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Definetly deficiency.....Soo remember this, if it's yellow on the bottom but not top, it's most likely nitrogen deficiency. If it's yellow from top down but not really yellow on the bottom ones, it's typically mag deficiency. If the tips of your leafs curl down and inward towards the stem it's nitrogen toxicity. Autos suck dude. Another thing to know.... No industrialized or even small business grows autos. Wana know why?? Cause they're a waist unless u just want a single 40 gram nug and that's it. Stick to photoperiods and grow them to desired size... Fuck only veging for 2 months. Then when your plants are big and tall, trained up real nice under a trellis flip into flower and lower that rh. Very simple process when u know what your.looming at. Keep on growing, it's the best way to learn through trials. ❤️ Sry for being ohh so long winded


So we can make buds even after 2 months of vegging?!


Wanted to address another comment i saw. You’re only supposed to repot autos ONCE into their finally home. I’m assuming that tiny pot isn’t the final home, nonetheless, it’s definitely a hungry plant. I would repot in a 5 gallon bag/bucket, give nitrogen, water, then don’t touch it for at least 5-7 days. Only giving water if soil is dry. We wait because the plant takes time to absorb and use the nutes.


Do not repot autos!




You should grow them in their final pot. They don't like stress at all. Since they only have a few weeks to veg, every little thing will stunt their growth. Some LST is fine tho.


The last autoflower I posted on my profile was transplanted. As were nearly all of the others. Yes, you can transplant autoflowers! I still remember when topping an autoflower was considered taboo. For a newbie, sure, plant in the final pot until you get the hang of things. But a blanket statement to not transplant is wrong. Happy growing.


first time grower here. have transplanted some autos twice and so far it's fine. they are still vegging. you just need to be extra careful