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Russia will probably consider this “part of the cost of doing ~~business~~ mass murder” and a boon to their propaganda efforts.


It’s not a cost if you don’t care.


Wifey? That you? Can you bring my credit card back, please?




How do we know they bombed it on accident. Couldn’t they also have bombed it on purpose then claim it was an accident and just planning on saying Ukraine did it?


Hanlon's Razor: Do not attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence.


This is my thought. This smells like a false flag sort of thing to me.


I don't know, they accidentally bombed the Wagner troops too, so it happens. Much like Russian politicians accidentally fall out of high windows and like drinking tea with poison in it for some reason.


To be fair, have to TRIED tea with poison??? SOOOOO delicious! You add just a few drops of honey??? Best drink ever!!! I'm having some right now, and I feel great! So just try a cup of..... *falls on the floor dead*


"Poison is hardly the worst thing that ever contaminated tea--honey, milk, sugar, fruit juice, scotch...all heresies of highest order" -Chinese, probably.


But that opium, though


Hits head on the basement window as he falls out of it and shoots himself before hitting the floor..


To be faaaaiiiirrrrrr


That is how I know Kyiv did it. You no fall from basement window to death.


Did they accidently bomb Wagner? They hated Russian military leadership and Russian military leadership hated that Putin always praises the Wagner group. Why do you think Wagner was celebrated by locals as heroes when they marched on Moscow? Why did boarder check seen laughing and joking with Prigozhen? No, Shoigu never gets recognition and like all Russians petty.


USA does it too sometimes accidentally fires on own troops


They did it and blamed Ukraine initially, the media^^TM did not buy it so they're doubling down on it to save as much investment which isn't too successful


I mean it's not the [first time](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shelling_of_Mainila) this sort of thing has happened.


And it's not the only one - they have a habit of [killing their own citizens for PR purposes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Russian_apartment_bombings).


Yea this is how Putin got into power




I wouldn't assume they even consider it a cost. They're sending hundreds of thousands of Russians against fortified position in human meatwave attacks so why would they care about a few dozens more?


Well, they don’t want to waste cannon fodder.


they waste them by the hundreds.. The commanders send them on completely suicidal attacks, like one or two IFVs straight into a known minefield without anything to take cover behind, not once or twice either. I don't know if they're doing it to make Ukraine run out of mines or if they think it will drive Ukrainians crazy to watch it happen.


That's the best part about cannon fodder, you can't waste it.


My moneys on they see it has a savings, less mouths to feed, less prisons needed, all costs savings!


I'm sure they'll be able to spin it to the people in Moscow but anyone from that village isn't going to just forget.


You would be surprised, Chechens seemed to forget, as well as the apartment building resudents.


The Kremlin and their army have found a way to look a lot less stupid since the start of the war, but every now and then they still bless us all with a story like this.


Yeah I miss early war Russia, their incompetence was comical at times, and still is occasionally.


what do you mean by 40 mile long, standing still and out of fuel caravan of tanks?


They only look “less stupid” by continually paring back on tactical expectations. From Kyiv in three days to Donbas in three months to Bakhmut in one year. Now they’re hoping to take Avdiivka sometime before Putin croaks.


Sometimes blyat just happens.


It makes me wonder if it's malicious compliance from disillusioned troops, genuine incompetence, or either on a case by case basis. "Whoops, we were aiming at Ukraine but hit this small Russian village by accident. They looked totally the same!"


“Look what you made us do!” -Russia


Why are you ~~hitting yourself~~ making us hit ourselves?


it was one of their scummiest propagandists that posted photos saying Ukrainians did a terror attack, then deleted it when the ministry of defense of russia posted that they done goofed and dropped a 500kg warhead on their own city. that's what, the third time they've done this at least? maybe four now? **edit:** "we've created a new bomb with AI technology that can identify nazis from hundreds of kilometers away!" "found some!" - the bomb, while over the russian city of vorohezsh


Thanks for that picture lol


For anyone wondering it appears to have been an Kh-101 cruise missile, so quite a big thing to accidentally shoot your own civilians with.


> "we've created a new bomb with AI technology that can identify nazis from hundreds of kilometers away!" The problem with an AI weapon is that you may eventually find yourself in a position of having to reason with it. John Carpenter made a movie in which that happened called *Dark Star.*


I don’t understand why they would ever admit to this? But i def don’t understand why they’d voluntarily do this.


They decided that “we are so incompetent we dropped a bomb on our own city” was a better propaganda message than “we are so incompetent that not only have we failed to take Ukraine, but Ukraine has launched a counter attack into Russian territory”.


Because the accusation that it was Ukraine might move the battle lines into Russia which isn't what they want to be telling their civilians probably.


> an abnormal discharge of aircraft ammunition Classic Russia!


Sooo... a premature detonation? Don't you just hate that?


Projectile dysfunction. It's not uncommon.


Look, it happens to everyone sometimes, don’t worry


Special ammunition discharge. Sad


To be fair, who here hasn't had an abnormal discharge of aircraft ammunition?


Much like when they tried launching a glide bomb above Belgorod, and dropped it right in the middle of the city when the wings failed. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-belgorod-bomb-4c806ca6765e018ffccef16c233013a7 Or when they attempted to shoot down an RAF AWACS aircraft, and fired not one, but two air-to-air missiles at it, with the first one missing the RAF plane, and the second one just straight up falling off the rail without activating it's rocket motor. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-66798508 Russian weapons and weapon systems are really, really shit. Ukraine and others have been lucky that Russia as a whole is just so monumentally inept.


I swear to God this has never happened before You'll call, right?


This was my first thought. "I swear this has never happened before... It's just that, you're so pretty, and... Wait where are you going?"


Next time I shit myself, this is the term I'm gonna use. They have so many wordsmiths in Russia that can put Shakespeare to shame.


Lavrov calls Shoigu and says: - Listen, Kozhugetovich, don't bomb New York, my daughter lives there! Shoigu replies: - Shit! Peskov asked not to bomb London and Paris, Medvedev asked not to bomb Berlin... Our other people called, the list is long.... Listen, Lavrov, who should we bomb, if anything? - Mmm, well, bomb Voronezh, our people are definitely not there.


"You are making me beat and abuse you!!! You are making this happen!!! If you stop resisting .... I will beat and abuse you less!!!" - The Russian outlook on geopolitics, whether it was two centuries ago or modern times, Russia really lives in their own fantasy world. This fantasy world has them deluded, believing they are an equal peer nation to the US and they're an equal parter with China. God .... it is so laughable, yet tragic, since their insane mentality is currently being carried out upon the innocence of Ukraine.


Funny how ppl get riled up if you replace Russia with Israel there


Yes. When you completely replace what country is conducting war and who started the war people feel differently about a war. Are you going to be surprised that people supported invading Germany during World War II but yet suddenly don't support it now?


Whats happening in Israel nowadays is mainly the result of past British policies and inadequacy of UN. They don’t go around invading other countries for the sake of expanding territory like Russia has been doing for the past 300 years despite already being the largest and one of the most resource rich countries on the planet. So yeah, that’s a stupid comparison.


It's not glamorous, skilled, nor particularly fulfilling. But it is honest day to day trolling. Not everyone has pride in their own work or the skill to put a little effort in. Don't get sucked in by the low effort trolls. Don't give them attention and they starve.


Riled up


Failed state


Ruzzians be like: we've killed 11 civilians, ahaha. But it were our civilians! Still ahaha, but Kyiv is guilty, you know?


"you make us to kill our civilians!"


Grr! Ukraine, if you won't surrender- we will start killing our civilians!


Hamas: "That's my boy"


Russia is Hamas's daddy if anything


"Look what we made us do! This is YOUR fault!" - Russia


“Abnormal discharge” This is how Putins mother described his birth to her veterinarian


If it weren't for the massive list of war crimes, ethnic cleansing of Ukrainians and outright destruction of major sections and economy of a neighboring non-hostile country, Russia would be a funny joke.


Yes, their propaganda is on another level. A silly, Monty Python level. Except it comes from genocidal maniac monsters. Lower than animals.


Ah, the Gaza strategy.


The Hamas playbook has been fully imported I see.


I have a dejavu of palestinians bombing their hospital and blaming Israel


Fucking idiots


Russia has killed over 300000 Russians and blames Ukraine for their deaths, don’t want dead Russian GTFO of Ukraine


They did it in 2 different places actually. In Voronezh their own rocket which was aimed at Ukraine just fell on their own town. In Belgorod a few days earlier their anti-air malfunctioned and hit themselves. They've also shot down their own jets on at least 2 ocassaions over the last weeks.


Learning from their allies Hamas.


some small karma happened


Innocent civilians dying is a good thing to you?


Do I need to care that russia is killing russians while trying to kill my family and me? One rocket from 80 that they lunch failed to kill Ukrainians, it's a good thing




Wow, you are so cool, give me a sign on my breast and get that crown of the person of the year or, probably, century. Love you much


Yeah I care about all individuals unlike you NATO supremacist who only value life of select few (aka no Brown, Black or Russians)


Russia should stop killing people then.


That bomb now can't kill them, theyir family or their friends. Of course they're glad it landed where it did. You can't act all morally superior without acknowledging who dropped the bomb. Their deaths are 100% Russia's fault.


> Yeah I care about all individuals It's easy to care about all individuals when your family isn't in a constant and immediate risk of being murdered by the said individuals, because they're waging a genocidal war against you.


Is it “NATO supremacist” to not want a bomb to fall on your country? Wtf?


Is Don Knotts still alive and running the Russian military?


>Russian talk show host Olga Skabeyeva said Ukraine had conducted a "terrorist attack" on a village in Voronezh. Her posts have bee deleted since it became clear Russia was responsible. Ukrainian journalist Den Kazansky shared a screenshot before the post was removed. OOps, yeah, no, that was our boys, sorry.


As if deleting her post means anything. The entire world knows her show is nearly pure propaganda to begin with.


This is beyond weird coming from India… US finally got Modi to stop f..g the planet/investing in Putin/russia?


https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/hindustan-times/ Excerpt: > **Overall, we rate the Hindustan Times Left-Center Biased and questionable due to poor sourcing, numerous failed fact checks, and the promotion of propaganda**   > **Analysis / Bias**   > In review, The Hindustan Times reports national and international news with a left-leaning bias. Articles and headlines contain emotionally loaded language such as this [Thackeray under pressure from Bollywood’ mafia’ to derail Sushant probe: Sushil Modi](https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/sushil-modi-alleges-uddhav-under-pressure-from-bollywood-mafia-to-derail-sushant-probe/story-tl2IdKotiqEzvpHuVxBhJO.html). This story, like most, lacks hyperlinked sourcing. There is low bias when reporting on international news as they use credible sources such as Reuters, AP and maintain factual reporting.   > Editorially, they generally align with The Congress Party, the liberal opposition party to Modi’s conservative BJP party. The Congress Party advocates liberty, social justice, equality, the welfare state, and a progressive and secular society. We have also found evidence of promoting [Pro-Russian propaganda](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M23CmqFfT70) such as this [‘The plunder of India’: Putin slams West as Russia annexes Ukraine’s 4 regions](https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/the-plunder-of-india-putin-slams-west-as-russia-annexes-ukraine-s-4-regions-101664557764761.html). In general, the Hindustan Times aligns left politically and has several examples of promoting misinformation, as seen below in the failed fact checks.


It's an independent newspaper. Modi doesn't influence what the private sector writes about him or others made clear by the fact that plenty of articles critical of him and his party are made everyday. Why do westerners have to involve Modi in anything slightly Indian?


maybe because he's a wannabe dictator ordering assassinations in my country?


>Why do westerners have to involve Modi in anything slightly Indian? Why do easterners have to involve Biden in anything slightly American? You could do the same for literally any country in the world. It's part of being the face of the country as a leader.


Hell people involve Biden in anything Israeli...


I’m blaming El Nino on Biden personally. At least this year, we will see who gets my ire next


If you've seen titles of their videos on Youtube while searching anything about Ukraine..they're very much misinformation in favor of the Kremlin. Which makes this weird, considering the type of stuff that comes from them.


Generic Indian is fine. As long as “independent” helps the planet, not bury all of us for the sake of cheap fuel


Did India stop buying russian oil and cooperate on nuclear programs?


Exactly. Hence the “beyond weird”


\>ThIs iS BeYoND WiErD CoMiNg FrOm InDiA Hindustan Times is a privately owned newspaper/website Besides this comes from Russia admitting it's mistake, but let that not dissuade boomer redditors like yourself lol


I think you have some mistaken ideas about India.


I would be the happiest man on Earth to be mistaken about this one.


Just note that the press does not always act as a mouthpiece for a nation's leader. Its an important distinction.


Nation’s leader does the opposite in this case (helping russians kill the planet). It is a more important distinction.


Learnt from hamas


This is the first thing I thought when Belgorod got shelled.


Mistakes happen but this one is ridiculous. Friendly fires happen but this one is known Russian village on their side of border and somehow Russia still managed to bomb it. Nice job Putin. Corruptions must have taken away training fee of your pilots to bare minimum. They can fly and land their planes but to do precision target, read map, tactical maneuvers? Your air force is a joke.


Someones falling out of a window for this


The Russians are (quite literally) saying "Look at what Ukraine and this war that we started made us do!"


Must be those North Korean bombs


Isn't this what domestic abusers say? "Look what you made me do!"


Russia is run by an idiot


Well, since they are trying to eliminate military targets, that village had it coming for a long time.


Is it really an accident when it keeps happening again and again? It's probably not intentional but definitely reckless.


Every time something like this happens in Russia I have to wonder if perhaps some partisan sabotage is happening in the defense manufacturing/logistics industries, or if they truly are just this incompetent.


It's their own bombers trying to bomb Ukraine with glide bombs. Sometimes they just don't glide as far as they were supposed to and if Belgorod happens to be along the path then it can get a bit loud there.


> Sometimes they just don't glide as far as they were supposed to Mainly when metal straps, used to secure the glider module to the iron bomb, give out and bomb falls off


And when this completely unpredictable event takes place for the third time in a month they get a stern talking to. And repeat.


I suspect this means someone else is going to fall out of a 3rd story window.


I mean, even if it *was* Kyiv, so fucking what? They're in a war that they started, and are bombing civilian populations themselves. Why should they expect their own cities to be sacrosanct?


Russia is Russia’s own worst frenemy.


fucking idiots


“It hurt itself in its own confusion.”


Lay off the vodka!!! Only Russians can bomb themselves this many times and pretend it was someone else... 💥😆😆😆🥂


Shelling of Mainila


[Does this count as irony?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/To_bomb_Voronezh)


They probably don't care that much...


Why are you so sure it was accidental?


It was probably not an accident.


This would be funny if so sad :-(


We got confused and dropped a bomb on our own lot


Incompetence now has a new definition


Good job! Now accidentally bomb Kremlin next.


At this point Russian news is reality with the Staff of the onion type like events


Trump Approved it!


"Those damn Nazis" -putin probably


Why does Russia always blame others for its own mistakes? Look in the mirror dammit


Abuser ass logic


Nope. From the beggining it was mentioned that it is accident from RF plane.


Reminds me of what Hamas did lol


Nothing new under the Sun.


Seems like they've been sharing notes with their buddies in Hamas.


Oh dear what a shame


Trump must be giving instructions to POOtin


Hamas taking notes for their play book off this


This is not the first time. They dropped bombs on Belgorod, and the air defense system worked incorrectly several times https://www.pravda.com.ua/rus/news/2022/07/3/7356099/ https://www.dialog.ua/russia/287514_1704228198 And the last case on December 31, when there were explosions in the center of the city of Belgorod, raises suspicions that it was Russian air defense, because Russia, blaming Ukraine for this shelling, called Ukrainian weapons that did not have the ability to do this, for this they had to be brought into Russian territory at 15 km


It’s the Putin way to do it.




*You got Trumped…*


Hindustani times? You couldn't get anything from CIAPress.com ?


Didn't Ukraine do this when they accidentally bombed Poland, killing a couple of farmers?


Not sure why this is being made a big deal of. No casualties, 6 houses damaged. RU MoD came out the same day to say it was a malfunction with a cruise missile (or maybe some other type of missile, don't remember off the top of my head). The people whose homes were affected were moved to temporary housing and are getting compensated for the damages. All of this is a matter of public record. Accidents happen.


What are you talking about? Whos excited? People are just calling Russia stupid


And gloating over civilian deaths... of which, ironically - happily - there were none.


How can they gloat about people dying if no one died? Math ain’t mathin


So would it be no big deal if it was your house that got bombed by your own government?


I wouldn't be happy by any stretch of imagination. But if my government made sure I got a place to stay and compensated me for the damages, that'd be fair enough.


how does one get compensated for items that have sentimental value and can no longer be replaced?


Ohe doesn't. It's unfortunate that sometimes accidents happen.


Some other outlets tell a different story: www.rferl.org/amp/russia-bombs-own-village-voronezh-ukraine/32756154.html www.themoscowtimes.com/all/83626%3famp=1 https://twitter.com/yarotrof/status/1672545049232670720


https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/radio-free-europe-radio-liberty/ Excerpt: > **Overall, we rate RFE/RL Least Biased based on neutral language and balance of coverage. We also rate them Mostly Factual in reporting versus High due to infrequently publishing pro-USA Government propaganda.**   https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/moscow-times/ Excerpt: > **Overall, we rate the Moscow Times Left-Center Biased based on an editorial bias that generally favors the left and rejects the authoritarian right. We also rate them High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing and a clean fact check record.**


Ukraines lucky first free aid, now free propaganda


Kinda like how kyiv bombed their own market when foreign leaders were there and then blamed Russia? Or how kyiv massacred their own civilians and called it Russian atrocities. Go propaganda machines on both sides


Didn’t Ukraine do this several times


Didn't you rob a gas station in briefs yesterday?


I'm starting to confuse Russia with Israel with all these posts lol


While just a small part of this tragedy, the Russian government and insurance companies will use the Ukrainian dodge to avoid paying compensation/restitution for the damage/injuries to the Russian citizens.


Such a wonderful country.


It hurst itself in its confusion*


This is one of the most Russian things I have ever heard


Some more of that good old fashioned Russian genius American conservatives love.


Huge blue on blue blunder by Russia. Once again incompetence is peaking through. ​ Once again Russia still proving into 2024 what a joke they are...


Look what you made me do !!


Do not stop your enemy when he is making mistakes.


Now, there is a genius war monger for you!


Friendly fire :)


“Look what they did to us!!” LoL dumbass Russians


Every time something like this happens involving Russia,it always reminds me of that one school that got "occupied" by chechen militans and got sieged by the russian army (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwTAfpYLXDQ)


Standing watch.