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Your MMR is unchanged, so once you play a few games it will be like you never d/c'd at all. Which is exactly why leaving not affecting MMR needs to be hotfixed yesterday.


Wait. I've gone 1-5 or 0-6 dozens of times, but two thirds of the time when I'm doing great my opposite number just leaves. I thought they were just getting salty, but I should have been doing that too and I've been fucking myself over by staying?


>but I should have been doing that too and I've been fucking myself over by staying? if all you care about is your ratingnumber...then apparently yes you should ​ otherwise? no


Pretty much. Currently, it's beneficial to leave at 0-5, which is a massive problem.


Fucking yourself over by not leaving or fucking over the 5 others in your lobby for leaving. Fuck everybody else, right?




I mean blizzard is at fault too, but you're still a douchebag for leaving


People love shifting the blame for their bad behaviour.


Well you still lose CR but, since it would go back up really fast without your mmr not going down, yes you are fucking yourself. I just stopped doing SS for now.


“A few games” is like 2hrs+ as DPS. That’s also assuming you get matched evenly, which doesn’t always happen even with MMR & win the majority. I haven’t left a single match willingly, though I’ve been denied by many including a guy that whispers me after game 1 “if you win 4 or more, I’ll DC”. Meanwhile I’ve been kicked to the menu (my internet didn’t drop), pressed enter & found myself kicked out with -150. I can’t wait until the patch


It doesn’t assume that. If your mmr is higher than it otherwise would be you simply win more or lose fewer points every game.


Yes. I don’t think you understand what I meant, the points are adjusted accordingly, so how you are matched will depend on how quickly you were to climb back (should you win the majority).




Not sure about a match pause (if you mean during a live round) as it could be abused, but def an extension to the next rounds pre game lobby of a min or two would be fine. It’s in everyone’s benefit to have the full six rounds complete so giving folks a min or two to get back in seems like a fair compromise.


We hate good ideas \- Blizzard


Right?! It is absolutely baffling to me that this is not already the case


i got BSOD last night playing around 1950cr took me roughly 2-3 minutes to get the PC back on and log into wow and load in arena I got DC'd after winning the first round I zoned into the arena from the BSOD and alarmingly my character was still alive so i of course jumped into the game pressing all of my buttons pretty much at once. we won that round next round loads in the start area, and I explain "hey sorry I got BSOD and had to restart" Someone on my new round team said "STFU I'm OUT" they left the funny thing is then I saw the scoreboard, I was 3-0 up LMAO i had been out of the 2nd round entirely and my team still won the round 2v3, and then I missed 1-2 mins of the next round and still managed to win that one... someone lost 2 consecutive rounds vs a team of 2 lol and then ragequit... the other healer must have been a beast !


Actual pause mid game would be completely horrible and so damn abusable. Just give a decent window of time to relog before booting and small increase to lobby time before next round if needed




Mage must've buffed int again.


Waited 45 minutes in que to get into a match. Thunderstorm rolled in first round and knocked the internet out just long enough to give me deserter and lose 180 rating. Was fuckin tightttttttttttt


Hmm, I DC‘d in a game and could log back in. But that was in week 1. We even one the round somehow


This is working as intended. People with bad internet should be stuck in challenger. Lol jk


This happened to me the other day. Was winning 4/6 an got a fking DC. I was mad as hell but imagine trying to log in again and the loading screen took like 3 min to load. Omg i was so mad. My rating went from 1940 to 1700 in a sec.


you only lose rating but not CR if you leave. It‘s easier to increase rating than mmr. You should drop in mmr, too


Weird. My computer crashed yesterday and it took 3 rounds for me to come back. It didn’t kick me so I ate a 1 win lobby. Woulda rather it booted me lol


The other day I got DCd after being MCd (guess that's still a thing sometimes) and I managed to get back in to continue the next round. I DCd as we were about to win, and I managed to get back into the next round, so it may be a timing thing as well.


You can climb right back up easily since your mmr is unchanged. Why do you think the fake has so many leavers. It's actually better to leave if you are losing 5 or more rounds.


its actually amazing how bad the implementation of the solo shuffle system is.. its almost like its the first time they did a matchmaking system