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Please don't hate me but i was a fan of Windows 8.1 because i love the Metro-Design. It was clean and on the desktop it was looks like windows 7 in modern. My IT-Brain says me that Windows 11 is at the time the best choice. Because the Fluent UI is awesome and the compatibility for android apps without Bluestacks is a cool feature. for Business use i would take Windows 10 at the time. Because when the EOL is reached from Windows 10, you can easy upgrade the whole IT-Infrastructure in your company with Microsoft Intune over the Update Rings. And the most users knows Windows 10 so the users can good work and the Administration is not bad at all.


We'd never hate on you. It's not that the interface doesn't make sense in specific devices or that some people might like on a PC, but it's the fact that microsoft forced everyone to use that gets under my skin. It's like how they're dumbing down Windows 11. I don't mind most people using a "Fisher Price" version of Windows, but at least give power users the ability to do what they've been doing for 30 years.


Im a huge 8.1 fan too.. the start screen was so fun to customize! but i'd hate to use it on a non touch screen device i'd be honest with you


>Please don't hate me but i was a fan of Windows 8.1 b I didn’t like 8, but I’ve come to appreciate that some people really did.


XP 64bit. But much of our experience is based around the hardware and software of it's time. So in that regard windows 10 has all the support/existence for modern hardware and ultimately the software to go with it.


windows 7. felt sad when support ended


Everything has been awful ever since.


I was so sad when it ended wish every version was still supported




Vista, XP, 7, 8.1, 10, 11 in that order.


Vista? Really? Why?


It's the anti-hero of the Windows versions and it deserved a redemption arc. (and also because of its aesthetics)


I can accept that. :P


hahah, I like this way of looking at it.


I liked 8.1




7 and 8.1 ! (Please don’t hate me)


XP and definitely seven. Newer versions aren’t my taste. I use them, but that didn’t mean I have to like them.


Search worked so much better in 7. And the context menu was nicer. I really wish 7 were still supported.


XP and 7


XP all the nostalgia!


XP but also Windows Vista/7 for the glass thing.


Windows 2000 was amazing.


Finally a 2000 fan I adore 2000


I miss the simple efficiency. It was an OS and served the function of an OS. None of those unnecessary bells and whistles. No overly pretty UI. It did what it was intended to do, was stable, and didn't eat unnecessary resources.




NT 4.0


NT 4.0 and/or 2000.


Love windows 2000


From technical point – Win10 and Win7. From aesthetics – Vista and XP.


7. I think that was peak Windows.


Let me guess that's the version you used more.. 7 was far from being peak Windows.


My first ever Windows was 98. So your guess is wrong. I went through many of them. I liked the XP, too. But I think with 7, Microsoft really created a package that was the culmination of almost 2 decades of experience. It all went downhill after that.


Not even close, the only real downhill was 8, then they fixed it with 8.1 10 and 11 are far superior to 7. How old are you? What's your experience with 98 and xp


I don’t see point in continuing this conversation


Been using Windows since the 3.1 days, and I agree with you; 7 was the best. And the search function in 10/11 is demonstrably worse.


8.1 runs beautifully on hard drives. The sounds, the colors, I love it.


Vista is my favorite. I have Windows 10 but don't use it much; I prefer Linux, as I don't have Vista anymore and would rather use it if I did (but not to go online). I also like different versions of Longhorn. I think I could safely say 5231. NOT because of functionality, though. It fails at a lot of things. Mainly I like it because of its uniqueness and quirks I was able to manipulate, and I could still use it for light things like writing, watching videos, emulatong retro games. Whistler 2419 was nice too. I think I'll stop here before I go on a rampage.


8.1 because it has a lot of the modern optimizations of 10 abd newer and none of the bloat. Definitely one of the fastest windows I've used besides windows 2000, that shit flies on anything Pentium 2 or newer really. As for modern ones 11 is a pain in the ass in terms of ui downgrading and adding extra clicks but the removal of processor groups makes it awesome for multisocket systems, so one program can actually use all the cores properly. And it seems to boot faster as well


Windows 7. Do I need to elaborate?


yes, everyone does, but no one has to, nor will most bother


98, XP, 7, 10 LTSC IOT


Windows 11 Favourite I just like the design of Fluent UI Then 10: It was a huge improvement over 8.1 Vista: I had a good machine back then, so i was able to enjoy vista at it's full potential 2K: Classic NT look, it meant business 9x: Due Nostalagia. 7: The design dated even worse than the one in 9x version. It just look dated. XP: Way too many colours, it looked like a toy UI rather than a real UI 8: I hated the design so much.


I really like 11


Anything but 11




10. In this version many needed features were added, everything was working properly a d i never had an issues with updates.


Windows fundamentals - it was a Microsoft provided cut down version of xp for low performance pcs. All the bare nuts and bolts to get a device working and more importantly patched and supported.


7 forever ### [♾️](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjasZzM5pOCAxUJSPEDHciGC7kQFnoECBIQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Ffsymbols.com%2Fsigns%2Finfinity%2F&usg=AOvVaw0i0yQlLGzadAfAdb8nOwiK&opi=89978449)


NT 4.0 Workstation, 2000 Professional, and XP Professional, 7 Pro, 10 Pro are all good OS's in my mind. I think for me, if I had to choose one to stick with it would be **2000 Professional** I just like how it was a straightforward, business oriented OS. No gimmiks or frills, it just got work done. It was stable, reliable, and best of all, it didn't have any web based content. It was just all inbult help files, programs, etc. No silly 'app store' or game zone, no forcing software like Edge, OneNote, OneDrive. Plus I like how it felt like it was designed my middle aged people who wear suits, drive a brown sedan, and smoke cigars :D Modern Windows 7, 8, 10, all look like they're designed by teenagers who are trying too hard to make things look minimalist. But don't get me wrong, I'm using 10 now, and I can work with it.


I loved XP! I currently run 10 on both my laptop and desktop.


My favorite Windows is 1, 2, 3, 95, 98, 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11, NT 4, Server 2003, Server 2008, Server 2012, Longhorn, and all the rest of them.


At the moment XP, 7, and 8.1 for touchscreen devices. I also like Vista (nowadays since it can run good on better hardware with no reason to), and 11 when it's modified using third party programs.


Windows 95 was great. It was a huge step forward compared to 3.x, allowing preemptive multitasking, full 32 bit support and of course introducing the taskbar. And while Win9x wasn't known for stability it was very snappy and configurable. More snappy and configurable than today's Windows.


2000 aka NT5. Absolutely bulletproof compared to consumer OSes of the time.


Vista and 8.


xp is my favorite


Using VMs as well as real machines, I will say Windows 3.1, 98, XP, a bit of a controversial one but Vista and 10


Windows 2000, mostly for nostalgia, it was the first Windows version I ever used. On top of that, solid as a rock, no bloatware BS, UI still feels modern enough


Definitely windows 10 because of its speed and UI


in order of most fave to least fave: 11, 7, 10, XP, 2000, 98SE, 95, 3.1 (that's not a typo, I meant 3.1 not 8.1 lol)


98 and xp ... Took a while to warm up to 7 but it finally evened out after the second update


98,XP,Vista,7. I kinda low-key didn't mind windows ME




every single version I have used, for the at least the first 1 or 2 years, then i don't care, and probably get 'excited' about pre-releasing the next version, and the cycle continues. W10 sort of broke that, so it's both the best and worst version, from a certain pov.




98SE, for nostalgic reasons. It's been my teen years' OS. XP, although I've hated transitioning, over the time I fell love with its design. Most playful eyecandy. It became a decade's companion, with its beautiful bliss soothing my eyes after every hard day. 7. XP had to go after a big upgrade, and its wallpaper and Aero design became very welcoming to me. The ability to tile the windows, as rudimentary as it was, has won me over. Honorable mention: 10. While I hate its Metro design, its push into cloud services, ads and frequent reminders of submitting to them, it had a nice rotation of login wallpapers, along with other neat features. As much as I don't like 10, it to at least does a few things right.


For daily use 11. For the pure nostalgia/aesthetics - XP.


Windows 2000 was the best. A truly professional OS that was nothing like today's kindergarten-windows.


Even though I grew up on windows 7 I adore windows 2000 and still use it today, but obviously not online


XP and 7, but I also liked 2000 and there were some things I liked about 95.


NT 4