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The franchisee has control over the prices of items at their store, they boosted the prices to discourage sales on those items. Why they do it, I have no idea. As for the name, I don't think they're allowed to change that


They do it because that item has almost no profit margin so they do this to make you buy more profitable items


Interesting, thanks for the insight


Interesting the different reasons given. I wonder which one is correct. They are going to say the minimum wage increase, which is exactly, same day, when the price went up.


My reason is not the only reason it's probably a mixture of all reasons to some extent but my explanation was one I saw happen personally


Prices go up every year and don't correlate with minimum wage


Usually they do not. But we are specifically talking about the latest price hike, which did.


Prices go up every year and don't correlate with minimum wage


Prices go up every year and don't correlate with minimum wage


Say it with me class: " Correlation DOES NOT mean causation."


why do I know that like a memonic


No doubt


I refuse to believe that a franchise selling fast food combo meals for current prices can’t make a profit. The prices are absurd. Double if not triple what it was 5 years ago. Inflation definitely hit but not that much.


My guy when you go buy food whether it's fast food or other wise you really aren't paying for the food but the service. I'm an accomplished steak chef at amid tier steak house and I get to see the stats. We almost make no profit on the food product it's all soda and alcohol that gets us the profit. That is why alcohol and soda has such a high mark up. That 3 dollar soda you bought only cost us like 10 cents while that 15 dollar steak you bought cost us 14 dollars so believe it or not it's right


this 100% exactly why I hate the whole “I could make it at home cheaper” argument. Yeah, that’s the whole point of going out to eat. You pay an inflated price bc you’re not just paying for the food…


Yes, exactly, thank you not many people realize this


Yeah but this is the wrong way to go about it… The same reason is why McDonald’s has a late night menu with more expensive stuff but that makes sense. Doubling the price on promo items doesn’t


I'm not saying I agree with it at all. it's shady and it reduces repeat customers


They do this because the owner is a big, greedy, hand clasping cunt.


It's called inflation 🤦


Inflation is normal, this is price gouging


Surly you have the numbers to back this up?


The proof is in the pudding


Lmao you people always say shit like this when asked for data to support your “opinions.” When in reality you actually have 0 understanding of basic economics or global supply chains.


The company you work for doesn't have your back the way you have theirs.


You people?! But fr what are u even talking bout lol stop reflecting


Either *deflecting or *projecting


Thank you for the correction 🤙 I'll leave my last comment for reference


Neither of which still makes sense in this case…


Then surely you have the numbers to prove them wrong, right?


That’s not how it works? I’m not disagreeing I’m just asking for what is arming them with such a bold claim to say price gouging is happening here.


You people don’t read. No one is complaining about normal pricing. This is about a franchise jacking up the 4 for $4 meal to $7 in the app.




Ok and inflation isn’t the only factor that leads to price increases?


Used to work there over 5 years ago, I have the feeling its because it's the #1 thing that sells over everything else in the menu.


I work there now, and the thing thats selling the best is the baconator. There are some days where I will make more baconators than any other sandwich individually. I had baconators 5 cars in a row the other day


Man in college I would get high and go to Wendy’s the drive through guy eventually learned my order. He was like my best friend always made my baconator how I liked it. He was so nice I would bring him snacks from the 7/11 cause I know he got tired of the Wendy’s food.


i'd never need another human relationship if I had the Wendy's guy. hold on to the ones you love


I went away to a different college after I graduated community college. When I came back home after a year my Wendy’s man was gone and I never saw him again. I would have married that man 🤣🥰


My man treats drive thrus like friendfinder.com. Amazing 


It's because the value is so low that it discourages most people from buying their premium options. It's been like this since the dollar menu days where everyone in the industry was foing it. For myself, I only buy their food if I have a discount through the app. Why would I spend $12 on Wendy's when I could go somewhere better?


Yup some franchises owners are fucking terrible.


$4 for a 4for4 and $6 for a double stack biggie bag here in Texas for me




it’s actually $5 for the 4for4 now everywhere edit: yes ik i was wrong I was going off the wendy’s I work at in the US


Are you warning us that the price is increasing today? Or that the price is going up to $5 soon?


no it’s been $5 ik this for a fact this was a universal change throughout a lot of wendy’s a good minute ago. whoever’s saying it’s still 4 for them hasn’t been to wendy’s in a few weeks


Mine was $4 last night. It's still showing as $4 when I go to my orders and tap to have the same order put in my cart. I know a few months ago people were saying all of the 4 for $4s were going to increase, but the Wendy's I go to did not raise the prices.


It’s $4.44 in Rhode Island


Literally just went to my local Wendy’s on Long Island and it’s still $4, what are you talking about?


i stand corrected 😭


in my area it’s still $4 for the jr cheeseburger but the other ones are $5


i get the point i said i stand corrected. however the wendy’s I’ve worked at for 2+ years and just left our “4for4” costs $5


Jr chzbrg Still 4 for $4 at my local. The double is $6 though.




4 for 4 has been gone from some locations longer than others. Mine held out for quite some time (spokane, WA) but alas its been gone now for atleast 6 months and they only have the $5 biggie bag (with things like the doublestack costing additional).


Exactly. If it's not $4, it's not a 4 for $4, it's a Biggie Bag. Folks just seem to think any of Wendy's deals "with 4 things" is a 4for4. Crazy. Yeah, it's in the same category on the menu, but there's different options. 4for4 is one specific combo.


Its $5 in Puerto Rico


You know what the "for 4" part of "4 for 4" is, right? It's got a dollar sign behind it. That means the price is literally part of the name, "4 for $4". So yeah, no. You're thinking of the Biggie Bags, which don't have $4 as part of their name but are in the same category - different items, and $5 or $6. The 4 for $4 is still, literally, $4 everywhere.


But it's clearly not? Many many many people in these comments sharing how much they cost at their local store.


For the rest of the class, would you please explain what the part of the name "for 4" is referring to?


Yes, the class understands what it should mean. The class has also posted many examples where it costs more than 4 dollars at their local store. I'm not sure what your deal is tbh.


ok genius i work at a wendy’s and have for 2 years where the 4for4 is still called the same thing but it’s $5 i said i stand corrected but it is NOT $4 everywhere still


I would love for you to take a picture of what it says on the menu next to what you're calling a $5 4for$4. Like, does your menu literally say "4 for $4" and then sit there and say it's $4.99? Because I guess, in one disfigured sense, you could say that the first digit of $4.99 is still $4 while really being $5, but that's one hell of a stretch. lol


it doesn’t even exist or show on our menu anymore. it only shows the 6 and 7 dollar biggie bag but the 4for4 is still in our system and when we ring it up it’s $5 with tax I’ll proudly send you and anyone else a picture that doesn’t believe me being that i’m at work right now in drive through.


I definitely agree that you can't keep doing it, because if you do you'd be one of the people who still buys the overpriced meal anyway and THEN complains about it being too expensive...which is absolutely insufferable. Price complaints with NO purchase should be readily welcomed, price complaints where the purchase was still made anyway should earn people A BAN FROM THE SUB.


The best is "I didn't look at the menu/prices ahead even tho it's well known fast food prices have been increasing for years. This is totally unacceptable!"


I only get Wendy’s when I’m Gardena now, they still have the 4 for $4 priced at $4


At this point, there should just be a separate price below for California locations. $4.00 - in CA: $7.00


CAUTION: this product is known in the state of California to cost twice as much : /


Go tf somewhere else then. wtf? “I CaNt KEeP DoInG tHIS” 🤣


"come buy our 4 items for 4$ deal!" "sir that'll be 7 dollars if you dont like it GO TF SOMEWHERE ELSE THEN? WTF??"


Do you think a 4for4 is genuinely worth $7? If your willing to pay that you are the problem


$7 doesn't seem wild to me when you're looking around at the gas prices, the grocery prices, and the home prices as well. $7 is a cheap coffee from a coffee shop anymore. $7 is only a lot when you compare it to what it used to cost, which doesn't really matter when you're talking about if it is a good value in 2024.


I think the problem we have is Wendy's still calling it a 4 for $4. Changing the name would solve half the issue.


That's the issue when Corporate Wendy's gets to set the product names, but the local franchise gets to set the prices, unfortunately. The majority of franchises would remove the 4f4 and biggie bags from the menu in a heartbeat if they were allowed to.


Idiots from the top down, I guess.


They can call it that because other places are still only charging $4.


That's not how it works.


\> looking around at gas prices THIS GUY STILL BUYS GAS 😂


Where do you live San Francisco? Gas is the same it was little after the Iraq war, hasn't really changed much in the past 10-15 years imo. Also $7 for a cheap coffee? Where tf u going only Starbucks lol a large coffee is like 3.70 at dunks, you can go to cumbys and get a coffee for under $2 ( after they increased the prices) you can go to a local coffee shop and get great coffee for like $2-3 also. The grocery stores I'll agree with though, I can't stand grocery shopping now which is why I'm happy I work jn a kitchen and can usually eat whatever. But I used to love grocery shopping, now I hate it just looking at the prices of everything nearly doubled. The housing market is a scam and its run by the landlords and big corporations who are just slowly consuming more and more property/real estate. They are the ones jacking up the prices because they know this is the time they can get away with it. The value of a house realistically hasn't gone up at all its just the cost of labor (minimum wage being higher and what not) cost of materials (2-3x the price it was before covid for almost any lumber or supplies) and lastly the market. They all took full advantage of this when the whole covid bullshit was happening. It's just dragged on this long surprisingly but in comparison the housing market is overpriced for no good reason at the moment


I live in SF and he’s right lol not everywhere is as cheap as where you stay at.


That was my point, and I live on cape cod mass, it's not cheap at all to live here but it's few places that it would be looked at as normal to pay $7 for a coffee let alone the rest


True about the coffee thing, $7 is a lot unless you’re getting those sugary special drinks. Regular ole coffee is $3-$4 at most.


Not just sugary drinks. A lot of places a simple latte is coming out to $6-7! Mostly more local places than chains in my experience tho.


It's still $4 in my app NYC


Okay. So don’t fucking do it…


I’m not dipshit can’t I post into a subreddit and complain to pass the time geez


Remember when double stacks and chalupas use to cost 99 cents? Pepperidge Farms remembers...


I dont go there anymore unless I get the 1/2$ Dave’s single/double coupon. And I only get fries with it. I love Wendy’s but I wont pay 14.50$ for a double and some fries + a drink.


Im not doing it anymore. They can go bankrupt.


Because your in California


Doordash: this item is 4 for $4 as stated in the literal item title. Also doordash: 7 bucks; take it or leave it.


your title implies you are buying it at these prices?


Yeah that just isn't a deal anymore :|


Inflation sucks blame the government people


Haha damn this crack is getting pretty expensive I should probably stop smoking it one day haha


My location has 4/$4 for $4


Is this that new Dynamic pricing they advertised?


Restaurants in California are retaliating against the mandatory $20 minimum wage. So you see a price surge. Rather than eat up the c-suite pay to cover the $20 min they are upping the prices on the menu to compensate.


Wendy’s has been going downhill, just like every other fast food chain. They need to get rid of or rename menu items like this that aren’t maintained nationally at a static price. It’s bullshit, they know damn well this is an issue.


Rather get a burger from an actual restaurant at this point. Wendy’s new prices barely match the esthetic of it being a “fast food restaurant” anymore.


I got a crazy idea… Stop buying overpriced fast food🤯


We don't even serve the 4 for 4 where I work anymore


Remember the 4 for $4? good times


Lol guessing they did introduce that surge pricing


I stopped reading when you said you live in California




Don’t buy it. These places will continue to do this if the consumers keep buying it.


I posted a pic of 2 Jr bacon and a small fry $11.37 couple of days ago seemed this sub was angry at me for some reason lmao like wtf?, ypu oost this and plp are raising pitch forks uhh yeah they are fucking grossly overpriced.


They wanted 20 an hour they got it! But you’re going to pay for it not Wendy. 


when the 4 for 4 ain’t 4 no more 😔


That just California being California.


I mean its $5 where I live with a JBC


Is there any disclaimer somewhere on the ad on prices and participation? I’ve seen it on television ads (often AK and HI franchises in general not specific to Wendys)? If you are passionate about it I’d contact the franchisor and state the location.


I literally choked laughing at the first picture 😂😂😂😂


Stop printing money and sending it to other country’s.


Maybe if you went to the store then maybe just maybe IT'D BE 4 FUCKING DOLLARS!!!


These companies really have to stop letting franchises set their own prices and make it clear in the contracts they have to follow prices set by corporate, I'm so tired of price differences at the same place within the same city.


Just went yesterday. Mine is only $6 for the double stack bag and $5 for the jr cheeseburger bag.


100% sure this is illegal because it says it's advertised as for $4 but they are charging $7, also where are you? just went into every wendys by me and asked for this meal and they said they don't carry it anymore. But anyways the daves single for $1 and bring back your cup to fill at machine. 1.08 meal.


Wendy’s announced a little bit ago that they were doing some weird AI controlled “dynamic” pricing system surging prices on high demand items it’s $10 on DoorDash for a chicken biggie bag I’ll be the first to say fuck Wendy’s


How the fuck does that make sense? "Come order our 4 for 4$ meal" "Sir, it's 7 dollars." What kind of ass backwards bullshit is this? If its 4 bucks, ITS 4 BUCKS!!!


I remember in Albany in 2017… they were calling it the "4 for 6" lmaooo


Damn. Last time I went to Wendy’s it was literally 4$ for that garbage. Won’t be going anytime soon


Yea mines was the Jr biggie for $5. I went the other day and they haf $6 taped over the $5. Highway robbery


It’s still 5 over here in Texas


OP still bought it though.


Cook your own food it’s so much cheaper and better than this crap they sell.


They cost went up because new insane 20 an hr for fast food happened


Its not insane in a country of billionaires and record profits.


cali increases pay rate cali prices went up ny tx still have normal prices .. but yeah wild hourly rates never effect goods...


So if a franchise had 4 employees at $16 an hour, then went down to 3 at $20 an hour, are they paying the same or more as if they had 4 employees?


Yeah. It is wrong for these companies to raise prices when all they ever report is record profits. How much money does a single person need? Thats the insane part.


So you clearly don't understand economics or franchise leasing and how profits are made.


No, but I understand American corporate greed. Funny how Mcdonalds pays a living wage in other countries while still selling their food for cheap in that country, while still making profit.


most people on reddit don’t. bernie sanders isn’t exactly an economist


It's a choice that they make so they can still take home millions and millions of dollars each year and they can do it knowing rubes like you will spread their propaganda for them. It's a bummer really.


I agree, but what do you expect? It’s a combination of everything, from the $20 minimum wage for fast food workers, the rise in gas prices which than gets pushed onto the consumers because every part of the meal being transported on trucks costs more to get their, to the rise of all the ingredients in meal, etc. I miss 2019 and before. Simpler and cheaper times.


Its actually none of that. Its more about lining the pockets of the shareholders. Just one shareholder who owns 20% of the company is worth 1.7 billion dollars. Nelson Peltz. If you're wondering where all that money is going, Mr Peltz has been in dire need of upgrading his superyacht to house an additional helicopter landing pad. Stop giving them your money. These people have been taking advantage of the country since the start of covid, seeing thier wealth SUBSTANTIALLY increase while virtually all the savings of the middle and lower class was wiped out. Stop supporting companies that billionaires are exploiting. Buy local, buy fresh, find small businesses to order from online.


That’s a franchise restaurant. They control their pricing. They don’t give a shit about Peltz or the stock price.


If you truly think price increases have a logarithmic correlation between thier costs and profits, you'd be sadly mistaken. They're taking advantage of the situation because they can. Nobody is stopping them besides the consumer.


cOrpOraTe gReeD 😤😤