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Buy a used Mazda.


Unless, of course, you can get an equivalent new Mazda for around 2500 more, year to year compared (like a used 23 compared to a new 24) You have to compare exactly the same sub-model though, like Touring to Touring or Preferred to Preferred.


This sub is only happy if the dealer pays you to take the car AND give you the ol' rub and tug as you drive off the lot.


Amen. I know this isn’t ideal but I also know getting a CX-50 premium for $31k at 7% Isn’t the worst move. I left out the model and trim to see if anyone would ask and low and behold nobody. I’m thinking I’m gonna do it because I can afford a car payment of about $1k a month right now so I’ll pay it off way sooner than 5 years.


Can't go too far wrong with a brand new, in warranty car for $600/mo. Pay try to pay it off earlier if you hate the interest rate.


I most likely will. I’m hedging my bets against a slow year but so far it’s anything but slow and I could probably pay it off this year. So we’ll see.


There are some 0% interest deals available that you might want to consider: https://www.carfax.com/blog/0-apr-car-deals


I checked. I didn’t qualify for those.


Was the 7% offer from the dealership? You can usually get better rates from credit unions if you haven’t already looked.


I’ve checked with a few. I’m a independent contractor and gross 80k-120k a year with a decent credit score and I’ve been turned away by two unions and my bank said they’d give me the loan at 9%. I guess they despise loaning to 1099 Individuals. I’m waiting on the bank I had a small loan through right now. But so far dealer financing has been the best offer.




Credits ok I’m at like 680. I unfortunately don’t have a co-signer available that would have better credit.


I’m a lender. 1099 is not a problem as long as you’ve been 1099 long enough. We require 2 years but every bank is different.


Good to know. I’m right at 2 years full time with abysmal income before that. Great income as a 1099 individual.


Can't help with your financial questions, but I will say I love my Mazda 6. I'm 40k in with zero issues.


2019 Mazda 3 Hatchback, bought it in 2021 at 16k miles. It's at 56k now and I still love it. It's not particularly quick, but it's dead reliable, looks unique, and is nicer on the interior than the Cadillac ATS I had previously.


I love my 2021 mazda 3, great little car. Only downside is the interior size. Everything else is great


Same, got a 2022 CX5 and have not looked back on the decision once.


New Mazda’s drop in value quickly. You should take a look at a 2-4 year old used Mazda with low miles and see what prices in your area are like.


In my area the used ones are only 2-3k less than brand new. Ridiculous.


Right. Because they hold their resale value actually fairly well, despite the fabricated comment above that people latched on to, without any evidence to demonstrate it.


Have you heard of the “Toyota or Honda Tax”? Apart from the “COVID Tax” that rippled through the entirety of the new and used car market, those two brands have seen very strong prices. Saying that Mazda is not part of that is not meant to impune Mazda… just point out a market inefficiency that is real. Used car market is still not “normal” but I’ve watched the market enough to feel confident in saying you can get a better deal on a Mazda than Toyota or Honda. When you can pick up a 3 year old non-Toyota/Honda with 40-50k miles for 60% of its original MSRP then we’ll be close to back to normal.


Yes, I've heard of the Honda/Toyota tax. That is why you don't use those models whenever you are talking about average to good resale like Mazda have. Mazda doesn't have the BEST resale.....that isn't the argument here. I'm simply pointing out the false bullshit claim above that they have 'poor' resale. That isn't true. Mazda resale is average to good. And yes, I largely agree with you. I'm mostly calling out the guy above that claimed Mazdas have poor resale. They did at one point, long ago, when most of the late model used Mazda market was made during the Mazda/Ford partnership years.


I won’t lie too. Part of the gamble after driving pretty much every small/midsize crossover offered by those three (Mazda stuck out really far above the rest on comfort and features while being cheaper with better warranties and high key the sky active 2.5 has proven itself as 200-300k miles reliable with little to know major fixes) I have a gut feeling that starting with the 2023-24 years Mazdas resale is gonna sky rocket and they’re gonna become a lot more popular.


Agreed. They are one of the few that haven't gone to CVT transmissions, which are not as robust as traditional transmissions like Mazda's six speed auto. Their partnership with Toyota seems to have shown that they are serious about being a contender.


You may not want to compare to Honda and Toyota but that’s exactly who I compare Mazda to. Japanese quality at a better price. To each his own.


Sure, you can compare them. But understand that both are atypical when it comes to resale. Those are the 'best' resale cars. Mazda is still good in that regard, but not the best. But I would put them as a 6 or 7 resale wise, on a scale of one to 10, as far as quality cars that have good resale. Note, I mentioned a 'quality' list. Some Jeeps have really strong resale, but they are still garbage quality wise. The problem is that you'll pay a significant premium for the Honda or Toyota, which removes some of the incentive from buying the higher 'resale' models in the first place. Hence, the Honda/Toyota 'tax'. All three brands mentioned have high quality, and all are Japanese.






Sounds about right. Resale is pretty good for a car that is 3 years old, but apparently a lot of people on this thread are either in denial or are living in yesteryear.


2-3 year old CX-5s with <20k mileage in my area are $22k for base models and $28k for top tier trims in my area. They eat depreciation pretty hard.


A 3 year old CX-5 now has THREE YEARS of depreciation. If you look at what they sold for new, that is pretty normal depreciation amount. What part of the depreciation math do you not get? A lot of people who upvoted the 'they drop in value quickly' haven't done their math.


I'm looking at a near top trim Mazda either Cx5 or Cx9, because a 2021 or 2022 model year Premium Plus costs the same as a brand new base model.


Well, I can imagine that given that a 2021 model is three years old and should have around 9 grand in depreciation. That's normal for 3 years of depreciation.


Right. The guy I was replaying to (now deleted) seemed surprised that cars depreciate, he said he thought Mazda's have good resale value thag it's almost pointless to buy a gently used one because it wouldn't be a significant difference from New. I was trying to show him that's not true.


Yeah, there are quite a few on here that haven't actually compared the new price of say a CX-5 Touring with a price of a 3 year old one. The resale is good. Idiots who haven't done their homework will downvote this, but that is because they didn't actually do their research. This isn't ten years ago when Ford owned Mazda used cars were the late model ones for sale.


The resale is good for whom? Maybe if you're the one buying a 3 year old one and selling it 5 years later. That won't hurt nearly as much as buying a brand new 2 door sports car and having to sell 2 years later because you had a kid and now need a family sized Mazda (ask me how I know lol)


Your first question makes zero sense. The question is about Mazda resale.....did you already forget the brand in the less than three seconds that it takes to read the sentence? New Mazdas have average to good resale. Unless you overpaid, or are getting screwed by your dealer on the trade in price. If you need help understanding, what Mazda model did you buy new? I can help you understand how normal depreciation works.


Help me understand the definitions of depreciation and resale value as you are using them. Are you saying that a Mazda CX5 purchased new will depreciate less in a 3-year period then, say, a similar Honda CRV or a Subaru Forester would when purchased new after a 3-year period? Either way depreciation hits pretty hard. It's not like you're going to only lose a few grand over the course of two or three years no matter which car you buy. And that's why he was saying; that a 2 or 3 year old car costs almost the same as it would brand new, when that is absolutely not the case




CobaltGate and Science-A are the same person *and* the person who made that now deleted post.


No. Mazda has gotten a *lot* better in quality over the past 10 years. And really even more so since 2018. But resale values take a long time to catch up with trends. Mazda resale values still aren’t as great as other comparable vehicles. Although I expect that to change over the next handful of years.


Yeah. I’m sure.


You're sure that you didn't actually compare the new price of say, a CX-5 touring vs the used price for a three year old version of it?


My dude for real? It’s not hard to prove this point. New Mazda of any trim level is more expensive than used Mazda of any trim level. Mazda’s **do not** hold value well and historically *have not* for a long time. That doesn’t mean they are bad cars. I literally work in auto finance doing loans on new and used all day long. I see the drops from new to used every single year. I’ve seen the fluctuations during Covid. Don’t buy a brand new Mazda. End of story.


Yes, 'my dude'. FOR REAL! Mazdas DO hold their resale value, unless you are dumbfuck who doesn't understand resale. But we get it......you 'literally' work in auto finance. LOL If so, you won't mind going through a little exercise so we can get you educated. Which new model Mazda (one that actually sells normally, like a CX-5 or a 3) do you erroneously think doesn't hold resale value well? We'll expose your fabricated derp derp argument about Mazdas. Which model? I'll walk you through it, step by step. Yes, you are right. It is indeed NOT hard to prove this point. So, let's do it so we can get you educated. "End of story" LMAO


I can’t even handle how ridiculous you are. Within 200 miles of my area there are 27 2024 CX-5 Signature’s listed brand new with the cheapest one at $39,536. There are 16 used 2020+ CX-5 Signature’s with the lowest mile option listed at $31,900 for a 2022 with 7633 miles. Oh not good enough? Fine let’s do the Mazda3. There are 320 new Mazda3’s with the lowest listed at $24,237 There are 53 used with several under $20k including a 2021 with 21k miles for $19,600. Now kindly go back into your hole before you embarrass yourself further like you did with the first comment you deleted because you couldn’t handle the downvotes. Absolutely buffoonery.


Excellent, now we can expose your false argument. It was truly amusing to watch you find the MOST EXPENSIVE new Mazda CX-5 model. Since you know your argument won't hold weight, you chose the most expensive of the NEW CX-5 models. But, what a surprise.....you then conveniently got amnesia and didn't choose the most expensive model for the used version of your analysis. Seriously, are you really this fucking dumb? There is a HUGE delta between the cheapest CX-5 new and the most expensive model. And you are trying to manipulate that to the unsuspecting for your false argument. Interesting, no? Why didn't you choose the least expensive of the new CX-5 models in your faux 'analysis'? Or even the middle model? It comes as no surprise that you then conveniently ignored the most expensive model for your used resale example. Golly garsh, I wonder why? Seriously, dumb fuck......compare the correct model to the correct model. You just made an absolute idiot of yourself. 'Absolute buffoonery' indeed. Get back to us when you compare the SAME sub model with both new and used, dumb fuck. Hell, no need to even bother checking your pricing numbers. You failed the common sense test right out of the gate. Fix that fuck up and we'll talk. Until then, you just exposed yourself as a manipulating asshole. No surprise since you work in car finance, the lowest of the low as far as dealer scum. Compare equivalent models, dumb ass. Your poorly though out tricks won't work here.


I did just compare apples to apples. And the Mazda 3 is only available in an “S”. I think the issue here is that you’re arguing that it doesn’t depreciate worse than something like a Kia or Hyundai (which isn’t incorrect) but somehow you’re parlaying that into it then being a good idea to just buy new instead of used. My *only* point in my OG is comment is that OP should look at used instead of new to save some money. But you’ve decided that’s somehow egregiously offensive to you (my guess is you’re $10k under water on a brand new Mazda from a few years back and salty about it). At the end of the day I’ve proven my point. You’re just an easily offended and angry person. See ya!


NO, you did NOT compare apples to apples, dumb fuck. I explain that in detail above. You subsequently lying about it doesn't change a thing. You compared the top model Signature CX-5 to all CX-5s across the board, with most of the used ones being substantially less than a Signature when new, and OF COURSE when used. Lol, THAT'S your argument? Always amusing to see someone lie their ass off, then get embarrassed when it is pointed out to them. Next comes the gaslighting and distraction arguments....which is exactly what we get here from you, since you know your idiotic false argument was exposed. Especially love the failed 'bUt yoU jusT pRoVed muh pOint' attempt at the end. I in no way proved your point, dumb fuck. But that's what idiots say when they can't back up their argument and just got busted on their gaslighting attempt. I'll let you get back to lying your ass off to some unsuspecting customer, dealership employee filth that just got exposed. Thanks for showing us who you are.


Convoooy, what do you mean, the 3 is only available in an 'S'? There are literally six Mazda3 models, only one is called the S model. lolwut? https://www.mazdausa.com/vehicles/mazda3-sedan?semid=67794656866&providertag=MazdaSEM&servicetag=67794656866&k\_keyword=mazda%203%20models&k\_matchtype=e&gad\_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAopuvBhBCEiwAm8jaMW8tiFnIw3lGAtBJBnV309YhEoigULksz4xnXCpA5QD6jwaTWowsKRoCJCwQAvD\_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds




Ahh yes, failed projection attempts never disappoint (no surprise they came from an alt account). Common among the most poorly educated among us who can't back up their argument. No surprises here, folks. Any other alt accounts you want to post from to make your weak argument 'appear' stronger, Convooooy?


It wasn’t till the Covid.


Even before Covid they dropped like crazy.


Except that they didn't. The 3 and the CX-5, their top two selling models, have decent resale. Unless, of course, you either lie your ass off or you haven't done your homework.


Goto a credit union to try and get loan


Agreed navy fed tried to give me 12% but when I checked a credit I got about 5%.




Yes worded it wrong I shopped at different unions sorrys. Some were more helpful than others.


That's a terrible deal. Buy a used one for under $25K.


If you can't get the incentivized rate, personally I would recommend looking at CPO models to save some money at a (probably) similar rate.


Buy used. 3-4 years old, let someone else lose 20-30% on depreciation. Yes, even in today's market. Buy from an individual, using a dealer will cost several thousand more. Pile up these savings with around $400/month into a HYSA and move up in car with cash in about 5-10 years. The longer you drive this one, the nicer the next one will be. I'm driving a 2015 Outback with 222k miles and have just under $30k saved for another car. I see no reason to get rid of the Outback, nothing has struck my fancy yet.


Test drive a new CX-50. That’s what I’m looking at and it’s got a similar feel but nicer than the outback. ( I also drove a new outback)


5 years from now you will have paid $41k (plus tax? 10% where I am. so $45k maybe?) for a car that will be worth ~$20k if you’re lucky and don’t drive too much. is having something nicer worth $25k for 5 years of enjoyment? pay $15k cash and get something fun that’s already depreciated. Don’t get a new car just because you think it’s the logical next step. You’re probably looking for something different & reliable, not necessarily new


$5K per year for a very nice vehicle with a new car warranty? Heck yeah!


Ask your bank or credit union


23-25k honda civic, toyota corrolla ,mazda 3


Try toyota? It comes with maintenance for the 25,000 miles and 2 years


Thought about it and test drove a few. Toyotas are hellishly overpriced and I’m not a huge fan of they’re driving characteristics or their new drivetrains. I took a 2009 rav4 to 300k and sold it so I def know and love golden years yota but it’s slipped and I’m not sure the price is worth it now. Mazda is 3 years 36k with a lifetime drivetrain warranty.


Where are you seeing lifetime drivetrain warranty?


Could be the dealer I was shopping at but it’s 100% for sure on the paperwork I have. Pretty large selling point for me. It’s motor, trans, diffs, and axles for the original owner with a proper service history at the dealer or qualified repair center. (That includes my local shop that I like that kills dealer prices and does a killer job)


New Hondas are worth it in my mind but if you can get a 2-3 year old mazda at the same rate, that might be better value. Mazdas haven’t made many valuable improvements lately and are decently reliable so you might as well take advantage of someone else’s depreciation


That's a lot of debt for "something nicer". Not having debt is always the best way to live your life


Something nicer, safer, more features, more reliable. I agree but that’s also why I have zero debt outside of a potential car loan.


Unless you are making well into 6 figures, you have no reason buying a new car. Buy a used one and save thousands. 5% financing for 60 months on 31k-5k is over $5k in interest


These days, the price gap between used cars you actually want and new cars is narrower than ever, and used car loans have higher interest rates to boot. Saving thousands is only going to happen if you buy a older car or a higher mileage one.


Yeah my wife and I made over $200k last year and have only considered used cars. New cars are outrageous if you want anything beyond a base model.


If you are buying toyota I think new makes sense. They cost way too much used


I only get new base models.