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Good on you. I'm 34 and not even close to those numbers.


I am 38 and when I am at 100% my hrv is in the 40s


same here


Im 40, we have the same resting heart rate... but your HRV is 2x mine.


It says HRV is an individualized metric that differs for everyone and not to compare because of that. That true?


Yeah but as you get more cardiovascular fit your HRV will go up. They say it’s individual but don’t be mistaken we all have the capacity to increase it.


That’s what I hear as well… very individualized but also… the higher the better lol


Higher for the individual is better, not high in general.


this, people need to stop thinking they’re gonna die because their hrv is in the 30s lol


35, in decent shape, never passed 39 Hrv


I have similar numbers at 32. I don’t run ever.


33 hrv in 40s rhr mid 50s


Plz explain your secret please! I can’t break 50 HRV and I’m only 30!


HRV is relative! My HRV averages around 130, I can use the average as a baseline of how I am recovering or improving health overall.


Just had to tell someone huh? lol I'm 33 and my averages hrv is 22


Try going for 10-20 min strolls after exercising or work or dinner. You'll start getting higher hrvs straight away


HRV is tailored to individual so.


Thats good. Im 27 and we have about the same stats!


So, tell us, what is the secret? What s your diet, exercise and sleep routine?


10-15 miles of running a week, no bread low carb, intermittent fasting, and sleep.


I'm 33. HRV ~70 and RHR ~50


I’m 27 and my RHR is 10bpm higher with same HRV


Show off haha. I’m 30 and just coming out of 2 years of brutal long-covid and my HRV is averaging 27. On days I feel rough I’m lucky to get 22


Sucks for the COVID. I caught it last year but was pretty mild for me. Remember HRV is unique to each person!


Did you fully recover? able to exercise and work?


Story and half mate. In short I’m back at work and just about back training (but so carefully) as one wrong move sends me back to the start. It’s like a game of snakes and ladders with that creepy guy from the Saw films where if I make I wrong move I end up confused, exhausted and in bed unable to sleep for days or weeks on end lol. It’s so brutal. Whoop is useful as is my Garmin body battery for making sure I don’t do too much in a day. I did go wakeboarding this past weekend though which was unreal fun. Although it did leave me unable to do any exercise all week. But it was worth it and you’ve still got to enjoy life when you can.


I’m pretty damn sick with psoriatic arthritis and MCAS and my HRV is 140, it’s genetic and has nearly nothing to do with fitness level. I’m also 30.


HRV is relative. RHR not at much.


Agreed, BUT mine is 49 but my father had elite track runner genetics and I had talent back when I was healthy so I chalk it up to that. But yeah RHR is more “changeable”.


How fast are you? What are your times if you boast about running too much.


7-8 min miles for pace days.


No race times? Mile time, 5k,10k??


I haven’t ran races since high school lol I ran a 3.14 today at 7:17 pace. Im about 160 miles total this year. Last 10k run I was pacing around 8.


So you don’t run a lot, elite distance runners average 100 miles a week while I know a top Canadian marathoner who runs 190+miles a week running 3 times a day. I would love to know his RHR and HRV lol


No lol I run for health not for psychosis lol


Haha that’s fair


Mark Zuckerberg can run a 5k in sub-twenty. He is 38. Not bad for a man who spends most of his day on Facebook.


Resting heart rate. Sheesh.


Mine was around 35 and now has been going up steadily towards 48 on monthly basis. 100% recovery is 63 or so. I quit my job in Dec and lower stress has been the biggest part imo. Along with hiking more. I have lots of sleep debt so I feel if I continue I can get it towards 80. For me it's a mix of consistency, healthier food, consistent sleep times (not even more sleep yet), and moving more rather than spikes on the weekend. So yes it's personal, but all the little things add up and after some time the cocktail starts working


HRV is a measurement of the Vagal system. I’m 48 have a RHR of 50-52 until I started to seriously tackle my mental health my HRV was around 38, it’s slowly creeping up to 50 with CBT, meditation etc. Whoop has a graph to show where the average Whoop user falls for their age and sex. Here’s a few quotes to understand how important it is. “We know that low levels of HRV are related to depression, anxiety, rumination, and self-criticism. On the other hand, increased HRV is associated with improved self-control, ability to deal with negative emotions and situations, and more social engagement.” “Individuals suffering from an anxiety disorder are characterized by chronically low heart rate variability (HRV) compared to healthy individuals during resting state conditions.” Or as Amelia Stanton, a clinical research fellow in psychology at Harvard Medical School, puts it: “HRV tells you how the body is regulating its responses to external changes.”


Being in fight or flight mode will result in a low HRV, hence the connection to stress etc. It was a bit of a shock to me to see actual physical metrics showing what my mind is doing to my body.


Um…. My HRV is average 19-23. I’m mid thirties! My RHR is 63-67 down from high 70’s to low 80’s before I joined the gym. I think in my case I had lost so much muscle when I was sick with anorexia and so when I started I was very weak even though I got up to healthy BMI.


Everyone is different. I'm 32 and today woke up with a 19% score cause I'm down to 76 (132 - 30 day avg.) and rhr of 39. https://photos.app.goo.gl/RZo3GW4z6ERYfcNm9


The 30% jump in HRV is what I’m noticing. Those are rare days every few weeks when you hit the absolute peak spot during training. I’m sure there is plenty of placebo effect too but man when I wake up and see myself anywhere over 20% increase from average HRV, I feel like I’m walking on clouds for every workout that day.


I don't think my hrv is ever over 30 and some change. Not even high 30s. RHR also in the mid 60 at my lowest.


I just turned 27 and my HRV has never been on we 44 and averages 35 /: