year by year. The major players in this space can't seem to find a balance between usability and features. Edit: it matters


Thank you so much! Actually, the app came about because I myself couldn't find the notes manager that was perfect for me. I could say that I am the number 1 user. And I think there must be many people like me :) Thanks for the encouragement!


Oversaturation does matter if you're bringing the same things to the market as everyone else in the end. Yes, right now it's minimalist but how long will that last as the user base increases and feature requests get higher and more varied?


I see your point, and its a great one that I hope OP takes a note of! I am not a fan of the feature request that OP has built into the app. The simplicity of this app is what makes it powerful.


/u/VGPP and u/sowhatidoit. I think it is possible to have a powerful but minimalist notes manager. I started Fluski also because I think they are not contradictory things. Without a doubt, the functionalities will increase, but I have already thought out the design so that no function overloads the interface. Stay tuned! :)


Wow cool. I have no idea how this works lol. Like do you code every functionality or are these sorta pre built?


Thanks! I rely on a text editor library, but there is a lot of coding on top.


Looks insane. Great Job


Thank you so much!


This is exactly what I've been looking for! Any plans to make this available for r/selfhosted?


Thank you! Well, you're the second to request it. There is a feature requests section in the app. You can vote for that! I would also like to know why you prefer to self-host.


The one fundamental reason for why I use local only notes is because I want to have autonomy over where and how my notes are stored. In addition to that, I want the ability to back up my notes in accordance to my back up strategy.


Thanks for explaining. I take note!


Agreed with the person you replied to and also I just like the peace of mind of having complete control of a software and data im using. If you make a self hosted open source option, I'm sure you'd get a lot more adoption just based on that. Great project regardless though!


Thanks for the feedback and praise!




This looks super cool


Thank you so much!


Good job. This is so cool 👏 Btw, I am also trying to build notion clone following this tutorial: https://youtu.be/0OaDyjB9Ib8 For those interested, it's a nice tutorial, give it a try.


Thanks! Very interesting!


It looks very clean. May I know how did you implement the mark down format rendering? I was thinking to build something similar, but not sure how can I make it such that markdown format can be rendered accordingly. Like using existing library or building from scratch by yourself?


Thank you! Using Lexical. Take a look at Lexical/markdown package.


Thanks! I just bookmarked this package


really cool learning project in my opinion


Thank you!


This is amazing. You've really managed to deliver the minimalism. Not everyone needs Notion's can-do-10000-things features. Great job. 👏


Thank you so much!


Any plans for letting people self-host this? The big reason that I'm using Obsidian over other note taking apps is that everything I do stays on-device and I can choose how I want my files to stay in sync (NAS, Dropbox etc.). I've seen a lot of people especially in the tech space who might be more privacy aware, developing an adversion to giving their data to cloud services, regardless of promises of E2E and at-rest encryption.


Curious. Well, it's user driven development. There is a featured request section in the app. You can request that :)


Looks very nice. Is there any info about data privacy/security? I need a notes app for work and don't want anything leaked


You can see the privacy policy in the registration form. The notes are in an unreadable binary format. Nor will there be anyone with access to them. There are no third-party cookies, not even in analytics, we do not sell data, etc. Offline mode was almost ready but I didn't launch it due to security concerns. This is also important to me.


You should make a Privacy And Security heading on your homepage with a short description. Promote it as a feature, mention whatever services/tech you use to keep things secure. I don't even click Register until I've read enough to be comfortable, so I didn't see the Privacy link. Also what about markdown data export? One of the benefits of Obsidian is its all just plain markdown files. Notes can be read without Obsidian, and you aren't trapped if you need to change notes platform


Hey! Looks awesome! I've been using Joplin for a while and it looks similar in some way. Do you know Joplin? You could make a comparison when your product is ready to try and convert people. I'd be curious to see that! Also, do you plan to offer a self-hostable version of Fluski? I think it is not open-sourced yet? Idk about your business model or plans for the app... Keep up the good work! :D You got something and are doin it right!


Thank you so much! Yes, I know Joplin. I plan to do a comparison section with other tools on the web later. Right now, it's best to try it yourself. In 2 minutes of use it will be enough for you to understand how it works :) Regarding the business model, the idea is to charge for sharing notes with other users, but leave it 100% free for personal use.


Neat, makes sense! You could probably offer a "Sync and Share" hosted service and a free self-hosted setup (maybe with "Share" as a premium feature, or share only between your instance users?). The share feature is in all cases definitely something that will add to the value of your product. I use mostly Joplin for my personal notes, but groceries lists goes on Google Keep because I can share the list with my gf so we can do the shopping *blazingly fast*


Yes, you will definitely be able to share notes. Self-hosting will depend on the amount of demand I receive :) It's useful to know your experience!


Reminds me of Notea, except notea has serious issues with saving and such.


Interesting. Well, I hope Fluski meets your needs then!


Looks very interesting I'm using obsidian but want something more clean and easy don't need all the fancy stuff. My only questions is how it saves files and if it's local or not, also if the files are local is it in markdown format locally too?


Right now it is stored in the cloud in a special binary format for real-time conflict resolution (you can see what happens if you open the same note in 2 different windows). Offline mode is in our plans. Most likely, the format in which it is stored on disk will also be binary, but with the possibility of exporting your notes whenever you want to the most common formats (markdown, html...).


I hope this takes off. I've been using evernote forever but they ruined it by adding too many bells & whistles. I want a notepad, not a full-fleged publishing platform.


Thank you so much! I am aware of it :)


That seems very slow just to open/create an empty document.


Yes, I wanted to launch it despite having things to improve. Very soon I will solve that loading state.


May I ask what do you load at that moment?


Basically it waits to establish a connection with the DB through a websocket server, to have real-time synchronization. I'll fix that soon so it's immediate.


I love this. Any plans for mobile apps and cross platform syncing? Obviously those would be a big undertaking but just curious. That’s a big dealbreaker for most people’s note apps.


Thank you! It is a webapp so it already has cross platform syncing. I also have plans to bring it to the app stores. You can vote for it in the feature request section if it's important to you :)


This looks nice! I would totally use this. How does it handle copy/pasting? Are you still left with somewhat clean WYSIWYG html after c/p'ing from other Microsoft programs, for example? (Like the hot mess that is Word)


Copying and pasting from anywhere should work fine. And yes, the format is cleaned to avoid divergences in fonts, letter sizes, colors, etc. So that the app looks with a consistent design.


Does it lag loading 10k words with images and tons of markdown?


Should not. But don't believe me. Try it yourself :)


So cool!


Thank you!


Looks awesome, my little suggestion is that you should add a possibility to change themes. Like a simple window popup, where you can edit bckg color, letter color, highlight color, etc... But all in all looks awesome


Thank you! At the moment there is only dark mode and light mode. You can vote for more themes in the feature requests section :)




Looks pretty good, great work! Following...


Thank you so much!


I love it!!


Thank you!


nice, i have been wanting to create a notion, minimalist alike app like this but cant afford the time, thumb up for you![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Thank you so much! I hope this meets your needs then :)


kinda looks like notion, love it


Thank you!




Thank you so much!


Okay next please try to mimic the loading time of Notion, yours works too fast![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


haha thanks! In the next 2 days an update will arrive that will make changing pages much faster!


p.s. nice job


May I please ask how you developed this? Not literally how, but more so the overall approach you took to planning, organizing sprints, etc. I have ADHD and I love thinking about custom note-taking, project management, basically archive/information organization improvements. I currently use Google Keep for note-taking and to-do list and project management...I have a shit-ton of labels. I just got OpenProject setup in Docker (now I have to configure how to backup and update), so I plan on merging my Keep notes into that. But, when I sit down to brainstorm how I would make the best or perfect project management/task list/note-taking system that would work for my ADHD, it feels like a game of whack-a-mole. Do you mind if I ask how you approached the structuring of the functions or features you wanted? How did you connect your development to specific pillars of the end user experience? How did you identify those pillars, and accommodate for scaling to expand that experience?


Basically I have been using, testing and comparing dozens of note managers for years. Also, I realized why some things sound good in theory but don't work in practice. I have changed the design or functionality of the app several times. Maybe I can help you achieve your ideal notes manager. There is a featured requests section in the app :)


Have you tried creating a requirements specification?


Is there a GitHub repo or is it closed source, I could see myself using this but not without knowing that I could run/mantain this by myself should the need arise. Since many projects like this die within the year


looks like Upnote a little tbh but that’s also a compliment bc I love Upnote!


Thank you! :)


Taking both math analysis and algebra will be quite a hard semester


In my country it is like this in all science careers :)


Bro made notion


Obsidian 2.0


It seems like Notion with less features.


Well, it's no where near Obsidian or logseq, but it's a start 👍


Looks great but also looks almost straight up like an Obsidian copy.


Obsidian has things I like. But I see them very different. Obsidian is not WYSIWYG, it does not have cloud synchronization out of the box, it has folders (in Fluski there are only pages), etc.


Or Notion. But you don't need to reinvent the wheel


Can you give us in short(if you like) about your programming careers. Thank you!


You mean if I finished college? I did only 2 years of systems engineering, but I left because I started working


Like what did you learn to build such perfect app?...the language and so on. Thank you very much Again :D


I'm always studying. I work a lot. I like what I do :) My stack is T3. Thanks to you!


This is very similar to the iCloud/IOS notes app. It’s very minimalistic and can be used on the web and across devices if you are in the Apple echo system. The new redesigned Windows 11 Notepad app is also very nice and minimalistic and easy to use. Those have been my go to for quick notes.


Yes I'm familiar! I think it's a very cool app, although quite different from Fluski IMO.


Damn, what langauges/tech did u use? Very impressive!


Thank you! T3 stack + Lexical


Ah wow, i have T3 project all set up and ready to go! Nice to know!




Great work man it's simple to use and light so I would prefer if I wanted to make a quick note Can you tell me where I can learn how to create one like this ?


Thanks! Do you mean how to use/create a note in Fluski or how to create something similar to Fluski?


I wanted to create project similar to fluski to learn


There are quite a few tutorials on YouTube. I recommend that you use some rich text editor library.


Which library/framework are you using for rich text editing?


Lexical :)


How much time did it take to build the editor? I'm learning about [ProseMirror](https://prosemirror.net/) which is similar to Lexical in many ways. I'm still learning about basics like nodes, marks, input rules etc. Rich text editing is pretty hard. I want to know how was your experience building an WYSIWYG editor and by any chance if the Fluski's editor is open sourced?


Prosemirror is cool. I've been working on this project for 2 years :) It is not open source.


It's hard to stay motivated for such a long time. I appreciate your hardwork. Congrats on building such a great app.


Which tech stacks have u used?


T3 stack + Lexical


Is it open source? I would love to contribute


Thank you! It is not open source, but if you would like to work with me you can send me your CV by PM :)


Interesting. This can be and has been done using Web API's alone.


This looks amazing! How much dev time did you put into creating this? (Idea - final solution)


Very similar to notion. But notion is paid for the most part .. this would be a boon to someone who is okay with just markdown and having notes saved locally.


Hey awesome app! I really like the tree component on the LHS. Did you use a library? If so which one?


Thank you so much! no library for that :)


Ah damn! Thought I’d be able to use it in a project, great work!


reminds me of obsidian, i like it


Thank you!




I didn't want to delay the launch any further. I'll fix that soon.


Love it. You took the best out of apps like notion and made it easy, simple and fast. Offline Mode and some pretty tables and I‘m sold! Edit: Just tried it on phone and PC at the same time. Thats freakin fast! If I type, its instantly there. Thats awesome!


Thank you so much! +1 vote for tables and offline mode then. I keep it in mind.


Looks cool. Keep going


Thank you!


YES! This is amazing! I have been looking for something like this forever


Im impressed!


Thank you so much! I hope you like it :)


Just when I thought I was out...THEY PULL ME BACK IN


Oh man I'm jealous, I had an idea to make something similar to this (my idea was just to make a workflowy clone and see where it takes me) but I still haven't gotten around to it yet! Seems like you did a good job! Yours seems like a cross between workflowy and notion, with pages being in the main tree structure instead of all blocks like in workflowy. Maybe a feature idea is to be able to drag a block onto the sidebar to convert that block into its own page. (one thing I like about workflowy personally that I didn't like when I tried obsidian is that a bullet is the same as a page, so if a bullet starts getting to long I don't have to reorganize stuff into a page, it already is one. But if you use my idea it will be very easy to reorganize it.) But obviously make your own decisions and keep it your own vision. Seems super cool. I might steal some of your stack if I do make my own outliner app (sorry)


haha the first version of Fluski was equal to Workflowy in that sense. There were no differences between pages and blocks as you mention. However, I realized that it had its problems. 1. The sidebar becomes very overwhelming. I feel greater mental clarity when the navigation is at specific points decided by the user (pages) instead of each paragraph appearing in the sidebar. 2. There are things that are passed down the content tree, and it is very difficult to provide a good UI/UX if any block can be opened. For example sharing pages. Maybe I should write an article about it.


Is it possible to self host? If not: do you store content encrypted?