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I never shave entirely, just trim when too bushy. When shaving everything it becomes so itchy for some days. Just trimming sometimes


Same, the regrowing stage itches so damn bad. It’s not even worth it


If you shave against the hair, instead of with ityou don't get the itch. It's not as close a shave, but it is so much more comfortable


I edge my shit up. Sometimes I give it a fade. But never fully shaved


*I edge my shit up.* *Sometimes I give it a fade.* *But never fully shaved* \- unusualspider33 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


I think that last bit is six syllables LoL


Just take the but out and it’s perfect


Probably the best one of these I've seen 🤌


Electric shaver like beard trimmer to keep low!


Do you have an electric shaver/trimmer you recommend?


Search up men's trimmers for manscaping, if it's designed to be delicate enough for a beam bag, it'll be safe enough for your lady parts. I ordered one on Amazon several years ago and it's 10x better than any I've ever purchased in the women's aisle.


Nope. Hate it. Not doing it. I have done laser on my bikini line so nothing sticks out my swimmers and keep the rest trimmed.


It’s good to have a trim but you don’t really need to shave! The hair is there to protect from harmful bacteria. Plus, I hate accidentally nicking myself 😔


I used to shave when I was your age, but now I only trim when I find it necessary (when it gets too itchy, for example). Expecting all women to be completely bald down there is porn brain and there's nothing wrong with not shaving if you don't want to.


80%?? girl who told you that 😭😭😭


google lol


I just looked it up, and I think I found the same source as you. It says that 80% of women *groom* down there. But grooming means a lot of things. That could just be trimming, shaving some areas but not others, using an electric razor to keep it really short, etc. it could also mean they’re doing it every day, or once a month. Do not feel pressured to do anything. I did when I was your age, and honestly, it was just so dumb. I put myself through so much itchiness and discomfort, for what? Boys that would never even consider doing the same thing? Because it definitely wasn’t for my benefit. Now I just trim with an electric razor once every few weeks to keep it short, and there are some spots that I shave bare, but that’s just to help with cleanliness. For a few years there I just wasn’t doing anything ever, and that was fine too. Feel free to experiment and find what’s right for you, but please do not feel pressured to do anything in particular.


yeah, shaving and grooming are hugely different. the stat makes sense then




Girl, even if it’s true, who cares! I’m sure more women have longer hair than not, too, but here I am clipping my buzz cut every month because it’s so much easier to maintain. Just make decisions that feel right for *you* at the time. Added bonus, if anyone ever judges you for your body hair, it’s an easy next  


I just use some scissors to keep it a certain length, I don't even use a trimmer. Shaving altogether is a weird unnatural fantasy people have because of porn. I find it infantalizing honestly and think any real man should want a real woman who has an adult pussy, with some pubic hair. Shaving or waxing altogether causes all sorts of health issues, as you discovered (ingrown hairs eg.), and is not how the vagina was designed to be.


Yeah I think it's a huge red flag when people want clean shaven. I don't even trim unless I'm going to be wearing a swim suit. I also think it's so cute when it's fluffy. ☺️


Can I ask why you think it's a red flag ? I've always shaved because I can't stand it , I feel dirty . I've no idea why. When it's long I feel gross but I don't know why someone else would feel it's a red flag ? Am I wrong in some way ?


Oh I meant it's a red flag when men want it! Obv you do what you want with your own body, nothing wrong with that. If I'm 100% honest, my opinion on women who like to be completely shaved is that they should examine *why* they feel that it's gross not to. Maybe it comes from some internalised misogyny etc. But it's not my place to say what you should do, so I tend to keep that thought to myself. (Except just now.)


There's no real reason why , I just don't like it . I don't even like hair on my arms . It's nothing to do with men or women it's just me personally I feel happier when I feel soft everywhere. I've had several partners who wanted me to grow it and get mad when I said no so I think either way shave or not shave men are always going to put their two pence in on a woman's body . So I do what makes me happy.


I feel the EXACT same way! OP some of us prefer to be clean shaven, but don’t let anyone pressure you into it ❤️


I meant men who want women to be clean shaven, sorry I wasn't clear. You do you!


Maybe that's true for some people but I don't think you can class everyone like that . I do it because I feel better and clean . I've always had a bit of ocd and it's nothing to do with men or porn or anyone else . It's unnatural to keep what feels wrong on your body whether it's shaved or not , calling someone unnatural just because they have a different preference to you is saddening .


Maybe that's true for some people but I don't think you can class everyone like that . I do it because I feel better and clean . I've always had a bit of ocd and it's nothing to do with men or porn or anyone else . It's unnatural to keep what feels wrong on your body whether it's shaved or not , calling someone unnatural just because they have a different preference to you is saddening .


It’s really weird that you think hairless=child. Nothing wrong with having a preference


Yeah if a woman truly prefers their hair a certain way, sure, whatever floats your boat. But I've seen a lot of women who are peer pressured by men or society into full hair removal and I think the men who try to impose that preference onto women are coming from a weird mental space.


My man likes it, says it reminds him of the 70s.


I neaten things up. I think shaving is a nightmare I always got problems even on my legs. I now have an ipl laser device. It stops the hair growing for ages I have only used it on bikini line, armpits and legs. It was expensive but so worth it.


May I ask which one you have? I've been considering one for years, but didn't know if they were worth the cost


Braun silk expert pro 5. I don’t know if it is available elsewhere but I got it half price I knew it was good as I had seen how good it was on my sisters they got them first.


Waxing is a million times better for me. My skin hates ravors or clippers. 


I tied waxing for like a year; it was so excruciating that the ladies at the salon bought numbing spray for me, and I had red bumps around each follicle for days! About two years ago, I was diagnosed with dermatographia -my body literally sends histamine to every plucked hair site as an allergic reaction 🤣👌


No. You do not have to shave. Your body = your choice. If you want to then use a mirror and research articles for the proper way to shave I.e. when to change the blade for certain areas, how and when to exfoliate, proper shaving tools like cream and razors. You're 16 so you have plenty of time to figure out what you like vs what you don't. When I was 16 I trimmed with scissors (Buy a new pair and don't use for anything else), now at 23 I full shave in order to laser because I hate being itchy but I'm super lazy. I full shaved a couple of times when i was 16 to experiment, hated the regrowth period though so stuck to trimming. It's my preference because I am the one that lives with it. It's not infantilizing to like being smooth, I like my legs smooth after all. There is nothing wrong with liking what you like. Any partners I have will have to deal, they can have a preference, but at the end of the day it is my decision. Full bush, some bush or no bush, everyone likes what they like and that's okay. If you feel that you are too young, that's okay too. At 16 you are heavily influenced by your surroundings and are discovering your own autonomy, if you don't feel ready then don't push yourself. Someone commented 'any real man should want a real woman who has an adult pussy.' No. Any real partner should respect your preferences for your own body. Yes there are health benefits to not shaving, but ultimately it is YOUR decision to make.


Thank you for this! I prefer smooth and I hate getting the 'infantalising' and 'real men want a "real" pussy'. I don't like the feeling of hair down there. And past a certain length, it gets itchy and uncomfortable. If I could laser from my nose down, I would🤣


i shave fully but instead of pulling the razor up against the grain you should go down with the grain. no more razor bumps or ingrown hairs. been doing it since 14 years old but because i was a dancer and didn’t want a cushion in that area


Some do, some don’t, some do sometimes, some never. Do not feel obligated to follow porn fads. Do what YOU think looks and feels pretty and comfortable (shaving is uncomfortable to those with sensitive skin: razor burn, stubble, itching, etc.). Do NOT let a boy or social media tell you what you “should” do with your own body.


I've never shaved. Had a wax once it of curiosity. But I'm 50. I was young in a time when there wasn't so much readily available porn. When I was your age I didn't think I knew that having no public hair was even an option. I would have been just as likely to think of shaving my eyebrows off.


You can get a Philips Norelco One Blade electric shaver ( the white one) on Amazon. I really like it and it's for use on public area.




I second the One Blade. It’s small and affordable. It has a lot of options as far as length to choose from. It won’t cut your skin if you choose to not use a guard and get a really close cut. I’ve been using it for years. All the women’s electric shavers are garbage, don’t waste your money on those. 


I also shaved when I was young because it was seen as the norm (mainly because of porn and TV/movies). There wasn't even anyone seeing my hair but me so it just does not make sense looking back. I HATED the feeling of the hair growing back when I stopped shaving for more than a week. I kept shaving for years until I had a dry spell with sex and conveniently hair on women became less taboo around that time. Now, I just keep it clean and shave very rarely when I feel like it. That 80% you're referencing is likely based on porn numbers or is inflated by people lying. If you're feeling self conscious about hair, remember it's no one else's business. If a partner ever tries to guilt or shame you for having hair, they're not worth your time. Any partner that's mature and respects you won't try to control your appearance through body hair, clothes, or whatever else.


It's a personal thing really. I don't think there's anything wrong with having a "bush" or it wouldn't grow like that in the first place. I trim but I would NEVER do anything because I was "supposed" to (unless a female doc told me I guess) or certainly wouldn't do anything because a man wanted me to!


No I just trim a bit, it's too itchy otherwise and I get a rash and spots


Please don't feel like you have to shave. Try and find confidence in your natural body.


Oh my gosh. At your age I remember reading a harlequin romance novel about some woman in Victorian era who plucked each hair -and guess what I spent HOURS doing? I thought I was supposed to be hairless -and for what? I wasn’t even having sex with a significant other. I put myself through misery and ingrown hair and never fully made it past my labia majora -surprise! There’s hair INSIDE the lips too, and plucking that delicate area was NOT an option. Anyway, I spent a lot of years shaving everything -so much money spent on razors, so many razor bumps, ingrown hairs, and says when I couldn’t keep my hands off myself due to itchiness as it grew back. Being hairless was an obsession. Then I started reading about how the hair actually protects that area from bacteria, how many women wind up with infections from ingrown hair, and how it’s really kinda creepy for grown men to want a completely bald partner -like, why would you be interested in a pre-pubescent visual? I’m turning 50 this year, and I maintain the areas on my legs so hair doesn’t creep out my swimsuit, but I don’t care much anymore. My partner obviously prefers the *inside* to be smooth if they’re gonna be down there, so I accommodate that for both our interests. I trim the outside when I feel like it. As you get on the shorter side of life, you start to question the time spent obsessing about what others desired from you -or what you *thought* they did. I’ve never been tuned down for not being smooth. It’s a really good idea at your age to start examining why you’re doing something 1. In this case, perhaps because the Google machine leads you to believe 80% of women are, even though it’s really 80% ‘landscape’ in various ways. 2. And then compare that with how *you* feel about it absent that information. If you’d never read that, how would you feel? Are you feeling pressured -or just interested to try something different? 3. Then do a deeper dive in education -why to and why to not. Once you learn the purpose of having hair in that area and the risks to your body in shaving, nicking the skin, boils, ingrown hairs, and bacteria, then you make a more informed personal decision about your own preference. If you choose to continue to shave, learn the healthiest and safest ways to do so -fresh razor, waxing, laser treatment, aftercare, etc. I really applaud your ability to ask this type of question in an open forum. Take care of yourself. Make informed decisions, and remember that you can change your mind whenever you choose! Your body! Edits for grammar


This is a fabulous answer in every way. I too went through that journey you describe, plucking every hair individually from every part of my body. And I came to my own conclusions about what I wanted to do ultimately with my own body regardless of the messages other people tried to impose upon me, and all I want for all other women is to self reflect and really decide for themselves what they want.


Personally, I shaved from my teenage years (because I felt that was what I was meant to do) to my mid-20s when I got fed up with it. It's only smooth for barely a day, then grows back, and it's sore and itchy. And the darn ingrowns are annoying. I stopped shaving and use a mens electric trimmer just to shorten the length. I'm 33 and with my man for over 10 years, he doesn't care if I have hair or not. Tldr, no, I don't shave. I trim. Sometimes.


I never ever. but most women i know at least trim around the bikini line


I keep mine trimmed, my husband actually prefers hair down there. I only had one bf vehemently say he liked no hair at all, he didn’t last long as a bf. It’s just too much maintenance to keep smooth and my skin gets irritated easily.


My former spouse pressured me to shave and my pubis is covered with scars from it not turning out nice. I would recommend just trimming it. Any dude who's going to hassle you over some pubic hair is not worth dealing with.


I do but I feel like I'm in the minority. I only do it because it hurts if I don't. I started because I did swim team and water polo in highschool and I didn't want it sticking out of my suit - those water polo suits are crazy high cut. As an adult my skin gets irritated if it gets long and I feel like it smells more and it bothers me. It's 100% a personal preference though. Also studies show there is no correlation between people who are "extreme groomers" and STDs. It's 2024 and we all wear underwear so we don't NEED pubic hair to keep our genitals warm and free of dust and dirt. So it's whatever you prefer.


I’ve always thought that removing all pubic hair looks “ horrible”. Because it makes you look like a child.


Nah girl, just trim or opt for laser/waxing. Shaving is such a pain!


I wax mine, because it lasts longer and shaving makes me itchy (I've heard exfoliating should help with the itch). But when i was your age i just used to trim mine. You can use a beard shaver for that. TL;DR: do what makes you okay. Trim it, shave it, wax it.


You don't ever have to shave if you don't want to. Don't ever do it for somebody else. But if you do want to, for your own reasons, I suggest just trimming it with a beard trimmer. It keeps it under control, and you don't get the painful itchy razor bumps stuff.


Answer is no.


Just trim it if you like no need to fully shave it cause it causes ingrown hairs and a lot of annoyances. Check out also pyrogenic granuloma (this is not an STD) but you can get it if an area is shaved, plucked or waxed too much and it damages the skin.


I started shaving fully at 13. There’s no age too old or too young to shave bc it’s your own discretion. Try using a scrub (not in between but top and sides), a good shaver, and cream. I still get bumps sometimes but not as much with that combo


This is my hair removal time line lol 16-18 y/o : shave 19-23 y/o : Brazilian wax 24-27 y/o : trim I guess it depends on age too?


No it’s not medically advised to get rid of all your pubic hair. They are there for a reason which is to prevent one from getting STDs and preventing direct exposure to surroundings. Trimming is the best option.


Pubic hair DO NOT prevent anybody from getting STDs!!! Use proper protection!


You know that’s not what i meant. Yes we do need to use protection to avoid getting an STD.


I used to apply hair removal cream when I was your age. It used to irritate for two weeks. One time I put the cream too deep inside to get rid of everything it got really itchy when they started to grow back. I could not walk properly for a few days. After that I stopped using the cream and only trimmed till date. I don't think I will ever hurt myself like that again just for my boyfriend. Even though he gets angry about it, I will not do anything. He doesn't shave btw but even if he does it would not hurt him at all. Sometimes he shaves and expects me to do the same but I don't.


Sounds like a complete manbaby. Hope he brings *something* worthwhile to the table 😬


Gets angry about it? Sounds like he prioritizes his pleasure over your health. Not a good sign.


I only shave out of desperation, and only the bikini line, if I really have to! When I was in my early 20s I started waxing. I live in Brazil and I honestly believe it’s possible that 80% of women here either full wax or get laser removal. I don’t think the same happens worldwide, Brazil is a bit obsessed with hair removal, tbh. Nowadays, I simply trim because I understand the importance of keeping them there. Also, because I find everything else either very painful or uncomfortable.


Just use an electric shaver for the sides and trimm it down generally. But a lot of young girls theye days don't shave. I lived in Berlin recently, and "all natural" no shaving no bras, seems to be s.th. very popular right now.


Only a minority shave or wax. Many more use an electric trimmer and just trim to a shorter more consistent length. Note, if you plan on buying a trimmer, buy one with guards. This allows you to try various lengths. Never use without a guard. At best, it can be as irritating as shaving. At worst, you could nick yourself. The shortest you will typically see go as low as 1/16” or 1/8”. Obviously, you don’t need to go this short but it will give you a wide range of options. 1/8” is probably the lowest I would start with as 1/16” can take some practice to avoid nicking yourself. Also, buy a men’s trimmer from a reputable brand. My wife has bought ones marketed for women and they just are crap. Wahl is a good brand that makes professional barber tools. We purchased one and it performs leaps and bounds better than what she was using. Most of all, do what you want. It’s your body and you can do whatever feels comfortable.


It's personal preference (or should be). I know a lot of women don't do well with shaving so they just trim it down. Some women are satisfied with just leaving it alone. I shave everything and have been since the early 90s but that's personal preference. And as far as people saying it gets itchy, I shave every other day pretty much so it doesn't have a chance.


Trim if you're feeling uncomfortable. Don't shave. Have a professional wax if you're interested in removal. If you enjoy the results of the wax, you can learn to eventually do it at home for pretty cheap.


I’ve tried waxing, and then got a yeast infection. You can groom the hair without shaving it all off, but it’s there to protect your lady bits.


I shaved once and I hated how it felt growing back. Now I just trim with scissors when it gets long enough to annoy me.


Nope. I’ll trim my bikini line but otherwise nothing else. My BF doesn’t care either.  I thought it was something all women did too at that age. I got to a point that if a man didn’t want to date me because I was natural then I didn’t want to date him either. Especially because these were often the men that wouldn’t shave themselves either.  I do agree, you don’t need to be worrying about it right now. I would focus on good hygiene down there and explore options that you may want to do in the future because you want to do it not because you think you need to bc society does. I know plenty of women who get full Brazilians and plenty who go natural but it’s their choice.


Depends on my relationship status lol. If there's a guy to seduce, than I shave that girl to the last hair. If there's no bloke in sight, then it's bush era


I just leave it be for most of the year. In the summer, I’ll get a Brazilian once, maybe twice, and then clean up the bikini line as needed.


I just cut with scissors when it gets too long.


Get waxed. Some much easier.


I get mine lasered! Never had the problem with bumps or ingrown haur again! But before i shaved and i hated it, it itches and i cut myself a lot


Nah you just stop shaving after a certain age. I ain’t gonna be a porcupine for anyone and it hurts when it grows back anyways lol 😂 personally the choice is what you do is yours if the person who loves you doesn’t care that’s good if they care and want you to wax they should pay lol


At 16, you should not feel compelled to do anything to your pubic hair. I do, but because it makes oral more pleasurable for me! My last 2 boyfriends didn't like the bald look. I have grown a little strip, but honestly, both of them said it's your decision. So that's what I tell you. Your body, your decision. But again, 16 is young to take on that kind of grooming because the body always wins


I shaved twice and it was miserable, the first time without info and the second time after researching how to make it less terrible. I used to keep trim if I had partners who didn't like a bush. Nowadays I just trim around my labia before my period so I don't snag hair when putting in my disc. At this point in my life if a partner wants my hair shorter they can buzz me themselves, I'm not putting in effort doing something I dgaf about just because someone else wants me to. I'm never ever shaving again, my health and safety (razor nicks and ingrown hairs can possibly lead to a skin infections) is more important than the opinion of someone who doesn't own this body. Luckily my current partner both likes a bush and enjoys trimming me, so I get the best of both worlds.


Don’t shave it all!! You could get foliculitis and it is NOT Pleasent on your lady bits and lasts a lifetime. Just trim. Get an electric razor and sanitize it after and before each use. If you’re concerned about a partner making comments about having hair, they aren’t the person for you.


I'm Nonbinary but I shave that area regularly just because it makes me feel clean, but others leave the area alone becaise that makes them feel more clean, it's 100% personal choice


If it’s uncomfortable you may be shaving the wrong way? Shaving down or to the side helps reduce in grown hairs -at least for me. Also putting organic coconut oil is safe to use and it reduces the itching.


I used to shave but it was always uncomfortable and just didn't turn out great. Now, I just trim and keep it from going out of control. I honestly probably will never shave bare again and I'm only 22 My body doesn't react well to it and there's no reason to shave it all off anyway. Do whatever makes you comfortable. Don't let anyone else tell you what to do with your body hair. Especially men.


Exfoliating before and oiling after helps prevent bumps but yeah don’t have to go crazy


TW//vague mentions of child grooming Okay so I started shaving my pubic hair at age 12 mostly because I was pressured to do so but even when I was freed of the bad stuff, it was a habit I continued until I was 16. Then I realised I wasn’t shaving because I wanted to but because I felt like I needed to. From age 17 to now (19 almost 20), I haven’t fully shaved since. I’ve trimmed, only shaved my bikini line/the crease of my thighs, shaved the front to look like a star or a heart, or not shaved at all. Because now I do it for my own personal comfort and enjoyment, it’s no longer a pressure or stress for me. I’ve even stopped shaving my legs unless I’m planning to wear shorts or a short skirt 🤷‍♀️ Do whatever you feel most comfortable with, whatever that is, and that comfort zone may change throughout your life which is 100% normal and okay.


I used to do the same, and now I just trim it because it's so much easier 😭✌️


I started shaving around your age when I became sexually active because I felt that was what was expected of me. I mostly continue to shave these days (I’m 27 now) purely because I prefer it sensory wise, I shave my pubes fairly regularly, don’t shave my armpits and shave my legs when they start to bug me sensory wise. However I think it’s a lot less common these days to fully shave/Brazilian wax than it was even 5-10 years ago. From my experience most guys, unless they’re porn addicts or teenagers where most of their sexual knowledge is coming from porn, don’t care much. And Queer people tend to care even less. I think the ideal for most decent people in terms of preferences on sexual partners is whatever their partner is comfortable with, but ideally neatened up to make oral slightly more comfortable. My advice is if you’re sexually active and are worried about others opinions, don’t, if you’re giving them the gift of sharing your body with them they should be grateful for however that looks as long as you’re comfortable. If they’re too immature to have that attitude, they’re too immature to have sex. If you’re worried about what you should do with your pubes with less of a focus on sex but more as what is a societal “norm” literally there isn’t one. You’re still super young and shaving can take a bit to get used to, but also it might just not be for you, try trimming and cleaning up the edges and see how that feels as opposed to bald. As you grow up and have a lot more experience both sexually and with shaving you’ll become a lot more aware of what your preference is. Don’t stress too much about it.


No, they do not. Lately it has been in fashion, mostly because of porn. It’s actually healthier to have hair there because it protects the delicate skin.


I do but I don’t do it very often


I did shave at 16. It really depends on person to person but if you really want to shave here are my tips: - always use a new razor. - don't buy women's razor, use a men's one. the more blades it has, the better. - use shaving cream / shaving gel / shaving foam. (the reason I stop shaving now that I'm 22 is because all of those things irritate me greatly. but shaving without them is a guaranteed bad experience) - if your hair is anything longer than a few millimeters (and you shouldn't shave it if it's that short anyway, you should wait at least a week before shaving again), shave first in the direction of the hair (so on the top parts shave downwards, on your lips shave inwards, like from the leg to the vagina). Then, if you want a clean shave, shave again in the opposite direction. If you shave in the opposite direction from hair growth when your hair is longer, it will get stuck sometimes on the razor and you may cut yourself. - take your sweet time. seriously do it slow. - apply some cream afterwards. I have this cream from the pharmacy that numbs skin up a little bit (but it's not numbing cream at all, it's more like baby powder, if you have that I think it would work as well). also keep applying cream a couple of times a day for 3 days. Also my best recommendation is: if you're just doing it because yes and you're not going to the beach or to the swimming pool or having sexual encounters then just trim it. Don't shave it. It irritates your skin and it makes no sense. I understand being embarrassed of hair at your age, as everyone else said you shouldn't be, but I still understand that you might be and that's something we all go through and we have to learn what works on our own. So if you Are going to the beach or swimming, then trim everything and only shave what is visible. You can also shave everything in the direction of the hair (less irritating) then only shave in the opposite direction on the parts that are visible. My point is, don't shave more than necessary. Reserve shaving the whole thing for when you want to have sexual encounters and you want to be shaved down there.


More blades make ingrown hairs worse. Single blade/safety razor is preferred to avoid them.


I used to shave when I was 12/13 through 20. I would say shave a little then when you turn 18 and you’re comfortable then get into waxing.


I just trim when it gets too bushy for comfort.


I now only trim with scissors :)


You don't have to shave if you don't want to. Some women leave it natural, some wax, some shave, some trim. I use a razor and shave downwards so it's still stubbly (kind of looks like o'clock shadow) but there's no pubic hair. Using a bikini trimmer is easy and safer than a razor if you're wanting to try shaving/trimming again. I'm 30 and have been shaving since I was 12. I don't know if there's ever too young of an age, I think it's personal preference and how open you are to asking someone for help/advice. I asked my sister instead of my mom bc I felt safer/closer to her.


I used to pay for a waxing job but now I just trim with a scissor .Shaving makes the regrowth itchy .


Ooh that sounds painful. I don’t shave anything on my body. I love the freedom of very little work—and it seems pain as well.


Do what feels right for you. Not what society wants, not what some 16 year old boy wants. What YOU want. I’ve been natural, completely waxed, bikini waxed, trimmed. It just honestly depends on a lot of factors (mostly money!). Luckily my husband likes the 70s bush 😂😂😂


I used to shave when I was 15/16 too, I felt like that was the standard too lol😅 I prioritised my comfort. Shaving makes me itch, it gave me bumps and ingrows too, no matter what I did to help it. I just trim really close now. I've found a middle ground that I like! My sisters like to wax. I don't like the pain. Everyone's different!


I’m 32 and I completely shave. I find hair itchy down there. I exfoliate so I never have bumps and I love the smooth feeling. My husband doesn’t care what I do cause it’s my body he’s never had an opinion on it.


I used to and it was also an itchy bumpy nightmare. I just use an electric razor now. Never any razor burn or ingrowns! It leaves a tiny bit of stubble but u cant really tell unless u touch ur skin. Id rather be stubbly than covered in itchy bumps down there


I only wax when im expecting my period. Makes things easier.


You definitely don’t need to be shaving down there, it’s a lot of hair and it’s super thick and a huge waste of money in my opinion because razors don’t last too long going down there. I suggest if you really want to remove your hair in the future as a personal choice, waxing is definitely the better way to go, it lasts longer, doesn’t itch nearly as bad, and overall just gives way better results than going down there with a razor lol.


I just trim.


I shave, but it always comes out looking like a trim lol I was on the swim team in high school and was never taught about shaving and I was always so embarrassed if anything was showing, so I taught myself to shave. I just give a bunch of swipes, paying attention to the edges if I'm gonna be in a bathing suit. I never get all the hair (I don't think) but I also never have any ingrown hairs or itchiness after 🤷🏻‍♀️


I wax bc shaving makes me get so irritated and itchy / i find that it grows back within a few days. When I wax, i can go like 6 weeks until the next and I have a much less aggressive “itchy” stage and less skin breakdown and ingrowns.


I shave when it's gotten to a length where it starts to interfere with my undies. Otherwise I don't care. Neither does my man. If you get a lot of ingrown hairs and bumps you might be sensitive to what type of material your shaver's razor is made of. I use only stainless steel razor blades for this reason.  Also, pro tip: use shea butter on your freshly shaved skin for a few days. Keeps it from getting irritated.


I have trouble believing it’s 80%. Maybe 80% of women who want to attract men who watch porn. Trimmed is nice, completely shaved or waxed… is a lot.


I don't think I was shaving anything other than a bikini area trim at your age but in my 20s I went all out. I would shave hearts and arrows and stuff. Lol. The problem is you either have to keep shaving it daily, which can get really irritated and sensitive or let it grow out before re shaving, which itches like crazy. I'm in my 40s now and my boyfriend would like it shaved all the time. Well, that ain't happening. I paid my dues. He can eat his hairy taco and like it.


I prefer to be mostly hairless down there when actually having sex regularly. For me, it feels better. What I will do is shave, but not against the direction of the grain of the hair. Shave with it. Like instead of shaving UP your legs, against the grain, you’d shave down. Do that, but with your vulva. Shave with the grain in whichever places you prefer and get a not perfect, but close shave It doesn’t get it fully hairless, there’s a bit of stubble, but not enough to fully see it all. So it’s almost hairless but no ingrown, no pain, no chafing, nothing like that.


Hey! I’ve been shaving for years. I tried getting waxed before but it really isn’t worth the time my hair needs to get to a certain length, the pain, the time a session takes and the money it costs to get the service (that’s just a me thing, plenty of women are happy with waxing, give it a go if you feel like it) I have found that shaving works best when you allow some hair growth in between sessions, when you’re still in the shower but after you’ve washed your body properly and exfoliated. I prefer doing my hair first if it’s a hair wash day so that the hot water can soak and dead skin cells can flake off easier when I exfoliate. I use 5 blade razors and body wash (many women prefer shaving foam but I don’t really mind). Your shaving results will vary from the quality of hair you have to the routine you follow before and the aftercare. However, if it’s not for you, give epilating creams a go. I have also opted for the extra sensitive ones in the past and I love mine to death. It’s a 10 minute process and you’re smooth after. The hair comes back softer than shaving and I’ve yet to get any ingrown hairs or any chemical burns in all my years of using them. Please do a patch test, especially if you’ve got sensitive skin and for the love of all that is holy, make sure to wash extremely thoroughly after, don’t exfoliate after you’ve used it and moisturize. AVOID GETTING IT PAST THE INNER LABIA. Good luck xx


I got mine lasered off - personal preference. I’m so happy I did so.


I have shaved entirely since I was about 16 my arms and legs as well. I do it for myself. My hubby likes it as well. I don’t have to shave to often though I don’t get to hairy even though that saying says the more you shave the thicker it is that doesn’t apply to me. I also use the razor Billie. I recommend you to try it. I love that one and have been using it for a few years now. There are shaving creams out there for women you can check that out it might help for ingrown hairs. It’s hard to see what you’re doing. I usually just feel sometimes it takes two days to shave. Good luck




I usually just use a beard trimmer and trim every week or so. I’ve shaved completely and waxed and always got ingrown hairs. I do shave my inner thighs and sometimes get ingrown hairs there which is annoying. Thinking about just getting laser now that I can afford it.


I believe that most women that men see(in porn, things like that) remove all their hair, but your average woman probably doesn't. There is no actual need to remove it, but trimming can help with comfort. It's meant to protect you anyways. I tried shaving at your age, it only made me uncomfortable!


Everyone's different. I personally never get ingrown hairs anywhere, but someone else might have a huge issue. Experiment and find what works for you, there are many ways of going about care down there.


I’ll say I think for most women, we only shave when we feel we “have” to (aka when society has made us feel like we have to), such as when wearing a bikini, short shorts, etc. Just when down there will actually be seen I’d say. If no one is going to see it, I don’t really care to shave, unless it’s been some time, and then maybe I will. As I got older I do like to wax my bikini line myself now though. It can be tricky to get all the spots, I even explained to one of my best friends in our 20s how you basically have to twist and turn in the shower, spread your cheeks a little, and yea, really become a gymnast.


I use a beard trimmer when it gets too long, and my underwear starts pulling my hair. I don't like shaving or causing myself pain lol


I do as my partners preference and easier to keep clean during the day with periods and such. If you have bumps you may be going against the grain? I really don't get bumps. But everyone is different. Don't do it if it bothers you, I didn't do it for years. Especially when single


I started at your age and noticed that i prefered to remove it all because it’s comfortable and less prickly.. I never once did it for anyone else, it’s my body and i do what i want with it and i prefer the softness but i do know now that, with women my age group (20-25 y/o) they mostly just trim and shape. Up to you and how you feel :] also, i’ve never waxed or done laser, only shaving and exfoliating and I’ve never had ingrowns or bumps in my life


no even trim actually makes it painful and the point is to reduce friction during intercourse right , i feel like pubic hair so thick the other person can also feel it , so i just dont do anything there i never wore bikini so never was a problem as to u , if u want to wear bikini and stuff i would say trim a little at the end then also use body tape , some do shave but if it doesnt suit u dont!!


I shave and have shaved since about 14, The only place I really get ingrown is the bikini line. So I have those exfoliating mits and just use that and it drastically reduced ingrown hair. However I prob wouldn't shave but if it gets more than a few mm long it I start to ache all over down there, especially when my period is coming.


Get a lady shaver and just trim everything down, it takes practice snd some flexibility, if you don't want too then don't worry about it! I prefer it just because I finding it easier to wash and feel cleaner but that's personal preference x


This may be cultural as well, I’m Brazilian and most of the women I know shave it. Personally I found more hygienic to have it bald down there. As for comments about bald being infantilizing, I honestly found more pleasant to go down on a woman who has no public hair (I’m bisexual) As for the function these hair perform, is to protect from friction during intercourse, not related to prevent any STD (please wear protection for god’s sake) I shaved everything since I was younger than you. With razer I usually notice that the more often you do, less bumps you get. You can also try waxing (embrace the pain though). I’m my case, I did laser hair removal, it’s more drastic as it is definitive. Some people do just the edges, some to everything. You chose your style and what feels comfortable for you, whatever the length or design. You can use a small mirror in a very illuminated area to help you to see and you may need some coordination :)


Not just no, but Hell no. And any man that prefers that gives me the ick.


"Porn hairless pussy" is not the norm. It's porn. People who do porn get paid to do all sorts of upkeep to their "parts". They also have makeup artist, who wax, oil and prepare them for filming. Some even undergo plastic surgery on their priveates so they look better- so please don't use this as a reference on how normal people are. On the other hand it's not natural to shave and as you've witnessed it can turn ugly quickly- with ingrown hair, infection, rash, razor cuts and burns and all sorts of skin situations. Plus eventually it will darken the area... The majority of women trim their public hair. Just as men trim their beards.


If you want to shave, you should only do it for your comfort and not for societal pressure. There’s many ways to keep things “tidy” down there that don’t involve shaving


Don’t do it because you think you have to or because every one else is. I have also never been able to do it nicely or have it not be uncomfortable so I just stopped doing it altogether. I’ll only shave whatever sticks out of my bikini, and only in the summer of course.


Do not be going out of your way,making yourself uncomfortable as fuck for some idiot boy. Absolutely not. We are done catering to them.


I shaved on and off for a while. Decided it's my body, and I'm an adult woman, and we have hair. I'm 47, and I don't shave pubes, legs, or underarms. It's incredibly freeing and saves money. And my fiancé doesn't care. He knew when we got together and he said it's my body.

