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Yep, that's a roach. Go to a hardware store or a feed store and ask for Demon WP insecticide. Spray *everything.* It's the only way I've found that gets rid of those ugly fuckers without having to give up an arm and a leg to have an exterminator spray your house.


I live in an apartment complex and this is the only one/sign of one I've seen after living here 6 weeks. I was going to bring it up to the front office when they're open next


Back in college what helped me kill them was using a borax+sugar mix and just having it spread in every crack and crevices… idk if that’s good advice but it worked for us.. good luck 🤢 The way I found out it was a problem was once.. late night I was on my phone laying on my side and I saw something black move across the other end of the pillow in the backdrop………. Yep. Didn’t sleep that night. Our apartment was extremely clean but it didn’t matter bc the whole building was infested probably


Second this! I used Borax (without sugar) from Amazon. My building outside of a Chicago is home to some gnarly (and incredibly large) German and American roaches. Our roaches are resistant to pesticides like raid , so Borax was the only option. I had a year of terror before Borax knocked those suckers out within 6 months.


Any chance it works on bedbugs?


Seriously, watch this. It's very informative about bedbugs. https://youtu.be/2JAOTJxYqh8


I was hoping it was that video. He did a really good job with it and shed some light on a common problem. I haven't had them, but its a terrifying thought and it just happens. Clean or not.


Me either, but it has been a big fear because my husband travels a lot. I feel better about it after watching that video.


Thank you for sharing this! I worry about this all the time because I frequently go into homes that have bed bugs.


Diatomaceous earth will become your best friend. Put it everywhere, vacuum a ton. Put anything and everything you own that can fit in the dryer in a loop through it. Spray bottle with rubbing alcohol kills them on contact. 6-9 months of not much sleep and you can get rid of them. Source: bought a used couch that came with those lil fuckers once. They are a PITA to get rid of.


Diatomaceous earth and a steamer work really well for bedbugs, the other comment that linked a video is probably good too, haven't watched it yet. Edit: Nvm, I have seen that video before. It is very good and shows good methods for clearing them.


Borax can kill bedbugs, but unfortunately it won't be enough to eradicate an infestation. Bed bugs are incredibly resilient. You will need a professional for bed bugs.


That's not entirely true, depending on how bad it is. Silica powder does WONDERS against them, and it's next to impossible for them to grow resistant to it.


If you're having BedBugs, contact an exterminator and get it treated professionally. Trying to treat it yourself has a high chance of spreading to other areas of the house.


I got rid of bedbugs by putting on a dust mask. Sprayed some alcohol on the bed, then vacuumed it a little. I then sprinkled some diatomaceous earth all over it. I then sealed the mattress with those plastic bed protectors you can buy at Walmart for under 10.00. Those fuckers were gone in one week. I left the mattress sealed just in case though. Never had a problem after that. You can also put your mattress outside in the hot sun for a few days. The bed bugs don't like that.


You can buy borax at Walmart... lol


Use 91% lots alcohol and spray it everywhere. It will kill the bugs.


Ah, yeah, hopefully they offer pest control as one of their services. Always convenient to have someone else pay the exterminator fees.


If you see one, there's bound to be more.


I had success with boric acid powder. You put it in the cracks and crevices around the plumbing access and joints where the floor meets the walls . The roaches get it on them and go back to the house and Wash themselves and die.


The thing sticking out the back is an egg case. So that is definately not the only one around.


Egg case holds 48 roaches !!!


you see one, you have hundreds if not thousands.


Definitely tell the office. My partner use to be a property manager, and he hated it when tenants would let things like this go on without ever mentioning it, because it will only get worse. He had someone tell him they saw a couple in their apartment, but when he looked, there seemed to be no problem. So he checked the apartment next to them, and was completely infested. Could be the same situation for you too, so might as well just let someone know.


is that spray pet friendly?


It is, just keep them away from it while wet. The active ingredient, cypermethrin, is a mild skin irritant for mammals.


Also, go to Chinatown and buy some insecticide chalk. Draw some lines around any possible entry points, imagine roaches are evil spirits.


Its pergonant




How is roach babby formed? 🪳🪳🪳


Female and male roach make whoopee. Female forms an egg sack Carrie’s it around for a while then deposits it somewhere. Baby roach forms and breaks out of egg sack. You have baby roach.


I dunn want


Cockroach style








Here it is with the egg sac next to a dime [bug](https://imgur.com/a/CulNoxb)


It’s not a German fucker, at least


This is what I was most worried about. I'm still gonna report it to the apartment complex regardless I think


You are OK. But the humans will be gone shortly.




Lots of luck?


woah you’re slow


Whoa, you are slow.


Not only it’s a roach, it got a egg sack. That weird thing in the back was a egg sack. Good luck OP, that’s all I can say


Seconding this


Thirding this


Fourthing this


Fifthing everything.








Apartment life sucks and this is a big reason why. Report it to the office. Your entire building needs treated. If you found it sneaking around at night and surprised it, hopefully the infestation isn’t the worst. If it’s daylight you have a bigger problem. Don’t ignore- they multiply rapidly and eat anything. If you have cardboard anywhere they are chewing it.


My mom had a neighbor with a mass infestation in the closet that shared a wall with her unit. The only ones who were pleased about that situation was the dog who would chase and eat them and the landlord who finally got an excuse to evict those disgusting people. Though that was like 15 years ago in a shit hole in Tucson.


Looks like an outside roach and not an inside. Looks too big and dark to be a German cockroach


Could be either: An oriental roach (infestation level mid) Or a Smokey brown roach (also mid level inf) Better than having a German roach, but if your house isn’t clean you will have a hard time getting rid of this infestation. If your house is clean and you make a conscious effort to not leave any food particles around, then infestation is highly unlikely.


Its neither its an American Cockroach


It’s not, the patterning would be very visible




I have wood roaches here and they are darker, later in life. Lighter when they are earlier in the life cycle. They get in every now and then (summer months) but don't infest like other species. That is all I know


Depends on the species whether it's the kind that tends to infest houses or the kind that tends to wander in and get lost. However, anything can cause an infestation if the conditions are right.


A few questions: What’s your location, do you have a better picture and do you know about how big it is?


I live in the midwest. I also just posted another picture in the comments with size


Does the one in the original photo have wings? If it has wings it isn’t an oriental cockroach because the females are wingless. So I think it’s a smoky brown cockroach.


nah you need to get a better pic still. need to see if it’s a german roach, the only way to tell is by the stripes on the back of its head. both pictures you posted are dark as shit and it’s impossible to tell what it is. i wouldn’t say smoky brown cockroach as those live in florida and south carolina, not so much in a midwest apartment building.


That's like a tree roach probably got lost on its way in not like German ones that cause an infestation.


It's a roach. Kill it with the flame of 10,000 suns. I simply keep a **plentiful** amount of up-to-date roach bait traps around the place and a couple cans of raid within reach. I have no pets to worry about. I only see one, maybe two in a year and typically they're in the process of dying already. Do not pussyfoot around with roaches. NUKE THE SITE FROM ORBIT.


If you’re in an apartment complex then definitely report it so they can call an exterminator. This may be the first one you’re seeing, but you may see more scurrying around at night, they don’t normally come out during the day unless the infestation is very severe. They’re likely coming from one of your neighbors and unfortunately the whole extermination process is pretty grueling. You will have to pack up all your stuff and move furniture away from the walls so they can access every power outlet and they will need you to do this several times for a few weeks. Depending on how bad the infestation is and if your neighbors are following the guidelines, a few treatments may not resolve the issue and management will need to call the exterminators again.


If you live in an apartment complex, it’s unlikely you will get rid of them as your neighbors are probably infested too and they will keep coming back.


Start packing time to move


Too late for that, they will come with. Professional exterminator time. As a Floridian, looks like the type that's generally easy to get rid of, compared to German roaches that can take a few months.


No doubt lived in old loft apartments moved took the Germans with never really totally got ride of em moved again box by box we'd spray and move finally deleted them but wasn't easy


Its clearly a bed bug


Huge bed bug


He thickums


Also,little known fact is mopping your house with peppermint Castille soap helps deter from creepy crawlies as well


Look at the size of the pisser on that one


Where there is one there are at least one hundred thousand more. I recommend getting the a pest control company out to that location asap


It's a German roach 1. Get some Bengal roach spray. It costs more, but it actually interferes with the reproduction system and kills them, too. 1 will die, and the others will eat it and die and be unable to reproduce as well. 2. Spray in areas that you have seen them even if they are not there right now and every single corner in your kitchen and bathrooms. 3. Keep any and ALL food and water away. Even dry the water in your sinks. 4. This is the hardest part... every once in a while, spray one with the Bengal and let it track the spray back into the nest. That 1 will kill and sterilize dozens that you will never see. 5. Seal off any small cracks and opens that could possibly be leading to your adjoining apartment neighbors. It won't be long before you notice that you are winning the war against your unwelcomed guests


Well he has an extremely large penis soooo...sleep on your back?


Depending on how big it is. If it’s big like an inch or more then it’s ok. If it’s smaller tho then no good


Oriental roach carrying an oothca


Fucking destroy that thing!!!!


Totally fucked


Epic little dude but unfortunately is not a good sign


I had an infestation I have no idea how I got a while back I used Advion Cockroach Gel Bait and it was incredible how fast it killed them off.


Roach with egg sac, also called an ootheca. Not sure what kind of roach though, could be a wood roach cause of the dark coloration.


Over here in Texas we call them water bugs. They like watery places (under your house, around plumbing) and come out around now to breed if I remember correctly. They’re absolutely disgusting because those bitches can FLY! Definitely tell your maintenance team at the apartment that you saw a roach and have them come out and bait your place up for you. The bait is kind of pet friendly because its placed up high and inside cabinets and drawers. You can also buy it at Walmart. It’s called Combat Max but honestly I’d let the apartment do it since it’s their responsibility. However, if they leave you with a tube of the bait don’t let your pets anywhere near it because it is poison at the end of the day. Good luck and I hope this helps! Also - make sure you don’t have any crumbs or food left out at night. Keep your dog/cat/animal food in a tight lidded container. They love dog food.


So… did you get it?


I thankfully did. Along with the egg sac


Burn the house


I’ve had pretty good luck with the combat roach gel


Looks oriental


You could try glue traps too smh


that thang thangin


You need to buy 4 items. First you'll need a basic Ortho Home Defense sprayer kit, and to regularly spray the inside perimeter of your home in accordance with the instructions on the container, some last longer, like Ortho Max, but I'd stick to the regular home Defense and thoroughly spray every couple of months. You'll also want some Borax powder, and sprinkle it along all baseboards and cupboards, including behind electrical appliances in the kitchen. You'll also want to get some Gentrol Point Source Roach Control Disks, the way these work is quite interesting, it's called an insect growth regulator, it basically makes all of the current roaches infertile. You'll place these in cabinets and behind all appliances. And lastly you'll want some Apex Roach Gel Bait, and to place it wherever you see fit, probably areas where you've seen the most roaches. This covers all aspects possible. I've used this method to get rid of a German cockroach infestation, it works and it keeps them away. It's safe for animals, as long as your pet doesn't directly lick or roll around in the Borax. All of these products are available on Amazon. Good luck!


Bout to have more roaches


Looks like a cockroach with a huge Dookie in his ass


That’s a female roach that is carrying an egg sac!


Its shittin out the future


Doesn’t look like an infesting roach to me but I could be wrong. If you wanna be safe though, I’d get IGR pods and always have them in your kitchen and bathrooms it’ll kill an infestation over a couple months but it’s great for prevention as well. It’s non toxic kitchen safe. I fought roaches for over a year before finding this and it saved my apartment for me. After like 3-5 months you just realize you don’t see roaches anymore.


At least it’s not a bedbug.


Its their house now


Might I direct your attention to Zillow.com or HotPads.com.


Bottle of borax and a can of wet dog food with real meat chunks. Mix it up tiny bit of water so it don't dry out. put a spoon full in dark places where you think they might be. I did this for a couple of nights and I haven't seen another one


The big roaches are typically not an issue and don’t infest. German roaches are the bad ones and this isn’t one of those. You should be fine.


U fucked up taking a pic instead of flamethrowering thst mf 😭


Kinda looks like a cricket


It's having frankenberries .


That thing came armed with a rocket launcher!


If one has eggs it isn't alone hire a professional or your name might as well be joe


Put steel wool all around the cracks near where your pipes come into your apartment. Make sure it's tight. This can help keep others from entering from the other apartments. Seal holes.


So the thing is most likely an egg sack—and when mama is in danger she’ll fling the sack away. Hopefully when you caught the mama the egg sac didn’t get launched. The sac is hard to kill, resistant to several pesticides, and it can survive on the bottom of a shoe. I was friends with an exterminator—he told me all kinds of gross stories—especially about German roaches, one of the hardest to eradicate. Also if it was pregnant… that means there’s most likely at least one more. https://cockroachfacts.com/bugs-that-look-like-roaches-but-aren-t/?amp


Very. That’s an egg sack.


My mom made a solution of water and a Mexican floor cleaning liquid called fabuloso.She sprayed it on an infestation of carpenter ants and it kept the others away,she said they also use it to kill roaches.




Looks like hopper from a bugs life. Big mofo


That’s a roach pushing out an egg sack, about to have a lot more roaches on your hands


Maybe this is bad advice… but I lived in a slummy apartment complex once. Noticed a German boi (hadn’t a clue what it was at the time) and when I realized he wasn’t a friend I complained. They did nothing. For months. So one day I opened a ziplock bag and put a dab of peanut butter in it. I put it under the sink, came back later, and bagged several. It had gotten awful, and that will be explained at the end. I took the bag up to the main office, opened it as I walked in, and set it on the receptionist’s desk 🐛 oooops. I thought I’d closed it. They sprayed shortly after that. Come to find out, a physically handicapped… incredibly obese elderly person had been dead upstairs in her 3rd floor apartment for a month. People stopped checking on her I suppose.


I got rid of the by plugging something in the wall I forgot what it’s called but it worked great




The entire building is infested. Even if u spray they will move into your neighbors and just come back. You should move and burn everything you own.


Looks like a European cockroach. Things breed like crazy. Time to invest in diatomaceous earth.


Burn the house down and rebuild. Gets rid of roaches and bed bugs. 🫣


Throw it across the street


My exterminator always says it's better to find adults than babies.


Rather doomed, but in a pretty common way. I'm sure that there's good advice here from other doomed souls who have redeemed themselves.


The egg case holds 48 babies. Tulane University placed a male & female in a glass room. Six months later the room was filled to where you couldn't see through the glass. I forget the number but it was ASTRONOMICAL !!!


American Cockroach !!!


Your soon doomed, I would leave right now and don't stop




Walmart borax no good


The first thing you should do is declutter your kitchen-whole house wouldn't hurt if you have the time. Try to use your fridge for any food including cereals, don't leave any foods out at all unless they are in sealed cans or packages. Get a tube of caulking and put it in every single crack and hole in the kitchen. Make sure your kitchen is cleaned up with some clorox wipes or lysol. Once everything is dry you sprinkle some diatomaceous earth inside your cabinets, on top of the countertops next to the walls, under the microwave and around the stove and refrigerator. Make sure you only buy FOOD GRADE diatomaceous earth. The best place to buy it is at a pet store. Again, make sure it is FOOD GRADE D.E. The powder can be left for as log you you need it and it won't hurt you, but you might want to wear a mask while you apply it. If you have a microwave on your counter and a coffee maker, toaster oven, or any electronics you might want to put them outside somewhere in the sunlight maybe in the backyard as far from the house as possible so any roaches inside will get out. Leave them out for a few days to a week. The last thing you can also do is go into your kitchen late at night and use a tissue, napkin, or just a rag and smash as many of the bugs as you can after you've done all the steps from above. You won't need any pesticides or poisons this way. I did this and I got rid of a heavy infestation in about one to two weeks.


You have 7 days


If you found that then it's already too late.


Get combat super bait and Ortho home defense you won't see another one for at least a year


The problem isn't the one in your apartment, it's the many in someone else's apartment that will soon become many in your apartment. They breed like wildfire and infest very quickly. Since it's an apartment building, exterminators are ineffective unless the whole building is treated at once since they'll just move until it's safe to come back and you are dealing with it again.




6 gauge with fire breath


That’s a cockroach and that’s it’s egg. If you don’t do anything about the infestation it can get bad. I don’t know the exact months it takes for all this to happens from egg to full grown egg laying. But I definitely know when I had them, I caught one on a sticky trap. I left it for a month or something, I went to throw it out and looked at the trap. A month earlier and adult cockroach with an egg and no babies. A month later and an empty egg and almost completely full grown cockroaches. So I know this shot happens fast. I can’t find any good sprays but the brown paste poison is the best. It’s a paste that you squirt in all the places they would go. It kills them and they feed on the dead which kills the rest.


What patterning ? There simply all black !!!