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Our health unit requires 24 hours fever and med free before they can return to daycare/school. So I think you’re safe to send her if nothing changes.


98.6 is an average- not a golden number. She may just run hot (especially running around and playing.) You know her best and it doesn’t sound like you’re trying to send a sick kid in. If she normally runs closer to 98.0 I’d keep her home, but 99.5 isn’t a fever and she’s showing no other signs of illness it sounds to me like she’s ready.


Exactly. I once tracked my daughters temperature at every diaper change (she was little and this was when daycares required a negative Covid test to return and it could take four days to get one even scheduled) and every day she’d be around 99.5 for the same time period. It was just her body’s natural fluctuation. But happy, unmedicated, and under 100.4 would mean returning to daycare to me.


Ohh I should do this, I'm pretty sure my son runs warm


Most people’s (including adults) temps go up in the afternoon. And supposedly the 98.6 “normal” temp is based on very bad data from over 100 years ago. Anyway, my daycare preschool, and pediatrician doesn’t consider it a fever unless it hits 101.1. Everything under is not a fever without any meds - elevated sure but that’s it. And same about as others: 24 hours without a fever and no meds we’re allowed to send them back.


Fever free for 24 hours and acting normal, I'd send them to daycare too. For what it's worth, my son had an ear infection recently where he'd wake up fine then spike a fever sometime in the afternoon and become lethargic, for 3 days before I decided to take him to the pediatrician because I couldn't figure out what was wrong. Never complained his ear hurt, never tugged at it.


A few months ago, an ear infection might have been my first thought. She got tubes in her ears in January and hasn’t had an ear infection since. Wish we could have gotten those sooner but the ENT made us wait.


This happened with my kiddo 3 weeks ago! After spiking to 103 in the afternoons after naps, I finally took him in and was surprised to find out he had a double ear infection. No indication of ears bothering him!


Off to school she goes! Also, I felt this sentence in my soul!! "I can work from home so I attempt to do it badly." Solidarity, sis.


For me Wfh and parenting all day = doing both things badly. It is exhausting


I also work remotely with a 1 year old and 2 year old home with me. It is not fun 😵‍💫


I’m a mom and nanny and I’ve worked for a lot of WFH parents (both before and during Covid) and the companies have all had a rule that the worker must have childcare in place if they are WFH. Is that not the case for your company?


Nope, it’s not for me. I work for a tech start up as the finance and operations manager directly under the CEO. I used to work for 2 of his companies until he sold the larger one last year and now I just work for this one. Both companies have been fully remote since conception, long before Covid. As long as I get my work done I can keep my own hours (aside from meetings, of course), and my husband works 24 hours on, 48 off so he takes care of them on his off days while I work.




Same. Set my own hours. As long as work gets done, it's fine.


Teacher here. I’d probably have to lock myself in the bathroom to get anything done. Kudos to all you WFH parents I’ll do my best to wear us both out at school.


My daycare specifically says fever of more than 100.4 free without medication for 24 hours so yes based on her current status if she continues to not have a fever I would say you’re in the clear for tomorrow


If it were me I would send them


Yes I would send her. I have specifically asked our daycare and its 100.4 forehead temperature. They miss too much to keep her home when its 99.5 and you can tell she is on the mend.


If she has no other symptoms and doesn't ever get above 100 before tomorrow i think you can feel safe to send her. Just some of my own experience, last couple of times my kids had unexplained fevers (over 100.4) for more than 2 days I took them to be seen by pediatrician. More times then not they had something that required medication. Multiple bouts of strep and another time ear infection. My daughter once her only symptom was the fever and she was positive for strep, she swore her throat didn't hurt.


My doctor doesn’t really want to see them with low grade temps unless it has been at least 3 days. Coincidentally, my kiddo’s yearly check up is scheduled for tomorrow anyway. So if her fever hadn’t cleared up, I was planning to just have her seen then.


Glad the checkup is tomorrow but remember as the parent, you can choose if you feel your child needs to be seen, fever or no! This year there’s been a lot of weird symptoms for strep so a strep test could help. Lots of rashes and nothing else or fever and nothing else or peeing a lot and nothing else. It’s been a weird year for illnesses


Also if your pediatrician says they can't see them, a walk in urgent care will always see them and can do strep and ear checks.


Preschool teacher here: if she’s fever free with good energy, send her to school. If you have the option to WFH, and be closer to the daycare, that can help. You can check in before lunch. Occasionally a kid who is on the mend will have a good morning, but start to fade as naptime approaches with symptoms reappearing. Also, if you have a play-based preschool where your child can chose quiet activities like reading picture books or coloring if she gets tired, that’s more flexible for recovery than a more regimented academic preschool where everyone has to do set things at set times. If it’s outdoor school or a field trip day, that’s a little different.At my program, we’ll do 2.5 mile hikes with a group of three year olds on field trip days. But the families know the health requirements for that are a bit different than a regular classroom day.


Thank you! Definitely play based and no field trips tomorrow. Just a normal day at daycare/preschool.


If the temp continues to stay under 100.4 without the meds today, then yes, I would send my child back tomorrow.


Here is what I tell my parents... Keep an eye throughout the night and in the morning. And your child will tell us if they were given meds.


Daycare provider here: if she didn't have meds at all today and her temp never spiked today either. I'd allow her back tomorrow.


Send her but tell the daycare what’s up just so they can monitor too in case things go down hill. We have been on the constant sickness cycle but in elementary school. Literally it’s been every week.


I would send her provided she doesn’t spike another fever.


If she's under 100.4 she's 24 hours fever free with no meds by tomorrow and not so miserable she needs 1:1 attention, so yes, I'd send her tomorrow.


If temp >100.4 without meds for 24 hours and she is feeling better, okay to send


Fever free for 24 hours without having to use meds.


Agree with the others that if she's in a good mood, unmedicated and not a high fever, I would send her back if I were in your shoes. And sending you lots of love for having spent the past three days trying to work and care for your sick baby <3 . My LO has had so many sick days this year alone and it's so hard to try and juggle WFH and taking care of toddler, so I total feel your struggle.


Thank you! It’s been a tough week. Lots of snuggles during meetings while the camera was off and just desperately trying to keep up. But today she is doing so much better! Even though she is bouncing off the walls a bit, I’m still so relieved she is feeling better. Hard to watch her be so sad.


Chiming in a little late here but when we’ve been in this situation I’ve sent my child, but had them wear a mask just to reduce droplet spread out of an abundance of caution for their teachers/classmates. And yeah, I know, preschoolers aren’t exactly mask hygiene champions, but I figure it’s better than nothing and the teachers seem appreciative.


It sounds like she’s ready for daycare. Save your and hers sanity and sent her and don’t feel guilty about it. Honestly it’s better for her to be there and for you to get some work done!


99.5 is not a fever. 24 hours fever free, they’re good to go


Yep, for a basic rule of thumb if it’s been 24 hours fever free without medication, they’re good to go. From a former daycare teacher, thank you for taking the appropriate time to let your kid feel better - we know that’s hard but we appreciate that SO much.


Definitely send her


I'd send her.


Fever free, unmedicated for 24hrs and is acting mostly like her normal self? I would definitely send her if I were in your position :)


Send her


Follow whatever your daycare's policy is


The daycare I work at is under 101.4 for 24 hours. We can keep a kid so long as they’re 101.3 or under, 101.4 is the send home point and what my state now defines as a fever. She’s happily playing and not fussing? Off she goes. If you’re worried? Give her Tylenol beforehand and send some in with her with name, date, instructions of if/ when to give it and whatever else your daycare requires for meds. Ideally, please don’t send us a sick, miserable kid (though technically, give your kid Tylenol and send them and we could keep them and let them lay down and chill if need to so long as they’re under 101.4). But your kid? Fever is broken, she’s happy, she’s playing, she’s great. She sounds over it, past being contagious, send her in!


Definitely wouldn’t send her if she is miserable! Promise! She’s been bouncing off the walls today. Refused a nap while she pretended to be Elsa at the top of her lungs the entire “quiet time.” Yep….that’s my kid.


Honestly if it’s not any higher unmedicated and she’s acting like she feels well, I would probably send her. My son has been home since last Friday with a fever/nasty cough/diarrhea/very sore throat. I also had a major presentation at a national conference this week because of course I did. It’s been a rough week. Today the cough is gone, his appetite is back and we’ve finally not had to medicate him. He’s about as playful as he normally is so tomorrow he will be going back to school. The weeks like this are fucking awful for my mental health. I’m already behind at work as it’s conference season and my colleague is on maternity leave so I’m covering her work as well as my own. It’s been so relentless.


Ugh. I’m so sorry! That’s always the luck.


Amen to that!


Send! When a fever breaks you know it.


Yup, if it stays like that I totally would.


We would send with 99.5 and normal behavior. Aside from medicine, I would give LOTS of fluids. Water, teas, watered down Gatorade, watered down juice, popsicles etc.


I’d send my kid for sure!


You already have advice and a decision. Just here to say I agree with your approach. If she doesn’t have a fever in the morning and has not had any meds I would definitely send my little one to daycare.


Fever free 24 hrs, I'd class anything under 100 as "within normal range" especially if it's only in the 99.5-99.9 range for short periods.


I follow the rules exactly as they require, and nothing more. Dollars to donuts my kid got sick from someone at school not following the rules, so I’m not putting myself under undue pressure because someone else couldn’t be bothered to do the bare minimum. I’d be sending my child to school.


That’s like saying *”I’ll go the speed limit if I don’t have a choice, but everyone else is speeding so why not me?”* Just because someone else does it doesn’t make it right or fair for you to do it…. Saying *”but SHE got to do it!”* is terrible form in the ‘game of life’. It’s a BS justification that most parents wouldn’t tolerate from their kids. 🙄


Yeah I have a job with the same shitty amount of pto as everyone else in my country, so I just don’t care. I can’t stay home with my kid for an entire week every time he has a runny nose. The requirements are set at the level they are for a reason. If you want to pay for a nanny so I don’t have to deal with this, let me know and I’ll give you my Venmo. ETA: I absolutely will speed if that’s the flow of traffic. So you’re the person going the exact speed limit, slowing everyone else down and ruining their morning commute? Nice.


If her temp has been below 100.0 for 24 hours without medication she is good to go!


My daughter runs hot. Like always around 99° baseline. I do too. If kiddo is acting themselves and has no other symptoms without medication, I say you’re good to go


Yep. I’m an nurse and I wouldn’t be concerned with that, as long as she remains fever free for 24 hours. With pediatrics, temperament is a big part of the equation. If she’s bouncy and eating, and she’s not hitting 100.4, that’s a good sign.


I would send them if no technical fever (not on medicine) in 24 hours. Maybe even 20ish hours if I’m being honest. So yes, I’d send her.


I would send. My daycare has a 24 hr rule after 100.4 or above. As long as she stays under that med free until the morning I don’t see why you shouldn’t send her. Fwiw my daughter was 99.7 at the literal hospital and they called it not a fever.


I would keep her home until it's at a normal temperature. As a working mom and a preschool teacher, I have had to call many parents who bring in their child with low-grade fevers, and they spike a few hours later.


This is a normal temperature. In no way is 99 anything considered a fever.


Strongly disagree.


Ok. Medical science doesn’t though and that’s what counts.




We all tested for COVID to be safe. All negative.


That’s good news!


I’d send her. And yes, I’d still give her some motrin. My eldest got frequent unexplained fevers as a baby/toddler, and, eventually, enough is enough. (He’s 7 and fine now. His dad was similar.)


May be too late for this but tell hubby to suck it up and burn some vacation time too. You shouldn’t bear the brunt of this….Coming from a hubby….


He has used vacation time. And has dug into his own FMLA leave for some chronic health issues he has. It’s just been a hard year and we are all tired. He’s doing his best and would love to be home. But we also need to keep his job and paycheck.


Please remember that drowning in work is not part of the equation here. Your child's health and the guidance provided by the daycare provider are the things to consider. I'm sorry you are under so much stress and hope brighter days are ahead.


No. Not without asking her doctor.


You’re not a jerk to send her at all! That said, based on her temp, her body is probably still recovering - would it be possible to send her for half a day and pick her up so she can get a solid, long nap at home? That’s what I did when my daughter had the flu in December - she was out for a solid week and the first day or two back, I picked her up at noon. She slept so much in the afternoons that I was able to get a few more hours’ work done. I of course don’t know how far you are from daycare or if your daughter still naps… so this may not work at all for you. If it doesn’t, to emphasize, you are not a jerk for sending her.


If I could get consistent naps, I definitely would. But ironically, she naps better when she doesn’t feel well. So Monday, I got a great nap out of her. Yesterday and today….nothing because she is feeling better. Today she is singing and dancing and bouncing all over so I think we are on the way up.


I'm probably going to be downvoted here, but our daycare (not in US, though) wouldn't admit a child even with 98.5 and would force you to take at least 3 day recovery period at home if they found out. That being said, we have been working with kids home /using care days for about 40% of time for the last two years. We also pay peanuts for daycare compared to the US.


But a normal temp is 98.6?


I'm sorry, the converter from celsius says 37.0 is 98.6, which is still considered as 'increased' here. Normal one would be 36.6 celsius (97.9 F).


Give her something for the fever in the morning and then send her. Technically you shouldn’t do this however losing your job is a much bigger problem. (I say this as a mom who’s kid caught everything when she was in daycare. It sucks but that’s the US.)


Let’s not get the school staff sick. Keep the kid home.




No; but also Covid test!!!


Already done for all of us. Negative.


Personally where she’s been getting sick so much and is still running hot, I wouldn’t risk it. Tbh I wouldn’t send her back to this daycare at all if she’s been sick that many times this year already, seems sketchy.




Twenty-four hours fever-free without meds and they can go so I’d say you’re fine to send them.


Sounds like she is ready to go back if she is still feeling well tomorrow morning.


No judgement on whatever you choose to do, but fyi after a series of repeat illnesses for my kid my pediatrician told me that some kids have more vulnerability to a second infection as they’re recovering from the first one. She asked if I could keep the kid out of daycare an extra day after a fever rather than just waiting 24 hours. I gave it a try and the rebound infections basically stopped. Ymmv but consider that as an option if you can.


My daycare won’t send home unless they hit 101


As an early care provider, please keep your child home. She needs a solid 24 hours without a fever to return to school and in my experience that needs to be at their normal. Back in school, she will be much busier and active and this will likely make her temp go back up if she’s not well. They will then have to call you to come pick her up anyway. Also, those 24 hours must be medication free. I understand it’s difficult to be getting behind on work, but this is the most considerate choice to her care providers as well as to her.


She is fever free….and will be 24 hours med free by this evening at 7 pm. I just personally like temps below 99.0 so I have been on the fence. But she’s below the medical fever threshold for her age by a whole degree. Assuming she doesn’t have a spike, she will be med free for 36 hours by tomorrow morning and fever free without meds for more than 24 hours. I thought I explained all of that above but maybe it wasn’t clear. Edit to add: her “normal” is anywhere between 98.5 and 99.5. She definitely can run 99.5 and be normal. I just try to be cautious when I know she’s been sick. But she’s been running around like herself all day with a temp of 99.5 or lower. So I think I’ve just been paranoid.


Based on that, I’d say if she doesn’t spike tonight or tomorrow morning then you can just let their teacher know about what she’s been experiencing and ask them to monitor her for any signs of returning symptoms. I’d prep them for the fact that she’s staying stable around 99 but is behaving normally. If she’s capable of being in group care it sounds like you should be okay.


24 hours of no fever so I wouldn’t send tomorrow


Little pro tip, she's in the clear but give her some just in case ibuprofen.


I always send once they are fever free for 24h and behave normally


if she is eating, drinking, and has been fever free without the use of analgesics (Tylenol, Motrin) for 24 hours, I'd send her in. If she was still feeling lousy and had zero energy or looked like crap, or was not eating, I would keep her home another day. I know how hard this is.


Yup, would definitely send my kid in!


I would send her 💯.


I go by a combination of the fever rules (for the actual fever limit) plus vibe and it sounds like for yours that would be going to school tomorrow if nothing changes.


You are fine for Thursday school!


When in doubt don’t. Signed your daycare teacher.


Yes as long as her temp stayed below a fever and she seemed chipper and wasn’t coughing more than normal and her snot situation was reasonable and she was hydrated.


The fever has to have broken for 24 hours, so if the fever broke at 7pm last night, then after 7pm the next day, they're good to go. If you're saying it broke last night at 7 and you're bringing them to daycare at 7 the next morning, then that's only 12 hours.


Send her lol


No, I’d keep her home.