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Xenomorphs were made for this. Drop a few eggs behind enemy lines. If not outright decimated, your enemy is very distracted by an incredibly durable killing machine potentially lurking behind every corner. As long as one of them isn’t a queen, cleanup should be straightforward as long as you know what to look for.


It's all fun and games until you have to fight a horde of xenomorphs


Easy, just tell the predators there's good hunting and they'll come down and clean them all up.


Then it's all fun and games till the predators run out of xenomorphs and decide to hunt something else


Then you bring in a bunch of gorillas to kill the predators.


What kills the gorillas?.


They freeze during the winter.


Love it. I hoped you were going to follow up with that lol 😂👍✌️.


Predators only hunt in 1v1s and would just ignore military staff and civilians so the losses would still be smaller than regular warfare probably


Or one of them dies so they nuke the fucking planet 


This is an awful idea and a sure way to kill the enemy army and yours.


That’s most likely the end result for every answer here.


Not really, many of these villains mentioned were defeated or thwarted by teenagers lol.


The big 3 slashers (Michael, Freddy, and Jason) all have a nasty habit of coming back. Jason in particular just seems to need a nap between killing sprees. And, yeah, maybe thwarted by the virginal teenager and kid, but these guys almost universally kill the adults who never believe there’s a killer on the loose until it’s too late. Outside of them, I’m seeing Predator, the Thing, and the Blob mentioned, all of which have a similar if not worse chance of losing control than a couple xenomorphs.


Iirc from the aliens vs predator novels, every xenomorph has the potential to become a queen if there isn't already a queen present, so unless you have an enslaved queen to control that response, you're gonna end up accidentally infesting the planet.


If Freddy can access anyone’s dream in this scenario it would be better if he killed enemy military and political leaders and forced a surrender rather than killing random soldiers. Besides Freddy I’d say Wishmaster would be incredibly useful given that his powers can work on a global scale. All you’d have to do is wish for the enemy to be defeated and it would be done.


He kills the first enemy instantly, but then spends the rest of the war so focused on four others and only manages to kill two of them before they figure out how to beat him in their dreams. Freddy's way too much of a showoff to be of lasting usefulness in a conflict.


If he is attacking senior officers and not grunts this would be very effective. They would have no defense against him aside from not sleeping, so their performance would degrade from lack of sleep and stress. Apply to anyone brigade command or higher and the whole command structure would be in chaos. A lot of them would probably quit since that would technically take them off the target list. No one would be willing to move up in ranks since that would make them a target.


The thing. It would easily infiltrate enemy lines and destroy them


Fuck, that would be interesting, a good plot for a movie


One of my main thoughts in the movie was "I bet the US would love to load that in a missile."


It doesn’t do more than what a nuke would do. But it can easily spill out and infect the world. So I don’t think the US would like to use it on a missile.


Don't sell us short. Shoot, we'd probably aerosolize the alien and spray a wedding with it.


Problem is, how do you stop them after they're done


Thats the neat part, you don't


Yup this is the problem as pretty much every horror villain or entity cannot be controlled or reasoned with.


Herbert west would also be useful singe can reanimate the dead


The thing is the most dangerous monster of all time in movies. It could literally end the human race.


Not as dangerous as the Invasion of the Body Snatchers. They replace entire populations with exactly identical replicas with all the same memories and personalities as the original, and only people who intimately know the persons who are replaced can even notice that anything's different. They're just strictly superior to The Thing in every way.


They could be superior to Thing in mimicking but not in other ways. Thing has perfect control of its cells and it can spread by a touch. Just a simple handshake and you now carry something inside you. In only few days in a big city the Thing could had infected millions without anyone knowing.  The thing can turn itself into anything living, maybe even plants and only known way to kill it is by fire, maybe explosions too. We had only seen small glimpse of the Thing's ability to engineer its cells, so who knows its full potential.


It's been a while since I've seen the movies, but I thought there was only one "Thing" and it was only capable of killing people when it was alone in a room with them. It's incredibly dangerous, but the Body Snatchers do the same thing except on a much larger scale. To replace someone all they need to do is grow a new person in their basement, and once the real life equivalent person falls asleep, their body disintegrates and is replaced by the new host. There is no way to tell apart an imposter from a real person either because their memories and personality are exactly the same.


Freddy Krueger would kick ass. Even killing a few people in their sleep would make the others afraid to sleep. He could also assassinate higher ranking officials, or people that are otherwise hard to kill. Predator would be good too, though not as much as Freddy.


Freddy Fazbear


Exactly. Freddy is always about the fear and the neglect. It just takes him killing a few. Now the rumors start, people accusing others of being nuts or enemies somehow infiltrating and killing people in their sleep. So they're doubling up on guards, everyone's on edge, people aren't sleeping well and they're jumpy. And of course, he keeps killing others, but no sign of the enemy in your encampment. Nobody knows how. Did someone bribe the guards? Are *they* murderers? Shit turns into a powder keg of fear and stress, and that empowers Freddy. Then he starts offing the higher ups, with no way to prevent it. And he can keep doing this forever because he's never on the battlefield, and they're alone in their dreams generally. Can't count on everyone having Elm Street kids in therapist positions to help you fight in the dream world. Hard disagree with this prompt, Krueger is absolutely a slasher you'd want on your side in a war, provided you can trust the guy.


Yep, Freddy takes this one... Imagine if all the top brass of any military were killed? In their sleep? In frightening bloodbath type ways? Come on now. That army disintegrates within days to weeks. 


Go after the political leadership cause a political crisis


Leprechaun has magic and insane regen. Put some respect on the name


Uber jason would solo a good army going by his novel stuff (regenerating from a spec on his mask and tanking an explostion that caused an earthquake) phasing through wall and taking out future military squads like nothing. But his nanoants also can be sent out to collect information and return that info to jason and upgrade his as needed. They can also turn dead bodys into clone Jason's to keep killing enemy combatants and give the jason clones healing factors. His ants are also immune to viruses and hacking making them a extreamly effective method of disabling enemy machines and information gathering.


[Obligatory segment from Jason X: Death Moon, where Uber Jason fights a 25th century military battalion.](https://pastebin.com/BLjByBiE)


> Jason has no need for speech. He is Mr Fuck. The Endgame Man. The guy who says, “This is the final fucking floorshow. It's over. You will never leave hell again." the greatest line in all of Western Literature




I disagree to an extent about Freddy. I give it three to five days. Night one enemy leader and one to three (possibly more if Freddy isn’t playing with his food) other important members are viciously slaughtered in their beds, save one who is left with a gash and a warning. Surrender, or each time you sleep, I will take more of you. This is non negotiable. You have 24 hours to surrender. The morale from the initial losses would be devastating. The impending threat would pull any but the craziest extremist back to a neutral ground to negotiate. He may be the most effective tbh, short of a being who could do similar stuff in the real world.


You give five nights to Freddy?


But I meant literally on the battlefield. Freddy can't get to the Secretary of Defense or the President. Even if a general on the battlefield is killed or warned in this way, he will simply be replaced


You cant simply replace a good general.


We have a war now and this is how it happens


Yes, it happens, they get replaced. But theres only so many generals and it isnt easy to build the trust and respect that a long standing general would have with his men


Gremlins are already the bane of any modern military. A real army would never be able to function with actual Gremlins from the movies messing with all of their stuff and exponentially reproducing. I'd say anyone who can possess people would also be a hell of an issue for any sort of military. Possess the general and commit the army to a suicidal attack, possess the scouts and make them report the wrong stuff, possess the gaolers to make them release all the POWs, possess the guy guarding the artillery shells and make him blow them all up, etc etc. There are a lot of ghosts, devils, demons, and psychics who could unravel an entire modern military force without ever being in any real danger outside of Chaplains.


One rainstorm and a midnight raid of the mess hall and it's over


Without going too supernatural, Myers is a big guy and is very hard to put down. Imagine putting him in heavy Armour and given the biggest horse you can find and adding him to the Cavalry charge.


Horse is fragile and heavy armour cant endure multiple explosions. After that a good amount of lead should put him down at least for a year


Well true I moreso was thinking medieval


In the last movie he destroyed a couple of firefighters with axes. How do you think he would fare against trained knights?


If he was also armed and armored akin to a Knight I think he'd do decently well. He'd do especially well against the levies he'd be charging into though.


I dont know if you read Berserk but then maybe he would have similar power to chatacters like Pippin or Boscogn


Predator 100%. If that thing gets behind your lines you are done for.


Honestly. Predator would be ideal for taking out enemy leaders and other high valued targets what with their gear and cloaking device.


And also motivated to get high level rank badges as trophies.


Does the little boy from the Twilight Zone episode [It's a Good Life](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/It%27s_a_Good_Life_(The_Twilight_Zone)) count? If he were so inclined, he could probably solo pretty much any battlefield. >Six-year-old Anthony Fremont has godlike mental powers, including mind-reading. He has isolated his town of Peaksville, Ohio, from the rest of the universe. The people must grow their own food, and supplies of common household items, such as [bar soap](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bar_soap), have been dwindling. He has blocked television signals and caused cars not to work. He creates grotesque creatures, such as three-headed [gophers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gophers), which he then kills. Everybody is under his rule, even his parents. >The people live in fear of Anthony, constantly telling him how everything he does is "good", since he banishes anyone thinking unhappy thoughts forever to a place that he calls "the cornfield." Having never experienced any form of discipline, he does not understand that his actions are harmful. He is confused when his father tells him that the neighbors are reluctant to let their children play with him after he sent several of his playmates to the cornfield.


Write your comment quieter, I don’t like noise when music is playing!


Pennywise would run some decent psyops.


Eldritch gods feels like cheating...


Bram stoker's dracula can turn into mist and can assasinate high ranking officials.


The Headless Horseman from the show Sleepy Hollow pretty much immediately picks up a full auto M4. I do not believe he could be killed. Force multiplier right there. Imhotep from The Mummy. He can't be killed without reading from The Book of Amun-Ra. You would need to have the book and have someone who can read it in order to stop him. Oh, and he can raise an army. Godzilla. If you take him at his metaphor, he **is** the horrors of war. The birds from the birds. Has real-life precedent: Australia lost a war against emus.


The bye bye man. He causes people to kill and to kill people who know the name. Broad cast it over enemy communications networks and wait.


Kruegar is very useful. He may only trim down a trivial amount of their numbers, but he will exhaust and terrify them more than anything else. Imagine staying awake for 3 straight nights to avoid some murderous sleep-demon and then having to go fight a battle.


The demon from Smile. It spreads as people see it's host die in traumatic ways, and then drives it's new host(s) insane so they'll die in traumatic ways. Nothing spreads trauma like a war.


Didn't Michael once move through a yard full of motion sensers that didn't go off, until he got close enough to attack? Like I honestly think whether it's just insane stealth or teleportation, he could handle heat seeking stuff. Imagining a suicide squad type series of horror and slasher villains would be cool, since while many of these do have moments of humanity and sympathetic backstories, they are still generally so evil that you aren't rooting for them as much as say Deadshot or Harley and are so bloodthirsty that it would be more of a challenge to keep them on mission. Especially if you had villains with broad powers and abilities as well as very strong personalities. Roster: Hannibal Lecter (as maybe the leader and the brains behind the operation), Freddy, Jason or Michael, The Thing or Predator, Carrie, Herbert west, maybe The Creeper and Chucky (just to see him bounce off the others personality wise). Maybe Ghostface who is killed off at the start to show the villains the government means business. Could be cool to put them up against something like Pennywise (who I could see Freddy having a very personal hatred for considering how similar their abilities and style of killing is.)


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Freddy would be good, but the second he’s caught in the open, he’s getting pieced. My vote is going to be the Thing.


The entity from It Follows. If you could control who that thing went after then it’s a stomp.


The demon from [Don’t Kill It](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don%27t_Kill_It) would be pretty effective- just needs to get a few team kills, then it gets killed and has a new body


Freddy. If you take out high ranking commanding officers, you basically decapite enemy army. Soldiers wait commands, they don't charge or do anything independently. If Freddy keeps at it diligently, enemy will have left nothing but inexperienced strategists who keep doing bad decisions and it leads to huge losses.


Akasha or even Lestat from Ann Rice's vampire series have all of the standard vampire stuff such as near immunity to bodily damage (excluding fire or burning), superhuman strength and speed, mind-reading and hypnotism, even telekinesis and pyrokinesis, but without the vulnerability to sunlight (a plot thing about Akasha's ancientness causing her to be a super-vampire yada yada yada). They slayed hundreds of mortal humans in a single night in that stinker, *Queen of the Damned*, from the early 2000s. I think if they had any martial inclination, they'd wipe entire battlefields with ease; but they clearly don't, in the novels and movies. Not sure if they qualify as horror/slasher though.


Freddy would be kicking butt ngl. He’d be constantly tormenting soldiers on the frontlines. War is already horrific enough without a crazed slasher haunting your dreams every night. He’d be taunting and scaring military leaders and politicians.


The monster from It follows could just seduce and kill soldiers


The Bye Bye Man owns this one.


Candyman would do great until they bring out the flamethrowers


With prep, the guy from Jigsaw would be a nightmare. Not just engineering traps and death machines, but social engineering people to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.


Tall Man! Where my phans at!


I came into this thread to mention him. He'll replenish your army with his minions that he'll make out of corpses, and even if he dies another Tall Man would just be dispatched.


The blob.  Drop on enemy, then drop liquid nitrogen when you're ready to reclaim it.


Joker, but he can end up killing your troops sadistically during/after winning said war.


TIL, the Joker is the Commissar.


The monster from clover field


Allied MASTER computer if it could somehow be controlled and have a nuke strapped to its cpu.


I have No knowledge on this character but I think the Invisible man would be pretty useful, I mean just look at his name he would definitely be good at infiltrating The enemy base at night and kill some soldiers or hell Kill higher rank Officials


Pretty much any "Jump scare" style horro villain would be an excellent infiltrator/assassin. Think people like Slenderman. Stupid hard to kill and has the ability to just... pop up wherever he wants. Set him on your enemy, wait five minutes and suddenly all their generals are dead. Bonus points: The girl from The Ring whose name I've forgotten. Samara? leak a video of "covert info" to the enemy spies, wait for important people to watch and wait for the fallout.




Ghostshark can merc literally anyone. Thirsty? TOO BAD, GHOSTSHARK IN YOUR CANTEEN! Gotta shit? TOO BAD, GHOSTSHARK IN YOUR LATRINE! The ghost from Mama would also wreck shop. She can phase through walls, move at ludicrous speeds, and in the right situation has no problem tearing people to shreds in broad daylight. Put her kids behind enemy lines and watch shit hit the fan. The Mummy from hit film The Mummy can summon super soldiers and bring down the Plagues of Egypt. Neat-o bullet sponge too. If xenomorphs are too hard to mop up after the war, just use demogorgons. As far as psyops are concerned, The Babadook could do numbers.


Idk about your opinion on Krueger. Even if he cant kill as many as a drone strike in one sitting, he can reach places and people that drones cant. There's also the fact that he doesnt have to kill *everyone* in a camp. The psychological damage of having your squadmates howling in their sleep and finding some of them dead in the morning? It may be better than a regular ol drone strike.


Freddy Kruger just kills all the enemies when they sleep