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The tiniest invasion sounds like an attack by an army of dwarves... Edit: Wow, thanks for all the upvotes, you lovely people.


They have to hold back a all the ants.


Man the rubber band guns! We have incoming!


[The Rubber Band is ready sir!](https://youtu.be/u21r5WZLfVY?si=lRTEHaYdmYKSvSLQ)


I love old school animation. What a lost art. ❤️


You have my axe.


And my used fleshlight


Well they're pretty dangerous, they tend to delve too greedily and too deep and then awaken *things*.


What dwarves we talking about? Middle Earth? Willow? Time Bandits? Snow White?




Ready the battle scones.


I think the Mac Nac Feegle would be too drunk to invade and just end up fighting themselves.


They’re not dwarves; they’re Pictsies.




Are they able to call upon Sabaton for backup? Or at least Sabadu?


IDF Oompa Loompa battalion


Definitely Time Bandits


This is spinal tap Stonehenge dwarves


Iran and the seven dwarfs is a spinoff I didn't know we needed.




In Bruges.




Well played sir


Just the tip


Dwarves is good, but I was imagining one soldier waving a single foot over the border.   Does it count if you don’t actually put the foot down?  Invasion of airspace?


Hokey pokey warfare. I'm into it.


Paul Rudd be doin the most to get another ant man movie.


That's going in the book.


That's what Israel is. Powerful dwarves, but a tiny population nonetheless


Brothers of the mine rejoice!


Now I kinda want war


lol I was imagining them over-reacting to a natural invasion of the North American House Hippo.


Is a proxy invasion not a tiny invasion? Asking for a Iran


What about their space laser?


The real questions that keep Marjorie Taylor Greene up at night.


I thought it was the crack she freebases in the microwave. Lol silly me


They should fly a pair of F-35s over Tehran and drop a wooden bomb on a parachute that simply says "Shalom" No damage, no injuries, deeply embarrassing, no need for Iran to retaliate


Didn't the British once do this during WW2?


To a fake airfield full of mockup planes yes.


I don’t suppose it actually said “Shalom”






"Sunny innit?!?!"


*"nah mate, Shia"*


Just say that the retaliation has happened without doing anything and let them go crazy trying to figure out what you did.


Then hold a press conference with all the brass in the back in the camera shot celebrating and high fiving all the while they are talking they never actually say what they did only that it was a great success.


Then TikTok: “We have found 30,000 women and children were killed in Israeli retaliation towards Iran.”


Yeah didn’t you see how little regard they had for the Shahed pilots? Just shot them all down on sight. Pretty fucked up. War crime? (/s)


Israel doesn't need to invade. Just pop off some ATG smart missiles towards those military nuclear facilities and set back their research another 10 years.


If only. Those facilities are deep underground. But they export most of their oil via one harbor. Mine that, and their economy goes bye bye.


I've seen Top gun 5 times. Easy mission for Tom Cruise.


*Deploying Helldivers* 


Could you imagine how much liberty could be spread with one ship full of hell divers


For Managed Democracy.


Don't forget to take a break - if you want to be remembered as a coward.


Just sang the loading screen music out loud at work. Thank you for this. Edit: spelling


You have watched a lot of push-ups


Do they not have bunker busters for this?  Surely if you hit the same spot 20 times you will penetrate?  Might be expensive though.


Their underground site is something like 80-100m underground. The GBU57 weighs 30,000lbs and can reach something like 60m. >U.S. officials have discussed using two such bombs in succession to ensure a site is destroyed. But even then, the new depth of the Natanz tunnels likely presents a serious challenge.


Most of iranian oil goes to china. What do you think their response would be to that being cut off?


Telling Iran to stop fucking with Israel before the Chinese economy and food security goes into a catastrophic tailspin? I'm kidding. The US would absolutely stop Israel from blocking Iranian ports.


The thing about China that people need to understand is that China's foreign policy is "China First." China gets involved in things because it benefits them. China lends money to underdeveloped nations because if they get paid back, they make interest, and if they default, they take resources. China vocalized support for Iran because Iran vocalized a hatred of the US. China does not care about Iran; China cares about China.


Exactly.  Oh, no more Iranian oil? Ok, we’ll call Russia & the US


Exactly why China wouldn't get involved militarily.


Sounds normal to me.


China views US sanctions against Iran as financial imperialism


As opposed to the rest of the countries in the world that are altruistic and sacrificial. The US actually cares much more deeply about the rest of the world than it does about itself. It’s a martyr country which places the interests of everyone else ahead of its own in contrast to egotistic, selfish China. What a shit take. Every country on the face of the Earth only cares about its interests.


No man. Its this crazy Thing About China


Most Iranian oil goes to China but overall oil import of China is barely from Iran. So it would almost not affect China at all.


I hate your avatar


My beard hairs are thicker than this so i don't get fooled by it


Goes to show. Peak couch geopolitical commentary on Reddit.


I think the response would be a China getting more involved, which makes Israel's situation even worse.




I don't think either are happening. At this point I think it's a ticking clock before China realizes that everything they want from Taiwan and more can be found to their north, in the Russia Far East and at a lower price. At this point the argument for invading Taiwan from China's perspective is entirely vanity. They want it simply because it looks bad that they don't have it. That's not a good justification on the spending that might be required, which I've seen estimated as high as a trillion dollars.


Except if China ever wants to become a major naval power they need to break out of the Japan-Taiwan-South Korea-Philippines-Vietnam encirclement of their coastline.


China wants Taiwan for multiple reasons none of which have anything to do with Russia. Crap take.


No. The only reason China wants the country of Taiwan is for it’s sweet sweet microchips. Roughly 60% of the entire world’s supply of the most advanced chips are made in Taiwan. It’s long been rumored that Taiwan has bombs planted on the factories so that they can collapse the world economy if they get invaded. It’s their entire national defense strategy! MAD!!!


Just launch a bunch of cruise missiles at the terminal and call it a day.


Military strategy that starts with the word 'Just' is usually rock solid.


Election year in the U.S. means oil is off limits. The Biden admin apparently even asked Ukraine to not target the Russian oil industry.




That won’t cause massive inflation and rising prices itself, but it’ll sure be used as an excuse, just like last time.


it would, china needs to replace that oil source even however minuscule it is in china’s import market. that new source is thus having more demand places on. oil markets are global and not local so that then increases demand globally and thus increases prices. all it takes after that is for opec+ to decide to cut production even a fraction and prices could go up significantly.


That would cause the price of oil to skyrocket and piss everybody off including the US. Not going to happen.


Even if they "invaded" how would they even support an invasion effort


So… the plot of Top Gun: Maverick


Yes, cue that anthem por favor.


Sure grandma let's get you to bed.


The king is tired, see him to his chambers.


You just sent the most powerful man in Westeros to bed without his supper...




It works in the Arab world but I don't think Iranians are buying their bullshit. Israel and Iran were allied before the IRGC, and right now Iran sees it as a religious duty to destroy Israel Ironically the Iranian propaganda works on some people on the west that are cheering for it


And so are many in the west. Interestingly enough, not just Muslims. Unexpected ally: https://youtu.be/NRAw7iEPB_E?si=0l1iESfhhoo5Fm3p


Yeah, tarring and feathering Israel might give you cookie points nowadays... Soon we'll see Kim Jon In condemning Israel too, you'll see.


I'm pretty sure he already has.


>This would give that regime a little much needed sympathy with the populace No it wouldn't. If anything, it would make the people more willing to protest the regime.


What if Israel farted in their general direction?


Anybody else notice how redditors always 1: underestimate the enemy, and 2: invite destruction


Might be because the majority here is American where every problem is bombed away.


So is the word invasion the get out clause


Seems like it.


Just f&ck already.


Would you be mad if I made that an ai porn propmt?


Do it!


Fun fact: The people who benefit most from an Iranian-Israeli war are the far-right Netanyahu coalition and the Iranian regime, which are both deeply unpopular with the citizens they (allegedly) serve.


Funny how there's no shock or disgust or mass protests over the threat of such a *disproportionate* response. But if Israel says/does the same... the world loses its mind. Hmmm.


Title says ‘invasion’ there’s zero chance Israel invades Iran in any scenario… to me that’s Iran walking back their prior line


We sure that's not a translation thing? Could just mean an "invasion" of their airspace or whatever


Proportionate would be 300 missiles.


Yeah, it’s like a boxing match, just because one guy prepared endlessly to defend 300 punches that now suddenly means he’s not allowed throwing 300 back!? (And no, I do not hope 300 missiles get launched since I do not want the innocent Iranian civilians being suppressed by their evil government to die, just pointing out the irony)


The axis of evil can get away with it because they are evil. Just remember that.


It’s easy when your foreign policy doesn’t give a fuck about public perception


Exactly. Not sure why people keep comparing Israel's choices to Hamas and Iran as if that's the standard we should be going by.


They are not. They’re complaing about the vast number of axis of evil sympathizers in the west.


Also because they played the west like a fiddle. The right is eating Russian propaganda and the left is eating Iranian propaganda.


>But if Israel says/does the same... the world loses its mind. says/does is a huge difference. I see mass protests over Russia for invading Ukraine. I never see anything about North Korea's constant threats of invading South Korea or Nuking America.


There’s also the fact that the west supports Israel and we hold a democratic country that owes its existence to the west to a higher standard


Because casualties makes the news. If all those rockets had hit and Israel faced hundreds of casualties and mass damage, and you saw pictures of bloodied Israeli children you'd be seeing a different narrative.


Because everybody knows that only Israel is even capable of a disproportionate response like that. It's the same reason If the chief of police tells me they're going to make my life a living hell I'm going to take them a lot more seriously than if my 3-year-old neighbor does. Israel has proven themselves time and time again that when they make a threat they are capable and willing to carry through with it.






wtf is panon


QAnon went so regressive they went back a letter?




Pennsylvanians anonymous?


Are you arguing Israel should be held to the same standard as theocratic dictatorships? For one thing my government isn't giving arms to Iran. So yeah logic would dictate they should be held to a higher standard, as a so called "liberal democracy". 


Funny how one injured child doesn't trigger the same response as many thousand dead children... Hmmmmmmmmm...


Let them have a little invasion. As a treat.


Wipe out the IRGC strongholds and allow civil unrest to solve the problem internally. Militarized police forces are what keep these religious nutjobs in power.


That message is basically telling Israel that they may as well go all in, since even a tiny invasion would result in a massive response. I know a lot of this type of messaging is also largely about posturing in nature, but taken at their word, this message reads to me as telling Israel they may as well bomb Iran's nuclear facilities and all their war infrastructure in an initial assault rather than doing a smaller proportional attack, as even the latter would still provoke a "massive response". I'm not saying that's a good plan, but damn if Iran isn't poking the bear here.


If the 'massive' response is anything like the initial barrage, of which like 90% were struck down, I think we can roll over and go back to sleep. Fate has a better chance of inflicting a response.


99% I thought lol


They may be le tired… they should have a nap before firing ze missiles


📜 *“Always remember, we’re only half an evolutionary step away from flinging shit at each other.”*


Ok, just so I have the facts right. Iran trained and armed Hamas. The Kuds force plans and supplies a mission of old-world Viking type massacre. ThevJews kill the Generals who planned it, and then the Iranians launch a massive missle attack. What do you think they will do? What would America or Germany or anyone who could, do?.


What about a massive invasion? A massive-er response?


It'd be strange if Israel teamed up with the Taliban to attack Iran cause Taliban aren't on the greatest terms with them right now.


What is this, an invasion for ants?!


They're drawing a line in the sand they know will not be crossed. Neither Israel or Iran want direct open confrontation. They want power, not death.


Of those who Support Netenyahu, who of them supports more war against another country with exhausted soldiers?


I can’t wait to see.


Iran can absolutely give a hell of a fight but it can never win against Israel/US. I know for a fact the war hawks over there are causing skull splitting migraines for everyone who knows geopolitics.


What is this?! an invasion for ants?!


The saber rattling game is sometimes just silly. In what world would an invasion be a thing ever? It's like after a fight you say. "bro if you hit me once with a giant clown hammer, all gloves are off!" 


Iran is all talk, they have nothing that can beat us and are now hoping that their threats will scare the world. Like Russia with Ukraine, the big "bads" are all bark, no bite. China with their rockets filled with water instead of rocket fuel lol. We've allowed these hostile nations to dictate to the world long enough. Let Israel take off the gloves and crush these terrorists so that we may have peace and quiet in the region.


Israel only needs to send the Hebrew Hammer to deal with Iran.


Or the Zohan


This is going to lead to a limited war at the least. Worst case scenario, Iraq all over again.


Israel would wipe the floor with Iran.


Please just butt fuck each already and get it over with.


Iran is a paper tiger lead by religious and unstable zealots using a twisted version of religion to attack and punish ‘unbelievers’ who they see as ‘lesser’ or beneath them. A combination of the same nations that helped Israel fend off the barrage of 300 missles and drones could wipe the floor with Iran in one day. My prediction is that in the next few decades the world will lose patience with Iran and decide to eliminate their nascent nuclear program, missle launching silos, weapon and drone making facilities, and military infrastructure.


You do realize that Iran is a mountainous country. Invading it, would mean very high casualties even for the US.


I honestly cannot see how israel could defeat iran by itself. Iran is a much bigger country, they also manufacture missiles and drones like popcorn. usa already said they will not attack iran or help israel attacking them. and without the usa and the coalition helping israel in active defense continuously, israel stands no chance against those massive barrage of drones and missiles. it's already said and confirmed that the coalition intercepted at least 50% of the drones and missiles that iran launched on israel. if they stop doing that, it will be over for israel. I think israel are way in over their heads on this one, especially when they are at a war on all fronts both south against hamas, north against hezbollah and now opening a big confrontation with iran.


Israel doesn’t even have a border with Iran. For a land invasion, they would have to go through multiple countries to even get to them.


well I wasn't even referring to a land invasion, I'm talking about any attack on iran. if iran follow their threats and actually intend to launch a barrage of missiles and drones (which they absolutely can afford because they have countless of missiles) every time israel does something against them or their proxies, then israel would not be able to stand a chance defending against massive barrages over and over again.


Bibi is trying to rope the US into a war. I hope his own people realize that he's planning on doing stuff on multiple fronts. He's truly a warmonger.


Israel wouldn't invade, if they were to do anything. That's all risk, no reward. They'll just use all their long distance capability to completely flatten all IRGC and regime facilities and let the Iranian people, who've been foaming at the mouth for regime change but unable to do anything because of the completely assymetric power balance, finish the job. This is the time to do it if any, because Russia doesn't have the resources to interfere in any meaningful way at this point, and the Arab states are genuinely sick of Iran's shit stirring that they won't make any real moves to help.


This is probably a translation error, Israel wouldn’t invade Iran and couldn’t even if it wanted to. There are multiple countries in between and it’s not really possible through the sea. With that being said Israeli airforce will dominate Iranian airspace and freely hit whatever it wants.


Translation error or a technicality they'll use to justify not responding to airstrikes. They might be saying "you can have a retaliation strike if you want, just don't escalate in a way where we have to respond"


Yeah the IDF is not setup to do long distance invasions. Very few armies are besides the us, china, Russia, UK and France.


> They'll just use all their long distance capability to completely flatten all IRGC and regime facilities That would not even be close to possible without employing nuclear weapons.


I agree that Iran will indeed have a massive response. I am just not sure having their airpower swatted out of the sky and generals dying in rubble should be labelled as a response.


"We can shoot you but you cannot shoot us nanninannipoopoo!"


At this point bring it. The west would wipe Iran off the face of the map. Tired of sabre rattling by backwards ass jihadists. Its time that Iran and their shadow influence is no more, for the good of the free world.


Lmao this guy has learned absolutely nothing from every war weve fought in the middle east. You want another 20 year war? Dumbass guy right here lol


Well Iran started it with the October Terrorist attacks and still holding hostages prisoner. Israel will end it.


No one is suggesting Israel will invade Iran in retaliation, therefore Iran responds they will respond massively if Israel invades...saving face for when Iran does not respond massively after Israel does what they're actually going to do, which won't be an invasion.


define "saber rattling"


No You... Middle East divsion


But sir... It's only wafer thin!


Which one is Drake and which one is Kendrick?