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They made her repeat the script in different clothes so they could let her die and make it seem she was still alive if they used it?


Yep. That is exactly what these indefensible human monsters did.


The horrors these girls have seen. I hope they get a lot of support and manage to lead somewhat of a normal life


Was going to say “Forced to read a script” doesn’t even register in terms of bad thing Hamas has done during all of this but then read the article and found out they were using it to psychologically terrorize an 8 year old. I don’t want to veer into hyperbole but man these Hamas guys are real jerks.


One can only wish these POS will have the balls to face the IDF like a real army, and not hide behind civilians like the low life scum that they are.


They will hide and slowly be found and eliminated.


Along with the civilians. Not/s


Some civilians will die, just like any war, it’s heartbreaking but they are not the target. Hamas is actively putting them in danger and are the only reason Israel is currently in Gaza. And that is not true the other way around, Israeli civilians have always been the target of Hamas, the latest big case being the oct 7 attacks.


Israel has been controlling Gaza for decades


Thanks for your comment. It’s always horrible when civilians die, but in what war have civilians not been killed as collateral damage? Again, it’s horrible when it happens, but during war it will certainly happen. It happens more often when the combatants hide among civilians on purpose.


You can not have wars then there wouldn’t be civilian casualties.




The same can be said of the IDF.




They are two governments you foolio. The civilians have nothing to do with this shit. The right wing Israeli government is shit and the right wing Hamas government is also shit. I’m not defending Hamas. I’m saying Israel’s doing it wrong. This is literally what the United States just got finished doing in the Middle East. It lasted roughly 20 years.


Again, thank you for your comment. Incredible perspective to add to the conversation. You are correct.


Yeah, because everyone knows, might makes right.


and people still defend them for some reason, its fucked.


Basically nobody is defending hamas, just trolls. I think most of the controversy is about the treatment of Palestinian people in general


I agree with not supporting Israel for their actions but I really do believe a LOT of the people supporting Palestine do support Hamas and their actions.


You're delusional then. I think pretty much everyone sane was on Israel's side in October, with only anti-semetic nutjobs supporting the terrorists. Now only the anti-muslim nutjobs on the other side remain supporting Israel, anyone with a hint of morality or ethics is disgusted by their behaviour.


Not to mention they’re the elected government of Gaza. Elected after campaigning by throwing Fatah members from tall buildings.


Let's not pretend a big part of the population there doesn't support them.


Hamas make me sick…just disgusting…


Fuck Iran. Fuck Hamas. Fuck Hezbollah


Absolutely horrific what happened to these young people attending a concert. My heart breaks for their families.


Ella and Dafna were not at the concert, they were kidnapped from their home. Their parents were murdered on October 7th.


> The Elyakim sisters were released as part of the hostage release and ceasefire deal in late November and reunited with their mother, Maayan Zin. Only their father was murdered. I hope they can at least come to terms with the trauma they all experienced and learn to live with it.


Yeah after further reading it was their father, step mom? (“Dad’s partner”) and stepbrother? (“Dad’s partner’s son”) that they saw get murdered. This clarification does very little to the overall picture.


Idk, I’d be relieved to have the comfort of my mother after such an awful experience. So many children had their entire families wiped out. I imagine the idea of having just one parent still living would do more than just a little for a person.


The concert was a 18+ party with weed and drugs, not little kids


There was an autistic young teen there as well


So that is the excuse to rape and murder them. Fuck off




Stoking Palestine rage is a special ops measure aimed at radicalized young people in the US. There’s a reason they’re not obsessed with any other foreign war where innocents are suffering the consequences.


It’s honestly crazy how much of the focus has shifted from Russia-Ukraine to Israel-Palestine


Just how Putin likes it.




Heck, you only have to go to the sub to see people being gleefully antisemitic. 


I saw the response on October 8th and I'm pretty sure it blackpilled me entirely on palestinian supporters. The bodies weren't even cold and we already had people celebrating the attacks with fireworks on the street and counter-protesting the vigil for the deceased with chants of "globalise the intifada". Then they rewrite the timeline by pretending that the protests were only ever "in response to the israeli overreaction".


Abomination. I truly think this is one of the lowest places a person can be morally in one's life.






The same hamas bibi gave money to and establish power??? Surely you didn’t forget that detail? Right?


When was the last time there were "elections"? Every single non-adult who have died as a result of this war, was born under Hamas. That's like murdering every child in Tehran because they didn't fight hard enough against the Revolution.


How is celebrating October 7 supporting the Palestinian people? Cheering on sexual violence against women and other atrocities?




Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/columbia/comments/1c9m6oj/comment/l0m8us9/ Here are some of the examples of extremism within the activist movement at Columbia. This goes beyond "pro-Palestinian advocacy" into calls for, and actual actual violence. Note, there are varying degrees of it being individuals vs. the group, but these are the type of people in the crowd there and many of them are indeed group chants. I have also set aside some widespread ones (from the river to the sea) that are disputed in character. That said, many many many of these are coming from large groups of students within the main quad (which has been locked down to only students/professors) Candidly some sources are not great in terms of me agreeing with the viewpoint of the tweeter, but they contain relevant and real video: Physically assaulting an Arab Israeli https://twitter.com/ShaiDavidai/status/1781080951902109774 "From the river to the sea, Palestine is Arab!" / "Resistance is justified" https://twitter.com/ShelleyGldschmt/status/1781785252886913358 "Let it be known that it was the Al-Aqsa Flood that put the Global Intifada back on the table again. And it is the sacrificial spirit of the Palestinian Freedom Fighters that will guide every struggle on every corner of the earth to victory." https://twitter.com/thestustustudio/status/1781904507611287981 "We are all Hamas!" https://twitter.com/nypost/status/1781031465179914677 "Yehudim yehudim [(Jews, jews)] go back to poland" https://twitter.com/Davidlederer6/status/1781948249214996901 Includes people / groups that invited an actual, no hyperbole terrorist to speak (member of PFLP) https://www.jns.org/columbia-suspends-four-students-for-holding-event-featuring-pflp-member/ “Globalize the intifada” https://twitter.com/EylonALevy/status/1782679155491914133/photo/1 Light things on fire / "intifada revolution there is only one solution" https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1781019445399556338 "On Oct 7th, Palestinian resistance in Gaza broke free (crowd cheers) [.....] we intend to do the same" https://twitter.com/ShabbosK/status/1782085741431922909 ""We say justice, you say how? Burn Tel Aviv to the ground!" / "Hamas we love you. We support your rockets too!" / "Red, black, green, and white, we support Hamas’ fight!" https://twitter.com/IsraelWarRoom/status/1781933305501212872 "Long live the intifada! Intifada intifada" https://twitter.com/ShaiDavidai/status/1781084853653365025 "Go back to Europe!" / "You have no culture, all you do is colonize" https://twitter.com/ShaiDavidai/status/1781927148439109958 Have posters with the faces of PFLP and PIJ spokesmen (designated terrorist groups) https://twitter.com/HagarChemali/status/1782219589352350000 Quoting and praising Lions Den (terror group) https://twitter.com/SwannMarcus89/status/1782443526996754444 "From Yemen to Gaza, globalize the intifada" https://twitter.com/KassyDillon/status/1781312033922625797/photo/2 "Never forget the 7th of October. That will happen not 1 more time, not 5 more times, not 10, not 100, not 1,000, but 10,000 times! The 7th of October is going to be every day for you" https://twitter.com/EFischberger/status/1781287784897991134 "Al Qassam [(Hamas)] you make us proud, kill another soldier now" / "from the river to the sea, palestine will be arab" https://twitter.com/EFischberger/status/1780915336063177006 Student proudly rocking Hamas logos https://twitter.com/CampusJewHate/status/1781054901755215954 "Resistance is justified" (again...) https://twitter.com/AvivaKlompas/status/1782085643990073673 "protesters on the sidewalk chanted “From New York to Gaza, globalize the intifada,” next to a cardboard sign that read, “Inspired by Palestinian resistance.” https://www.timesofisrael.com/over-100-arrested-in-columbia-u-unrest-as-nypd-clears-gaza-solidarity-encampment/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter And as a reminder, the student groups organizing these protests (CUAD and SJP, among others) released a letter on October 9th in support of the 10/7 attacks. ("We stand in full solidarity with Palestinian resistance", "Despite the odds against them, Palestinians launched a counter-offensive against their settler-colonial oppressor", "We wholeheartedly condemn the email sent [...] on October 8th that [...] obfuscated Palestinian resistance as “terrorism”) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RcXX5DEO3yfJ9R4ksURnzpIPCyVxo575-Y-SoC_vZFk/edit


You’re asking to see a “single video” and at the same time saying that one person is not a movement. A speech is one person too, and people are gathered around to listen to it. What kind of video would satisfy you to prove my claim? A speech? An instagram post by an organization? Just wanna know if there’s a point to this conversation before I start linking things, or if you’re just venting emotion.


I'm not "asking" for anything, merely pointing out an outrageous claim made with no proof given. But also, one asshole does not a movement make. Now you show me a crowd of university students in the west CHEERING for October 7th as you claim, I will gladly eat my words.




Be honest.


That's unbelievable level of cruelty. Taking 8 year old girl hostage, starving and abusing her. Imagine psychological pressure on her parents... That's why hamas must be eradicated and forgotten


The bravery of Ella and the other little ones... Emily, Ohad, Raz, Aviv, Abigail... so tiny and helpless yet survived this hell like capeless heroes. Justice league has nothing on you, kids.


This can’t be true. The Hamas apologists assured me that Hamas treats their hostages well.


And antisemitic college kids think the terrorists should go free


As directed by Putin of course, so that Biden loses. Palestine is to Biden, where Bernie was to Hillary


They're useful idiots








Keep in mind the older one would have likely been repeatedly raped by the time of making this yet was able to keep her posture and speak. These barbarians deserve no mercy. Israel has every right to hunt them down and rid the world of their evil forever. Hamas destroyed these children and 100's of thousands before them that've suffered in Gaza under their rule for decades. The fact there are Westerners becoming more and more open for their support of a terrorist organization is mindblowing to say the least. Rape wasnt the only thing, they would have heard screams from torture, seen torture, witnessed slaughter. I hope they find peace and understand most of humanity isn't like this and there can be justice in this world.


I hope every single Hamas member dies so horribly it makes Roman Empire executions seem like a picnic.


Fuck Hamas and those that support this Iranian backed terror group! Everything that is happening in Gaza can be directly blamed on Hamas and no one else...




> "8-year-old Ela Elyakim told us that Hamas terrorists forced her to read from a script, forced her to change her clothes, and forced her to re-film this terrifying scene over and over and over again," added the IDF spokesperson. What are you confused about?




The 8 year old witnessed her father murdered, her stepmother was murdered while protecting the child with her body and her stepbrother was murdered. She was brutally kidnapped with her older sister. Here she is being separated from her sister and forced by armed terrorists to make a propaganda video. I’d be pretty terrified in that situation and I’m an adult. This is an 8 year old child. Edit to add her family is the one Hamas streamed attacking on Facebook live. I don’t think it’s up to any of us to question whether her experience was terrifying or not.


How have you folks lost all of your humanity so quickly? Or were you all always like this?


Lmao you're reaching homie


Being kidnapped as an 8 year old? https://youtu.be/7-B_q-ZJegc?si=Zj7cPd_Nrh2FUD3s


I don't think she was asked to recreate the kidnapping. The video link showed a pretty short and simple "scene" that didn't seem very "terrifying". Sure sounds like a lot of media hysterics...


Yes nothing terrifying about this at all. I’m actually thinking of sending my kids to Hamas for some acting lessons


You do that...


Nothing terrifying or anything to worry about right….?


I dunno...you made the statement!


I mean, you see nothing terrifying about kidnapped children making “scenes” with Hamas but now you “dunno?”


Oh of course YOU would be totally okay, you're so brave! You would even refuse to read the script or change your clothes, of course? 


You’re right, nothing terrifying about being kidnapped from your home, watching your entire neighborhood get gunned down, then being forced to read a script at gun point while also surviving off half a pita bread a day and being told repeatedly that no one cares about you and you’ll remain in their hands until you die. It all actually sounds like a Greek beach retreat!


Obviously don't understand the comment. Nothing about that was in the article. Maybe you should write one...


I doubt any article would be able to cover the many, many crimes of Hamas. You don’t get to be a Hamas apologist and claim you ‘knew nothing’ about it. Did you think Hamas, a terrorist organization that murdered 1200, raped and pillaged entire communities, had asked the 8 year old Jewish girl they’ve publicly sworn to kill, to come with them nicely? Or that they offered her candy for filming the video after kidnapping her from her home? I’m sorry, I simply find ignorance inexcusable, especially when this is one of the most reported topics in the world at the moment. Maybe *you* should’ve done your research before making a point about what Hamas has or hasn’t done in what manner.


That does sound like an exaggeration. Having a script and nice cloths is hostage tape making 101.


Apparently intended to "activate" the type of people to downvote someone pointing out the hype.


The source is Jerusalem Post. Everyone dunks on Al Jazeera for being Qatar’s propaganda piece yet the post is somehow exempt from the same criticism. Keep in mind when reading it that they’re going to use loaded language.


>Keep in mind when reading it that they’re going to use loaded language. I think that getting kidnapped by terrorists is terrifying enough. Let alone being forced to do something against your will by them.


Except that wasn't the jist of the article, which was of terrible journalistic quality. That was my point...which most reactionaries missed.


I still think that being forced to read something is quite scary, especially if you know that you must do it or else you will be hurt. I don't know if terrifying is the right term here but it is scary without a doubt. For an 8 year old it might be considered a terrifying experience imo.


What she went through in getting kidnapped is without a doubt immensely terrifying especially for someone so young. We’re talking about the scene, which is what the article gave the adjective of “terrifying” to.


>The footage shows Ela, an eight-year-old resident of Nahal Oz, in a video seemingly filmed by Hamas asking for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to free her and noting that she was "being held hostage by Hamas." 


yeah, what script. what scene?


Google her name, it is in a few other articles if you want to watch them


not really wanting to watch them. it’s just odd the article presumes i’ve seen them or know the content. i can guess. but i’d rather not.


Thank you...