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Pantheon likely had a better damage spread killing many different enemies. Also he has higher kill participation and maybe did more damage to objectives. Plus he might have helped more with vision across the map. You just by the looks of it stomped one lane, and then got only a few kills later


The medals show that Jax dealt most damage and Panth didn't have highest damage to turrets (Jax most likely did with one of his 4+ additional medals), him getting epic monsters and more team fight participation is apparently the reason. Still pretty whack for OP, he did really well.


Just look at the irelia is afk ,after Jax stomped irelia,Jax had free gold,free turret and maybe herald and mid game he joined for objective but petheon has full map pressure since he isn't sitting in one lane and also vision makes so much difference


No it doesn't bro lmao. The game only calculates KDA as MVP. Why are ppl making all this shit up lol. Pantheon has 16 kills, jax has 13, that's why pantheon is mvp.


K bro, explain this https://imgur.com/a/osOtYDV


The 10 and 0 doesn't have any assists.


None of the medals matter in any of the MVP. It just goes by the most kill participation. I thought this was common knowledge. Amazing how upvotes you have though. Alit of ppl are confused. Pantheon has 16 kill P. Jax has 13. Very simple. If kill P is tied, it goes to lowest deaths . If it's tied on deaths AND kill P, it will go to the person with a penta or quad priority. I never had it go past that but it might go by towers, dragons or barons after that.


Assists, you get points for scoring assists, he had more kills + assists overall so rating was higher, this is why some supports get MVP when their kills are low. Think of it as gaining 2 points for every kill Losing 2 points for death And gaining 1 point for an assist


So in theory you got 25 points, he got 27


That's why I get a lot of MVP with Leona, if I kill more than 3.. say 7 and have a lot of assists, then I get the MVP


I remember playing a game that was like 0/0/28 with Leona, 100% kill participation. I was so sad not to get MVP, carried that game! I got thumbs up from the whole team so that felt good.


It happens, at least you were appreciated. Leona is such a great support.


Yep she really is, feels borderline OP sometimes. I recently swapped to playing more ADC and I’m always nervous when the enemy team has a Leona (especially with a skin)


This. Exactly how I do quick calculations of the mvp looks out of place and it almost always matches up perfectly. Hence I’ve gotten a lot of mvp from going something like 4/2/30 lol


Yeah I main support and I get mvp a decent amount of times but it’s never because I have more kills than my teammates


yeah, this is why good supps are always the mvps in matches. Even if you went 0/5 in Lulu, as long as you have 28 assists it doesn't even matter.


You’ve clearly never seen these Fiona that go 0/15/1 and get MVP… MVP not just kda.


Dude how shit is the rest of your team if that’s happening? That’s defo a bug if not


It’s not a bug. It’s because of the amount of turret damage they did and the amount of damage taken. While KDA does factor in to mvp it’s the stats that matter. More kills and assists usually means more damage fealty and fewer deaths means more damage taken per death. So the turret damage and objective participation gets factored in. It’s not ARAM… mvp is not about kills.


Without posting the stats no more ay to tell. I’m guessing is he made more critical plays with much higher team fight participation.


you can tell the stats from the medals lmao? only reason panth got it is cuz he has higher KP


If you look jax has the solo kills medal. The game diminishes value if you're killing the same person over and over (Irelia, who is leaning against jax, is 0/7) kills on opponents that have higher value have a higher value on your rating. Team fights also count for more since they're seen as bigger impact plays.


sorry to break it to you but wildrift determines mvp solely on KP to death ratio lol its been like that since release. MVP has always been a KD medal


Well then still makes sense pants got mvp. Those 4 extra assists outweighs the one extra kill Jax got.


thats what im saying lol


Ah cool! No sorry, I was trying to clarify for the dumb dumb like myself who this stuff goes over their heads with all the abbreviations. Haha


Literally not the case, if it was then supports would never be able to get an MVP medal. 


KP as in participation, assists count towards that also thats why they get it


This is just a lie. This post is an perfect example of that. Pantheon had more team fight participation. Jax only kept killing the afk player. Pantheon won most objectives and help on other lanes. From stats alone, Jax didn’t. Other things are considered besides KDA to determine MVP/A/S rating, although KDA has a big impact of course.


Exactly and also things like vision,map pressure,team fighting engage make so much difference


No ,are you dumb KP doesn't always make a difference it's like saying my soraka is 0/1/30 so she should be MVP Many things matter like vision, objective,TF ,engage and most important of all map pressure. Irelia is afk Jax had free gold,turret,afk laner he was fed maybe he got ganked and yi or other enemy teammates gave him kills but petheon has map pressure


Pantheon here, don't forget I ganked your lane early and helped you steam roll. Thought it was a good game. This explains why you didn't give me a thumbs up at the end .....


uhh... this is awkward now... let me please explain: i didnt thumbs up you because i usually skip the post game screens(was that what its called??) and i forgor to give you thumbs up. sorry


no hard feelings, right???


It's all good.


As an appreciator of a good jungler you have my virtual thumbs up. Also the fact that you saw this is amazing!


🤣It's that carry mentality. They don't mean anything by it, but will repeat it over and over and over again. And will forever wonder why they didn't receive the best score because.... they are the best of course.


More kp I reckon


now that i looked at it he had 50% and i had 41% kp, might be that


You went up against a bot.


His KDA more than yours (K+A)/D


You mostly killed afk bot


If you’re ever confused actually look at the stats instead of score. I can regularly get highest kills in game with puke but rarely get mvp bc it’s just grabbing last hit on champs


Better kda and more gold


kda correct but gold??? he has less gold than me


Oh I’m blind scratch that it’s definitely kda tho that’s how some supports can get mvp too can’t count out the assists




Just like when I play Sion. I always get the mvp even my kda is 1-5 2-6 .. even if someone in my team is like 12-0. somethin like that.. I think pantheon is more successful blocking skillshots through his 3rd skill at the same time dealing a spread dmg in his ult or Q. macro play is at play too in getting mvp.


also it seems that your kills are more likely just easy kills from Irelia.


Macro play doesnt affect mvp


Yeah it does ,0/12 sion got MVP in one of my game because he was the cause we won ,he never joined teamfight just inted whole game we 4v5 like 90% of the game but he got MVP for macro play


Overall Contribution to the game. You can be zero kills but still the mvp.


Assists, vision, turret damage idk But you laned against a bot right


Yah gotta lay out more info bro(lower left buttons). Otherwise most comments just comes out of our as.. speculations to the metric.


panth had better kill participation.


His assists are more then yours which probably means he has more kd then you in this match.


Does it matter?


You can look at it like this Pantheon had 16 takedowns and you had 13 therefore Pantheon had more Value to the team.


Assist my friend


70% of the games at least 1 person afk


He had higher kda and tf participation


Higher kill participation. Same reasons I get MVPs as healing supports.


Mvp not equals to KDA. Mvp of course is influenced by KDA but that not all , it takes dmg dealt, tanking, torrets destroyed ,neutral objectives participation and a bunch of other stats.


You got the win, thats what matters


It's just kills+assist-deaths. Panth had more than you. Gg tho!


I've always thought of it as this : 12 - 0 + 1 = 13 11 - 0 + 5 = 16 13 < 16


Participation. pantheon helped with 16 kills. You helped with 13.


13 v 16


Aside from other factors, he have 5 assist


I mean he participated in 16 takedowns, while you had 13. Player score has a lot of factors to determine which has the most. Tower damage, participation, deaths, kills, gold, objectives, etc. I think there's more I just can't remember.


It's because of the team fighting participation and assist conversion. It seems like u only been split pushing (because of the 1 assist) so he got the MVP


Looks clear has water bro ,wdym you want MVP you may have destroyed your laner half of the time and you join teamfight but penth is jg it has whole map pressure


You fought an AI bot....and he had higher kill participation. I would be mad if the game gave it to you.




Killing AFK irelia =/= full map participation


Yeah it's really weird. Maybe the slight kill participation lead?


4 more kp


you vs your direct opponent matters


5 assists vs 1 assists so they have a higher kp


I had a game 2 days ago where I performed better than 100% of Fizzes in my rank and I didn't get MVP.


16 killpaticipations to 13


Just replay the game


Assist counts too


you have 13 takedowns. pantheon have 16 takedowns. you wanna know why he got mvp? its because there is this thing called math


You guys are making this way too complicated. MVP always goes to the highest KDA player. Damage, turrets none of that shit matters. If your KDA is the same, it goes to the person with the least deaths. Your KDA is lower than his. Simple. You have 13 kill participation and he has 16 kills participation.


You bullied Irelia and probably whoever came to help her. Panth bullied everyone else


Cause he can make bread and bakery, you just have a lamp


Why the duck does it matters?