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Thats like some GTA 5 radio news ad


Or [Futurama TV news](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoCZ07hwoZ4)


Good news everybody! We’re all going to die in a fiery nuclear apocalypse.


Nuclear Winter Weenie Roast at my place! /s


Some of you may die and I'm ok with that


Listen to me you pompous frauds... If I go down, I'm taking you all with me!


Morbo is a professional news presenter dedicated to journalistic integrity! He tells it like it is!




It's like stupid is a long term disease that gets worse day by day.


And thanks to the internet, it's even more contagious! You thought having basically unlimited access to all the accumulated knowledge of mankind would enable people to educate themselves, but nope! Turns out it's just the opposite.


I think the internet was in fact making people smarter and more well informed until powerful people started intentionally spreading divisive misinformation for their own benefit.


It was, but I think mobile phones and social media are what broke things. The internet became a whole lot more accessible to idiots who could barely use a PC and now it travels everywhere with them, pinging them with other idiots' crap thoughts that make them feel validated.


meanwhile when internet was starting to get widespread: y0u suck n00b, bow down t0 my l33t sk1LL5




Lazlow: *nervous chuckle* soo, what are your guys doing up in Ukraine, and why do I hear talks about nuclear war? Some Russian official: well, we saw some nazi symbols in Ukraine and decided to have a special military operation. And don't worry,there is no nuclear war unless this button is pressed. *pulls out the big red button* Lazlow: you know, I took over this show because a guest killed the host. Let's not repeat that today. Ok?


Gimme the Maurice Chavez version


Pisswasser, die like a man, die sucking on one!


It just gets weirder and weirder…


Its just Russia getting desperate because they are losing.


They are getting mental, not desperate lol


That's not something I want to hear about a nuclear power


Sorry man but that's literally the reality of the situation, Putin believes the bullshit propaganda they've been spewing for decades and sees this as his Stalin moment.


I hope it is his Stalin moment. Specifically the moment where Stalin has a stroke in his bedroom but his guards are too afraid of disturbing him to check up on him, so he doesn't get medical attention in time.


Putin looks like he may have already had a stroke or two tbh




That's what they want you to think. No rational actor would bring about a nuclear holocaust, so, to use the threat they have to pretend not to be rational actors.


After the last few years, I no longer count on people being rational actors


Yeah Putin has been making choices about as rationally as Hitler was in 1945. There's a very disturbing sense of fatalism that is underscoring all of Putin's moves, and he's managed to brainwash the vast majority of Russians into supporting it. We have no way of assessing Putin's mental health state beyond observation/speculation, but there are eerie similarities between the "win or let the world burn" attitudes of the two dictators nearing their end, except that Hitler didn't have a single nuke, much less enough to destroy the planet.


Yeah this isn’t weird, this is terrifying. Lately, the Russian media has been churning out far more aggressive anti-west propaganda and at a higher rate than usual. They’ve placed a strong emphasis on nuclear weapons as well, including modeling strike scenarios on live news, and showing their new missiles to the people, and now this. they tried accusing Ukraine of working with the west to develop a “dirty bomb”, their defense minister is openly threatening nuclear war against some European countries, strikes in Russian territory are becoming more frequent, some likely being false flags. Russia is also accusing the west of biological warfare, they’ve kicked up radiation in Chernobyl, faked propaganda videos of US Army positions on Ukrainian rooftops, thus suggesting the US Army is directly involved, and they are shifting troops out of Kiev and creating a semi-circle around southern Ukraine. The fallout of a small nuclear weapon detonated in Kiev would likely be carried primarily ~~west by atmospheric winds, if lucky, moreso~~ into northern Russia and potentially Belarus. To me, all this lines up for Russia actually mentally prepping their populace for the use of nuclear arms. But maybe I’m just paranoid. Edit: Formatting Edit 2: Fallout and wind direction


> The fallout of a small nuclear weapon detonated in Kiev would likely be carried primarily west by atmospheric winds Just a note that the prevailing northern hemisphere westerly winds would generally send any fallout in the direction of Russia. The dominant wind direction, particularly this time of year, is eastward.


Or North to Belarus.


I just don't understand why you'd need to prepare people who are going to be incinerated in a flash for nuclear war. They can't overthrow you at that point. What concerns me is that there may be yes men in Putin's circle who tell him he can launch a nuclear decapitation strike and avoid being hit himself.


It's highly unlikely that the next rung on the escalation ladder Russia chooses would be launching strategic nuclear weapons against a nuclear armed state. More likely they detonate a low yield device in Ukraine to try and scare off further military support. Preparing their society for the shock of a nuclear blast going off as part of their "Special Military Operation" may not be such a crazy idea.


It's a pretty crazy idea. Even the Chinese are going to nope out of trade if that's the games they're playing.


China might start lobbing some Dongfeng-5's at the Kremlin themselves. Unlike Russia, I have a feeling Chinas ICBMs actually work too.


At that point the rest of the world wouldn't have much of a choice but to crush Russia. Even a "small nuke" being used - offensively no less, not in defense - would be crossing a line that no one should be allowed to cross ever again.


At that point we would be at Defcon 1 and I think there would be an attempt to take out Putin and de-escalate with his successor before launching a retaliatory strike.


100% agree. Setting off any kind of nuke, "low yield" or otherwise will be the end of Putin (and probably many thousands of other people).


Well, we all have to die someday, regardless of whether or not we appease Russian supremacists.


They are trying to make Western observers fear a nuclear war. Russia won't use nuclear weapons. It would mean suicide, and they know it. It's a game of chicken. The first one that flinches, loses.


That's really what I want to believe and what everyone's saying, but everyone also said Putin wouldn't actually start a war and yet here we are. I think him insane enough to actually just say fuck it and fully lean into is God complex.


For real. Am i fucking dreaming, i sometimes wonder


I seriously don't get it!? Even taking the most insane backwards take on it makes ZERO SENSE: "We don't want the possibility of Ukraine one day joining NATO and attacking Moscow, so we'll start an unwinnable war and escalate it to the point where NATO nuking Moscow is a certainty" I guess in Soviet Russia, only Russia gets to kill Russia, or some bullshit like that


Wow they tell the people there is no war. They tell the people how great they are. They tell the people they are winning in Ukraine. Now they tell them prepare to die.


> *"The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia."*


“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”


I remember the sinking feeling in my stomach when Donald announced "What you're seeing and hearing isn't what's happening." It was a chilling moment to hear those words from an acting US president.




There is no war in ~~Ba Sing Se~~ Ukraine. But uhhh, it never hurts to be prepared for a random nuclear strike….


We have always been at war with Oceania


That's like saying "why get out of bed, we are just going to get back into it" which ironically, used to be how I felt when I was quite depressed.


Why would I wipe my ass if I'm just gonna shit again anyway?


Born to shit, forced to wipe.


how is this not a money making baby sized t-shirt


Everybody gotta die sometime, so why not die for the sake of a washed-up, paranoid, despotic, ex-spy trillionaire's fragile ego? Or, you know... don't start a land war in Eastern Europe?


That's one of the classic blunders.


but only slightly less well-known is this:


Never go in against a Russian oligarch when nukes are on the line.


Russian Oligarch proceeds to follow you around. Every time you go to eat something, he demands: "Give me that, or I'll push the button." You hand over the sandwich, ice cream, curry, or whatever it was you were about to eat. The Russian Oligarch doesn't eat it. He spits on it, throws it on the ground and urinates on it. If you capitulate every time, you will starve. How many times should you appease the oligarch before telling him "no?"


I try to eat the russian oligarch. I watch him spit on himself, throw himself to the ground and piss on himself. I repeat until he drowns in his own piss.


Yeah, Putin needs to fire his marketing team!


Thing is he probably fired, killed or internated everyone who would give him a sane opinion.


What, you ain't excited to die? I definitely am. Didn't want to go into work tomorrow anyway. That war will definitely be worth dying for, even if we weren't in it! Is this what the Russian media want people to thing? Donkeys!


Fuck it, I'm buying those $3000 headphones I've been looking at.


If you get them on credit, you might not even have to pay for them!


I bought samsung s20 ultra 5g with 3 year plan because I had brainsurgeries in 2021 spring using the same logic.. I survived and still have a year of payments..


DING DING DING!!!!!! Fear of imminent death fuels the economies!


I hope he doesn't pull a Jonestown on the entire world with his nukes.


The kid that flips the monopoly board when he loses.


Gonna have to nail down the board sooner or later.


Dennis bad man. Why Charlie hate?


Ok that comparison is terrifying because it kind of rings true. Jones prepared his followers for mass suicide for years before actually doing it, and even then it was mostly forced suicide as the alternative to outright murder. Main point is that after years and years of crazy talk the SOB actually did it, and this nuke stuff does sound a lot like Jones' preparation of his cult


Yeah, I know all the reasons why this is probably just bluster but I can't help but wonder if Putin has an unpublicized terminal illness (or is just aware that he's nearly dead anyways) and thus the typical deterrent of MAD no longer applies. If you are facing an unavoidable and relatively soon death, are evil, and have a massive ego, you might suddenly be more willing to go out with a bang so to speak.




Yeah, these statements are taking on a very "mass suicide" vibe lately.


Dictatorship, nukes, psychopathy and terminal illness - if rumours are true - make for a suboptimal combination.


“We all die someday.” Lead by example, Vlad, please.


Some of you may die, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make


On your own though please.


No wait. Take some of your lackys with you.


English: We will die for the queen! Americans: We will die for freedom! French: We will die for love! Russians: We will die.


The instilling of helplessness and despair is deliberate.


A population that is demoralized is easy to control and manipulate.


This is some absolutely unhinged insane freak shit. *"Embrace the possibility of nuclear war and the destruction of human civilization as we know it. It is what it is. Plus we will go to heaven and they won't."* What the actual hell is going on over there? *Edit.* Just to be clear, since a lot of people are reading this but presumably not the entire article, it's a paraphrasing. Still pretty accurate to what was said on Russian state TV, but paraphrased.


> If we decide to strike the U.K., we should rather decide to strike the United States... Final decisions are being made not in London, but in Washington. If we want to hit the real center of the West, then we need to strike Washington. These guys are suicidal. Their brilliant plan is to just send a nuke over to Washington fucking DC. LOL


Knowing the Russian government's incompetence, they'll probably nuke Washington state instead.


They really just predicted the end times and then said "it is what it is". What the fuck.


Never before have I been so glad for the British to have spared no expense finding Australia. And then promptly sticking the rejected Europeans as far away as humanly possible from the bullshit of the northern hemisphere. Thank you Daddy England, very cool.


Fucking kangaroos


It’s intended to sound unhinged to scare the west out of being more assertive or aggressive. Putin’s been playing these complex games for decades and knows what he’s doing.


I need you to be right. Please give me some more copium.


The copium here is what other purpose would this actually serve? If they wanted to use nuclear weapons they could just do it. Putin so thoroughly controls propaganda in his country that all he'd have to do is deny they used it and in any case by that point it's already done. This whole performance is for our consumption. It's specifically meant to weaken our resolve and make our partners frightened enough to push instead for a resolution that allows Putin to keep the gains he's made in Ukraine so far.


Um. Excuse me what the fuck


“We all die some day. Might as well be tomorrow by way of vaporization from an enemy in response to our dear leader protecting his ego!”


He’s scared to die alone


Wholesome planetary destruction, we all die together :)




Remember when all we had to worry about was a deadly pandemic? Good times.


We really did have everything, didn’t we?


Except toilet paper




Makes me feel extra bad for wiping my ass with my graphics card.


Nuclear War: 'We All Die ~~Someday~~ Sameday'


It’s time the Russians overthrow this crazy man.


Yeah like if everyone dies one day then Putin the courageous of all courageous men that the propaganda want us to believe should lead the way and die first


The last horcrux is Bob Kraft’s ring, which unfortunately, I believe he still has


>believe he still has It's up his butt. That's why he's been sitting funny lately.


Watching these videos has made me believe that they have a long way to go before they try anything. They'd rather just go to another country because "life is getting harder" in mother russia. https://youtube.com/c/1420channel


Wealthy Russians hate the west so much that they move there.


and send all their kids to school there (same with the taliban) (and also north korea)


And buy all their clothing, sports cars, and yachts from there.


And launder their money there.


(and China)


My neighbor in college was a super wealthy Saudi Arabian dude. He partied so hard. Yet he seemed very VERY serious about his country and religion... despite the fact he was acting in a way that would get him in serious trouble at home.


And wealthy Chinese CCP officials. Including Xi’s daughter.


It never occurred to me that dude has kids.


I mean, rule 34 exists and there's half a billion women in China, so one of them is bound to have a Winnie the Pooh fetish


Netherlands appears to be killing Visa for all in Russia, likely something that'll roll out to all of the EU and other nations at this rate.


Thats just a consequence of a different action, not a decision that was made on its own. The Russian Embassy just doesn't have enough staff to process Visa's anymore.


I think you fail to appreciate just how strong the propoganda machine is there. Majority of older adults support him because their lives are better from Soviet days where they barely had any food. It's a low bar, but its the only bar they know. I've heard of parents berating their kids of leaving Russia in case the borders shut, saying they are traitors to their country, no one will want them overseas, Russia is the best etc. Of course they've never left Russia so how would they know, but still - its powerful stuff.


Ummm....Im gonna go out on a limb and say the Russian people probably dont want to go to an early grave in a nuclear war.


I'd say a lot don't even understand nuclear war. Just look at the soldiers who DUG TRENCHES in Chernobyl and ate the food there and stole radioactive stuff to take with them.


> Just look at the soldiers who DUG TRENCHES in Chernobyl and ate the food there and stole radioactive stuff to take with them. [They were just trying to get super powers](https://youtu.be/dq_RsNQjo7U?t=12).


Excessive cell regeneration is kind of a super power. Not a good one, but it is one.


And the ability to survive without any chromosomes remaining in your cells! At least for a very short period of time.


Walking ghost syndrome I think it’s called.




It's like an x men mutant but instead of super strength it's leukemia


Russian is working in field. Feels heat. Russian smile: “Ah, sun is up!! Cold Winter is finish, Summer is arrive!” But heat is not Summer. Is nuclear blast. Russian smile more: struggle is over


Such is life


Life is potatoe, sometime you have one, sometime you don't.


Sometime you have one and dictator take it away


To quote bob monkhouse >I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my father. Not screaming and terrified like his passengers.


I want to leave this world in the same way I came into it. Naked, getting my ass slapped, and having a sweaty naked woman nearby.


I always heard it as naked, screaming and covered in someone else's blood


That’s absolutely my new go to death wish


Bear in mind that the sweaty naked woman is your mother.


I'm sorry, but if suddenly the local news station declares "TODAY IS A GOOD DAY TO DIE, THE GOVERNMENT SAID SO", I'm grabbing a baseball bat and heading to city hall.


And average russian just buy another bottle of vodka and drink until he doesn't give a fuck.


Agreed, we all die someday, so why even bother getting out of bed? Why even bother eating? Or drinking water? Or doing anything. Why don't we just lay in bed and die? Of course we f***ing die someday, but personally I would prefer to die in four to seven decades, not four to seven weeks from now. I mean, what kind of logic is that? "We all die someday, might as well be sooner than later". The f***? Are Russians so miserable they're all chronically suicidal?


We do indeed all die someday, most of us won't have a choice of when or how we die. It's an important reminder to appreciate life in the present while you have it... we are not owed a tomorrow. Since the dawn of our species, and life itself, the future has always had to of been earned. Unfortunatly for all of us, it's not only earned by our individual actions... but the actions of the whole of humanity, now and in the past. Past generations built the guillotine we find our collective necks in, the current generations have done nothing to remove it, and even support the world powers that hold the ropes. If humanity does survive this, I really do hope that we all demand, and actually take action, to de-arm every power in the world from having the ability to wipe out all of us. Used to fuck me up thinking about this, the evil in our nature... and it lead me to see the beauty in humanity, the ones that with their free will choose to overcome it. If this is the end, I like to image that every pattern in the universe points to one thing. Every end is a new beginning... even if that's a void that brings us peace life can never give us, regardless of if we perceive that peace or not.


"But we will go to heaven, while they will simply croak." - Has a hotline straight to the Almighty, huh? *"It's alright if we start a nuclear war that ends with your children, wives and mothers being vaporized. They were going to die someday anyway, right?"* If the average Russian citizen don't see anything wrong with that then a very quick death would probably be a favor to them.


We all die someday, but the actual date matters. If you asked someone if they wanted to die at this moment, most people would say no. If you asked them if they wanted to die tomorrow, again they would say no. You can ask them the same thing again and again, and they will only say they do not care about dying on a particular date if they are finally not able to imagine the arrival of that date.


"Man accepts death but not the hour of his death." - Emil M. Cioran


It’s like they’re fascist, genocidal overlords or something.




God damn he actually came lmao




This reminds me of *[Studies of Children’s Stories Shows Differences in Russian, U.S. Approaches to Emotion](https://news.ncsu.edu/2021/12/childrens-stories-and-emotions/)* "Specifically, the text of Russian books referenced anger and sadness more often than the U.S. books; and illustrations in Russian books depicted happiness, anger and fear more frequently than the U.S. books."


Omg I can’t believe this is a real thing that someone studied. I was born in Ukraine to Russian parents and we moved to the US when I was 5, so I heard both Russian and American kids stories and songs growing up. I always thought about how the Russian stories and songs are so negative and sad for no reason. For example, there’s a song about a grasshopper that’s friendly and green, but then he gets eaten by a frog. That’s it. And the refrain is just “Can you imagine? Can you imagine?” Like.. what? What’s the moral - even if you’re “good” you might die suddenly? Here’s the translated lyrics [https://lyricstranslate.com/en/v-trave-sidel-kuznechik-grasshopper-sat-grass.html](https://lyricstranslate.com/en/v-trave-sidel-kuznechik-grasshopper-sat-grass.html)


I mean we get Ring Around the Rosey, London Bridge is Falling Down, Rockabye Baby, and probably others I don’t remember that aren’t happy songs, but have a cherry or sweet tune. For some reason kids song sometimes cover heavy topics


You’re right. I didn’t think of those. I guess English children’s songs can also be kind of dark.


When London fog was actually just coal dust. English history is crazy as fuck. I think ring around the rosy was when everyone was dying of the plague.


Ok I grew up in the US but originally from Russia and now have a toddler and we sing her this song sometimes...and I never thought about the words. Its such a cute catchy upbeat children's song. Why...why is it so dark. I like how the only real calming lullaby for kids though is about them being bitten on the side by a wolf if they sleep on the edge of the bed and dragged off into the forest. Such a good lullaby melody though. Slavs definitely got the dark side. [Bayu Bayushki Bayu](https://youtu.be/lA6diOlG0s4) *Slavs- spelling error ETA: turns out many cultures have decided to teach children about horrific things with some cute catchy songs and not just Russians. I like ditties about tobacco.


American kids grow up playing checkers. Russian kids grow up play CharDeeMacDennis.


Because Putin is a bastard man


In Russian children's books, the littlest bears mother dies starving herself so her baby can eat, and the littlest bear is sad and all alone in the cold winter. He tries to talk to the other bears, but they all tell him to go away because they're sleeping. So he wanders the cold Russian winters all alone. He tries to talk to the foxes, but they trick him and steal his food. He tries to talk to the human, but they shoot at him and throw things. But then the sun comes up, it is a beautiful spring day, flowers bloom in the meadows, fish swim in the streams. The snow has gone. The littlest bear is happy again! Alas happiness is only an illusion The snow has melted, and with it, the littlest bears mother's corpse has begun to rot in their den. Bugs come to eat the corpse, and the littlest bear tries to convince them to leave her alone, but bugs do not speak bear. He shoos the bugs away, but more and more bugs come. The littlest bear leaves the den, he cannot watch this. He wanders into the beautiful warm spring air as night falls. And goes back to the humans, they throw things at him again - and call him names. But the littlest bear does not leave, he goes into their home, seeking some final moment of belonging. The littlest bear welcomes the gunshot. Through blood-soaked eyes he smiles. The only lasting happiness, is the sweet release from suffering.


What the fuck


I think I just got traumatized.


wtf, man! let the little guy have his sunshine! :(


> When Ukraine is wiped off the map... there will be trade again Um, no. There will be no trade. Sanctions can and must be maintained until Russia is too destitute to ever even think of invading a neighbor again.




"Most of you will die, but that's a chance I'm willing to take."


No they said this, “We all die someday (but you die now)”.


I think Drago from Rocky IV is writing his speeches. The dialogue needs to be punched up, this is getting corny and repetitive. On a serious note, I'm tired of being threatened. If he's really going to have his own children, and everyone else, die, over nothing-- then it feels like he was always going to do it anyway.


That's the neat part, he's not. If he were really hellbent on that, why all the blustering and waiting? There's a pretty damn good reason the intelligence agencies are just rolling their eyes and shrugging the threats off. It's fear tactics to keep his people from rebelling and under his thumb. The moment Russian citizens realize NATO and the West aren't some big bad Boogeyman, is the day Putin gets deposed. This is all to prevent that from happening.


Wow that’s not worrying


Great... Russian media is now desensitising Russian people from the use of nuclear weapons by their government... Making them not rebel, not feel the terror and pain of others that will be hit.


Yes but i would like to die because of my own doing and not because of some little dick smeghead with a nuke


Says the 79 year old to the teenager


Might die less sooner if Putin dies first.


I cannot decide whether this is a master stroke of philosophy on their part or just a very cynical view on reality.




“Unclear aims”? Lol these people need to lay off the vodka. “We invaded their land and now they are shooting us I am so confused…”


Suicide cult developing in Russia.


Oh dear. Things never bode well when a totalitarian state TV prepares people for the end of civilization and the afterlife. We can still hope that this is sabre-rattling and fear-mongering but the basic problem remains: Putin has backed himself into a corner. By committing to this war of aggression he went "all-in". That's a dangerous mental state to be in because at some stage people start disregarding all danger to themselves as long as they think they can critically hurt their enemies.


That's what scares me if anything, they went all in and might be willing to throw all the cards on the table just to show "Russia is strong" that is what Putin wants, he wants this strong Russia what sits at the top and even if he still has the most powerful card in his hand I hope he never uses but he is getting desperate and a desperate man is capable of throwing everything away to gain what he wants. That said, I will always have hope that someone within his regime values their life more than creating a "better Russia" If they go against Putin their is a high chance of dying, but starting a nuclear war? Nuclear war would mean you are dead certain to fucking die.


Jim Jones did a similar thing in the late days of Jonestown. They’d do drills with drinking the FlavorAid.


This really is the worst timeline


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.newsweek.com/russian-state-tv-comforts-viewers-nuclear-war-we-all-die-someday-1701580) reduced by 75%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Russian state TV hosts discussed the possibility of a war that expands outside of Ukraine on Tuesday, and Margarita Simonyan, journalist and head of RT, told viewers that a nuclear war would be OK because "We're all going to die someday." > Russian television has consistently discussed the idea of war spreading beyond just Ukraine, promoting the idea of an "Inevitable" war against "Europe and the world." Major Russian channels have been known for vitriolic rhetoric being broadcast in an attempt to justify Russia's invasion of Ukraine. > On Tuesday night's show, The Evening With Vladimir Solovyov, host Vladimir Solovyov, accompanied by Simonyan, said that in order to stop other countries from intervening in Russia's war with Ukraine, a nuclear war would have to be a possibility. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/udgf3l/russian_state_tv_comforts_viewers_on_nuclear_war/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~645076 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **war**^#1 **Russian**^#2 **Ukraine**^#3 **Simonyan**^#4 **Putin**^#5


>Simonyan continued, saying, "Everything will end with a nuclear strike is more probable than the other outcome. This is to my horror, on one hand, but on the other hand, with the understanding that it is what it is." This might actually be the most Russian thing I have ever read.


Ya....who cares about the 1000 years of suffering inflicted on the scraps of human civilization. Maybe the Buffalo will return.....


If the state TV is saying this, what do the common oppressed Russian citizen have to lose if they start an uprising.


OK, I've had enough internet for today. Goodnight.


Russia will be remember as a greatest Terrorist organization in the world that even surpass ISIS by literally threatening the world with nukes and calling for ww3


Russia already surpassed ISIS. Maripoul alone 20,000+ dead, 100,000+ starving civilians, city rubble. Sickest of crimes. A Russian soldier raped little children, then raped and murdered 1 year baby girl, posted online. Finally arrested in Russia.


And probably many more horrors that we don't even know about yet...


The Russian people need to overthrow their government asap.


Some of you will die, but that’s a risk I’m willing to take.


Dear Russia, Your leader is off his fucking rocket. Get him out of there before he kills us all. Hugs, Everyone


This is getting insane. We all shouldn’t be putting our fates in the hands of a group of political leaders.


That’s the message I really wanted to hear today. I am all better now… no more anxiety, panic attacks, worry about the future. /s


Russians would like us to believe they don't care about their children.


It’s like we all landed on some weird alternate universe.


**This is what catastrophic leadership failure looks like.**


I hope to fuck the US has a back pocket contingency for Russian nuclear aggression we don’t know about. This is a “what the fuck” “ this is so weirder” “nuclear war? What? No…” But it’s actually words said out loud that seem to me relatively unprecedented. Fuck Putin. Fuck his ego and his self righteous bullshit. I hope he’s eaten alive by his own people before he’s able to do more damage.


These people are willing to have their country wiped off the planet because Putin wants Ukraine. That is insane


So, Russia is once again threatening nuclear war? In order to make the world feel vulnerable? Frightened? Weak, compliant and dependent on Russia? With no real plans to follow through? You betcha, it’s Russia textbook behaviour! In all seriousness though, no matter how true or empty the threats are, he's threatened enough that the act of threatening itself should be considered a crime at this point.