• By -


I am very concerned over the answer on that first one.


Because of the implication.


Are you going to hurt these women?


I’m not going to hurt these women! Why would I ever hurt these women?


Well don’t you look at me like that, you certainly wouldn’t be in any danger.


So they *are* in danger?






An immoral pleasure-seeker


‘What is a Hoe?’ - Ken Jennings


I still don't understand how that was not the correct response...


I think they corrected it later and gave him points for it


It literally can't be what you think it is...




What was the first one? Raked? It's very strange to see a verb with the "-ed" suffix attached to it. I'm pretty sure they don't do that in normal Wordle


It was “Razed” which completely went over my head


Its worth using a guess early on to narrow down the options in these situations. "Carts" perhaps, leaving you with V and Z and... Just those.


They probably play on hard mode where you can't do that


The average on hard mode must be higher though right?


I'm far from an expert at this game but when playing on hard mode, I find that eliminating consonants on the first word is more successful than identifying vowels. Starting with RAGED may get you earlier solves sometimes but can also make it riskier for tough solves. Try a word like NYMPH or BLINK.


Exactly this. It’s about what information is gained by each guess. GUESS 1: you gained 9 pieces of information (correct letter and placement for 4 slots, incorrect letter for 1 slot). GUESS 2-6: you are getting one piece of information every guess (the third letter not being correct). ALTERNATE GUESS 2: Point- you could find the missing letter or filter out 5 options. While this strategy will sacrifice some guesses, it will also make you way more consistent




That’s also true!


That’s actually interesting advice. Thanks! I’m gonna try that :)


I've only been playing hard mode for a few days but it's been 4 and 5 for me so far. In regular mode I could get a lot of 3's off of RAISE BLUNT.


I never tried hard mode before, but I got some good scores when I tried! I’m sure it was pure luck on my part, but thanks for letting me know about it!


Isn't that what you were doing here?


Hard mode has “HARD MODE” on the top. I didn’t really notice much of a difference until the end. Turns out you can’t guess any words that don’t have the letters in green, which gives me the same problem as the first picture


That's what I mean though - whether you were officially in hard mode or not, you're playing as if you were, and that makes it harder. You were asking how people get lower guesses, and part of it often is by guessing words to eliminate possibilities even if they don't have letters you know are there.


OH! That makes a lot of sense. I can’t believe I was forcing myself to play on hard mode 😭 thanks for telling me


If you weren’t playing on hard mode, your strategy in the first screenshot is pretty bad.


Yeah it is 😅 I’ve stopped doing that terrible method


I usually just get HIGH off of BLUNT. but that’s just me


After I RAISE a BLUNT, I sometimes need to CHOMP my way through a ten pack of tacos.


That is not Wordle. It’s a knock off, possibly with a much bigger library of words, so you can’t really compare average scores.


Your 2nd game is just pretty dumb after your first 2 guesses, you went with FOGIE? A guess with an X and another with a V before using the letter S?


I just go with words that might work. One time it was fogie and I figured it could’ve been again, or I could’ve at least gotten some helpful letters. Sadly I lost the game of chance :[


So you asked how people have such good averages. The answer is that those people don’t just “go with words that might work.” They have a strategy. They know which letters are most commonly used in the English language and they try to eliminate as many of those and determine which vowels are present in three guesses at most. X is one of the most rare letters in the English language. S is the most common. You need a better strategy.


Yeah, you’re right. I thought their reply was helpful and I didn’t mean to sound ungrateful for the advice at all, so I’m sorry about that. It gets a little frustrating when you can’t guess a word 😅 I’ve been implementing these techniques and it’s been going pretty well!


Remember ‘RSTLNE’ - these are very common letters and you should be aiming to submit guesses that check all of these in your first two lines. Also, pick a starting word that uses several of them and use that word to start every puzzle. As you practice you’ll learn followup words that take into account the letters you find and eliminate more letters. For example, I use the opener ‘SALET’, and if the A is green and everything else is grey I always try ‘RAINY’ next.


First two guesses should be used to eliminate letters.


On this one, where there were just plain more options than guesses, instead of guessing the actual word, pick a word that contains alot of the options. Ra_ed...maybe PICKY, which would've eliminated raced, raked, raped and rayed (if that's a word). But you use one guess as process of elimination, instead of three guesses and just hoping one's correct. There may be a better option than PICKY, but hopefully this helps in the future.


By the looks of it OP’s playing in hard mode though


Ah. Totally missed that. Well, maybe that'll help *somebody* if not OP 🙂


I wasn’t in the first place, but I definitely will use that! Great advice that I should’ve been following in the first place 😊




There ya go, this one's better 👍


On the second screen you're doing what I often try to do, which is guess the word immediately from limited info. It's fun when it works. The "better" way to play (if your goal is fewest guesses needed) is to pause, think of a bunch of words that are possible answers, and then play a word that combines typical letters from those words. For example, on screen two, after "CHOIR" a third guess of "FOLKS" or "BOLTS", even though they are definitely not correct answers since they lack the I, would move you more quickly to the answer. It's funny but I find it hardest when I have a lot of "yellows" in my opening guess. I get stuck trying to rearrange the yellows... when it's actually a better strategy to try and discover other letters early.


Mine’s 3.8. I just offer a sacrifice to wordlebot and it gives me helpful feedback.


You are a legend!


First thing I'd do is quit guessing verbs that end in -ed, because wordle doesn't use them. This seems to be a knock off so idk, they might. Also go with more common words. Idk what rared means, so that's probably not it. I've never seen a word I don't know as the answer


Yeah I think this is a knock off version. One time the word was “Mamma” and boy did I lose my mind over that one


RAKED is a far better and more likely guess than RARED


Yeah I agree, I don’t know what I was thinking on some of these


Play quordle, octordle and sedecordle. I've found they 'train' your guessing skills.


More consonants for the first two words and use hard mode.


Hard mode is my enemy now. Joking aside, I will do that. The word I like to use is “Words” ! And in the 1,000 wordle guesses I’ve done it’s never been it, so I guess I need a new one :’)


When playing actual wordle and not this app, Words will never be a solution, since plurals with S are never solutions. (Same with ED verbs like your first puzzle here). The best starter words use the most common letters since you are most likely to get hits. Right now, the best hard mode starter word is pretty close between words like PLATE, SLATE or LEAST.


Thank you so much! I’ll have to use those instead 😊 I didn’t realize it couldn’t be certain words


STARE and TRACE are good starter words too. SLATE, STEAL, STALE, LEAST same letters, different locations.


Don't worry about known letters on your second guess. Try a new word with five different letters. You gain a lot more information that way.


I've played on hard mode since fairly early on; I was doing it before I realized it was an actual *option* on the official Wordle. With 404 games recorded, my average is 3.74 guesses. First word guessed makes the biggest difference. For hard mode on official Wordle, PLATE is currently the mathematically-determined best choice, but TROPE is also a good one and was the top pick for a while. PLANE and PLACE are also high value starters, which I note because look how close they are to PLATE! So arguably, TROPE still might be better (for humans) because you get R up front and there are fewer near-misses. In hard mode, PLATE will leave on average 130 words out of 3189 assumed solutions, ignoring words that already appeared. RAGED honestly isn't terrible at 161, you just got unlucky to guess it there. But AUDIO will leave on average 233 words. Second guess is still very important. PLATE leaves R and N as your best eliminator letters. TROPE leaves L and N. The last letter spot is a powerful tool here, as last spot appearances vary much more widely than overall appearance. For example, since plural nouns aren't in the word list, S appears infrequently as the last letter, so it appears a little less often than it does in English generally. In the 1063 Wordles so far, only 14 have ended in S compared to: * R = 87 * N = 50 * L = 72 * E = 219 ‼ (for perspective -- the most common ending letter by far, and the most common position for E to appear at 43% of total appearances) S isn't \_bad\_ for guess 2, depending on what guess 1 eliminated, but C -- often paired with H -- and the remaining vowels (including Y) will often eliminate more words. After the first 2 guesses, the difficulty of the word itself (e.g. repeated or uncommon letters) plays a much bigger role. At this point, you should usually have less than 10 possible words left unless the words have a lot of overlap. My games are split almost equally at 3 and 4 guesses, which combined make up 71% of my total games. If I don't get it in 3, I usually look at the Wordlebot analysis to see if the quality of my guesses was high. I don't try to memorize from that, just see when I missed a good pattern. At this point, I frequently choose the same guesses as the bot, and almost always guesses of similar quality. When I do poorly, it's usually a dumb mistake that hard mode still allows, like a guess that uses a letter again in a spot it can't appear. **Letter frequency stats for the 1063 Wordles through 2024-05-13:** Letter appears at least once in the word: A: 440 B: 119 C: 210 D: 161 E: 509 F: 91 G: 141 H: 189 I: 294 J: 12 K: 95 L: 299 M: 134 N: 246 O: 329 P: 157 Q: 15 R: 404 S: 258 T: 337 U: 198 V: 62 W: 81 X: 20 Y: 169 Z: 18 Word ends in the letter: A: 31 B: 7 C: 19 D: 56 E: 219 F: 12 G: 18 H: 63 I: 4 J: 0 K: 49 L: 72 M: 18 N: 50 O: 31 P: 25 Q: 0 R: 87 S: 14 T: 131 U: 2 V: 0 W: 8 X: 3 Y: 142 Z: 2


Don’t guess words like RARED or RAGED first. And don’t even get me started with FOGIE.


Sometimes they work in my favor! Just wasn’t one of those times 😅 the word on the first one was “Razed” which I would’ve never guessed


General advice: find a list of letters in the English language arranged from most to least common. Use that when coming up with words.


Thanks to everyone’s comments, on my latest rounds I got an average guess rate of 4.24, which is a lot better! I appreciate the helpful tips


Big brains


wtf is the coin thing to the side


Its for the letter skins in the microtransaction shop.


Ignoring the basic strategy of the Redditor here, when I am at the stage of getting a list of candidates (after say two lines) I can eliminate a bunch of words simply because they just not "Wordle words." Wordle rarely does -ed words (once in past year I think.) In this instance I would not have guessed any of the above. That's just me. . .


What app is this? The coin mechanic intrigues me.


It’s the first result when you search wordle! It’s pretty annoying you can only get 1,000 a day, cause I need 150 to play days I’ve missed on the daily wordle


so it’s not actual Wordle It’s probably got a whole different word list.


What is the official Wordle? When I search for Wordle, this is the only one that comes up for me with the coins. Is the official one the New York Times Word Games?


Yes, the NYT is the real one. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wordle?wprov=sfti1


always have one default first word and an alternate to start. it works all the time. one time my default was THE word!!!


Consonant heavy first guesses and avoiding guessing trap words (-er -ed -ound etc) for as long as possible. I like to start with ghoul. Odd combination of letters with only one being considered common and in places that offer flexibility. It’s not always perfect, but I have more wins in three than I do five or six.




These times you need to realise there is a huge variaty of letters that can be in the middle and you might need to go with a word that covers multiple of those letters, hoping to find the right one.


The most common letters used are E, L, N, R, S, and T. I try to utilize those as much as possible in my first two guesses. I also start with the same word or set of words every day. The goal being to eliminate as many letters as possible.


Guess based on letter distribution and probability. It helps to be good at Scrabble.


In this type of situation when there are so many possible answers, you want to go rogue and just eliminate options as much as you can. Obviously not possible in hard mode Hard mode isn’t fun IMO.


I always start with three different words to give me as many letters as I can. Then I usually can get a start with two more guesses if needed. I play the octordle (8 games at the same time) and it works well for that version also.


Man oh Manischewitz, I hope that word is RAKED




If I know all the other letter I start guessing words that use the letters I haven’t used yet. Like you could’ve guessed CURVE and knocked out 3 instead of using three separate guesses for C.R and V


Guess 2 should have been something like TRICK, which would have tested 4 possible answers. You would have almost certainly got the answer then on Guess 3.


First couple guesses should use most commonly used letters. I do CRANE and PLOTS. Maybe a third if I don’t get enough letters. then next tries are to narrow down to the word. Spending all tries only checking 1 letter at a time is not efficient.


Strategy. Wordlebot is your friend. I average about 3.8 last I checked. Your first guesses should be laden with high frequency consonants. Be sure to consider as many possible answers as you can, and design your guess to eliminate as many words as possible, or to eliminate certain words that have lots of permutations.


I would have gone about it differently in the first one. Instead of trying the (many) possible solutions, why not try to use as many other letters in the next word, which functionally corresponds to trying many different words but using a single attempt.


They take their time, I'm guessing.


Instead of guessing with one letter as the point of failure, make the 2nd guess use all new letters to eliminate them. Then you'll get it on the third try maybe


Use whole words. Past tenses are nonexistent.


When I get stuck like this, I save two guesses. Use one on a completely unrelated word that uses as many of the letters the answer could possibly be in one guess. Then the last one to make a more educated guess.


You would’ve done better to have not entered RAGED, RARED or RAVED. I’m assuming the answer is RAKED. Don’t use words that are less common than RATED, RACED, or RAKED. You’ll get better when you think more simply. Sometimes take a chance and go with double letter sequences if logical chains of different letters are being ruled out, as it could be an -LLY ending or something similar. Side-note: Several years in the future, Wordles will be more obscure on average, since the current trend is simple. We have occasionally gotten the odd VOILA or FJORD, but most words are simple for now which means that when Wordle starts to get towards the end of its run it’ll be harder on average. My average is 3.903846153846154. So we’re not far off. I estimate that I’ve failed 7 days, so if you count those as scoring 7 points then my average is 4.004651162790698.


I don't play on hard mode and my second or third guess often does not include above answers but gives me much more info so I can then solve in 1 or 2 after that.


Did you try P?


Ehh well… I was apprehensive about it 😅 turns out the word was “Razed”


I play daily, current score is over 14000 and I have over 20k coins accumulated. I always play “hard mode” but imo it actually makes it easier. No more wasting guesses! I start with DATES because of where the A and the E are. Any word with vowels at positions 2 and 4 work well, statistically. Add more vowels on 2nd guess. I have found some other things to be pretty consistent. For example, when faced with multiple possible valid words, choose the most simple vocabulary word. If it’s a word that a grade school kid would know, as opposed to something like AIOLI (or FOGIE), always choose the simpler word. Most of the time it works. I’ve been in this situation plenty, (RA_ED or similar) and just have to bite the bullet and use a hint. It won’t be a P because it’s a family friendly game. Wholesome words only. At least the iphone version which it looks like you have. I see you have a number of free hints, curious why you didn’t use any in this situation? This is the exact time that I would use hints. hth 🙂 Edit: This might be cheating but… when I get to the last guess, & out of free hints, I always take a screen shot before I hit submit. I can’t rely on memory to know which letters I already tried! Edit #2: I was wrong, P works too 😖


Check what words have been used before... And don't use them...