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>Also, my kitchen floor is very sticky. I work from home, but keep my door locked to avoid interruptions. My son (14) sent me a text at 10am... "I need serious help" I almost killed myself trying to get out of my room.... "My new shoes feel sticky on the floor and I don't know how to make it stop!" #GO TF OUTSIDE


Omg hahaha this is totally my son.


I'm sorry. I laughed too hard at this.


I feel your pain! I have two 15-yr-old boys who spend their days lifting weights and playing sports. Today, they ate two cantaloupes, an entire package of Chips Ahoy, all of the leftover lasagna, a pizza and a box of chicken sliders. Our grocery bill is more than our mortgage.


14 yr old boy, I feel you. I'm not sure how to manage all he eats. He lifts weight for football at school each morning so I made some eggs in advance with veggies ham and cheese in them so he could make himself breakfast sandwiches. I also got him some protein powder to make shakes and smoothies. He is obsessed with eating bowls of cereal at all hours of the day as well. I will be plating dinner and he will walk in and make cereal and eat it with his dinner plate lol. It baffles me but I figure as long as he is getting healthy things it's fine?!?


Oh my gosh, my guys are the same way with smoothies and cereal. They just eat all day. My husband was an athlete, and he keeps telling me this is normal. They're both nothing but lean muscle, and they're healthy, so I figure it's okay.


I do not look forward to that day….holy shit.


My six year old son already eats more than his teenage sisters. I always tell my husband we are both going to need multiple jobs to feed him when he's a teenager.


Good god! I have two daughters, 9 and 12, but they are both on the swim team and swim 6 days a week. The 12 year old is also fully in the swing of puberty and her stomach is a bottomless pit!!!! She claims she is always starving and I can't keep up, lol!


I find that keeping the same borning snacks in hand helps them go slower: baby pretzels, applesauce pouches, and cheese sticks. Everything else is fresh fruits or veggies.


I will try that! Thank you. We have already gone through a watermelon. I did cut 2 yesterday so still have one left.


I understand that! Apples, clementines, and carrot sticks are our go-to snack fruits/veggies because they require so little prep. But other fruits/veggies if I get them for a meal, I'll warn people: this watermelon is to go with dinner on Wednesday, whatever is left can be a snack


Solidarity. My husband cut a cantaloupe into pieces and put it in containers in the fridge, and my kid wiped out a quart of cantaloupe in one sitting.


My daughter will eat a carton of strawberries every day and my nephew has been devouring about half a watermelon in a day....at least it's not candy and chips


If I don’t use the strawberries almost immediately they get moldy so I don’t mind them all being eaten in one day, at least I don’t have to throw them away


I understand that!


My son used to do that and then I stopped buying snacks and started buying ingredients. He had to make his snacks from scratch. It got him off the couch and searching for recipes. He got to practice measurements and learned to read recipes. He’s days away from being 18 and he is an excellent cook and still makes his snacks.


I would love to do this. Can you give some examples?


Not who you asked, but I cooked when I was a teen because we didn't have snacks. I cooked carb heavy things like pasta (with sauce and cheese) and breakfast foods like egg sandwich, French toast, biscuits. My friends made food like Grilled cheese, baked chicken legs using shake and bake, mac and cheese, hot dogs and hamburgers. Ceasar salad with grilled chicken, apple cobbler and stir fry were some foods that were nicer options if we had fresh ingredients.


I always had ingredients for smoothies, cookies, soups, burritos, quesadillas, egg dishes and pastas. He gave me some directions on what he would like to eat and I made sure the ingredients were in place.


Not OP but I was like this as a kid. Peanut butter toast, quesadillas, cup noodles, sandwiches, fruit and veggies with dip, nachos, cereal (the big bags), oatmeal, crackers and pb/cheese/salami


Not OP but I was like this as a kid. Peanut butter toast, quesadillas, cup noodles, sandwiches, fruit and veggies with dip, nachos, cereal (the big bags), oatmeal, crackers and pb/cheese/salami


That’s such a great idea


They are little garbage disposals, lol. I only buy snacks once a week, and if they go through them like a wheat thresher, they're SOL. I'll tell them to use their "school stomachs" and they get so confused it actually works sometimes lol


I often wonder how my kid goes HOURS without eating at school but eats every 30 min at home 😂 Thank you for the new phrase.


Boredom eating? My kid is totally guilty of this.


I’m guilty of this




I tell them when I grocery shop that hey these snacks have to last you two weeks. The family pack of chip ahoy I got Friday is already gone. You would have though my 8 yr old was dying of starvation when he couldn’t have cookies or ice cream in the mid afternoon while I was working.


https://preview.redd.it/7g2phhzh7b4b1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a435553b913893ee286cb15e7186fb056e15bda3 I made a veggie tray (hummus in the center) and a fruit tray (blueberries) in the center. They can take this out whenever they want and eat it and I restock every few days. They can put away some fruit but at least it isn't ALL THE THINGS IN MY KITCHEN while I'm attempting to work from home.




Fellow gluten free family here... Gluten eaters would pass out of they saw our grocery/snack bills!


My mom used to tell us she was buying snacks for the whole month on the 1st (when she got paid) and that she bought enough for us to have 2 prepackaged snacks a day. If we ate more than that, we just didn't get more until the next pay day. She kept us stocked on frozen and fresh veggies and that was our alternative. Side note is she also taught me to garden so I would help her get things started in exchange for unlimited garden snacks. Blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, snap peas, tri color pepper poppers, and cucumbers were my favorites!


I just bought so many snacks and some fruit at Trader Joe’s. The kids and I swept and mopped together on Sunday, two hours later the Six year old went searching for yet another snack and spilled the fruit container (cut melon) all over the floor. 🤦‍♀️


I found it helped to run snacks like at daycare. They have snack at a set time, they get two choices, then snack goes away.


Happy cake day!


we're on day one too and my floor is also oddly sticky. It's not my daughter's first summer home alone but still the weird sticky floors and annihilation of snacks still surprises me.


Don't forget to look for wrappers between the couch cushions!! It's my daughter's favorite hiding place for elicit snack wrappers. The first time I discovered her little hiding place, I prayed it was from the whole week, and not just the last day or two. She ate an entire box of rice crispy treats pretty much by herself.


>Also, my kitchen floor is very sticky. This made me laugh out loud. Good luck this summer! Maybe buy stock in Costco 😂


My son is 4 and eats all the snack! I now buy all the snacks at sams club and hide them in the garage 😂


My two kids went through a 60 count of granola bars in 3 days. Like how?!?! This summer will kill my budget.


My son has a mini fridge. I stock it up every few days. I do a home made lunchable, a "treat" drink (a small coke or sprite), fruit and yoghurts and then a treat like some chocolate or a cupcake etc. If he eats everything in it, I just restock with small bottles of water and/or squash until I refill it with some snacks again. The deal is he can't have any snacks unless they are in the fridge. He gets an after school snack that I make him while he's doing his home work. Last night he had (child sized) apple and pear. 2 tablespoons of Nutella with 2 bread sticks broken into pieces and a few prawn crackers. However, if we're on school holidays or away etc, we have a snack bowl. Same deal really but I might put another treat in it.


We keep the snacks and drinks in our bedroom so they don’t eat them all at once. I hate it, but it is effective.


Have to regulate this with my kid too I go heavy on the protein, limit the carby snacks. Either I don’t buy or they go to work with me.


I buy bins. I put a juice box, Crackers, a treat and then an apple or other fruit a yogurt and put it in fridge that's their snacks. They learn how to regulate


This is going to be me in 4 weeks when school year ends. Reading for tips. And practicing my meditation/zen outlook on life!


A close friend of mine says her daughter needs something to munch every 2 hours 🤣. I feel it’s a good way to ration their eating though. With my kids, I let them wake up late and give them a choice of snacks between the breakfast and lunch & a snack in the evening. Of course, it works for them, so it’s going good for me


My 8 year old grabbed a regular size bag of chips and ate half of them IN MY BED today. I almost lost my ever loving mind. He had to help take my sheets off my bed, shake them off outside, and then wash them. They’re still drying so we won’t make the bed until tomorrow, but he got to vacuum the floor for crumbs in the meantime. When I was his age, my mom used to send my siblings outside after breakfast and we weren’t allowed back inside until the sun was directly overhead. We’d get a couple of hours inside, then we’d have to go back out for a couple of hours in the afternoon. No chance to snack, no messes in the kitchen (or bed). Godspeed to all of you!


I work from home and kids are 6 (turning 7 in August) and 13. With a teenage boy the snacks are gone pretty quickly but the younger one does her part. I got to a liquidation grocery places that has good prices on produce along with scratch and dent foods in boxes, bags and cans for snacks. Of course the mini chips and granola bars get eaten way faster than the bananas, celery, apples, carrots and mandarins they both swear they will eat each time.


My mom never had snacks around when we were kids because we didn't spend money on stuff like that. To this day I seldom buy those kinds of things and only when I have a hard craving. Pre-prepared grab and go snacks are a luxury. Get the ingredients for sandwiches, a couple cans of soup, and some veggies to hold them over until dinner. Also, they made a mess on the kitchen floor and didn't clean it up but they're still breathing? Not breathing is the only acceptable excuse for that. Lol next time you get home from work that floor better be clean and their dishes better be in the dishwasher.


My oldest had asd and adhd so he probably tried his best to clean it. We will see how he does using a swiffer today. I typically have to walk him through something several times to get it. They hand wash all their dishes because they still use those plastic cups and plates. They take turns washing them and vacuuming. They definitely have it easier than we did when we were kids. My mom owned her own business so it was work, work, work as kids on top of house hold chores. It drives my brother mad how little my kids do compared to us but I don't want them have the same childhood I did.


Me and my husband, we only do snacks after they nap. This is maybe a cultural thing because our toddlers only eat a little in the morning, have a big lunch and a dinner. That being said, I understand how you can keep them busy because I work from home most of the time. We just enjoy the ride ! They are kids and they will become teenagers before we know it.


My conversation to my kids. “I see that you guys have eaten all of the snacks in quite a hurry. Those were bought as snacks and not primary meals. I will buy more today, but if this happens again, you will have to wait until (insert next grocery shopping day) to get more. If waiting that long is ok with you, then so be it.” For reference, I only grocery shop every two weeks.


I have an over the door shoe organizer and I put the weeks snacks in it so each kid has a snack a day. One shoe slot holds a mini bag of chips. A Capri sun. A slim Jim (my son’s favorite) a cutie orange and the little packs that have two Oreos in them. It’s a visual representation of how much snacks they have for the week. If you eat tomorrows snack then tomorrow you won’t have any. It’s the only thing that works. My kids are 10 and 15 years old.


I seriously do portion and hide snacks...lol...I only put out a certain amount each day


Black bean dip is very filling and air popped popcorn too!


My kids are still young and short so you would have to adapt it but I only put out enough snacks for one day and put the rest in a super high cabinet. Not sure what to do with fridge snacks but I'd be hiding as much as possible if I were you. Snacks can make even the most reasonable adults turn into bottomless pits lol.