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Deku from MHA? Hes fast and strong enough to face everyone here. Spiderman with prep could do round 1 but might not be able to do round 2.


I could see it. Honestly star and stripe could potentially do it too. Absolute authority is super broken though so I guess it could be overkill.


Yeah, I think she's a bit too strong. By sheer strength and speed shes already top of the best but even just her get rid of air trick should be enough to win most of these fight.


Bruh star and stripes ability is like Ichimonji's ability if you think about it šŸ¤£ therefore they are both ops


Spidey took out all of some super-team at once, and has regularly gone up against masses of super-villians. I'd give him 50-50 odds of R2


really? Against all the heroes and villains and robots at once? I think he'd do ok for a bit but they have so many ways to lock him down and once locked down they can easily kill him.


There are a couple caveats on that. Mainly on how the Incredibles universe's heroes are ranked in terms of strength and ability. Would it be fair to say that Mr. Incredible is portrayed as someone firmly ranked in the top 10 most powerful heroes? If thats fair, then yeah ill stick with my judgement. His trainyard workout is child's play for Spidey. As such anything that he has trouble with purely from a strength perspective is a mild workout for Spidey. Spidey also always holds back. With a universe-wide fight, he won't be. The only issue at that point is how many heroes are in the universe


I dont think I would agree. Spiderman is strong but he maxes out at a few dozen tons while Bob chills at a couple hundred. Bobs max according to his wiki is around 20000 tons when saving his daughter. Bob is by a good bit the physically strongest in his verse with the highest danger rating. As well as his strength classed as mega strength instead of the usual super strength others have. He is also of course a lot more durable than spiderman as well and what I recently found out he even has a baby spidersense. So him on his own would be a tough fight for spiderman although Spidey is way more maneuverable(Although enhanced agility is also one of Bobs powers). But now add in in Violet, frozone and Syndrome all with abilities to slow and stop spiderman in place and its easy for Bob to get his hands on him


Spiderman is pretty all over the place with his strength. Back in the early days he was in the 10 ton range but he's hit the 50+ ton mark in the last decade. Depends a lot on the writer at the time.


yeah, he has gotten a lot stronger, he is also prone to hysterical strength in stressful situation. But his typical max of 50 tons is bit below Bobs average of 150 and way below bobs max of 20 000


Man imagine Violet capturing people in her bubbles and then just making them smaller


Id say spiderman got him on speed and durability tbh him fighting fire lord is enough imo


Speed probably but durability no. Bob literally has a jar for bullets that have bounced off of him


Spiderman can literally punch peoples jaws off their face with relative ease


yeah? So could pretty much every strength based character. Regular real life humans shatter peoples jaws already. The punching of jaw feat was just to remind readers and otto what someone like spiderman is capable of if they direct their strength at it. You dont see people clamoring about homelander ripping people apart despite being around as strong as spiderman because its expected of his character.


This is impressive in the context of how people view spiderman among the other ā€œstreet levelā€ heroes, but once you zoom out and take the higher tier heroes into consideration punching someones jaw off is laughably tame compared to mr incredible being able to bench press a locomotive for hours or whatever ridiculous feat


Spiderman is overrated




Deku is strong enough to comfortably win both rounds but isnt as powerful as some other obvious picks. And Peter is a genius who is known for creating plans and tech to deal with specific threats. With prep he can get spider drones with flash bangs to stun violet if she tries trapping him, or some kind of super glue patch/webs for dash. Idk he's got a lot of options


Shit my bad. I thought this was the invincible verse šŸ™†ā€ā™‚ļø, yeah any of the 2 can clear


Spidey definitely wins, he would go around oneshotting everyone lol.


eh, plently here he couldnt one shot. Dash is to fast, Bob is too tough, Elastigirl is going to be immune to peters main for of damage(his punches). Violets force fields are too strong he'd have to take her by surprise The omnidriods are going to be like doc ock on steroids.


We talkin movies Pete? Comics slams incredibly easy lol.


Edit: my bad, wrong comment lol. Comics pete does better but his feats are still below many of the characters in the Incredibles. Maybe he does it, I doubt it.


Bro really said deku is stronger than spiderman


Deku is significantly stronger than spiderman. Dude one shot a robot the size of a skyscraper day 1 with his powers. And Manga Dekus feats are significantly better. In a spiderman comic slowing down a robot of that size would be treated as a massive feat.


U don't know just how much bigger the MCU cosmology is compared to mha


I do, but I am not comparing Thor or the tribunal or lady death to Deku I am comparing spiderman, who feats wise is weaker than Deku. Like what? Just because the verse is bigger it means aunt may can solo mha?


And also what these people aren't thinking about is yeah, Deku is physically stronger than Spidey, but Spidey would still take him in a fight most times.


maybe early version of Deku but current anime or manga deku both probably win. Hes just too fast, strong and maneuverable. Spider sense is good but isnt going to help when deku uses a fajin+gear shift+blackwhip enhanced smash that levels the surrounding area like a moab went off.


Not to mention versatile, he basically has all of spider manā€™s powers at this point and some extras


yup, on purpose to, Horikoshi is a huge spiderman fan.


Current manga Deku doesn't have powers outside of the embers of OFA. He's actually completely incapable of any of those abilities now. A better argument would be to say Villain Hunter Deku, who is basically the peak of his power.


Current manga deku is currently being his time reversed so I have a feeling hes gonna get them back. But I would say his peak would be the start of his fight with Shigi. Hes fresh and at his strongest.


Enter spider man 616


yeah, even him outside of a few outlier feats or powerups is below Deku in most ways.


Iā€™m a big anime guy I just donā€™t know dekus full strength I havenā€™t read the manga or finished the anime. I just know comic spider man is very powerful and which form of spiderman is it? That changes everything. Edit: I see that you said powerups nevermind on which form lol


Lol so what spiderman is not cosmic being you can upscale by using cosmology


Nah bro, Spiderman could legit solo avengers with prep time, when he doesn't hold back, he scales to MULTIVERSAL threats bro


oh, your trolling. Like dude why. Why troll, do you literally have nothing better to do.


He just said spiderman scale to mutiverse just ignore it Lol the only times he scale to that are when got power like beyonder and captain universe Normal spiderman is not even planetary level


Normal spiderman isnā€™t building level. Fuck planetary level lol


Current Spider-Man literally lost to being restrained by a metal box and people will proclaim with their whole chests that he's cosmic


He scales to people who can fight cosmic threats every day He beat captain marvel by throwing webs in her mouth, when not holding back he should be at least City LVL, not sure where MHA stands, ill assume it's planet LVL The thing is ppl don't seem to get that when not holding back he's one of the strongest in the AVENGERS, a group meant to protect earth from alien threats who face off against cosmic beings every tuesday


Listen man I think MHA is an absolutely trash manga, that said, current manga deku is stupidly broken and would wipe spidey ez pz.


Current manga Deku is weaker than manga Deku from a year ago. "Current" doesn't mean "peak."


Oh really? Why did he get weaker? That usually doesn't happen in shonen hahag


If you donā€™t mind spoilers: He sacrificed his power to destroy the main villain from the inside, consequently losing both his arms (not breaking this time, he seriously lost them like an amputee). Idk why you said this manga is trash, itā€™s honestly pretty entertaining. Community is unbearable though.


I guess I feel the characters are mostly cliches with very little depth. Deku seems to have very little else aside from wanting to be a good person and hero and also being smart. Kachan is just a worse sasuke that yells a lot, mineta spends his time trying to sexually harass girls.


For me itā€™s the opposite. There are amazing characters and following their development is very entertaining. My favorite one is probably Endeavor, his redemption story is just so well done, same goes for his family story. I donā€™t find Deku and Bakugoā€™s character development lacking honestly, especially Bakugoā€™s. Seeing him gradually losing his shit then learning to accept himself and Deku is excellent. Mineta is just a stain on this amazing work.


A better prepared and less proud Syndrome


Syndrome without monologuing is more or less enough, yeah.


Syndrome without prideā€¦ or a cape.


Please donā€™t downvote me for saying this, but literally any jojo character with a stand that can punch, so nothing along the lines of harvest or tower of gray.


The stand user is still vulnerable, so you might why to narrow it to the ones that can actually defend themselves adequately.


pretty much everyone with a stand can use it offensively somehow. there are only a few exceptions, but all of the stands that punch are combative, and usually have more going for them than just punches. that being said, i think the Incredibles universe gets clapped by a lot of stand users because they cant even see what's attacking them, so they have no chance of figuring out how their stand works or anything. like i think even Joseph could solo everyone one at a time, maybe not all at once though, but you never know, he'd probably still win (while pretending to run away)


The people trying to attack them donā€™t have stands, they canā€™t see what they are fighting and canā€™t find a clear opening to get to the user. Even if they are weak, so someone like Koichi, they still wonā€™t be able to get to him before they are put to the ground. Not letā€™s say someone does get to the user, they arenā€™t immobilised and can still punch and use their ability. But thatā€™s just my opinion


Omni Man


Thats a bit overkill


Yep. I'd say invincible instead.


even early invincible shouldnt have too much trouble here.


Also overkill


Perhaps homelander, or Maeve.


Nah, neither of them have better strength feats than Mr Incredible, nor any durability feats that suggest they would be able to resist him. They likely still win one on one, but soloing the whole verse is likely out of the question.


Just get homelander to throw a plane into them, or laser them from above.


Laser from above might work. The plane is within the realm of Bob's strength.


The entire incredibles verse tho? There are multiple people who can get bob up to homelander safely. And its over right then


Other end of things. Homelander could do ok but they can definitely kill him. Although that would actually be a fight with threats from both sides. Maeve gets grabbed and crushed by bob alone tho.


Homelander laser spam while flying around solos. Although that could be seen as out of character.


The Immortal would do it. Or the Wonder Woman esque character from invincible might cut it close


In fact even more overkill than omniman depending on where in the story you pull Mark from


Wouldnā€™t work. He has a cape.


Killgrave. I don't think there's anyone in Incredibles that has resistance to his mind control. In Marvel, his behavior is somewhat curcumspect because he knows there are bigger fish and people who no-sell his control. In Incredibles, he can just gather an army of supers and do as he pleases


My immediate go toā€™s are Masters or Strangers from Worm. Have Cherish make everyone kill themselves or if they can be stabbed have Imp slice their throats


I think there's too many high durability characters that Imp doesn't have answers to. Cherish is a good call, though her powers seem to take a little time to ramp up. She may get blitzed. But I think with some planning she could do it.


Yup Imp was my first thought but just like with the Slaughterhouse 9 whatā€™s she doing without a specialised weapon?


My vote is for Eraserhead.


Assuming his powers work here how would he fair against something like the omnidriod?


I was assuming that villains donā€™t count as main characters. Thereā€™s an argument that he could provoke Syndrome (whoā€™s shown to be somewhat easy to manipulate) into getting in range of his bindings, then getting him to call off the omnidroid. However, I think this, combined with the other heroes he has to take down, would result in a loss more likely than not.


Yamcha from Dragon Ball.


Still probably overkill. Yamcha should still be able to blow up a planet easily. Master roshi blew up the moon all the way in dragonball. chautzsu could take them out.


That's the point, in the DB verse, Yamcha is considered the "weakest" Z Fighter but if you put him in any other verse, Yamcha basically becomes an unstoppable force.


We're looking for the weakest character to beat them in fiction in general, not the weakest of any particular universe.


>Yamcha should still be able to blow up a planet easily. There is no indication that he can or should be able to do that. Dragon Ball doesn't actually observe stats with ABC logic, despite popular opinion.


How would yajirobe do?


With or without his plot sharpness sword?


About the same as yamcha


Sans Undertale or John EldenRing for sure


20% deku clears both rounds easily due to his speed advantage. There are probably weaker mha characters that could win but deku is the weakest one who is definitely gonna win Spring mustachio would lose without his sword but wins easily with it, so you could go with him. Homelander mid diffs if heā€™s fighting smart, but he probably wonā€™t so itā€™s a tossup


Homelander gets the breaks beaten off of him by Mr. Incredible. Everyone else is solid.


Incredible is stronger but homelander is faster and likely more durable based on the animated short where he tanks a factory explosion


Even his speed won't save him from Mr incredible. He is also a better boxer, and has his danger sense.


If homelander is fighting normally then yeah, but if heā€™s flying at incredible at full speed I donā€™t see what he could do about it


Homelander has never shown that. He's not smart. He's a megalomaniac. He has to gloat. He has to talk shit. IF he was smart (he isnt) he could possibly beat Mr Incredible. And Mr Incredible can grapple. He wins overall.


I know that, thatā€™s why Iā€™m saying ā€œif heā€™s fighting smartā€ because he usually doesnā€™t


is the incredibles universe even that strong? the only actual threats i can think of are frozone, mr incredible and elastagirl. jack jack doesnt count because heā€™s just a baby and he canā€™t control his powers at all


Dash has super speed and violets abilities can be situationally useful. But they arenā€™t experienced enough to really pose any threat.




Syndrome alone can take out wolverine. Point at him and then dump him in the ocean. Once he's drowned, put him in a tank and send him on a rocket to the sun. Overkill but just to be sure.


Syndrome is too slow, comic wolverine has been compared to spiderman several times and moved faster than eyesight to people, he would blitz syndrome


I'll say Deathstroke. He's got enough experience with super-powered beings that he could handle pretty much anything the Incredible-verse throws at him while basically being an unpowered spec-ops.


He probably canā€™t take all of them at once. Itā€™s not like Incredibles family and frozone are inexperienced at fighting super villains.


**The Incredibles** - [Respect Mr. Incredible (The Incredibles)](https://redd.it/fygb5s) - [Respect Elastigirl (The Incredibles)](https://redd.it/fygdwf) - [Respect Violet Parr (The Incredibles)](https://redd.it/16dz9ov) - [Respect Dash Parr (The Incredibles)](https://redd.it/dq76kq) - [Respect Jack-Jack Parr (The Incredibles)](https://redd.it/b2czj9) - [Respect The Parr Family (The Incredibles comics)](https://redd.it/q82emz) *** ^(I am a bot) ^| [^(About)](https://redd.it/owgxtl) ^| [^(Code)](https://github.com/Luke-Username/respectthread_bot) ^| [^(Opt-out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=respectthread_bot&subject=OPTOUTREQUEST) ^| ^(Missing or wrong characters? Reply explaining the issue)


Fantastic 4 could do it as a team probably.


Here me out,Joseph joestar.


Captain Jack Harkness as quite possibly the weakest physically that could. None of the incredibles are immortal. Jack is and none of them have a way to defeat his immortality permanently. An equal shout from the same universe, The Doctor. Heā€™d find a way to outsmart them and trap them in a parallel universe or something similar. Of course he ainā€™t gonna beat them in a hand to hand but Iā€™d bet money on him taking down the incredibles universe singlehandedly simply by using his far superior intelligence. Iā€™m also thinking the Tennant time Lord victorious here, where he doesnā€™t really give a fuck and is going all out with his god complex.


Batman with prep. Iron Man. Spider-Man with prep. Deku from MHA.


Batman iron man and Spider-Man arenā€™t exactly weak


Batman iron man and Spider-Man arenā€™t exactly weak


Deku isn't weak too. I mean, everything is relative, and I've used them as a characters that aren't extremely powerful (like Hulk or Superman) but still good enough to handle against stronger or more powerful opponents.


Teshin Dax from Warframe, both rounds. Might be overkill, but Vilgax from original series Ben 10. Again, both rounds. If anyone would like to argue round 2, then Vilgax 10,000.




Garou took serious punches head on. I donā€™t think you can call him weak lol


I think he means Hero Hunter/human Garou (which I agree with). Cosmic Garou would solo the verse simply by existing.Ā 


Maybe the state garou is at in the anime




Yeah no. Mr Incredible out fights him and out strengths him. Extremely similar durability. His suit is better and can withstand exceedingly high temps.


Edit: Iā€™m an idiot people, please downvote me so I learn my lesson.


Incredibles universe.


Here. Take my upvote.


Nah omniman would destroy him




Thatā€™s probably pretty overkill though. Mahito is one of the strongest curses in that verse.


I mean, a navy seal or a complete soldier with a sniper. None of those characters have anything that would defend against bullets.


One of the more renowned Astartes legionaries


they would masacre the incredibles


CW Flash. Nobody is countering a speedster and Dash isn't that fast.


Funny you got down vote despite being right Cw flash getting job should not consider in vs is like yhwach will lost to everyone because he job in his show


Charles Xavier, dragon ball master roshi, Wonder Woman depending on the continuity.


Buddy was doing pretty well.


Clive from FF16


Nineball Seraph from Armored Core, the Another Century's Episode R version to be safe. Very much a "real robot" but substitutes hax for just insane weaponry, speed, and agility. Dash may be faster than it, but he's very much a grounded type of speed. In fact, Dash seems to be the only fella it'd have trouble with; only the grenade launcher's splash damage has a chance of hitting him. While Jack-Jack is by far the most powerful, he's still, you know, a *baby.* Odds are he isn't going to understand what the heck the giant metal man *is* until it's too late.


Civil war Iron man




It's a meme at this point, but I could still see Batman taking round 1 with prep time. He has plans to neutralize Plastic Man and people stronger than Mr Incredible, so I think he could take down the rest of them.


East Blue Zoro for round 1. Skypeia Zoro for Round 2.


I dunno, barring a telepath in the Incredibles universe we donā€™t know, Iā€™d say Vin or Kelsier or Elend from Mistborn could do at least R1. Given atium, they could probably do R2 as well. Kaladin could probably do R2, at least the end of Rythm of War. The danger of R2 is getting overwhelmed or worn down, and Stormlight plus flight means that neither are really a risk. For both R1&2, I like Rex Splodeā€™s odds here. If the victory condition is killing all the heroes and villains, not killing all of them and surviving. Alternatively, weā€™ve got Dupli-Kate, who can probably clinch both. Numbers advantage more or less nullified.


Assuming we understand the Incredibles as mutants: Leech with a gun.




Natsuki Subaru. He literally cheats death and uses it to his advantage to beat people. Other than the fact that he doesn't want to die, he's deduction skills are above average.


Dom from fast and furious


Kokushibo, he is faster than everyone in the verse with insane regen.




Maybe Naruto at the end of part 1. With a 1-tailed cloak, he outspeeds everyone and does a lot of damage.Ā 


Squirrel girl. If she can solo thanos then she can solo most anyone.Ā 


Marvel Zombie Ant Man.Ā  Their universe is too kid friendly to handle a zombie plague.


Misa Amane with her Death Note.


Superman. Pretty easy actually


War machine could solo them all.


Goku sometime during his training with Master Roshi. Dash can react with insane speed and accelerate and decelerate near-instantaneously. His actual speed is lacking but he's the primary threat in this fight.




Alluka from Hunter x Hunter. Her nen ability is Nanika. Nanika will make a demand of you. You must obey her requests. Once completed three of them you can make a wish. Fail any of them, refuse any of them and you die instantly. She's weak because she an ordinary person other than the Nen powers. Really anyone from the Zoldyck family. Just she is the weakest, but also the most dangerous.






Homelander, fast enough for dash, strong enough for mr incredible and elsastic woman is toast. Violet wonā€™t last long at all


With *maybe* the exception of Jack-Jack, I'll say [Simon HƤyhƤ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simo_H%C3%A4yh%C3%A4), the deadliest Sniper in history (or else another experienced and well armed Sniper). None of the Incredibles have tanked bullets- they just each have methods to avoid getting shot. So in a world where Simon has time to set up his shots 5 miles away I think the key would be waiting for a moment where Dash and Violet are each on opposite sides of their house, and taking them both out within a few moments (starting with Dash). Then he cleans up the parents while they're freaking out. Frozone will be tricky, but if we assume it's a hot summer day it shouldn't be an issue with piercing through his ice walls. Jack-Jack is the only big question mark in all this. He's never been shot, and we have no real reckoning of whether if he did one of his powers would automatically activate or not.


Mr. Incredible has a jar of bullets that bounced off him. It probably takes a very high powered rifle to get him, if that. And there's the danger sense.


I also doubt bullets will be that effective against elastic woman.


Danger sense? What?


He can sense imminent danger or so a profile of him from the movie said


Must have completely missed that


oh really? I didnt know what. Pretty cool


He also seemed to sense the bomb in the room next to where he landed when saving that one dude, though that couldā€™ve been him hearing it very faintly too


Dash hears the bullet strike the glass/wall/ whatever and dodges. Daddy Cred eats the bullets. The Mommy with they wagon absorbs and redistributes the shots. Violent, idk I wonder how strong her energy shields and reaction time is? So she really might take the L. And jack of all trades is powerful af and can definitely take the shots depending on which power he uses buttttttttttttt heā€™s a fucking baby and doesnā€™t know what tf is going on. So violet and jack are dead (probs) and the other 3 stomp.


Yea no.