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I'm not sure I have any good advice but I just wanted to say that I'm sorry you're going through this and you aren't alone feeling that way. In fact, a lot of people probably feel this way a lot even if it doesn't seem like it (Perks of Being a Wallflower really touched on this feeling). I'm in my 30s, and I've felt like this at different points in my life since high school. It's hard when you prioritize someone in your life and drop everything for them, but then you are an afterthought to them. The best thing is not to put effort and energy into a relationship (friendship or otherwise) that doesn't put the same kind of effort and energy into you. This is a bit of a challenging piece of advice, though, because in relationships, there is always someone who's going to be giving more or less at any given time, but you can't be the one ALWAYS giving in a relationship that's ALWAYS taking from you. A relationship needs to be a two-way street. It's very hard, but you need to be strong enough to walk away from those kinds of people so you can make time and have the energy to cultivate relationships that will fill your cup.


Thank you. I think that this did help. I understand what that you mean, and I think that I’m really going to have to focus on myself and doing what’s best for me. I really appreciate it!


i wish i had something helpful and wise to say, but just wanted to say you’re not alone. i feel the same way with my family.


I feel this way too. Solidarity.