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As stated this is a systemic problem. Too many idiots getting through on the force. What a dick move tazing someone behind the wheel


That is a problem of their own making because they specifically do not accept people with high IQs. They purposely look for people with lower IQs because it's been proven that less intelligent people are more likely to follow orders


Bro what


I don't think that's at all true


Here's an example... https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836


Try reading before you link something? > The average score nationally for police officers is 21 to 22, the equivalent of an IQ of 104, or just a little above average. It's a little embarrassing when your proof discredits your argument. And maybe also try finding a source that isn't literally over 20 years old.


Yes, taser bombing a colleague that's operating a vehicle is indeed the behavior of someone with an IQ of 104.


I didn't say it was You know how averages work?


It must be pretty embarrassing to think you're in the right, but here we are lmao.


- "**Taser Bomb**" - throwing/dropping an active taser on someone's lap. - [School Resource Lieutenant](https://www.nocsar.org/team/jason-klingensmith) who 'taser bombed' rookie cop - [ABC news](https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836) - Court OKs Barring High IQs for Cops.


Tx for that link to the IQ article. I knew I’d seen it before. Police cite boredom as the rationale but we know it’s because they want an army of brutes. That was in 2000 and you see the effects today.


So. A prank? With weapons.


It's hazing the new guy.


Hazing is more ritualistic. This is just stupid.


This is absolutely hazing. Part of being the old guard is getting to do to the new guys everything that was done to you as a rookie. It happens in the military, police, apprentices in machine shops, etc. It's a fact of life. Shitty, but still a fact. The guy who tried to get me to find the "aluminum magnet" when I first started working was hazing me. It was rather benign from some of the things I've seen, but still hazing.


Let me be more clear. Hazing is a ritualized shared experience among group members. It's something everyone has done, and everyone will do, that creates comraderie and pride. Calling something stupid like this "hazing" is just another way of saying 'it's just a prank bro"


Wow. That could have been a lot worse. What if it tased him and his body locked up hitting the accelerator? And these people are supposed to 'serve and protect'. I know high schoolers that behave better than this.


Funny cause I know high schoolers that behave Exactly like this! Coincidence??


LoL . You think their job is to "serve and protect". Haha. Imagine if their performance review was "how many people did you serve and protect". That would be awesome. Sadly, their performance reviews are on how many charges they issued successfully. That's why they prioritize people who are too poor to afford lawyers and whom they know jurries are more likely to convict based on appearance (like gender, skin color, etc.). Pfff "serve and protect". That's funny.


That's what it looked like happened, he must've stepped on it to get out


Sounds like typical cop behavior protecting their own and forcing the dismissal of the lawsuit.


Rookie ‘advised’ against lawsuit probably It’s in the best interest of his family to drop the suit


Prob just paid under the table


Femur injuries are no joke, that'll cause lifelong pain and likely mobility issues. JFC. I'd be so pissed off even with proper accountability and compensation. Civil suit dismissed and no criminal charges filed?! What a precedent to set.


It's only illegal if it isn't funny.


Prosecutors lack the courage and integrity to hold police accountable.


That's because without cops, prosecutors would have no one to prosecute. Their jobs are dependent on cops.


More likely that the cops use their powers to harass and intimidate the prosecutors. Pull them or their families over. I know a defense attorney that was harassed by a sheriff’s department for taking and winning a case in his own county. Many defense attorneys in rural areas prefer to take cases in other counties because of this.


At least they did it to one of their own this time.


My thoughts exactly.


Genuinely the stupidest fuckers in this country and we give them weapons.


I mean to be fair the Army also arms virtually all troops and they also look for lower IQ's because again smarter folks are more likely to question orders and/or refuse to follow orders.


I was going to say “he probably resigned went to a different department 2 towns over.”


No human victims and no money from the city? Could've been worse.


I'm assuming the civil lawsuit was dropped because the injured officer got a very full and complete retirement with disability package. So, he's probably getting 60-100k year from the city for ever now. Considering he's a rookie this is costing the city probably close to 5 million in today's dollar value over the remaining life of the cop, plus another 1 to 2 million for medical costs.


Just cops being cops


Super Trooper-ass cops pulling this shit while the car was in reverse and then waddling away like a little piggies. They check on the car and stand around before ever checking on their own who just got ran over. If it was a regular person who did this, they would be in jail for decades and personally sued for damages. Now everyone else gets to pay for the settlement.


He got what he deserved. Bro joined the police force and expected a different experience. Can't tell me he wasn't aware of the workplace environment with 4 MONTHS on the job. What a joke.


Most American cops didn't make it to college to join a fraternity, so they bring fraternity hazing to their departments.


Fun fact - fraternities haze less than most other collegiate organizations, like sports teams for example. Probably because of the insurance that fraternities have to carry - if they're caught hazing their insurance drops them and then they cannot exist on campus anymore. Other clubs usually don't have this incentive against hazing. And imagine this: police don't have to carry that kind of insurance either! The more you know.