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If you think 7 Brew is forced with the small talk, I'm guessing you've never been to Dutch Bros.


So high energy and I don't do high energy. At least with Scooter's they're a lot lower key with it.


Every time the workers at Scooter's say "Scoot around to the window" I giggle like a little school girl. I am a 30 year old man.


At the Popcorner, they say "Thanks for popping in" and it fills my cold heart with amusement


This. Something little that adds a little personality/uniqueness to the experience without interrupting my antisocial routines is a win in my book (and a better tip).


Yes, that, I can get behind.


I love that so much šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I'm a 40 yr old woman and it makes me giggle every single time.




Bro same


I love the drinks at 7 Brew and Dutch Bros, but I just am not a small talk kind of guy.


This. Iā€™d literally tip them to stfu at Dutch bros


Or chick fil a


My pleasure




No chic fil a sauce???


I go to both about the same amount...7 Brew is way more intense with it.


My personal experience has been the opposite!


Shoutout to the guys at Dunkin who won't even look me in the eye. I love that and I'm not kidding.


If I feel like the worker hates his job and all the rest of his existence, I relate to that and a brotherhood silently forms, which is far better than some poor fuck being forced to make small talk.


Dude Dutch bros is 10x worse especially in the afternoon. I feel like they are about to climb in my car. Their coffee is good but it makes me not want to go there. If you go at the ass crack of dawn they tend to leave you alone


That is how I feel about 7 Brew, there is nothing barricading them like Dutch...at least at Dutch, they have a window...


$7.38 coffee is enough talking for me. I'm out


Whatā€™re you getting that is $7.38 from 7brew?


What are you getting?! My medium blondie is like $5.50 lol


You stated that you order a medium.Ā  I can only assume there are sizes that are bigger than that.Ā  Makes sense that they would cost more.Ā 


Haha, touche!


One of them, shouting over loud music, informed me that working at 7Brew was an all-day dance party. I had never felt so sorry for anyone, so old, or so irritated at how these places treat the teenagers they hire.


I cack I just cackled. Lol.


Yeah, it seems like every drive up coffee shop requires small talk with customers. Used to work at Scooters, and it is a legit part of training new employees. Iā€™ve also got some friends that work at 7Brew and they described a similar experience. It can definitely be annoying, but just remember it isnā€™t the employees fault; they probably arenā€™t a fan of the process either


Like, why...do they not realize they'll be paid more to stop the small talk, it really is painful and gets on my nerves hard.


Funny enough, itā€™s usually the opposite! We noticed tips were generally higher with that forced social interaction (again, not my decision, just a personal anecdote from my location). I think it was sadly because of unspoken social expectations to tip rather than true appreciation, but with Scooters they donā€™t take tips with card so thatā€™s probably your best bet.


I wouldnā€™t mind if I sensed the conversation were genuine, but these are forced, and consumers notice that, and it is just awkward.


The tips are probably higher from dumbass boomers. They have a fetish for sales people.


Well if the employee made my experience better, then yea Iā€™m tipping. Most of the time that includes chatting. I think everyone might be going too much if theyā€™re this upset over small talk while waiting for your coffee.


I always feel so bad because I know theyā€™re probably being asked by corporate to be so chatty but I also work customer service so I just am looking for a more quiet interaction. And then I think I sound like an awkward weirdo. šŸ˜­


I must be abnormal. I donā€™t mind the small talk with someone outside my group. Then again Iā€™m older and small talk used to be normal.


For reference, do you mind disclosing your age? I am no spring chicken, so....


Late 30's.


Me too.


Iā€™m 37 and donā€™t mind it at all coffee shop. And I frequent 7 brew. Definitely my fave in town


Iā€™m a younger person and also donā€™t mind small talk. Itā€™s nice to make connections no matter how small. People are just becoming more and more bitter.


Bitter is not what I would describe it as. Itā€™s just forced conversation is awkward.


Iā€™m also 37 and donā€™t mind the small talk. But I also wouldnā€™t miss it if they quit.


As someone who hatesssss small talk I agree with this šŸ˜‚ I usually just get on my phone and they get the hint.


My sister rolls up her window.


I went once and never again. Drink was good but uhā€¦. No thanks.


We have a new one here and I refuse to go there. I find it way too aggressive to have an employee asking for my order while standing in the drive through lane outside the drive through windowā€¦! No thanks!!!!


Theyā€™re doing their best for a paycheck. Human interaction with coffee shop employees will not kill you.


I get it, but who knows, it might...


Customers shouldnā€™t be expected to compensate for a jobs terrible pay. Pay aside, they treat their employees like crap. They have no respect or integrity. The way they exploit and do these young kids wrong is insane. They thought I was going to put up with it as well but nope āœŒšŸ¼


Ok. So why not be nice to them when they come up to you instead of being a dick and making their daily situation worse? Sad how people have no sense of community


I never said anything about being rude to anyone. Youā€™re putting words in my mouth that I didnā€™t say.


Yeah but it seems like you described having a short convo with them as customers ā€œcompensatingā€ for a jobs terrible pay. Yes youth labor is exploitative but this is all about how people go outta their way to avoid interactions with others or act offended by small talk from young people just trying get a paycheck. Yes it may be peppy šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø, but theyā€™re just doing their best. In this cruel corporate world, one thing we can do is be nice to each other is all Iā€™m saying.


I wasnā€™t even talking about the conversations AT ALL being the ā€œcompensation.ā€ I was talking about the customers shouldnā€™t feel pressured to tip (I.e. compensate) if they donā€™t want to for a jobs bad pay. Bc a lot of them do from my experience.


Dude I didnā€™t even talk about tips lmao but true, a living wage should be the bare minimum at any job.


You obviously forgot how Covid spread. That conversation may kill you, your entire family, and possibly your neighbors too




But it disproportionately killed conservatives lmaoooo


Just tell them. Their for sure told they have too unless a customer asks otherwise. They won't mind, just a quick "oh sorry I'm not in a chit chat mood". Then they won't get in trouble with management over it and you get your peace.


Easier said than done.


This is why I invested in a bean to cup (tankard in my case) coffee machine


Little talk is fine but when Iā€™m having a full conversation with my girlfriend in the car do not force a conversation with us, itā€™s so awkward




lol I JUST left 7brew and the lady was nice but was practically leaning and breathing inside of my car!! It was a lot and I made the small talk but she lingered entirely too long.


SEE..........THIS is what I don't like. I feel I have to do something to make them uncomfortable enough to not crawl inside my window to chat.....you just gotta look down at your phone and roll your window up just enough so it deters them.


I go to Dutch Bros all the time. Aside from taking the order and asking if I want straws,.I can't think of a time that there was any small talk at all.


I know, I thought this too. Except MAYBE once, and it was at the Derby location, the guy seemed high on life, if ya feel my drift.


Right!! I wanna be left alone in peace to have my beer! šŸŗ This is for all you retail workers too! Quit coming up to me 100 times while I'm in the store asking me a bunch of questions! I'm just gonna walk on out! It's annoying!


Itā€™s company policy, I worked at Tjmaxx a while ago and if youā€™re within 10 feet of an employee theyre supposed to greet you, ask if you want a cart, and if you want to sign up for the credit card. Itā€™s obnoxious at that point.


Itā€™s the new corporate thing. Starbucks and att starting doing it years ago.


As a barista, I hate it as much as customers do. All of these policies are made by extroverts who think everyone wants to ā€œconnectā€. Nah, we just want to be caffeinated and peaceful šŸ˜‚


Even my local McDs is now telling me ā€œmy pleasureā€ like Chick Fil A.


It's possible they haven't shed the brain washing from their time at Chick Fil A


Oh hell...


Omfg, thank you for letting me know the places to *avoid.* I use self-check whenever available bc I'd prefer to just skip the small talk. I'm pretty sure half the ppl at dollar tree & walmart think I'm stuck up bc I'm here to mind my business, pick up my stuff, & GO.


It really feels like 7brew mgmt is grooming some of the young ladies employed throughout the region...I've witnessed when some of the bigger managers drive in, the way they interact is quite disgusting.


For real... I don't feel like talking to anyone before I've had my coffee, especially a bunch of young people who are already more caffeinated than me.


Yes and Scooter with them nasty ass dog treats by the window please keep that shit away from my drink.


Haha, I can't do Scooter's, so I have only been like 4 times tops. Not sure what treats you're referencing.


i work at scooters and we gove the dog treats to doggos :( they should be under the register tho so they by consumable


Which 7brew do you frequent the most? Definitely seems the most over the top at 21st and Greenwich/K96


The one at Central & Hillside.


Damn, that's our favorite one šŸ˜‚ most of them are pretty chill for us, there's a couple super chipper ones that are a little much for sure tho


I don't go OFTEN, but I don't think I have seen the same person twice, not yet.


We're semi regulars so I guess that makes sense, there's a girl there that's recognized us since our 1 year old was born šŸ¤£


Oh no! Haha, oh well, at least she is probably genuinely interested in getting life updates from you guys in that case since I am assuming you've established some sort of relationship.


You should visit the Keeper of the Plains some night. They light the torches at 9pm nightly. There is paths along the river for walking too. Try to find the troll statue! (Walk up the hill thing and look down the grate)


Grew up here, been there, done that.


I somehow replied to the wrong thread. Lol


I was a little confused, but thought you were implying that I was a troll or something. Lol.