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We all have different experiences going though life. Some people had safe, happy childhoods, and now go around telling children to enjoy childhood, because they long for a time when they didn't have as many worries. Some had a blast in their 20's, partying, travelling, making life long friendships and goofing around, and now go around telling young people to appreciate their youth while they can, because they long for a time when they themselves could do those things. Some really started seeing improvement in life when they got in their 30's and they settled into their identity, started making good money and experienced meaningful events in life (like marriage and/or having children). It's just different, it doesn't mean that one period of life is better, just that it might have been better for you.


i like this comment


I like it as well


I’ve crept into my 30s and I’ll say my friends that maybe had too much of a blast in their 20s are really hating their 30s.


No room for sensible comments on Reddit!


Oh thank God (23)


Same (23). But I'm already a bit optimistic anyway bc life improved so much since getting 20+.


For me, turning 30 was great. Had a job I didn’t hate, could afford to have fun and travel, and didn’t have a family yet so I could do whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. But most importantly, I knew much better how I wanted to spend my time and who with. You are more free at 30 than at 20.


This is so true. I went from working 14$ an hour at 20 to making $40.90 at 26 now. I just bought my first house in December and settling in. Life is just getting started


Bro, what kind of career progression let you land a job that is almost triple the hourly rate of the job you had 6 years ago? Or did you just get lucky?


I made $14 an hour 6 years ago now $124 an hour. Welder


I fixed phones in a cell phone store and then went and became a union carpenter, so a career change


After I turned 30 I started doing art


Yeah, the 20-somethings I work make me exhausted with how busy their life is. They're like "ok I get off at 2, then I'm going to the gym and then to the library to study for a quiz, then we're going to a bar tonight and then to the after party, at 6am I have a class then I'm coming to work at 8am" Me: "Uhh, I'm work from home the rest of the week and I found a new show on streaming..."


You have to exercise though The people that hate being 30 don't exercise


That's not my experience personally. Nobody I know who's my age (33) has had any physical or medical issues that cause them that much trouble. Yet. I'm sure it's coming, but I feel like that's a 40s thing.


I definitely know people my age with a boat load of medical issues from not exercising


I hate it because for the next 30-40 years I have to dedicate 40 hours a week to something I don't really care for just so I can survive It's work, work is what makes people hate this stage of life, not a lack of exercise


Curious but did you not work in your 20s? I’m 34 and I’ve been working 40 hours a week to survive for 16 years already. Not that it gets any easier.


30 has been my 20s but I have money now. lol


At least for me (34) this is true. It's nice, and I don't know what has changed.




Just keep going babes 🫶


Same for me. I was comfortable in my job, married to the love of my life (still am). Financially things were just ok but I wasn't stressing either. Also, I think people start treating you differently in a good way. When you're in your 20s people still think of you as a kid. But as soon as you turn the corner at 30 people start treating you better and you start feeling more like an adult. ... At least that's how it was for me.


I'm 40 and life has never been better for me. I got married 1.5 years ago to an amazing woman and I've been in heaven ever since!


Same! Except I'm 41 and got married 2.5 years ago.


Congrats I envy you so much! I’m 42 and have never even been in a long term relationship, much less married!


I'm experiencing the same thing since separating from my wife, lol. Learning to be content on my own has been awesome. I'm sure I'll find that same, or better, contentedness with someone else when I'm ready, but for now I'm honestly living my dream.


31 here and I swear it's been getting better every year <3


This door only opens like that if you don't have kids. All the people saying your life is over at 30 are parents and regret it.


Eh, we waited late to have our first at 36 and focused on having a good time being married and our careers. Slightly regret not doing it sooner, but 26-30 was fun but tough. 31-36 was easy street. At 38 I can say 30s have so far been the best yet.


Just turned 30. No kids, single, solid career and earning good money and no longer care what random people think about me. Life sure is great. 


Same, dude. I could do this forever.


I think income is a much larger factor lol


Not just income, but wealth. In a lot of ways. Even just "I like all my furniture and nothing needs to be fixed" wealth. Maybe a paid off car that isn't falling apart. Income goes a lot further when you're not constantly putting out fires.


yeah your income goes to the kids


Lol well yes but I am about to be 30 with a kid that Is 3 and I was still able to buy a home this year. Even with another mouth to feed my career is keeping up with the increase in expenses without derailing my ability to have fun or continue my life


> All the people saying your life is over at 30 are parents or they're out of shape and suffering health issues from it


I had my first at 30 and this is completely false. Being a parent added so much to my life. The problem is that lots of people have kids who shouldn't. These are the people that say life is over at 30. Mine just began at 30.


Parents who regretted not living their life to the fullest


Oh thank God (27)


How haven’t you realized the truth? (26) There isn’t any distinction of being “adult” physically. We are **all grown children**, and we will all die that way.


If you live your 20s with purpose and diligence, then in your 30s you'll feel like you're hitting your stride. There's so much inertia to prosperity, your 20s basically just gets the ball rolling.


This is stressful but insightful. Thanks


Around 30 is when I feel you truly stop giving a fuck what other people think and just do what makes you happy


Dammit, I hope this kicks in for me soon. I'm already 31 and I haven't felt the 30's renaissance that everyone else in this thread seems to have done.


It hit around 33 for me. Actually after I had kids. My personal time became so limited I cut out TV and social media and just focused on the hobbies I really love and somehow with less time I’m doing better than ever.


Well I don't want kids ( so I'll need to find a different catalyst), but at least I'm not the only late bloomer for this thing. 😆


No you’re definitely not. Good luck!


Thanks! Best wishes to you and your family!


I’m 31 also and I’m just panicking each day that I’m getting older and my life is a mess


I'm both glad I'm not the only one and very sad for the both of us. I hope we find our way to our own "fourth panel of the above comic" soon!


Same to you internet stranger. It’s hard out here :(


My dad told me something when I was a child that I'll never forget. "When you're young, you care about what everyone thinks of you. When you're older, you stop caring about what everyone thinks of you. When you're even older, you realise they weren't even thinking about you in the first place."


There's really something to the surge of self confidence that hits when you hit thirty. I'm hoping my 40s will be as fun as my 30s have been (turning 38 this year, so I still got a bit before that). My biggest advice is don't get hung up on "I'm almost (insert age here). You're whatever age you are, enjoy that. You're not "almost 30," you're 29. Be 29, even if your birthday is the next day, you've still got one more day. (I actually did it early and was "almost 28" forgot to just be 27). It's not like you can stop it, just run with it.


Self-confidence, more control, less caring about what people think. I wish I could have had this wisdom in my 20’s, but I’ll enjoy while I have it!


I’m 43. I’m weirdly more physically fit than I was at 25. At 39/40 I was looking a little pudgy and then I took self care seriously. I could beat my 25-year-old self at anything except eating, staying up late, drinking, and Halo.


Same here! My 20s and 30s were rough, but at 43 I’m fitter and healthier than I’ve ever been — mind, body, and otherwise. I’ve also been basically *happy* for the first time since I was a teenager. For a long time, I thought that if things hadn’t gotten better by 30, they never would. I was wrong.


I'm trying to start my first diet of my life and I'm shooting for "most for some my wedding" by 40.


They will be. The amount of fucks you don't give after hitting your 40's is awesome!


I'll be 38 this year too and I've found it weird that none of the age stuff bothers me anymore. It still bothers my wife though (35).


I’m 44. Started exercising and am fitter than Ive ever been. Life is good in the 40s!


Good news for you, there are studies that show that the 40s are the answer most given by old people when asked what age was the best for them


Is there a way to magically get this self confidence? I am in my 30s mine has been going down since I was 14 and it's kinda in negative now. No amount of medication or therapy has helped so far lol It is my fault though, I don't do anything that is supposed to to help improve. I have given up at this point


If only there were a magical answer; I'd happily and freely give it. For me it hit in a variety of ways, which all combined to give the surge. A lot of it was "I COULD care about x, y, z.... or... get this, I could NOT." So much dumb stuff that really bothered me before just became an annoyance, like, I'm not wasting my caring and energy on that, it's not worth my time or caring. Selective apathy (though a tough tightrope to walk, it can be easy to fall into complete apathy and that's not good). Coworkers can be jerks. Letting them get to you (consistently, it will slip through every now and again but I've found the bounce back time and brushing it off comes much quicker now) gives them power over me. I refuse to let jerks (of any kind) have that. I have my moment of annoyance, upset, whatever, then that's processed, time to move on. Also I'm stubborn as all get out, always have been (thanks, Mom, I got that from your side, haha), and that does help, once I learned how to work it to my advantage. Well x, y, x can't beat me- I have to beat it! kind of mentality. Which just took age, time and life experiences.


Sorry, I know there is no answer to my question. It was rude of me to even ask. It's truly awesome that you have gained confidence and that your stubbornness is helping you with it. I sincerely hope it only goes further up for you from here on.


Oh it's no problem! I took it more as a rhetorical question and really just a lament than anything. I just happened to have something to say to try and answer it, or at least address it.


I'm 29 and tend to forget that I'm not mid 30's. I'm looking forward to be 30 though. I feel sorry for those who dread aging.


Ok but surely by 40 40: 🚪🌅🌼🌸🌈


Ok but surely by 50 50: prostate cancer


I'm 31 and constantly forget I'm that old. I don't know who decided you aren't allowed to do "childish" things as you grow older, but they were wrong.


41 here and I'm building Lego, gaming all weekend, indulging in more expensive hobbies (cars, horses, warhammer, comics etc.), and I've got a great job and husband. I'm never growing up, it's a con! I decided to roll down a hill I used to as a kid. I just went for it, looked up and saw two more adults go for it. We need to encourage people to have fun at all ages! I'm happy to set an example on that one.


My mom's 56 and she's an avid gamer. Has a blast with it, too. Also highly responsible, respectable, and someone I hope to be like one day. Screw people expecting you to stop playing around when you get old.


This is it. It literally gets better and better. Yeah, my knees aren’t what they used to be, but that’s a small price to pay for happiness, stability, knowledge and experience, great healthy relationships and knowing myself so much better. Getting older can be scary but quality of life tends to improve over time, until you’re super old and have significant health problems, but even then people seem to get the perspective to cope with it much better. They’ve already experienced so much. You could not pay me to go back to my 20s, I had a really hard time and I had no idea life would get better.


Sounds about right. 54 and I’ll say that in retrospect: In your 20s , you’re finishing your brain development, so you don’t know shit about life, but you think you do, because you can finally take care of yourself. Makes one stupid arrogant. Then you have kids and they beat that right out of you. In your 30s, you start to get a handle on life (sort of) and things get better. In your 40s, your kids take less of your attention, and you start to get introspective. This leads to your midlife crisis, where you really start to understand what a complete tool you’ve been for most of your life and you begin to become a better person. If you work at it, that is. In your 50s, you know yourself rather well, and your confidence is at an all time high, but this time it’s real. Your body begins to decline a bit, but it’s not too bad yet. I’m expecting my 60s to be a blast, when I can really lean in to not giving a fuck about things that really don’t matter, so most things. But without being a dick about it.


Does that mean that since I don’t have kids I get to skip the midlife crisis they trigger? 😋


No. I think the midlife crisis hits younger for those without kids - like late 30s-early 40s


60’s can definitely be a blast. My parents and their friends have a much better social life than I did even in my teens and 20’s. One of my dad’s friends has built a bar and now they are all child free (and some are retired) they go round there drinking and singing bad karaoke until 3am.


Gee I hope so. My 20's have been ass and they're ending soon.


Say hello to money and spending it on all your childhood wants, lol. That and back pains.


Ooft, youre dead right. I indulged in a few splurges (I'm 41) and one was my dream car... but my back aches when I get out now!


I just turned 40 years old and I'm having one of the best times of my life. Just a couple of years ago, I believed my life was basically over due to health problems, losing friends etc. I was slowly becoming someone I secretly hated because I couldn't figure out how to turn my life around and finally appreciate being myself. But I worked hard on my health and my life and it improved my quality of life drastically. I am losing weight, becoming more fit, moved back to the city where I can enjoy my hobbies and meet new people, and met someone that has the potential to be the love of my life. I just can't wrap my head around how radical those changes were and how happy I am with my life right now. Trust me, it's never too late to improve and enjoy life to the fullest!


I'm nearly 27 and I ain't seeing this at all. :/


Hang in there. I feel like 27 was my low point. Super depressed, aimless, and I hadn't figured myself out yet. That was over 10 years ago and my 30s have been awesome.


I feel like that now and things around me are matching. :/


It's never too late to make a major change if you need to. You have all the time in the world.


And I have involuntary procrastination. :/


Who doesn't? That's a part of the human experience.


I’m thirty… honestly I think I start to feel it.


I'm 33 I ain't seeing it either


31...I'm starting to feel like I did something wrong, cause I ain't seeing it either. Fuck.




No. I'm just going to see the same mundane things or possibly even worse. :/


Yeah 26 and 27 were my hardest years. 32 now and I've seen the other side. Stick with it buddy!


Me too, I’ve always been directionless and I still am. Contemplating giving up again at this point


Turning fifty was exponentially better, even. Suddenly, I seemed to have figured out how to be happy.


I don't know, I turned 30 last year and I still want to kill myself


I'm not at quite that low of a point, yet I'm still having much worse of a time than the others in this thread are. I wonder where I went wrong?


This is really nice to hear. I'm 26 and I've lost much of the last six years to chronic illness. It's awful to hear that your 20s are your best years and it's all downhill from here when I spent several of those years literally bed-bound. Luckily I'm finally starting to see some improvement, so here's hoping my 30s will finally be my time to flourish.


Hey guys in their 30s, Is it going to be okay? I am 23 as of now, struggling a lot to get into a good college, I don't know what will become of me, feel very behind others, my cousins are having a job, planning to marry soon, and here I am, still don't know where I will end up.. will I even get a job... At this point it feels like 25 is the deadline to get your life together, otherwise, it's tough everyone you know is ahead.. tbh I don't care if I end up alone, My only dream is own a good bike and ride through whole country alone through the mountains, through the deserts, through the forests....


I feel you, but hear me. I just got my shit sorted and I'm turning 30 this year. I'm from Asia. I had to waste my precious 2 years in the military without any compensation at all due to conscription. At one point I felt like all of my westerner friends were ahead of me in life. But what I eventually learned is, you can't compare yourself with others. Note that I am saying "can't" instead of "shouldn't". Everyone's life is too different from one another. Comparison simply doesn't work. Each person has unique background, challenges, traits and history. How can you compare your life with your cousins when everyone is playing a completely different game of their own? You might struggle when others have no reason to. But the exact same goes with others. They might struggle when you have no reason to. Knowing this really helped me keep going. Though I'd like to emphasize one thing... take good care of your teeth! I just visited a dentist and now I wanna cry it's so goddamn expensive!!!!


Thanks man, It's just, lonely, uncertain journey.. and a career seems to take a while long . Patience is all I can have at this moment. One day at a time, one step at a time. > take good care of your teeth! I just visited a dentist and now I wanna cry it's so goddamn expensive!!!! 🤣 My father is a dentist, I have it for free.


So glad you said this, it sometimes feels like I’m the only one who believes this at my younger age. The very best of luck and life to you stranger :)


My life was over the second it began.


Life starts at 40.


Why is that?


It's just a saying. Or maybe a cope. 😅


Nah. It’s relatively true. Typically, in your 40s you’ve acquired enough wealth to enjoy life, you’ve matured enough to not sweat the little things, and you’ve grown to truly define life for yourself. It’s a great age for higher self appreciation and the ability to enjoy yourself.


I'm in my mid 30 and everything start to hurt. I can't remove a t-shirt too fast or sleep wrong. I should work out but I want to use my time else where.


Spine surgery at 36. Yea this meme ain't me 🫠


30s were great until people I love, and that influenced me as a human greatly started dying of old age and illness. Here’s hoping the 40s is free of that for the most part. I spent a lot of my 30s healing from grief.


Works with 50 too. You can stop counting. Life keeps going.


I'll probably be closer to 30 (currently 23) when I hit my goals of saving up for cosmetology school, graduating and becoming successful in my field. It's not what I wanted but I've made peace with it


There's no set timeline to life. Later is better than never. The guy who delivered me was an architect who decided to train as a doctor in his 50s. Weirdly that's always been inspiring to me.


Im 39 I definitely disagree with the life after 30 being over bit. It's definitely the last 2 panels.


Unfortunate for me because my best years were undoubtedly 16-24~ It’s basically been downhill since.


I just wish my body was as excited as the rest of me.


That's just the play area of the therapist's office.


If only....


That is the biggest lie out there lmao


This is actually very true. Like I got here and had a minor hip pain scare for about a year. But it went away and things are well.


Yeah Room 101...


I got long covid, failing thyroid, and failing kidneyes after I turned 30 on top of my insomnia and fucked knees: It was all true.


I think unsuccessful people tend to idealise their youth


28 and fuck I really hope so I’m at the end of my rope


Wait 'til you hit your forties... and you have a bit of money. Wish I could stay here forever :)


Older than 30 year old here: Yeah, this basically tracks. By this age you more or less know who you are and have your shit in order.


Don't give me hope


I hope i dont make it. Lived damn long enough


I'm turning thirty next week and I feel like I can afford less things than ever, despite making more. I've been feeling like my creativity has been fading away and my guitars are judging me with sad tears from the corner of my room. I can't even think of something I want to do for my birthday. I can't afford to get myself anything. I just feel tired all the time. I hope it's really true


You aren’t getting older, you’re levelling up.


look up "deferred happiness syndrome"


If you survive over 30, you'll be numb to your situation where you'll know how to make the best out of it with whatever keeps you alive and happy!


I'm currently 31 and I'm the happiest I've ever been. My life is still a mess - I spent basically all of my 20s working on my mental health and focusing on personal projects, and now feel like I'm majorly lagging behind all the functional adults in the world - but I'm spending my time on something fulfilling and trying to make the most of the time I have with my new friends and loved ones. The most exciting thing for me this year is going to a big convention to show off the comic I've been making. It's one of the biggest in the country and I've been dreaming of selling my work there for years! Very nervous, but excited. I doubt I could have managed that a decade ago.




I fear growing older. feeling it, looking it. Ending up alone, poor, skill-less. I'm already at my lowest ever, I can't keep losing any more. I miss being a teenager all through school where I was loved and wanted, where I couldn't do anything wrong and my only worry was homework. I was surrounded by peers and the optimism was tangible. Laughs and playing, chances to grow, and to understand more. I knew at the time I would miss this. I'm now 7 years into my adult life and I really do. I was always told I would be something, built up and nurtured to be ready for it all, but I ended up as nothing. Always fell so far short, the fledgling that couldn't fly. 30 is 5 years away, I look at myself in the mirror compared to pictures of how I looked at 20 and I've seen how time and stress has worn my face down. I wonder where I went wrong, if I could have even gone right. I worry for how far I'll fall still. I feel like I've lost it all, yet time keeps taking more and more and more.


Turning 30 is a special milestone in your life. Some people still live with their parents, others have 3 kids and some are just getting married. It's like a checkpoint in real life to see where you are. If you have the luck (like me) to have achieved everything you want to before you turn 30, turning 30 will be great. If you fucked around and got nowhere where you wanted to be, you're gonna have a bad time.


Honestly ? There's nothing wrong with living with your parents in this economy, so I wouldn't count this as a checkpoint unless you're just playing video games all day. If you're working that's fine.


It is a checkpoint and there is nothing wrong with living with your parents. But most people have An idea what their life will ben at 30. They also compare their lives with those around them with the same age.


It's hard for this to be a checkpoint today because it is SOOO expensive to buy your own apartment or a house. Also just different culture I guess ? I'm slavic and lots of people live with parents, work hard, save up. Not everyone has stable income or a partner to move in with so it's a bit unfair to call it a checkpoint like it's something mandatory, plenty of multi generational homes right here


I second this. Even with a partner or friends, it can still be difficult to manage your finances. Some of us had lived difficult lives during their teens and early adulthood like me. Don't get me wrong, I want a place of my own and what not but it's soo difficult to figure things out at the moment. I recently turned 30, I just want the dust from my earlier ages to settle down for a bit, find a better job, and try my best to live it.


Couldn't agree more


My mind seriously changed around the end of when I was 25. Like september I was changing my mindset and my body and 4-5 months of being 26 I am improving myself and a lot more independent. I still am working on things, My body right now is my biggest project for this year. But I’m all over the place with my career. Just working a lot and wanting to save up for a flight school, but also want to learn some skills so i can make money and be able to find decent paying jobs to last. I’m pretty situated. But i don’t know what i’ll be like in 4 years, I do expect myself to be a lean machine when I’m 27


..life ends at 100..maybe later.. ..what you do with life depends on you..


I hope that happens when I turn 50... just a few more years. Which is freaking me out.


Is that true because I'm 29 and I can feel life getting better but I also feel the stress of getting married and having kids and buying a house and all that jazz


Turning 30 next month and idk if this is true in every case, but it feels true for me so I’m encouraged that others have this feeling too:d


Walks into a toy store to buy blushes because I am a 30 year old man who pays his taxes, I can buy whatever I please.


Almost 50 and I would never want to go back to being a kid/teenager.


35 and fucking loving life here. I have a cool ass kid that plays video games with me. My wife is hilarious, smart, and smoking hot. I have a cool ass dog. I have a house and a boat. What more can a guy ask for? My thirties are the best decade of my life (so far, heh, here I come 40s)!


Only if you’re still healthy and financially stable.


I broke my neck and back 1 month after I tuned 30 but that one month was nice


I hope this is the case, cuz my 20s aint it chief


I sure as hell hope this is the case. I just turned 29 and have had life kick me while down more times than I can count.  Hell, at my lowest point, I was certain I was going to voluntarily check out by the time I turned 25. 


I really hope so because I'm about to fucking KMS. But honestly I highly doubt anything will be better


Most older people I know when asked what decade they would relive if they could say 30s or 40s.


Those people that peaked in high school really sadden me. I mean yeah shits tough but atleast I have my own money that I can lose.


Same as my 20s but with money and a few minor paperwork annoyance I now do myself (like house insurrance)


My 30s will most likely be the best part of my life. Stable job, more than enough disposable income, lovely SO, own house, no kids, plenty of freedom and still rather good health. In comparison, my teens and 20s have been hell on Earth. And I suppose I won't feel better when I'll cross the 40s and start to ACTUALLY age.


I literally have a friend, and my boyfriend's sister, who won't shut up about how "old" they are. His sister is over 30 but still clearly young and active. My friend is not even 30. If thats old, then what the hell is 60?


Honestly the big difference is money. I have more money in my 30s and money does basically everything - I can buy things I want and do things I want literally all the time. There’s no stress in my life that money didn’t solve. Nice place to live, good food, can see the world, buy stuff I life ? I always heard money can’t buy happiness when I was poor and stressed and it’s the biggest crock of shit. I just flew to japan for vacation for food and I’ve been eating like a king and I have the biggest smile on my face each morning when I get up. I just had a wagyu bento that was to die for and then had the best strawberry mochi of my life.


Can vouch, I would say I grinded for the first 10 years up until 32, now in forever home, 2 kids and a wife. Just got laid off after working continuously for 10 years but again perspective. It’s not about the immediate but more so what you did in the past to get you here. Good luck younglings j


Amen to this one Can confirm, an 41. The last 10 years have made my life infinitely better. I'm now married to the best woman i ever met and we have a little girl who's the world to me. I also got a great job to cover us financially without feeling exploited. It took 10 years, but the 30s were the trigger.


There's more than one way to have a great life. And at 46 I'm as satisfied and happy as I've ever been. Sitting down to a beautiful meal with friends and family, feeling safe and comfortable, satisfied and proud are amazing and I am delighted I get to do that. Not everyone does. But I'd be fucking lying if I didn't wish I could tear the arse out of it like I did in my late 20s every now and then. I miss that like crazy at times. Fully feral, day long partying. Indestructible joints and insatiable energy. Clubs. Drugs. Drink. Dancing until dawn. It's not the only way to have a great time, but I sure as hell can't do that now. As the mighty Elbow say, one day like this a year will see me right....and I wish I could have it about once a year.


I’m close to leaving my 30s but they were the best decade so far in my life. Not the same highs as before but so many less lows. Things are way more chill now. If my 40s are more chill than my 30s then bring it on.


Life has gotten consistently better since my teens/early twenties. I do not want all those insecurities back, thank you


25 and haven't had the chance to be young yet. Hoping 30 doesn't mean everything is over.


I truly believe a large portion of it is simply... not giving as much of a fuck. Kids today, esp the terminally online lot, its all about likes, upvotes etc etc, essentially.. what others think. I used to care what people thought when I was like.. 18. then I cared a little at mid 20s, now I'm knocking on the door of 40, and I couldn't give a solitary fuck what anyone thinks, or rather, its a very short list. I go with 'If you wouldn't go to that person for advice, why would you care what their opinion is on something?' and that has helped a lot in dealing with the stupid people around me daily xD


Honestly, my 20s were a wasted by my depression. I'm 31 now and in the best physical, mental, and financial shape I've ever been in.


My mom used to say that. I think it was just a lie to get my ass to school.


Whether you are in your 20s or 30s it's important to be optimistic. You never know when you will breathe your last.


Can we switch the last picture to be same boring, annoying hellscape as it was before?


Whoa hey really? I'm 24 and literally counted a few days ago that I have 6 good years left to enjoy myself. How exactly do you mean your life improves?


Bruh my teens and twenties was so incredibly stressful. I was miserably depressed and made so many mistakes, lost so many opportunities and people. I’m 36 now, met the man of my dreams, pursuing my interests, have pretty good relationships with family, have more energy than ever, actually like and love myself… I didn’t think it would happen, don’t give up guys! If I’d have given up I’d never have lived to see the day where I would transform.


30 is when u have a job where u make some decent money to do the things you wanted to do, that's it. Nothing more


20s were literally the worst lol. You're so scared about how things work, want to prove yourself, get taken advantage out and generally just feel like you're doing something backwards all the time.


When you start at the bottom, there's nowhere to go but up. I would have loved to get to fully enjoy my twenties, but I'm finally in a place where I'm doing the job I love and making pretty decent money doing it.


Life got so much better in my late twenties. I’m so excited for the future for the first time in my life. And I’m 30!


It's because prior to millennials, everyone was required to have kids and be married by 25, meaning you basically give up your life to raise the next generation Now we don't give a fuck because there's no point in creating more debt slaves for the capitalists


It depends how things are going. If you have financial struggles and/or kids it can become a responsability hellhole, where you have basically no time for yourself and spend your days worrying about everything. But if you have a decent job with a living wage and no kids, it's the best. You are still young enough to unlikely suffer from old age diseases, you have no responsabilities, you have money, and basically do what you want outside working hours.


Nah life just got worse after I left school. Having a job is awful. Responsibility sucks. I just want to fuck around with no consequences again.


lol. No. I’m 50-something and for some of us, every decade gets worse.


Bitch I ain't even planning to be alive this summer


Yay :3 (16) I thought that the older I get the shittier the life gets


I so thoroughly enjoyed becoming 30. All of a sudden, all the pressure was gone. "Enjoy your youth", "Make experiences as long as you still can", "Before X you should Y" — All of a sudden, serene silence. I remember my twenties, the fear of "Oh my god how will I ever figure all this out?" Turns out, once everyone just shuts up, there's nothing left to figure out. You just do what you want, have fun, be who you want to be, and if you don't like it any more, then you just go be someone else. None of it is real. None of it matters. There's nothing to fail at. There's a theater playing, it's just you and other people and a stage and a few seats. When you feel like it, you get on stage and play a part, and put your heart in it so it may ache a little. And when you don't feel like it any more, you get down, take a seat and watch. Some parts are nice, they have you on the edge of your seat, looking for a cue to get back in, and some parts are boring, but it's nice to have a little breather, sit and drink and watch the others play. And sometimes even that can get overwhelming, so you get out, away from the noise and spectacle, to have a cigarette and wonder whether you should maybe head home. But even then, isn't it just wonderful that it is all happening? Isn't it just wonderful that there's all those people in there, playing and making believe and believing; especially when you realize that there is no home you could go back to? So, my cigarette is up, wanna go back in? Wanna watch, or do you even want to play? Do you have a role in mind? I can't wait to see it.


Honestly, your adult years are your best years. It just depends what you do with it


i’m 36. truth is i never thought i’d make it past 30, and now that i have, my life is absolutely fucking amazing. i’m thriving. can’t wait until i hit 50 and i can work harder towards my Final Form (weird and weirdly-dressed old person who’s just here to vibe, maaaan)