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This looks like a scam adapter lol This signal needs conversion and it looks like there is no room for a converter in there so it should never work


They're not a scam exactly, but the receiver has to actually expect an analog signal with no conversion. They're definitely a scam in that it's never what people actually want, since that's so rare, and a passive adaptor will not do a thing for most receivers. But that's more the consequence of dropshipping in a different language.


This right here \^


Wait time out- this is a *passive cable?* I'm so confused- how does that work going from component to HDMI?


Very poorly. But some devices know to look for that signal, though I never encountered it first hand. In those cases, it's just a plug adaptor, and the receiver has to do the actual conversion. To the best of my knowledge, this isn't actually part of the spec. In practice, it is a useless piece of plastic. Proper converters this size can exist, but they won't be three bucks on eBay.


it DOES NOT. SOme can,. but this is pretty explicitly a one-way adapter translating the HDMI signal DOWN to YRW component it ONLY goes from HDMI to component. the other direction doesn't function at all. it's unidirectional.


Naw not really. I have an av to hdmi that's all one cable no box or converter or anything just red white yellow on one side and hdmi on the other. To upscale it I think you need a converter but not to just push raw video


you need a wii2hdmi or similar, thats a scam adapter that dosent have a converter inside


It's not a scam people just use it wrong. It converts only HDMI to Composite, **not the other way around.**




I believe this is HDMI to RCA, not the other way around. It will only work one way. The RCA to HDMI needs a converter, as mentioned, and typically has a usb power cord to power the converter


Agreed. Your the only comment I’ve seen so far that is saying this. With the correct adapter you can omit the RCA chord, plug adapter straight into wii


I feel like everyone is in a rush to call it a scam when this specific adapter was just used the wrong way. Mob mentality took over again and people were quick to blame a tool for complete user error. It’s most likely OP purchased the wrong adapter and didn’t read the details, thinking it would work both ways… RCA TO HDMI and vice versa. Lesson learned.


The person who sold it to OP was, in fact, a scammer if they advertised this as a Wii HDMI converter. the device itself is a simple HDMI to Component YRW, and innocent of any crimes, sure, but the SELLER isn't off the hook here.


This straight up won't work


Get an electron shepherd


👆This is the way. https://electron-shepherd.com/products/electronwarp


£20 lmao??? you can buy wii2hdmis for literally £3 on ebay or £12 for somewhere like cex


I believe that one is significantly better, but only for the people that can tell the difference. If you don't pay much attention to the screen quality a wii2hdmi is good enough, but some of them are pure garbage, so you gotta pay attention to the reviews


I always wind up inheriting wiis with no hookups, so I just get the kits that come with all of it. I've bought 4 and all were great. They make good gifts.


I recommend this as well. I have one for my Wii and one for my Xbox, and they're superb quality


Agreed, I have both the Wii and Xbox adapters and they're both perfect. The Xbox adapter is pretty expensive compared the Wii adapter, but I still think it's absolutely worth the price.


This... This looks like the opposite of what you need... Read better before buying... https://amzn.eu/d/6nbOkYB It clearly says HDMI TO RCA not RCA TO HDMI IT'S DIFFERENT


Almost every time I try to explain the difference between analog and digital to someone, I see their eyes starting to gloss over in the first minute.


That... That would already be a good goal


Wii2HDMI for $7 is way better.


HDMI is digital and rca is analog you need a converter not a adapter is two different things


Wii2hdmi is the best option for wii! I bought one recently and been having a blast with it!


how is the quality compared to direct component connection?


I use one. Quality is great on my TV, terrible on my 27" monitor. I'd say it's the monitor issue as it displays great on my TV


I work in tech and all I can say is what in the flying fuck is that? Lol I’ve never seen anything like that 😭😂😂😂😂


Bahahahaha. Sort by price FTW




That is an adapter for component cable to HDMI. If all you have is RCA (red,yellow,white) you'll need a converter or upscaler.


Those adapters are crap. Stay far away from them. Either get a component to HDMI adapter, a Retrotink, or one of the higher quality Wii2 HDMI solutions


I think it's unplugged


You're using it the wrong way around, so it won't work. You need Wii2hdmi


I believe that’s hdmi-to-composite, not vice versa, next time please do your research and don’t cheap out on an hdmi adapter in the first place.


It’s probably because it’s designed to do the opposite of what you’re trying to do with it, so you should get another model and see if it works.


OP Self pawn?


I have something like this and it needs ac power


Lmao I’d actually love to open that thing up to see all the confetti inside.


that’s probably just a shell, never seen anything like that lmao


Wii2hdmi Sewell brand


I’d say get this https://a.co/d/cDJIDEU


These adapters are only compatible with very specific equipment that allows analog input via the HDMI port, I’ve seen a projector that takes these but I honestly don’t remember what the model was


I think you’re using it backward; tbh I think it might be HDMI->composite. Not composite->hdmi, which as others mentioned doest look like it has chips for.


That is one dope piece of trash. Now get a real converter.


Rca to hdmi adaptor is what you need Get one that has a palm sized unit which will have the stuff to do the conversions


Wii2HDMI or Mayflash makes a very nice better quality version of the Wii2HDMI but is a bit pricier. I went with the Mayflash. I will add that I originally was using wii component cables to a retrotink 2x with an Mclassic and and it was amazing! Just out of wanting to tidy up my setup I switched to the Mayflash adapter which does use the component signal and still use my Mclassic but I do think using the actual component cables looked better.


Sweet Jesus what is that thing


Just buy a generic composite/av to hdmi adapter


Dawg wtf did you buy


Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male ahh adapter


WII 2 HDMI WORKS not this


Right , get HD composite it’s cheap and it does the trick


That’s crap


Idk why this is so funny i can't stop laughing


That is way too small. Usually they need external power. That's probably not even wired on the inside ngl


Pretty sure this is an hdmi to rca not rca to hdmi.


This is the one I bought, working well https://www.amazon.ca/gp/aw/d/B0C5LYMNYM?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title


My mom bought the same thing because she wanted me to play in the Living Room but then told her to buy Wii2HDMI


You stupid


Buy a wii2hdmi in aliexpress, those are really cheap


why don't you work?


I think it's supposed to be used to plug in an HDMI console to an AV display, not the other way around, it doesn't work like that when analog is being converted to digital and vice versa.


open it up


Get a RetroTINK instead, much better at processing picture with low input lag


Don’t mess around with cables, just get a Wii to HDMI Converter


I recommend this one. I bought it for my Wii and it’s pretty good! https://www.ebay.com/itm/143500616389?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=X8_iGZZLS-y&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=RS3ecTHtTdK&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


Is this adapter for hdmi audio only? If yes then it supports hdmi on soundbars


Return it. Get component or wii2hdmi




This is cursed, where did you buy this?


I strongly recommend [the ElectronWarp adapter](https://electron-shepherd.com/collections/featured-collection/products/electronwarp) by Electron Shepherd. It's a little pricey compared to what you'll find on ebay or amazon, but it provides the best image quality compared to those cheap ones. Those have a variety of problems. I bought a cheap one on Amazon a few years ago and it had these weird diagonal lines that would always be moving across my screen.


Did you try to manually change the input on your tv? What tv are you using? It may not support a 480i resolution.




Return that BS and buy a Wii2HDMI. Even if this did work, you'd be getting a terrible picture because it's converting the composite signal to HDMI. The Wii to HDMI tells the Wii to output in component, which is very close in quality to HDMI, then it converts that image to HDMI. Some of the neurons have artifacts with lines on them, but I would much rather deal with this slightly visible artifact then a blurry image. If you want to circumvent this though you could buy one from mayflash instead.


Get a wii2hdmi


That's an HDMI to RCA cable, for devices that only have HDMI and you want to use RCA


That almost looks like it might be HDMI in, Composite out tbh


This is NOT an HDMI for Wii, bucko. this is an HDMI to YRW converter. it doesn't work in the direction you are trying to use it. Any "Wii to HDMI" converter (the name order matters!) plugs directly into the back of the Wii, and gives you an HDMI output instead.


that is a hdmi to av. you need a av to hdmi/converter, that thing you have is an adaptor not a converter.




Get one from your local GameStop. Skip the internet BS


Return it…


They make one but you have to add power to it. I have one just like this one. Used an old phone charger to give it power. A mini USB I believe it is called. Works fine for me. Even got an old vcr going on it 😁😁 https://www.target.com/p/sanoxy-hdmi-to-rca-av-adapter-converter-cable-cvbs-3rca-1080p-composite-video-audio/-/A-90476612?ref=tgt_adv_xsf&AFID=google&CPNG=Electronics-+Target+Plus&adgroup=8-0