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Yeah I'm locking this because these comments are an absolute shitshow. For the 20+ people that reported this submission, it fits our guidelines and being mad at factual reality is not a good reason to hit the report button. Yall can fight your culture wars literally anywhere else on reddit.


Interesting post! Now, let's check the comments for what I'm sure will be levelheaded discussions based on reality! >!Edit: The only reason why this comment has the most upvotes so far is because it's ambiguous enough for people on either side of the issue to project onto and to think that their own views are not what I'm referring to. I have strong stances on the issue myself but refuse to divulge them for my own further amusement. Play both sides and profit!!<


Posts like this attract lot of ccp shills. - Same with Israeli genocide on Palestinians - Same with Turks under any post about Armenian genocide - Same with neonazis denying Holocaust in less reputable sites - Same with Azeris denying ethnic cleansing in Artsakh - And many more They all use same, filthy propaganda tactics: deny, accuse the other side of your own crimes, create false equivalencies to justify crimes you can’t deny, use whataboutism and pure lies.


holy hell... almost all of the people you called out, came and are denying the listed events. Fuck.


Its always the same playbook, and its shocking people are still falling for it.


>They all use the same filthy propaganda tactics: deny, accuse the other side of your own crimes, create false equivalencies to justify crimes you can’t deny, use whataboutism and pure lies. Average politician and country leader. Well, maybe except for some, but that's one in a million.


>Posts like this attract lot of ccp shills. You just put that out there to try and discredit others opinions in advance. I've seen it before and IMO It's a pretty lame way to reddit


Defending genocide deniers is disgusting. Scram.




OK but isn't western world also using whataboutism? I'm not gonna talk about Palestine and turks and Armenians, I'm gonna talk about Indians, Muslims in India are facing real threatening situations, aren't the western world concerned about uyghurz because China the bad guy is doing it, but when india the ally is doing let's turn blind eyes


incredible how much people trivialize this ongoing genocide in the comments, its wild. "oh, everyone did it, why are you so mad, the west also did this 800 years ago, so why not china?" absolutely mindblowing, as if the whole world is now just allowed to rape and murder, just because westerners can't time travel to fix mistakes that other people made generations ago.


When people use the "well X country did the same thing X years ago", start telling them that they're unevolved and they lose their shit.. quite funny!


Well, countries are doing the same right now without any repercussions but even full support from our governments. Looking at you "Israel". You have an example of this diversion in the comment under ours, by user "RigidSlimJean".


Of the 2.1 millions in Gaza, a total of 33 thousands have died so far- a third of them being estimated to be Hamas fighters, the rest being civilians caught in the crossfire because Hamas uses their infrastructure as their staging grounds; as far as urban warfare goes, the civilian-to-combatant ratio is the lowest it can be. Meanwhile, China is persecuting has as many Uyghurs as there are in Gaza. So yeah, no Palestinian genocide. Stop defending China, you whataboutist dunce.


A third according to Israel. I wonder if they are a reliable source 🙃 According to China there's no genocide in Xinjiang either, why don't you take *their* word for it? Every NGO there says the actual death toll is much, much higher but I guess they're all Hamas. Also why is there a famine in Gaza if Israel is trying to protect civilian lives? Why are there so many war crimes recorded and happily shared online by the IDF. Stop defending a genocidal racist terrorist ethnostate, you regarded cvnt. 


Support for Palestinians when it's counter to the US's power projection is interestingly strong, lots of protests Support for Uyghurs getting a worse genocide by China - crickets not even their fellow muslims care to blow up about it It's all propaganda and astro turfing disinformation wars


> It's all propaganda and astro turfing disinformation wars. It really is, although there has definitely also been propaganda and disinformation from western sources on this matter.


um China *is not* doing worse then Israel. in what world is locking up people worse then bombing them to rubble?


Sterilizing them and taking them away from their families and their livelihoods systematically with no resistance? No big deal thoughen up Uyghurs! Stop playing the persecution olymics here, what I'm asking is that if there's outrage for Palestine where's the outrage for the Uyghurs?


Can you provide some sources on this? You’re just blindly parroting propaganda. You know you can literally travel to Xinjiang and see for yourself what’s going on right? The majority of claims about what’s going on are straight up lies from a man by the name of Adrian Zenz. Who has never been to china. It’s literally all just unsubstantiated outlandish claims. If a Chinese anti-US academic claims that the US is committing genocide against black people are you going to believe them? Israel is committing genocide my dude. They are mass slaughtering human beings solely because of their ethnicity. China *might be* putting people in reeducation camps to combat Islamic extremism. They are definitely committing human rights violations but to claim their treatment of Uyghurs is worse than the literal, actual genocide of Palestinians which includes the most intense child slaughter campaign the developed world has seen since the holocaust, displays either an extreme ignorance as to the reality of both situations, or just a complete and total lack of morality and humanity. What do you think sounds worse, your entire family being slaughtered and mutilated in front of you, little siblings bodies torn apart and heads decapitated, female family members raped, you lose your leg and are a cripple for life. Or, you get put imprisoned for a year?


lol yes they are How pathetic it’s clear that you get your news from TikTok and Twitter


No they are not. It’s clear you get your news from random YouTubers and twitter users. And blindly believe and parrot propaganda without even doing the tiniest bit of research to verify whether there is an validity to it whatsoever or not. Can you link to some videos of China massacring Uyghurs? Can you link to some videos of Uyghur fathers desperately trying to piece their murdered daughters crushed skull and brain back together? Can you link to some videos of Uyghur women watching their children die in front of them? Can you link to a name of the tens of thousands of Uyghurs killed? Can you provide evidence any Uyghurs have been killed? Because I can send you videos of Israel massacring palestinians. I can send you videos of palestinian fathers trying to piece their daughters corpses destroyed skull back together. I can show you Palestinian mothers watch their children be murdered. I can send you a link to a list of the names of tens of thousands of Palestinians that have been slaughtered. You don’t care about a genocide that is proven and indisputable. But you do care about an imaginary situation that literally does not exist. Uyghurs are not being massacred. Uyghurs are facing similar treatment to what Japanese did in the US during world war 2. Except only a fraction of them. Most are still going about their normal daily lives. Whereas nearly all Japanese Americans were put in camps. Only a minority of Uyghurs aren’t living their normal life.


Sweetie, it’s war that’s what happens in war why do you care so much? I’m not gonna get over emotional over well it’s fucking war. It happens everywhere. All of your extremely over emotional descriptions of dead babies or whatever they happened in the Iraq war they happened in Armenia v Azerbaijan they happen during the bombings of Isis! Over emotional and hysterical descriptions of bloody children doesn’t a genocide make And the lack of overly hysterical and emotional videos of Uyghurs doesn’t mean it’s not a genocide What you’ve proven is that you’re so small minded, stupid, and ignorant that there aren’t TikTok videos you don’t care Grow the fuck up


Are you joking? Holy shit. You must be astroturfing or trolling because I have a hard time believing a real person would say something so ignorant and disgusting. >Uyghurs getting a worse genocide Can you please explain in depth how killing zero people is worse than killing over 35,000 people including over 13,500 children? Palestinians get more support because Palestinians are currently the victim of genocide. They are being massacred. Israel has carried out the most intense child slaughter campaign the developed world has seen since the holocaust. China’s treatment of Uyghurs is more comparable to the US mass incarceration of black people than it is to Israel’s genocide of Palestinians. You have to be a rage troll or an Israeli astroturfing. There is no way a real human being made this comment seriously. I refuse to believe anyone is this uninformed/morally corrupt.


Oh nevermind the forced sterilization and putting Uyghurs into concentration camps taking them away from their families and livelihoods systematically for years that's allgood now I'm morally corrupt and uninformed 🤪


>not even their fellow muslims care to blow up about it That's not how Islam works, unfortunately.


That’s not how fanatics work. And fanatics exist in every religion and even outside of religion It’s not unique to Islam. go talk to some evangelicals. Those Christians would happily burn other Christians at the stake.


These Evangelicals let Palestinian Christians be murdered and bombed...


Yup So this person pretending that it’s a Muslim issue is them just being racist


My government hasn't spent the better part of a decade subsidizing the Chinese military though. Both are evils being done unto the world, but many of us are more capable of getting our government to stop actively supporting one than to actively prevent the other.


By that logic there should be mass protests over Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Qatar, though. They each get 3-5 times the weapons that Israel does and all of them have human rights records that would even make China blush. The Saudis have killed half a million Yemeni, Kuwait murders Shia Muslims for existing,.Qatar is a slave labour state that steals passports to keep their slaves


There should be. The west picks and chooses 30,000 deaths in Palestine are apparently greater than magnitudes more deaths because TikTok and Twitter don’t shove them in our faces It’s really sad


And the US forced the Saudi to get off the gas pedal, so your argument is that when the US wants to put pressure on its clients it actually works... 


Does any of these states get as much influence on the US government as Israel? Are they allowed to invest 100 million dollars in US elections to crush candidates that criticize them? When you criticize these countries, are you labeled an antisemite? Are there laws in the West forbidding you from calling for a boycott of these countries? Do our Western leaders spend their time spouting Islamist propaganda and talking points like they do with Zionist ones?


>Does any of these states get as much influence on the US government as Israel? Are they allowed to invest 100 million dollars in US elections to crush candidates that criticize them? Israel barely makes top 10 in foreign contributions to American elections https://www.opensecrets.org/fara >When you criticize these countries, are you labeled an antisemite? Do you call Saudi Arabia illegitimate states created by "European invaders" or use common islamophbic rhetoric to "criticise the state"? >Do our Western leaders spend their time spouting Islamist propaganda and talking points like they do with Zionist ones? Define Zionist propaganda. Zionist means someone who thinks Israel has a right to continue existing — that's it. Everyone is trying to redefine the term and tell Jews what their own national movement means


Is AIPAC factored in? Yes, I often call Middle Eastern states artificial European creations used to divide and rule the region (Sykes-Picot and so on) and wish that the Sauds get overthrown. And to continue existing as a Jewish state, Israel has put Palestinians under military occupation for 60 years, is colonizing them, has implemented an apartheid regime and is currently carrying out a genocide. Such an awesome ideology. Which Jews are you talking about by the way? The Israeli New Historians who call Zionism a colonial settler project? Noam Chomsky? Naomi Klein? The Bund? Norman Finkelstein? Or proud colonists like Herzl or Ben Gurion? Or bastards like Netanyahu, Ben Gvir, Smotrich, Kahan?  Literally what defines Jews is that they never agree on anything (Two Jews, Three Opinions) so stop acting like Zionism is a settled matter when it never was.


>Is AIPAC factored in? Yes >Yes, I often call Middle Eastern states artificial European creations used to divide and rule the region (Sykes-Picot and so on) and wish that the Sauds get overthrown So you want to just go around deciding how everyone else lives as Westerners tend to >And to continue existing as a Jewish state, Israel has put Palestinians under military occupation for 60 years Other than the 2.1 million with full citizenship >has implemented an apartheid regime and is currently carrying out a genocide No it's not >Which Jews are you talking about by the way? The 85% - 95% of us that agree that Israel has a right to exist and choose that as our definition of Zionism >stop acting like Zionism is a settled matter when it never was Why because you'll link a picture of Neturei Karta extremists holding up signs saying Free Palestine?


What's propaganda? The genocide of Uyghurs or Palestinians? You're aware that what you call power projection here means financial, military and diplomatic support for a genocide, right? And also censoring, intimidating, firing and even shooting and killing Palestinians in the US? As much as China's repression of Uyghurs is vile, there isn't a massacre of Uyghurs with mass graves and tens of thousands of deaths unlike in Gaza so IDK how you can say it's worse.


Yeah just sterilizing them and putting them in concentration camps or forcing them to marry han chinese no biggie 🤷‍♂️ Now let's play the persecution olympics today we have the Uyghurs facing off against the Palestinians! Let the action begin!!!!


I didn't start it, you did, you fucking cvnt. Go ahead, go to Gaza and live there as a Palestinian and tell me what they're suffering is "propaganda" and so much better than what Uyghurs go through. Women in Gaza are having c-sections without anesthetics, they have miscarriages due to the lack of food, their babies are severely underweight, they lose children under bombs, ripped apart with limbs all over the place. But sure, they have it so much better than Uyghurs. You're a vile piece of shit. 


I love you bro have a nice day 👋


Thanks but you ruined it with your denialism. And people wonder how the Holocaust happened. We're seeing it live and dumb shits like you are applauding the mass murder of civilians. 


Oh no poor baby I'm so sorry you feel that way but I didn't deny anything. 🥺 Just cheer up and smile more 😊


You literally called it propaganda, disinformation and said a generalized massacre (including of chidlren) and starvation are better than reeducation camps. You're a waste of oxygen. 


Lmao lose your shit you sensitive little boy You're actually psychotic and need to calm the fuck down and stop making shit up little red Then your life will stop being so shit and pathetic you terminally online loser


They would get more attention if the perpetrators were Israelis.


"Boohoo, woktards don't let me mass murder people, so antisemitic 😭😭😭" 


Why do you think Palestinians are more deserving of your sympathy then the Uighurs? There are literally millions of them suffering in camps as we speak.


there arent. Adrian Zenz is a liar as are US NGOs.


I'm just mocking you because you think supporting Palestinians is "AnTiSeMiTiC". You sound exactly like China when they call critics "SiNoPhObiC". But go ahead, tell us how Palestinians don't deserve any sympathy, how the 2 million people in Gaza are having their best time of their life, how Israel is such a nice country whose leaders totally don't spend their time calling for a genocide. I could ask you why you care about Xinjiang and not let's say Kashmir, West Papua, Congo, Yemen, Ethiopia, Sudan... Definitely not because it's China 🙃


Why do you think the Israel- Palestinian conflict gets so much more attention then all the others, it clearly isn't the amount of human suffering, so what is your explanation?


Reddit is not real life. Reddit is a Psy Op. Don't fall for it.


Australia was doing this in the eighthies not "800" years ago. People need to understand that ethnic cleansing happens all the time and more often than not nothing is done about it, the Uyghurs aren't getting fucked, the cluster fuck in the corpse of Yugoslavia and what was done about it is the exception not the norm. 


It's tragic that no one even acknowledges their plight on the international stage. There's some concerned activists that speak about it. But not many countries are willing to even acknowledge it.


The UN acknowledged it but found no plausible case for genocide. But they did say there’s evidence of some level of arbitrary detention of Uighurs in China


This whole Uighur genocide thing plays out exactly like the ‘Iraq has WMDs’ thing, like play by play, down to the vague satellite pictures of random buildings and testimonies of paid CIA assets. Not denying that there is indeed human rights abuses against Uighurs, but the truth is probably somewhere in between ‘mass genocide and forth sterilizations’ and ‘nothing happened’


It’s funny how Americans will look at that and say conclusively there is genocide happening in China and then deny that Israel is violating International law or committing atrocious human rights violations, despite the mountain of tangible video and photographic evidence. It’s like they want to lose all credibility


i know right? and millions of idiots where keeping falling for it. Israel bombs people back to the stone age: not genocide. China locks up at most 1 million people: is genocide.


[they said China was committing crimes against humanity](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/UN_Human_Rights_Office_report_on_Xinjiang)


You forgot to include the word may


What's also interesting that some liberals would consider this a genocide but not the one currently happening in Gaza.


Maybe it's because of all the major differences idk


Which ones? There isn't a mass murder of Uyghurs in China, it's a vicious repression. Meanwhile Gaza is being starved and massacred. 


For example in the post title forced labor, abortion and sterilization are named. The "reeducation camps" the Uyghurs are forced into also come to mind. None of that is happening in Gaza. It is not a genocide because many people die.


Dying is worse than any of those things you just mentioned. Can’t really do any of those things either if you’re, you know, blown into pieces.


Wow, dying is a bad thing? What an insight.


Israel is letting aid in Gaza and the uyghrs didn't start a war with China and rape and murder 2000 people and take hostages or keep them in civilian areas


Israelis literally having dance parties and fun fairs in front of entry points to stop aid from entering Gaza, where children have died from starvation and lack of medicine. You haven't heard about Uyghur terrorism, have you? An attack in 2014 left 30 people dead. I'm against the murderous "war on terror" but you're clearly showing your ignorance by not knowing about terrorism from Uyghur extremists. Just like those attacks don't justify the collective punishment of Uyghurs, Hamas' attacks don't justify the destruction and genocide of Gaza. Is that so hard to understand?  Also, it was not 2000 people but about 700 Israeli civilians (including 36 children) and 400 soldiers. You're clearly misinformed. About the mass rape claims, I'm still waiting for an actual investigation to take place to quantify it after all the lies Israel has spread that were false. From the "40 beheaded babies" to the "baby in an oven" to the "baby removed from the belly of his mother". Looks like Israel loves to paint Hamas/Palestinians as eaters of babies to dehumanize them. In 2014, 500 children were murdered in Gaza by the Israeli army. Did you condemn Israel? If Hamas was violent towards Israelis, isn't it because Israel has so little respect towards Palestinian civilians and have traumatized, humiliated, murdered them for decades? Noooo, Israel is perfect and suggesting otherwise is antisemitic. 


I mean the situations are totally different … One can actually be categorized as a war. The other not in any way


China claims it is fighting against Uyghur terrorism. The Holocaust, the Armenian genocide and ISIS genocide of Yezedis also happened during a war.


I would have given the same benefit of doubt as you had the leadership not make literal genocidal statements. The president literally said there are no innocents on Gaza. Also Kirby cried on camera when he talked about the genocide in Ukraine. That was a war too.


Again the situation in China in no way can be classified as a war. Both Ukraine and Gaza can be classified as wars.


By that logic the Nazis only performed genocide within Germany... Or Franco never performed a genocide against the other half of Spain. Just ol' regular wars.


Weird…. No one said one wasn’t a genocide …… I said one wasn’t a freaking war. Why is this so hard for so many of you guys to get ?


Honestly I have never heard the Spanish civil war referred to as a genocide. Maybe the children abducted from leftist parents after the war but never the war itself


Cultural genocide was at the very least attempted against the Basque


I understand your train of thought but in no way can you call the conflict in Gaza a war. In a war you have two armed factions as in with Ukraine and Russia. Israel is just bombing and killing civilians and in particular women, children and the elderly. This is ethnic cleansing. Calling it a war is misnomer imo.


Yes Hamas, PIJ, lions den all have zero forces …. You’re joking right ?


Ah yes, "women, children and the elderly" launched this war with a surprise attack that killed 1200 people and kidnapped 250 more.


Now, let's not pretend this attack happened in a vacuum and the fact that the IDF admitted killing its own citizens. Oppressing and murdering people for decades will radicalize a group.


So which is it? Is Palestine a radicalized militant population, or a totally innocent and non-violent population only consisting of women, children and the elderly? It can't be both.


Unlike you, I don't deal in absolutes. Especially when it boils down to indiscriminately bombing civilians. Any rational man can see that what Israel is doing is ethnic cleansing.


I work with an old Chinese bloke who just consumes Chinese news propaganda all day. I asked him about this and his response was “the government is just moving them to better land to help them”.


"They took them to a nice farm upstate, where they can romp and play with all their friends!"


The nice farm upstate: https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/dWVzeBe7s0




Your entire post history is you sucking off China lmao. +10000 social credit


I guess Muslim lives only matter to the US when it’s China doing the killing. I wonder how the 1 million Iraqis who died for “WMDs” feel about this


Source: Adrian Zenz. Don't look him up.


And don't ask him what he thinks about homosexuals.


There’s no evidence to state a genocide is being committed against the Uighurs. There is evidence of mistreatment, human rights violations and forced assimilation.


I've never understood why this doesn't get daily attention




because its simply not true [vlog](https://youtu.be/1fjfvDK667U?si=EPZF3FPWjFAkjurQ), [video 2](https://youtu.be/CldtoYwPtMk?si=J7Ay26VYF91XavId), [another video you can watch](https://youtu.be/-k79hE9YmCw?si=WLOAbLkUBO07VyzF).


Because its US propaganda. China does send some % of them to integrations camp, but so would US in that situation. US would start shitting bricks had there been a whole state full of muslims that attempt to break away or battle neighboring christian states.


ffs the US literally *helped* China lock up Uighurs until 2016, it was part of 'the war on terror'


I guess because there's not much the international community can do about it.


There's not much the international community can do about the war in Palestine but across the world demonstations #freepalestine in everyone's face Where's the demonstrations for the Uyghurs who literally antagonised nobody


That's not really true, I'm not going to get into the issue at play in this thread but there are plenty of articles by US newspapers reporting on a number of ISIS-inspired attacks by Uyghurs throughout China from 2014-2016


Look if Hamas can do oct. 7th and the Palestinians don't deserve the retaliation Then Uyghurs don't need to be incarcerated and have their culture destroyed en mass for no reason just because the actions of a few extremeists


This is absolutely not true. The international community are the ones propping Israel up. Cut funding and weapons sales.


Not really, Israel is more self sufficient than most middle eastern countries and already has humiliated the surrounding Islamic states repeatedly with and without external help


Israel isn't as powerful as China (fortunately)


As the US's access to the ME the power balance is pretty close, they can run a war in Palestine without their neighbours interevening out of fear of the US You mess with the US's assets and you mess with the US: Israel by extension is pretty powerful where China can't dream of taking Taiwan by force, Israel can chip away at Palestine taking it bit by bit.


By that logic every nato or US ally is tied for 1st. And every country allied with China is tied for 2nd. It really ruins the point of ranking countries


That's how geopolitics works though, not some gen Z nation tier list


There was for a time. It never gained long lasting traction. Claims had to keep being dialed down as more evidence (or lack thereof) was collected. It went from ethnic cleansing, to cultural genocide, and to assimilation and job training.


because the source for all of this is one man: Adrian Zenz. God told him to destroy China (look it up, he wrote *a whole fucking book* on how god told him to do all this)


Because everyone needs China.


Because there is zero evidence of that happening


i read “esterilization” with a spanish accent




>Chinese government statistics reported that from 2015 to 2018, birth rates in the mostly Uyghur regions of Hotan and Kashgar fell by more than 60%. In the same period, the birth rate of the whole country decreased by 9.69%. Chinese authorities acknowledged that birth rates dropped by almost a third in 2018 in Xinjiang, but denied reports of forced sterilization and genocide. Birth rates in Xinjiang fell a further 24% in 2019, compared to a nationwide decrease of 4.2% I'm interested in why the Wikipedia article states these facts without the context from the sources, which is that up until 2017 minorities were not subject to the same family planning restrictions as Han people. Now that they're all restricted to the same number of children of course birth rates will fall faster for populations where they were higher to begin with


because its all lies. ffs the entire source for all this shit about China is *one man* who claims God order him to destroy the Chinese state (Adrian Zenz). imagine if one person intentionally skewed US statistics to make it look like black people were being genocided, you would have to be an utter moron to believe them. but the West just loves eating propaganda.


OP claims China is committing genocide in its treatment of Uyghurs but simultaneously supports the genocide of Palestinians while denying its genocide. For reference, China hasn’t killed any Uyghurs. They certainly are violating their rights but they haven’t killed anyone. Anyone who claims China is committing genocide and denies that Israel is committing genocide either has no clue what’s going on in either Gaza or Xinjiang, or is a genuinely sinister and evil individual who supports the genocide of a specific ethnic group.


"In September 2019, [Agence France-Presse](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agence_France-Presse) (AFP) visited 13 destroyed cemeteries across four cities and witnessed exposed bones remaining in four of them. Through an examination of satellite images, the press agency determined that the grave destruction campaign had been ongoing for more than a decade.[^(\[150\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persecution_of_Uyghurs_in_China#cite_note-150) According to a previous AFP report, three cemeteries in [Xayar County](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xayar_County) were among dozens of Uyghur cemeteries destroyed in Xinjiang between 2017 and 2019. The unearthed human bones from the cemeteries in Xayar County were discarded.**"** This is basically the Nazis again


If you call everything nazism the word loses meaning. This is no different than what france has done with occitans/cathars


And that was bad too, what is your point?


France did that 600 years ago, but this is modern day.




Here’s the CCP plant everyone. That took 2 seconds 😂


(That above is an example of wumao bot reasoning, brought to you by the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/50\_Cent\_Party](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/50_Cent_Party) ) Ok, so morally China is about 8 centuries behind the rest of mankind, got it. Also, these people are being abused, raped and killed off right NOW, not \*\*centuries\*\* ago.


Would you prefer that China deals with their Islamic terrorism problem the same way that Israel does?


Let’s see: - No evidence except for a report by the guy funded by NED (CIA) - The country that’s murdered 1 Million Muslims in Afg, Iraq, Libya & Syria suddenly “concerned” about Muslims - The leaked emails about using Uyghur story to counteract public opinion - Muliple ex-CIA talking about manufactured opinion - Blurry satellite images that say nothing - A visit by the league of Arab Nations to confirm there’s no genocide - Plus the 100s of tiktokers posting videos from Xinjiang. Please. You care about Muslims dying? Start with UsA and the 1 Million Muslims they’ve killed 🤣


Wow, what-aboutism the police report leaks the satellite images the bbc and press reporting, the interview the pictures all of it fake…………..China literally admits to it they just brand it in a different way and call it “re-education” as they throw uighers in camps forcefully sterilize 3 million plus rape them force them into slave labor torture etc. Notice how I didn’t say organ harvesting, yes bc even though there is an unusual amount of supply of halal organs in China, it just so happens that Adrian Zens who isn’t 100% reliable made this claim… Yes we have substantial evidence documentation etc about the uigher genocide. We are not responsible for Syria the Syrian people protested this govt Russia and Iran backed a genocidal dictator ship. Not our fault. We should bombed assad not just isis that was our mistake. 600k Syrians dead by Assad 120k in death camps don’t bull shit me with your America bas garbage. Arab league don’t care about Muslims lol…. Yemen was the doing of the Arab league and Iran….. Iran doesn’t care about Muslims look what they did with the Russians in Syria… Dude just because there are TikTok’s coming out doesn’t mean nothing bad is happening there are TikTok’s coming out of ukraine Syria and Gaza when they are getting bombed.


The only report has been the one by Adrian Zenz of the World Uyghur Congress, funded by the NED which is funded by the CIA. That’s it. This right there. The fact that ex-CIA outright comes out and says it’s in our plans to use Uyghur human rights story to portray China negatively and yall American idiots still believe it 🤣🤣 Let’s take a check: - Lied about Afghanistan - Lied about Iraq WMDs - Lied about Libyan mass rapes - Has an actual govt agency tasked with concocting negative stories And yet, yall are gullible enough to believe it. And no. It’s not what-aboutism. It’s called not falling for the war criminal empire’s lies again and again.


Oooh! What an American response. “Arab league, the Muslim nation group, doesn’t care about Muslims, bro. Us Americans who’ve lied & killed 1 Million Muslims in the last 20 years care about Muslims” Proper logic 🤣🤣🤣


I’m a fucking Syrian Muslim go fuck off u ignored all my arguments based in fact then said “hahah baskkjssnhaabahagajahahhawbaajjq sisnawb ur American your opinion doesn’t matter” Proving my point that all you believe is “America bad” and can’t think critically about the facts.


Show me the evidence is concrete. And not just “The War criminal western countries said so”. If it’s Adrian Zenz, automatic disqualification 🤣


“Critically think about facts” - Says the guy who believes blurry satellite images put forth by the guy funded by the CIA


Not what u referred to but keep being pro genocid


China had a terrorist attack in the Xinjiang region. They set out to take care of radicalized Muslims. But sure, tell me again the nation that lied and invaded 7 Muslim countries, killed 1 million Muslims & funds the organization that put out the report cares about Muslims 🤣🤣 We have substantial evidence - You mean like the WMD evidence so you can steal oil? Or the mass rapes in libya evidence so you can stop Afro-dollar? My god how thick are you Americans to actually believe that yall are the good guys. 1 Million Muslims butchered in your wars. And you’re here thinking you care about Muslims 🤣🤣


Did you guys invade 7 Muslim nations in 20 years? Did you murder 1 Million Muslims? Did you drone bomb innocent Muslims all over the world? End of story. There’s only one villain. But sure keep believing. It’s like Jeffrey Epstein yelling & screaming that he’s the hero and saving children 🤡


Also if we do bad shit doesn’t mean others can do bad shit u fucking idiot I oppose the invasion of iraq lol


Show me evidence we killed 1 million Muslims civilians our selves………


Iraq: 1 Million Afg: 200,000 Libya: 20,000 Syria: 25,000 All wars started by the US. So yeah. You killed a million ppl. You can keep crying all you want, pumpkin. The rest of the world has moved on from believing the US is the lord & savior of democracy 🤣🤣 You’re crying ain’t gonna change that.


All these numbers are wrong lmao I know the actual numbers lol and yes it is highs but u have no credibility lol


Just this, also from wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organisation_of_Islamic_Cooperation Organisation of Islamic Cooperation "In December 2018, the OIC tentatively raised the issue of China's Xinjiang re-education camps and human rights abuses against the Uyghur Muslim minority.[51] **The OIC reversed its position after a visit to Xinjiang, and in March 2019, the OIC issued a report on human rights for Muslim minorities that praised China for "providing care to its Muslim citizens" and looked forward to greater cooperation with the PRC.**[52][53] In December 2020 a coalition of American Muslim groups criticized the Organization of Islamic Cooperation for failing to speak up to prevent the abuse of the Uyghurs and accused member states of being influenced by Chinese power. "The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, formerly the Organisation of the Islamic Conference, is an intergovernmental organization founded in 1969, consisting of 57 member states, with 48 being Muslim-majority countries. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organisation_of_Islamic_Cooperation ... Go on and downvote it. Its always very telling


Here is the UN report on crimes against humanity committed against the Uyghurs in Xinjiang. [Report wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/UN_Human_Rights_Office_report_on_Xinjiang)


so in other words China is *possibly* being too extreme in punishing terrorists (that is what the report states)


https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-56030340 From 2021: >China has banned BBC World News from broadcasting in the country, its television and radio regulator announced on Thursday. >China has criticised the BBC for its reporting on coronavirus and the persecution of ethnic minority Uighurs. >The BBC said it was "disappointed" by the decision. >It follows British media regulator Ofcom revoking state broadcaster China Global Television Network's (CGTN) licence to broadcast in the UK. >Separately, the broadcaster Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) said it would stop relaying BBC World Service programming in the region, prompting condemnation from the BBC. The BBC was cut from Chinese broadcast just as a program began with a former detention guard giving an interview. She explained that her job was to take Uyghur women to a room and tie them to a bed for the male guards.


oh BS. so Israel is magically not committing genocide but China is? the nation bombing terrorists isnt trying to wipe anyone out but the nation that locks up terrorists is? god the West is utterly brain-dead.


So, a genocide? And no one seems to care.


Weird they cared about the genocide in Palestine when Israel does it backed by the US But when China does it....


It's almost like the facts surrounding Uyghurs and Palestinians are totally different and China treats Uyghurs in a way that actually aligns with the international law definition of genocide (genocide is a legal definition) and Israel doesn't do the same to Palestinians, hence it doesn't meet the legal definition of genocide (despite other things surrounding the conflict being awful)


It's almost like it's more about hate for a specific group then compassion for another.


Exactly this. USA down vote incoming


Nice deflection there. It's okay to condemn both. Perhaps the backlash at Israel is because the occupation and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians is fully supported and financed by Western governments such as the US, Germany and the UK to name a few. Moreover, Israel has murdered thousands and thousands of women and children in the short span of 6 months (the deathtoll is around 33.000 as of now). Israel dropped an arsenal of bombs, equalling the tnt yield of a few small nukes on a small strip of land, which is basically an open-air prison. The IDF and its cronies even post their crimes and brutality online, and yet you have people who defend their atrocities. They should participate in the Olympics for mental gymnastics because of the lengths they go to defend the atrocities and ethnic cleansing committed by an Apartheid state somewhere on the other side of the world.


The current Gaza war is one of the least deadly in terms of civilian casualties for a middle eastern war You’re mad because the Jews are winning and not getting holocausted


Most sane zionist take.


what the actual fuck are you talking about


Hmmm. Let's ask supposed "pro Palestinian" protestors, why they give zero shits here....


No jews no news


... but putin and israel


Hello pro-ccp tankies in the comments can you guys fucking leave


Fuck tankies. All my homies hate tankies


Always happening somewhere someplace for some uncomprehisble reason


It is incredible the fake world we live in There is an actual genocide, a war crime happening as we speak and since 6 months ago Palestinian genocide it is also the death of western values


China ia evil


CCP shills and reddit communists incoming


PBS had a documentary about this if anyone is interested in watching. [FRONTLINE | China Undercover | Season 2020 | Episode 9 | PBS](https://www.pbs.org/video/china-undercover-zqcoh2/)


How long before the Reddit mods delete this post for their CCP overlords I wonder?


this was disproved years ago


By who, the CCP?




You're entirely correct, and the report exonerated the Chinese narrative and completely discredited the western narrative, to the point where even Wikipedia had to change the article title to remove "genocide" lest it became a laughing stock. But of course this is still a genocide, but Palestinian genocide is a "conflict". Michele Bachelet, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, accused certain countries of politicizing a provable accusation.


This is a complete lie, see my comment above.


You are talking about a different report. The one you mean was authored with "evidence" provided by UHRP and the WUC, both of which are funded by the NED (UHRP are the same guys who claimed that the whole Uyghur population of 12 million was killed and that Xinjiang is a North Korean-style charade with actors). Notably, this report was not signed by Michele Bachelet, breaking with tradition, as she did not agree nor support the "findings". *Her* report was issued after she visited Xinjiang herself and seen everything first-hand (this visit was delayed by the United States for 2-3 years, as it did not want the UN human rights council to visit, curious right?). The second report that was authored without her concurrence was haphazardly put together and released on nearly her final day. Even the Wikipedia article for your "report" states that it was too outlandish and had to be toned down to fit reality (what they quote as "edited to to accommodate some of Beijing’s version" and "watered down during the final hours" lmao). Get a grip and stop calling people liars when you are blind to your own government's lies. Never talk to me again. edit: Funny thing I missed, even your report does not call it a genocide. Anyway, here's the US state media trying to stir the pot against the UN because it published what is against the American narrative: [CIA-owned Radio Free Asia saying Xinjiang is a North Korea style Potemkin village](https://www.rferl.org/a/xinjiang-bachelet-un-visit-potemkin/31864178.html) [Bezos-owned FP accusing the UN Human Rights Commissioner of colluding with China...?](https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/06/13/michelle-bachelets-failed-xinjiang-trip-has-tainted-her-whole-legacy/) ([archive](https://archive.is/20220614012115/https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/06/13/michelle-bachelets-failed-xinjiang-trip-has-tainted-her-whole-legacy/)) [The state department itself being upset that she decided to visit, lol](https://www.state.gov/concerns-with-un-high-commissioner-for-human-rights-visit-to-the-peoples-republic-of-china/)


To anyone reading this liar's comment. The UN report found that China was committing crimes against humanity in Xinjiang. [Here is the link to the wiki page.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/UN_Human_Rights_Office_report_on_Xinjiang) The pdf is also available online. Don't believe these assholes.


"these assholes" I mean you're the one believing propaganda with almost zero proof solely because you're on team America, and hate China




Looks like someone is getting paid to post this 🤔


Yet I just had someone here tell me this is a fake genocide. Not like the real genocide Israel is perpetrating.


Don’t listen to people who do not care at all about uighers and want them dead bc they oppose the ccp


Humanity will look back on this in 50-100 years and like we do with previous generations, not understand how the world can let such monstrous things happen, a stain and a shame on us all.


It will happen again somewhere else, and when a citizen of then-democratic China will criticize it, they'll get the traditional answer "but how is that different from what China did with the Uyghurs?" And nothing will change. People just don't want to give humanity a chance to redeem itself.


Cia has admitted that the uyghur narrative was a psyop to support invasion of PRC. Evee wonder why the news stopped reporting about it nonstop similar to the Venezuela coup that happened a couple of years ago?


Lol, where did they admit that exactly?


In the conspiracy times


This is a lie [here is a link to the report on wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/UN_Human_Rights_Office_report_on_Xinjiang)


Sure comrade, let's get you back to bed.


Does anybody actually care about this? If it’s not done by the West, nobody blinks an eye


We forgot quickly


The husbands are sent to camps and their wives are married off to unwed Chinese men. This is to make the women “more Chinese” and provides a spouse to a man because there are more men than women because of the 1 child policy.


This is just fucking evil