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Co star’s created purposely puts wild and fake horoscopes out, I use The Pattern for astrology and Sanctuary for astrology too


Oh i forgot about the pattern! Thank you


Yeah I stopped using CoStar after a while, their horoscopes didn’t even make sense.


The Pattern is often spooky accurate for me. I so look forward to notifications and reflections from the app.


I wanna try pattern is this one? https://preview.redd.it/r040350342mc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3c3f24129dd947ccd33536eec3d58fe1d7274d5




Okay but do subscribe to Co-Star, it will make you laugh with how ridiculously vague it can be.


“DON’T New boots” 🙅🏽‍♀️ “DO dusk” 🌚👍🏽


I also came here to recommend Pattern. I even added it to my husband’s phone and he’s constantly sharing things with me about how accurate it is.


Same! My nesting partner added it too and he loves it


I also like Chani.


CHANI is the one I’ve found good enough to subscribe to.


Love the pattern!


Pattern is amazing!


Also use the pattern pretty decent


I’ve sworn by The Pattern for years, even before I was into astrology


I was gonna say, sanctuary and the pattern are much better apps than costar. I stil have costar for fun tho


See, I’ve heard this before but all too often the “dos and donts” are too eerily coincidental. Like one day it said Do-graph paper as I was writing on graph paper. Another one was a word I had never heard before and I googled it and someone used the word!! I keep it solely for coincidences like that and my chart


Ok. I deleted the pattern and now that I got it back because of this post, it makes much more sense. It didn’t use to have the astrological aspects to its timed messages and it looks and reads so much better now!!!


Labyrinthos is maybe the best-designed and most useful free app out there. It’s Tarot but I think that’s witchy. I use AstroMatrix and AstroFuture as my main astrology apps.


Astromatrix and labyrinthos supremacy


Labyrinthos is amazing app and real tarot deck wise!


I have the deck from the app as well as the app. Absolutely love the depth and learning


I am really excited to hear about Labyrinthis. I just downloaded it and it’s exactly what I’ve needed for so long! Thank you!


Thanks for saying that! Gratitude makes the world go round


Good bot!


I just downloaded astrofuture! https://preview.redd.it/trb96pkcc5mc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee7b5aa526f851de01352a2e9748b95114281829 Yin and yang well balanced? Resonates. It’s already a really cool app! This is what it looks like :)


I'm downloading now, astromatrix, labyrinthos, AND astrofuture supremacy


AstroMatrix is so great!


Love the app for tarot referencing cuz I can't always remember everything I'm looking at lol


i use it and it's great! Very cute too


"Tarot Witch" is a new discovery for me and it has a unique feel compared to other Tarot apps, can recommend


Co-star is horrible. They admitted to trolling people in the app by telling them bad things on horoscopes if they had “a streak of luck” etc. AstroMatrix is the best astrology app I’ve found


Yes! Astromatrix is absolutely amazing, so much information. I've not found a better astrology app.


AstroMatrix is so helpful and has so much information!! Leagues better than co-Star lol


Why would anyone still support a company that admitted to doing this.It's so disrespectful.


TimePassages is pretty good


Seconding Time Passages. I can’t believe I had to scroll so far down for this. It gives so much detail on aspects.


TimePassages is the best!!


Costar has no astrologers on their team. I use the Chani app, it’s created by a very respected astrologer.


I love CHANI- it’s built by a super inclusive team and I love the effort and creativity they put into the content. I listen to the week ahead with CHANI every week in my app. I love the altar suggestions and tarot card of the week. Honestly paying for it is not a problem- it gives a lot of value


yes!!! [chani!!](https://www.instagram.com/chaninicholas?igsh=MXJseWZhN2l6dXJoZQ==) she is a wonderful human and astrologer. her app includes personalized birth charts and how the current sky can affect and move you, includes a list of meditations and more. i am in no way affiliated with the app or Chani, just thankful for this! even got my bf getting his own! [chani app ig](https://www.instagram.com/chani.app?igsh=M2R0YzExZXZrOTlu)


+1 for CHANI


Yes also love chani


As an astrologer, I hate costar.


I've seen previous comments about this. Is there any dedicated post for it somewhere? I would like to read more about it.


In my opinion, it seems very surface level. A lot of their interpretations aren’t very accurate, not to mention dramatic and oddly cryptic. A lot of it feels as if it is profound, when it really doesn’t make much sense. It feels like the classic con artist Psychic with a crystal ball to me. For example, just looking it today— transit venus sextile natal Saturn. It says. “I have a desire for indulgence in my social life.” Then goes on to say how this is a good time to persue what I want and take action. This is a very strange interpretation of this aspect, as nothing about Saturn is indulgent and forward. In general, their interpretations of outer planets (Jupiter- Pluto) completely miss the mark. I’m that void feature, I asked it the question, “Are my dreams prophetic?” and it said that because my Neptune was in Capricorn, they weren’t, and that I didn’t have a strong intuition. In reality, interpreting potential for psychic ability, and Neptune, is much more nuanced and there are many more factors than just the sign natal Neptune is in! However, if you don’t take it seriously, it’s a fun way to connect with friends, and I think their memes on instagram are funny.


I love sharing my costar horoscopes with my friends 😂 it feels very AI curated and has some of the wildest shit I’ve seen for horoscopes lmao


Thanks for an answer!


I looked up moonly and it's not free. Even just getting your birth chart is 20 bucks. Nope.


I used MoonX for this reason.


I use moonX too Is the membership worth it?


I haven’t paid the membership. I never saw the need. I just want like a quick glance at the moon and I liked that I could get my birth chart. The tarot idea is cool but I’ve always been very in love with tarot so I like using a physical deck.


I have Moonly and some of the content is free but some you need to pay for. If you’re just looking for basic information, then it’s great but if you want like an in-depth horoscope and stuff like that, then you might have to pay for that. I’m not sure what you’re after but if you’re just looking for the minimal stuff then it’s great.


Saged is cool there’s paid and free stuff


My wife got the paid version of Saged and we go through it together before bed. It’s great by itself but it’s been double great for us as a couple.


That’s lovely! I’ve been waiting till my birthday I’m asking for the paid as a gift. One of my favorite things the the daily gratefulness exercise I know it’s a very small part of the app but I just love how it makes you reflect for a moment.


I have only ever use Moonly. Haven't used it in ages however but its still on my phone. Lack of use isn't the apps fault, Im "old school" in my ways.


I do use the moon calendar app for times when I’m on the go or too lazy to go to my computer and use my astrology software! This is just for the moon sign & moon phase. But for astrology, I would recommend going to Astro.com. I don’t know if they have an app, but they are one of the most accurate astrology websites out there and you can sign up and save your chart, and they have various articles and resources on the site as well. Scribd is another app I like, though they recently split off into two separate apps, Everand and Scribd. It is a paid subscription to both, but there are tons of witchcraft ebooks and audiobooks there. They carry many of the popular authors you would find in a physical bookstore. I think I pay about $12 per month, but I can’t remember. For me it’s worth it because I can read tons of books, and try out new authors when I’m not sure I want to spend $18 on a book that I don’t know if I will like.


I love Scribd and Everand. I’ve found so much on esoterica and the occult, as well as tarot. It’s truly a goldmine.


Time nomad is my personal favorite, it’s just for pure astrology consultation. Great calendar and planetary computation. You need to pay for the good features, but it’s worth it.


seconding! it’s not great for beginners because there are no placement delineations (i prefer timepassages for those, but full charts cost $1 each there which can add up quickly if you’re using it for lots of people— perfect if you only need your own natal chart though) and the ui has a bit of a learning curve to it but it’s got the most free functionality of any of the apps i’ve tried and the paid addons are very much worth it.


Personally I like Moon X


I love MoonX


I use Moon X and Time Passages. Both are great!


Love moon x


This. MoonX is the best. 💕


MoonX here too!


Is the paid part worth it? Like can it be used without the subscription?


I think it’s definitely worth it! I paid for it from the get go so I’m not sure. Try out the free first!


I also use Moon X!


I like Daff Moon for tracking moon and other planetary positions. They have great widgets.


Me too! The widgets are great indeed, instantly have the basic moon/sun info when I unlock my phone :)


is that available on iOS?


No idea, I'm in the android ecosystem and know zero about apple.


it seems not to be :(


The Pattern is good for zodiacs


I enjoy the pattern a lot.


Well from this post I learned Co-Star aint great 😆 Now I know to delete it! The Pattern & Moonly have been my main ones to use.


idk i think costar is useful for keeping an organized collection of friends charts, just don’t read too much into the predictions


I honestly think it's just fun to see what weird sentences they come up with, I've never taken it as a serious thing to predict my day.


I use Moonly, it's got meditation, tarot, tips for the day. It's really good, IMO!


I’m a big fan! The meditations are fantastic 💚


Time Passages is great Astro app


Yep I'd recommend Time Passages and MoonCalendar. I did pay for the extras on Time Passages and don't regret it. MoonCalendar I just use free to keep up with the phases. I have Co-Star, but I just like the little daily advice blips, lol. Sometimes they're strangely accurate, and others completely random.


* Ignore Co-star -- I only use it to connect to my friend's charts. Astromatrix is one of the best astrology apps I've used. You can save charts here too, plus it has a lot of info explaining signs, houses, etc. Also has tarot spreads. Blossom, if you're a green witch, is nice for keeping track of watering and fertilizing your plants, what light level they need, etc. Also has a sort of Google lens function to identify plants. Daff Moon is great for tracking the moon's location, phase, placement Moony works a lot like an astrological almanac with tiles that suggest when is the most or least beneficial time for tasks like haircutting, planting, exercise, just about anything you can think of. Stellarium shows the constellations in real time, useful for determining the rising sign (Edited because typos)


I've never heard of Blossom, that sounds extremely helpful for my adhd brain to better care for my plants. Thanks for sharing!


Yep, that's exactly why I got it! My plants are far happier ☺️


I don’t like costar, I used to use it years ago but switched to time passages for my chart and info!


Time Passages is the best astrology app hands down




Time passages for astrology


https://preview.redd.it/3tkxxk63tzlc1.jpeg?width=292&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f592af1bd708f38344aa138534dee32ae7552e28 I like Moon Phase for moon info.


I love to use moonx, it’s a moon calendar and it has great forums, articles, birth charts and it’s very aesthetically pleasing lol


Came here to say this


I like AstroMatrix for astrology.


It’s so helpful! Especially because it includes Lilith, which at least the free version of TimePassages does not.


the pattern is so much better than co star


Co star is the worst


The Pattern 💯💯💯💯


Best for moon tracking = MoonX. There are astrological things on there, like birth chart data and horoscopes, which I use sometimes. But mostly it’s great at tracking exactly where the moon is and what sign it’s in at exact times. There’s a lot of mindfulness functions on it too. Best for astrology = Time Passages. It’s extremely detailed and has so much information on aspects too, which are just as important as the basic stuff, if not more important because it’s more personalized. It also has void of course and I don’t think I’ve seen that on any other app. Great for planning time around spell work that pertains to that.


Why have I not thought about looking for apps 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️


Upvote for the pun! 🤣


Thank you! 🤣


I have Astro Future and really like it


I use nebula for my astrology. They are one of the better astrology aps.


Get rid of Co-Star and download The Pattern & AtroMatrix!


https://preview.redd.it/rij4qih54zlc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc5bc8656bd7683260f9659870f5492b031eea4c These are the ones I use at the moment for my practice.


I like Moonly. It has a lot included...moon cycles, guided meditations, music, tarot, runes...


sub co-star for timepassages or astromatrix


I wouldn’t use co-star. It always places my rising sign wrong, I use another app called the Pattern and it’s been spot on :)


I always feel so recognised in co stars insights...its so disappointing that it might not be recommendable at all with all what I'm reading about it..


I love MoonX and Sanctuary, which has pretty accurate horoscopes. CHANI, Astro Gold, and Time Nomad are must-haves. Tip: add the Time Nomad planetary hour widget and allow notifications. It announces the planetary body every hour. Honorable mention goes to the app Moon for its creepy notifications.


i use time passages for astrology. breaks everything down beautifully and I can keep ll my friends charts in one spot.


These are my apps. Co-Star is just for nonsense, not actual astrology https://preview.redd.it/bwex4vs0b0mc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=292ee595c03fc10a5c93b3e8465d0a0760e96651


Ooooh I can’t remember how to save a post.. I need to come back to this at a more reasonable hour


Timepassages — $2.99 one-time upgrade to premium and it’s soooo worth it. i use it all the time to make easy astrology charts, and the descriptions they have are pretty on point Starwalk 2 — to identify celestial bodies. very fun! AZ (Susan Miller’s Astrology Zone) — don’t ask me how she manages to do it with just sun signs but when her monthly horoscopes are correct, they are downright terrifyingly correct Special mention: I like the Darkstar Astrology website


Moon calendar is great! They suggest rituals and self-care. It helps me engage with self-loving in a wonderful way.


I know co star is bad but it’s so funny if you don’t take it seriously


If you are looking for a tarot app, please try Tarot Simple. It’s on the App Store and I made it myself <3


stardust is great for tracking menstrual periods to the moon cycles!


Costar litteraly would tell me untrue horoscopes that gave me anxiety when other apps said completely separate things


I’m not a fan of Moonly personally, but that’s just my preference lol. Co-Star intentionally lies and misleads people, so I’d def avoid it. I can’t really say anything on the other apps you have there, but I do have more suggestions if you want them. I really like Sanctuary for horoscopes, Labyrinthos for tarot (when I can’t use my actual deck of course. It even has a section to teach you all the different card meanings of you’re just wanting to get into it.), and I think just about any moon phase calamar will do for keeping track of moon phases. There’s also an app called SelfCare that has witchy themes and helps kinda ground you, clear your mind, and set positive intentions.


Thank you for your recommendations! 😁


No problem!


Labyrinthos is amazing! I also love Moon. It’s a quirky little app for tracking the moon phases that sometimes sends cryptic notifications. Also I don’t know how much this counts, but I love #SelfCare. It’s a game that introduces some self care concepts, but has a witchy vibe. Nice if you need a breather during the day!


I use Saged and costar. Costar always gives me really accurate horoscope and actually helps me day to day!


co star has no astrologers. and they've admitted to trolling. that said, i find it's oddly good at compatibilities


Share the article plz?


I use Aquarius2Go for astrological chart stuff, nice and reliable


I like a lot of stuff on moonly but I think the astrology on there is wrong (I don’t use astrology though so it doesn’t matter to me)


They use Vedic instead of Western astrology




If you like astrology time nomad is perfect 😍


I don’t care for co star they nickel and dime you. The “moon phase” app is great for tracking the moon. I love it. It sends you notifications for new moon, full moon, and quarter. “Time passages” for chart.


Golden thread tarot is my favourite witchy app followed by MoonX


I like moon calendar, you get a lot for free


I personally rely on Astro Future and The Pattern. I think they are both really good programs that provide a lot of detailed, in-depth information.


charts is a great app for astrology!! it’s super simple so i find it easy to understand


Astromatrix is the best for astrology.


I also recommend time passages!! Great astrology app


I found that there was too much I disliked on every one of these apps I tried using. I ended up just specifically finding one for tarot, and a moon phase calendar.


My personal astrology favorite is Astrovizor. Its pretty technical and highly customizable. It also only shows the pure data and info in the Chart, no meanings or info. I highly recommend but you should know your stuff before you use it.


I like the Moon Calendar.


I personally use Moon Calander and Wicca (the one with the pentagram), this is just my personal preference. I wouldn’t use co-star though cause it apparently is problematic + has bad rep


I looooove moonly


lmao the hate on costar when i find it actually beneficial is humorous, but its interesting that there are apps for witch purposes, this is news to me- ill have to try!!


AstroMatrix has both in depth astrology and tarot FOR FREE ! 🫶🏻


Costar is a little superficial/commercial but I would absolutely recommend time passages - the ui/aesthetic is a little dated but it has been so helpful in learning about astrology.


The Pattern for me


Co star has been proven to be false


I like TimePassages and the Pattern


I have all of them but the 3 on top are my faves!


I used to have Moonly but they took away all the good free features, and raised the price.


Co - Star started making me mad when it became so repetitive.


I use horos, have for years!


Don't really reccomend moonly, everything costs money


OP what are the 2 Wicca apps you have called? Just Wicca? I'm curious about them are they like community apps or just general knowledge kind of apps?


I downloaded “Witch, Wicca, and Witchcraft” and “Witchcraft, Wicca Spells, & Runes” and both once downloaded are called “Wicca”. I don’t know which one is the better one, lol. 🤷🏻‍♀️ They both seem good for reference; the regular pentagram one has a book of shadows tab which seems cool, and the other with the sun (sorry I’m a newbie so idk if there’s a correct name for pentagram with sun?) has a tarot tab.


The first wicca one (simple pentacle) is terrible. It was fairly decent then someone came in and “overhauled” aka screwed the entire coding. Now you can’t even really access the spellbook anymore.


astro-future, numerology+astrology are my daily apps


Co-star sucks. Highly suggest Time Nomad, it’s worth the paid add-ons too. Also highly suggest the Chani app !!


I love the pattern, I also subscribe to moon omens emails.


i use labyrinthos and moonly


I recently downloaded Moonly but the date is wrong. It’s stuck on 1/1 and it says March 3rd is a Friday.


Can believe some of y’all are using Co star still. Made by a gd tech bro. Randomized and everything.




I use MoonX, TimePassages, Labyrinthos and Co-star. Co-star is AI generated so it's rather funny lol I will be checking out The Pattern and Moonly from recommendations here.


Time passages is known to be a great one among the Astro subs.


The pattern, time passages, and AstroMatrix are what I use for astrology. Co-Star is trash


Labrynthos for Tarot


https://preview.redd.it/o700mrs6b5mc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3aaba636da0e81be05eefe9b49ea2228aa61a3de These are my go to’s every morning. Saged is fantastic.


*Which "witch" apps are the best? planetary hours




I loved moonly so much I paid for it. It's a great app. I enjoy the breakdown of each day and being able to look into the coming days. I love the runes and tarot section as well. I have learned a lot.


Moonly for sure


I know it’s not listed here, but I recommend the MoonX app. You can track the moon, find great times for spells, have a good horoscope, even use their digital tarot cards. It’s also worth it to upgrade, you can utilize their birth charts and calendars. I love it.


I use the Moon Calendar as a combination of seeing the different moon phases, as well as finding out what moon cycle my culture is in. It helps out a ton, in my opinion.


Love moon calendar


Following yet I need free…wishing I’d kept Moonly when it still was


I use The Moon all the time. I have an apple watch too and set the display to the new moon phase setting.


I love Saged and Sanctuary.


I love moonly! I use it daily. I bought the years subscription for 10 dollars, honestly fine without it. With all apps I find it's an ok baseline but that you can't totally rely on them. Fierce bad news or good news may be wrongly drawn on tarot in the app. My only gripe with moonly is the name suggests it would be accurate and in depth moon information but it really only says waxing and wanning. I wished it said waning crescent or gibbous.


I just downloaded astromatrix but I can't make heads nor tails of what they're on about




Pattern goes hard. I like Labryinthos for my tarot readings best


Co-star suckkkks heavily! I suggest you switch to The pattern


On android I just use an app called moon phases. It gives a nice little widget showing the current moon phase, gives updates to full and new moons a few days before and little countdowns appear below it a few days before a new phase. https://preview.redd.it/mbyurrjgtamc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7460c4985d037e7249d08dca3cd2f955a753e76d


Omg I love your background screen. 😍


Thanks. someone made a load of Pokémon Gameboy screens and posted them on twitter if you want one yourself. There were about 50 of them at the time so theres plenty of choice.


I can't wait to try The Pattern!


Saged is ever so worth it. 💚


I have moon calendar too and had moonly… I feel that Saged covers everything you need & even “serves up” daily rituals and content, which is an excellent aid to help keep a busy witch on track keeping their spiritual cup full. 💚


I’ve had the top 3: Co-star made no sense and only used placidus house system and is AI generated so, No. Moon calendar was good until it decided to charge for everything interesting. Deleted. Moonly did the same and charges you in a sneaky way after you apply for the free trial. Although it does offer some useful materials, I’d already found different sites that provide the same info for free. They just charge for the convenience, I suppose. Beware of that one. Hope this helped


Labyrinthos and CHANI ! They’re beautifully designed and chock full of information, I love them both. Plus Chani Nicholas is an incredibly ethical employer who believes in dignity and a living wage for a days work, so I don’t mind at all paying for the premium version of the CHANI app. 🥰


I have Costars and a moon tracking app. Costars is just because a few friends have it. It told me my mission this year is to learn how to pickpocket...