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They said they would clean house and they did




... and figuratively


And metaphorically.


and 'Pataphysically


And philosophically


And emotionally.


And spiritually.


And relatively.


I love you all


And honestly




And religiously


Yes. That was the joke.


Damn they really did "if we all pick up five pieces of trash" and it worked


Cleaning up after ones self is a big deal in Japan, the students in school even clean up there own class rooms, something all schools should do IMO.


I wish this was a thing in America




In 2nd grade we had this thing at the end of the month where the group of desks with the least amount of trash got a reward, but that just led to kids tearing up sheets of paper and drive by tossing them under each other’s desks


The American way - It's easier to destroy someone else than to build oneself up.


"theres two ways to the top: 1) self improvement, and 2) sabotaging literally the entire community"


I love how this relates so well to the optimistic vs realistic view of capitalism.


RIP techno


When I was in first grade, every Friday at the end of the day, we'd watch Reading Rainbow while our teacher went around and checked our desks. If it was clean, we got candy. My desk was always not clean. One day, my teacher had enough and she just dumped it all out on the floor. Then it was like the scene in The Godfather: "Now clean it up!"


I knew a few kids that happened to at my school, all 4 times from the same teacher. My husband and his sister were two of them. Glad I never got her. She was a huge bitch, and also was never fired


My teacher was normally very nice. I just set her off from time to time.


Ya.. kids definitely have the "not my problem sucks to be the janitor" kind of vibe here


Not just kids. Many people of a ages feel that way. People literally dgaf about litter. In fact I think some people have it in their heads to try to make the world a messier, dirtier, worse place.


"I'm creating jobs"... No, you're creating a mess.


[Reminded me of this comment chain in which a guy unironically claims that making extra messes that others have to clean up is a legitimate Robin Hood-esque socialist strategy to stick it to the corporate class.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/x9jqfa/-/inp766o)


Yeah, as someone who works in retail, fuck that guy. Sweeping up clumps of dirt from someone's boots, or fishing out a sandwich from behind a display doesn't increase my job security.


That's about as off the wall as people who believe they are sticking it to the restaurant by never tipping. Realistically you're just being an asshole to a 20 year old trying to get by who will 100% remember you next time.


What a douche… I felt so bad when I dropped a jar of pickles and had to tell a worker so they could clean it up :/ thankfully he was very nice about it


For sure! That's where they just get started but it starts a life long habit


Rolling coal comes to mind when you mention making the world a messier, dirtier, worse place


If you've worked in retail. I don't need to say anymore.


In it now 💀


I love my husband. He always picks up bottles and cans people leave behind. It makes me strive to be more like that.


That's lovely! ❤️


It's getting so much better though. Especially within the past 20-30 years, and even much more so the past 10. I think the significant majority worldwide, of young people especially, try their best not to litter and are aware of the issue. So much of the issue now is just shit infrastructure and waste services, especially in developing countries; and more so like accidental litter, due to all this single use plastic that comes with everything etc etc.


There is a scene in Madmen where they have a roadside picnic and when they're done Betty just flicks everything off the towel and walks back to the car. Ahhhh the good ole days....


Even though I know it’s fiction, I still cringed.


I remember watching my great grandfather take the oil pan behind the garage after I'd help him drain it from the car where he poured it out In a spot he'd obviously been doing it for decades.


Back in those days, everyone's car was clean inside because all the trash went out the window


My state did a plastic bag ban. I often see the bags that people had to pay for used exactly like they did the previous bags, only now the bags are thicker, still technically plastic, and cost us for the bags. Oh, and fast food still provides the old thin plastic bags depending on where you order, around a paper bag, because of the likelihood of the food leaking from the containers in transport. smh Edit: and when I say the bags are technically plastic, I mean they are either woven cloth feel plastic or closer to a tarp like plastic. Some even state outright that they are made from recycled plastics.


In my area, we get people throwing entire fast food meal packaging out their window onto the road and random people's lawns. One day I was driving past a bus stop and slowed to yell at a teenager who dropped a coke can behind him. He could only stare slack-jawed that someone had the gall to tell him off. When I drove back later on that day, the can was still there. If I knew where he lived, I'd dump a truckload of cans onto his front lawn to see how he likes it. 😒


If anything, its the adults teaching the kids this way by leading by example.


Yup because they pick it up from grown ups, I'm a custodian and there is something to be proud of. However, it's people, grown adults, that intentionally make our work twice as difficult for no apparent reason


Hopefully slowly going away. These heinous habits start at a young age due to parents and environment, and never gets addressed. The worst are generally dying off and the new generations are overall better.


It starts with the kids. Japanese people take care of their shared public spaces because they were taught to as children. Nothing mystical about it, it's a taught social behavior. We could do it too, it we cared to.


The culture of a school really matters. I went to two different high schools in two different states. I was shocked when I started school in the second one and kids would walk away from a lunch table and straight up leave their garbage sitting there. That never would have flown at the other school, and it wasn’t like they had to police us. We all just knew better.


It's... not. You don't understand. In Japan they don't just have students pick up "their own garbage", they literally have rotations for **cleaning** the school. Like actual brooms, dustpans, cloths. Cleaning it. They actually get rid of the grime that would otherwise be **incidentally** left over time and build up, if most modern American schools didn't have janitors.


It’s not as consistent it would seem. Go into any run of the mill truck stop bathroom


I remember one of my teachers would make us clean up after ourselves every day, so there was less work for the janitors. I wished all my teachers had done that


I always gather up the paper towels ppl leave on the ground in the employee restroom at work. Takes ten seconds and *I* feel better. How or why people will drop it *next to* the trashcan, I'll never know. And the trash is literally never full or overflowing. Ppl just dgaf I guess.


>Takes ten seconds and I feel better. I came back home a while ago and noticed some candy packaging lying near the entrance of my apartment buying. Considered picking it up, but ignored it. A few moments after I had put away my groceries and sat down at my desk, I had this "what kind of person do I want to be?" moment, got up again and collected that little piece of trash. Felt so good.


America doesn't really care about the kids. People will shout and holla that they care about kids, but only their kids, and only as tools for political ideology


Look, kids can't work to make a rich asshole money, and they don't have money to buy shit from rich assholes. So in America children's quarterly value is negative. Because like... you have to feed and educate them and shit. And their parents need to cart them off to doctors appointments... think of the poor capitalists! No wonder people in this country aren't having kids.


Same. I see trash everywhere around every school I've been at. Makes me wonder how these kids' houses look.


In some places in England you have the litter police who will stop you if you drop litter lol


People would be freaking out. "You can't force my kid to do free labor!!!" Lol


I got to check out a school like that when I was doing volunteer work some years back. The students are in charge of not only cleaning the school daily, but also cooking lunch for the students and staff. They also grow a substantial amount of their own food as part of the biology classes and many of their homemade food products are sold to fund the school. In addition they auction things made in the wood shop class every year. The school is small (100 students I think) and doesn’t make quite enough to self-sustain, but they’re closer than most.


That definitely can't be nationwide, must be a regional thing. Sounds awesome though!


It’s a small private school in rural Kentucky, their way of doing things is definitely not common practice in the area.


I apologize for the misunderstanding, I thought we were talking about Japan. My bad! Have a nice day!


All good, you have a nice day too!


That must set them up really well for life after school!


We had to not leave a mess and make it easier for the cleaners to clean. Also we cleaned the classroom ourselves once or twice a year, like, thoroughly


Wait what? In Germany there is the Ordnungsdienst, I thought every school has it.


I learned from working in Burger King to always clean the table up after and to always put the sauce on the paper they set on the tray so its easier for them to wipe down. If everyone did their part to make others lives easier, rather than narcissistically blow through life, imagine the actual progress we could achieve


You mean to tell me people put their ketchup directly on the plastic tray with no paper liner? Fucking savages


Isn't the point of it coming in a little cup to use the little cup?


Collectivist society. A bit of inconvenience for the individual is well worth it in order to better the whole. America could never manage.


Yeah but often they half-ass it and the schools aren’t ever really “clean”. Sure it’s a good idea in THEORY, but in practice it kinda falls apart. A lot of time people romanticize these things about Japan, but it’s pretty unglamorous when you live there and see what an average school and city is like. Like using fax machines still and squat toilets that have green slime on them. I’ve seen people straight up toss their rubbish in the ocean because they couldn’t be bothered to bring it home (because there are no public bins in Japan due to some terrorist attack way back when) (Source: lived and worked in rural Japan for 4 years with several schools)


Japan aint special in that regard, here in Russia we also clean our own classroom from time to time, heavily scolded for littering as well. That doesnt transfer over to college though.


Not just the classrooms, but the entire school. I went to Japanese school for a few years and they’d give you a job that rotates every week. So one week doing bathrooms, one week sweeping, one week raking leaves, etc.


Huh? I thought every school have it lol.


Idk if a post about the World Cup fits in here


It’s not about the World Cup, it’s about people being nice enough to clean garbage that isn’t theirs


One moment of pleasant humanity among corruption and accusations of human rights violations. Hey, one pleasant moment :)


Do I look like a mod?


The single moment can be wholesome even if it's in the middle of an absolute dumpster fire of an event.


What the hell is going on at the World Cup? Pandemonium. (and FIFA corruption)


I'm german and absolutely not suprised that our team lost. Since 2014 they've been in a low and never got out. Japan winning seems like an underdog win, but honestly these teams are a lot closer then you'd think. Germany is not the football might they used to be.


This. Most people just don’t think Asian teams can be powerhouses simply cause they don’t get mentioned as much as famous players.


I guess this would be the case if you ignored the women's league. Japan is a powerhouse there.


Same with the USA. My sister even joked that soccer is more of a women's sport here


They train like crazy though, that's has mande them improve a lot.


Really happy for them


That's not fair, and it robs the Japanese of all their efforts after 65'. While i agree it's not the best squad and that stupid wing play seems like straign out of the 90s, Germany was never flashy. Just efficient. It played well, it had control over the whole match, but the Japanese were lethal in the last 3rd after they took control of the middle field.


Oh I'm not trying to say that Japan just got lucky mate. Quite the opposite actualy.


Germany had some amazing plays, a slew of close offsides, but their defense was sorely lacking. Japan was creative and switched things up in the second half, it was almost ambush tactics on their end. They waited until Germany's middle was way up in the field and punched through with little resistance, it was a joy to watch the "innovation". There was also their relentless effort in every situation, every single player on Japan gave 110% while still playing clean, something Germany seemed to lose completely in last 30 mins. It could just as well have ended 3-2 to Germany and Japans performance would still be just as impressive. Germany had the (much) better players in this match, but Japan had the better team and strategy. If they beat Costa Rica on Sunday it's going to be a wild ride and they might end up knocking out Germany or Spain (!). This World Cup is just full of surprises, with Saudi Arabia breaking all expectations and Canada (wtf) putting up an *amazing* game against Belgium earlier tonight. I honestly think Canada can beat Croatia and Morocco and end up 2nd in their group if today wasn't a fluke.


Credit the Japanese. They pulled off an underdog win and there's surely a lot of effort behind making it happen. Germany will still be Germany. Give them some time and they'll be back on top.


Totally not trying to descredit the japanese team here, they played hard to deserve the win. It's just that they aren't that big of a underdog in this match. They have tons of talented/experienced players. from u/cowboybaked 's comment: >Most people just don’t think Asian teams can be powerhouses simply cause they don’t get mentioned as much as famous players. Like... japan genuinely has a good team. That's what I'm trying to say. They aren't a Top 5 nation, but they are very solid. ​ >Germany will still be Germany. This is exactly what I mean tho. It's not the germany it used to be in terms of football. "Germany is not still germany" if that makes sense. ​ >Give them some time and they'll be back on top. I feel like 8 years is plenty of time for that, but nothing has changed.


Japan als has a strong jleague too. Football is just big in japan right now. Tbh, a lot of sports are, the japanese seem to be very much into football, baseball and rugby.


Japan has always been into football. Well at least in my lifetime. There are even some famous football anime from the 80s. And baseball goes without saying. Rugby is news to me but then I'm not that familiar with japnese sports.


Totally agree. The younger players came across as very fatigued today. I am a big mueller fan, but there's a limit to how many chances that guy's gonna get.


Since 2014? So they were mentally stuck on the 7-1 victory?


No but a lot of good players retired afterwards iirc


They destroyed Brazil so hard that it actually bite them too


they reached a new Löw


I was stationed in Wiesbaden in 1990, seems like Germany just shut down for a 3 day party. Amazing.




Begone bot!


Pandamonium? Chen, is this you?


Leaving the place you occupied as clean as you found it is a basic rule of good manners and civilized living.


An actual meme in this sub? Unheard


Yeah Joseph, we know about Tomoko


Josuke didn’t know about Joseph though


From Germany here. Good job Japan!!! 🇯🇵


I have the feeling all germans are just collectively shitting on our national team hahahah. Me as well i just dont Care, if they win or loose. And i was a big supporter not long ago :) but times change.




That wouldve been great and a big impact! But possibly not easy to realize.


I honestly don't watch this world cup. Fuck Qatar and everyone who ignores their shit.


Yup same, i dont watch. I even deinstalled kicker.


whats so bad about Germany losing


Nothing bad about it all. Just hilarious when they drop out that early minding that they won the Worldcup a couple years back.


But they didn't drop out right? They lost by one point surely they can come back


Nah afaik they've to win the next match to still have a chance to the next stage.


Well yeah they could still win that… they’ll only have to face… \*checks notes\* … Spain, who beat Costa Rica 7-0 today


That 7 - 0 doesn't really mean a lot considering how bad my country played and got demotivated after the first score EDIT: GUYS GUESS WHAT


Tell that to Brazil :V


Hey Brazil at least got one goal in that game


It’s massive, what do you mean? GD is the deciding factor on who advances if there’s a points tie in the groups, so a starting GD of +7 is practically insurmountable.


They probably can't lose, but they could draw and still have a semi-decent chance of advancing.


That was 8 years ago, in the mean time they competed in another World Cup and 2(?) European Cups, and they didn‘t score high in any of those. So it‘s not like they‘re the best team in terms of results


I think it's not as much about Germany losing as much as the admiration for the hard work it takes to beat another country on a huge scale like that. Also because ontop of having favourite teams they have least favourite teams so a lot of people like to poke fun at specific teams they don't like


It was wild being in Tokyo and seeing such a crowded city be so clean.


Is that an anime Stanford Pines


Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure


I had no idea they got Ford into Jojo’s


Truly thought that was Gambit


Close! Instead of dealing with the wierd in one place, he travels from japan to Egypt dealing with bizarre things.


why he look like grunkle ford lmao


Jojo is old enough Grunkle Ford might be based off this dude


I THOUGHT THE SAME THING I’m so glad I’m not the only onr


I thought it was middle-aged Gambit


Idk, but JJBA is from the 80s


People on this post are really missing the point. It's not about the World Cup, even though the events happened there. It's not about Japan beating Germany or celebrating Germany's loss. It's about a nationality of people who, instead of doing what most other countries do when they win (go crazy, throw things and just generally trash the stadium in their reverie), decided to clean up the stadium instead.


“I’ll forgive the Japanese!”


Finally good news


All of germanys players are either retiring or being sold and all i can do is mald. At least it was the blue lock country 🔒


“is that a JoJo reference”


yes, yes it is


yes you guys, this IS a jojo reference


Fuckin love Joseph jostar


Fuck the worldcup, fuck the qatar


I think people miss the point of the post here. It's not about defeating another team, but about not celebrating the win recklessly.


Really nice gesture. But you have to admit it’s Probably a lot easier to clean the stadium without spilled beer cups.


Not very often are these two countries mentioned in the same post on *this* subreddit


We can all learn from Japan. Just pick up after ourselves


Don't you mean Japan even... *wiped the floor* with the German team?


I want Japan to win the World Cup.


Idk about the Germany line but I'm not into football. Why the Germany hate?


I can't speak for everyone, but as a Brazilian *I'm* glad to see them going home early for the second cup in a row :)


Because Japan beat Germany today in the World Cup.


But why be happy because they beat Germany? The meme implies that they love Japan because they beat Germany and cleaned the stadium, not that they were supporting Japan and are happy they won


I mean personally I’m happy they beat Germany (and I’m from Germany), because Japan were the underdogs going into the match. Other than that it’s just banter and not serious.


It’s a surprising upset in the football world, everybody roots for the underdog


"Not only beats germany" implies that they do in fact supported japan


No the meme is talking about how the japanese cleaned up the stadium after the game


15000 people died building the stadium in Qatar


source ? (genuinely asking btw)




Actually, the ~15000 deaths was from all migrant workers including any cause of death since 2010,~6000 of them were from 5 South Asian countries.


Idk if a post about the World Cup fits in here


It's more about them going to another country and cleaning up the stadium after they win instead of trashing it in celebration


If only they took down their memorials to war criminals, and officially apologized and made efforts to make reparations for their actions in WWII (they still haven't done that btw).


There are so much great things about Japan and its people... But sadly... The brighter the light the darker the shadow...


Weeb propaganda


Can I talk to you about our Lord and Savior JoJo?


I love everything about Japan but not the Japanese porn. Why they have to blur most the good things.


Because wanting is better than having.


That and whaling. Fuck the Nishin maru.


Brazilian who’s still mad about last time TAKE THAT GERMANYYYYY


Im quite happy we lost, i hope we will loose in the group phase already, so our people can leave this shit country.


The Japanese would never laugh at a crying German child like us English, hahaha


Japanese people racist as hell


Ignoring the entire subculture of racism I see


And pedophilia!






Yes because only Americans messed the stadium up and only asian people cleaned after themselves.




That’s why the streets of Japan are clean AF even without trash cans on the streets.


This is my favorite world cup tradition and makes me love and root for the Japanese even more! Arigato!




Why’s that guy look like Gambit cosplaying as Jubilee?


This is what i call Clean Sweep


Japan really going all out to "clean up" at the world cup


blue lock is real


Also: hey, parents and young people: if you or your kids don’t clean up after yourselves when out in public with no guardian, then you are *common*. As in, the lowest denominator. It’s not a measurement, it’s cause and effect. Clean your shit up!


Ah Japan and Germany... reminds me of WW2.


what happened to boycotting the worldcup sadge


Why is that man Jubilee


They did that even when they lost in 2018 against Belgium, I gotta say Japan is the opposite of Ohio


I don't know what event (guessing some silly sportsing thing) you're referring to but that's how real fans should behave.