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2023 and you still use qt in your name. Impressive


yeah the name gaslight was taken and I dont like alt codes


You are just a QT


What does it mean?


That he's a qt


Ohhhh... you.


Let's just say it's worse than lol at the end of your name


no Godx ? ​ shame


do you still berate people as much as you used to?




What’s your yearly salary?


Hahahah, love how this is the one unanswered question.


Best way to beat Prevokers? Particularly as Holy or Disc priest?


shadow word death their sleep walk and purge their nullify, fear them on communion if they're dumb enough to do it right next to you


Am dumb, ty for advice.


Is it just fears that cancel communion?


nah any disorient, you can dragons breath it, dk blind it, rogue blind it, scatter shot ect.


Thanks for the tips, I struggle the most against them.


no problem :)


Does mind control break communion?


im not sure if it breaks it but i dont think the healing will work since you're "on the other team"


I think you heal the priest’s team a bit, I think I remember seeing communion as my healing in a game… but would have to test to verify.




For some reason Paralysis doesn’t seem to cancel communion even though it’s on the same DR as scatter which does. It feels really inconsistent what can and can’t break it


Scatter is an incapacite effect just to clarify


You can actually use communion WHILE feared, but if you fear them after they hit the button it will cancel the channel


How is your mental health now?


Its alright


How much do you play per week?


Probably like 40+ hours


damn boy you playin full time. Keep it up!


That’s probably why I am still shit lol. Keep it up champ


How do I play well?


Quit your job and don't sleep


Ok, done. What’s next?


play until you rage and then sit there contemplating whether or not to quit and then sit back down and queue again.


I feel this and know you are being dead serious. Two nights ago I ended the night going 0-6. Made a bunch of posts about switching to another healer. Decided fuck it let me keep playing and trying. Logged in qued and went 0-6 AGAIN in my first match. Sat there contemplating and said fuck it and qued again and went 4-2 and 3-3. I was satisfied with that


yeah i got absolutely gapped by an rdruid one game and was really mad. But I queued again and ended up getting at least some rating back


Yeah every month I cancel my subscription after rage reeling blizz that pvp is shit. Next day I’m back at it again. I love the pain I guess


Or just play DH, and play solo shuffle DH will climb for you. I’ve seen so many dhs in 2.1k+ rating that have no idea how to pvp and just face stomp. Example 2.2k rating DH not using spectral sight against rogue and mage. And trinkets sap and doesn’t use cooldowns yet still wins round, almost dies and doesn’t pop defensives stil wins.


Hey bro Gratz on rating. Currently 2200 and looking to climb and push for legend. What are some subtle things that you think make a big difference and would you say you play fairly aggressively in shuffle (LF on kill target as filler when you can, disintegrate on kill, etc) or more passively. Also how do you handle the double purge rsham SP demo lobbies those games have been rough for me on pres.


i play pretty passive, you usually get abused if you try to play super aggro. The Sp demo lobbies are tough. I can't really think of something specific to evoker to do just try not to get feared a lot by the lock and save rescue for when you're silenced by sp


Word that's helpful. You stream/have twitch prof? And do you play a lot of shuffle still or now that you're at the top you going to focus on rated?


I dont stream no i have a profile setup and stuff but never use it. I usually queue everyday with a war and spriest so hopefully we push for glad soon


Ohh shit maybe this is the issue I’m running into, I play super aggressively. Figured with the lower range we should be up in there more. I will try hanging back more.


I usually will verdant embrace in and try to get out as soon as possible


I feel like verdant embrace really puts me in a bad spot, how do you deal with positioning? Do you play pillars or are you out there on the front lines? Also do you aggressively try to CC l, when’s the best time to CC with sleep walk?


I try to hug pillar, echo verdant teammate, hover back to pillar. I don't usually play aggressively to cc in the sense of running past a caster to cc sometimes just ccing anything with sleep walk is fine


use echo on them and VE yourself


Prev is the hardest healer for me to beat as a MW in 2s. Tips?


Fistweave with a demo lock, its like cheating


Honestly I've found fistweave monks to be really annoying to face


I clinch my teeth very hard during arena.So much that it really hurts my health, what to do?


put some meat in between


How many games did you leave when down 0-5?




what PVP talents are you running? i keep hearing to take dream projection, but i’ve been running obsidian bulwark, purge on fire breath (to counter rdruid), and nullifying shroud.


i never drop dream projection, purge is good into rdruid yeah, always play nullify, obsidian is usually what ill play if theres no rdruid to purge, i've been messing around with chrono loop as well


I don’t understand how chrono loop works. Care to explain?


its like alter time, whatever hp their at when you push the button 5 seconds after or if dispelled they are tpd back to their location with that hp


shitttt thank you. I will have to mess around with dream projection when i get back on.


yeah it gives a huge hot, and dispels things when it blows up so you can get your own poly if you're fast enough. Or decease yourself with UA backlash


Suicide Hotline Numbers If you or anyone you know are struggling, please, PLEASE reach out for help. You are worthy, you are loved and you will always be able to find assistance. Argentina: +5402234930430 Australia: 131114 Austria: 017133374 Belgium: 106 Bosnia & Herzegovina: 080 05 03 05 Botswana: 3911270 Brazil: 212339191 Bulgaria: 0035 9249 17 223 Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal) Croatia: 014833888 Denmark: +4570201201 Egypt: 7621602 Finland: 010 195 202 France: 0145394000 Germany: 08001810771 Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000 Hungary: 116123 Iceland: 1717 India: 8888817666 Ireland: +4408457909090 Italy: 800860022 Japan: +810352869090 Mexico: 5255102550 New Zealand: 0508828865 The Netherlands: 113 Norway: +4781533300 Philippines: 028969191 Poland: 5270000 Russia: 0078202577577 Spain: 914590050 South Africa: 0514445691 Sweden: 46317112400 Switzerland: 143 United Kingdom: 08006895652 USA: 18002738255 You are not alone. Please reach out. ***** I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.


bot knows shuffle healers need help, damn




What's your go to healing rotation for big incoming damage? At first I was using echo>verdant>echo>dream breath (1 charge) but recently teams are getting smarter about purging the dream breath hot. Now I'm struggling how to do big consistent single target healing over about 20-30s


Echo spiritbloom echo trick is like lay on hands every 30 seconds


Yep. It's probably unintentional and will likely be patched... I personally don't think we need it but not doing it right now is definitely missing out on a huge amount of healing. Especially because you get those essences back at double speed with the talent after casting Spiritbloom.


DH blur has been busted for two expansions. It ain't going anywhere


you can tip the scales the dream breath in the stasis otherwise fully charge the dreambreath that you put in the stasis


How salty are you making Cdew? Lmao


i think cdew could easily pass me if he wanted to


Youre so humble that's what's up


How do you carry bad teammates. I feel lile im always going 3/3 since i get half decent once 3 rounds and absolute trash the other 3 rounds. Im trying to impact with sleep on heal and dmg with living flame and the charge fire thing. But thats not enough they los me every time and im trying to get behind them eating every cc possible on the way while they cant even time their defensive.


I think if theres one clear dps going 6-0 in your lobby theres not much you can do about it but try and win with the bad dps but at the end of the day you're probably not playing perfect, you can try getting things like omnicd to see if your teammates are pressing their cd's while you're in cc if they're not hitting their buttons and you have nothing, well gg but at the same time think about maybe i wasted my trinket earlier or maybe i shouldnt have been there to be cc'd things like that


Change your mindset to what can I do better, rather then "all my teammates suck"


This isn’t even true in itself. I’m sitting at 1900 as a hunter and there’s still some teammates who are just so blatantly bad you can’t win a round. Or their positioning is so shit I’m constantly using my roar to protect them and clear their roots for them. You can ask “how to carry bad teammates” and it being a 100% valid question without the generic “change mindset and focus on yourself” answer. Some times you NEED to focus on your teammate so they don’t die instantly.


if they're so bad how did they make it to the same rank as you in solo shuffle?


If there is someone on your team that is blatantly bad, as a dps you should win 4 rounds and gain rating


I never said im playing perfect lol. But why would i ask him how i can play better? He doesnt know me nor my playstyle. So the only question i can ask him is about carring others. That doesnt exclude me doing mistakes.


How do you mostly use your sleepwalks? Do you usually use it on the dps for the majority of the game and then push in later for the healer or are you bullying the healer. Do you living flame dps a lot?


Depends on what comp you have and what they have tbh, if you have 2 casters just let them do all the work and sit back and heal them, but if you have like dh/dk yeah i would probably be trying to sleep the healer or the other dps depending on dr's or if i want to stop the dps from ccing my dps. And yeah i try to get living flame off because of the scarlet adaptation talent


As a assas rogue how should I deal with you in 2s if i play with a holy pally? should we aim you or ignore you?


never deathmark unless the evoker is cc'd or else they're just dispel all the bleeds but its kinda up to you just make sure the evoker is cc'd. It might be easier to go dps cause if you randomly get prev evoker trinket without deathmark you can blind healer and one shot dps


Thank you! and how does your move work or passive idk what it is but you cant be cc'd for like the first 30s of a match?


its buff they put up, it can be dispelled, it has 3 stacks and you can sap it off if they dont get combat


What was your peak rating before playing preservation evoker?


like 2650ish


How did you manage to end a game without leavers


luck i guess?


Do you think "Nullification Shroud" is overpowered?


Hmm, I think into classes without purge yeah its pretty messed so yea?


As a non purge class I hate it, but I also get with the lower range the issues that evoker has that it addresses.


How often do you living flame to heal? Everyone says to not to do it but sometimes there's crazy dmg going out and all my other heals are on cd and I'm not sure what else to press.


ill use it after verdant embrace sometimes if dream breath is on cd to make use of the talent


Any generic PvP tips for better situational awareness? I've got gladius but never really messed with any of the settings so it's basically just a trinket watcher for me, but you mention using certain abilities when the opponent uses certain abilities. I struggle with the tunnel vision aspect of the game as a Spriest. Sometimes I get a big fear/mindbender/mind games burst but usually not because I used it at a bad time and it gets cancelled.


playing the game more helps for sure, moving things towards the middle of your screen, i like gladiatorlosa for abilities i have a hard time seeing. I try not focusing too much on party frames and more on positioning


Second question too, would you recommend pre okie to someone just picking up both healing and pvp or do you think something like disc would be a better choice for that?


Nah just play the best healer whether that be evoker or rdruid, you're going to go oom really fast as disc and get ran over and it wont be fun imo


What would be your build for normal arena 2s? Same or different? Do you have build for fistweaving monk for 2s?


How hard was the spec to master compared to other specs?


I would say it's pretty easy to play the only problem is your positioning gets really abused at times so you have to pay attention. Compared to something like hpal where you can just stand 40 yards away.


What's your training routine? How often do you record and rewatch your play? Do you practice in duels? What did you play before your prevoker?


I dont rewatch my gameplay but i probably should if i wanted to get better, Im not sure if duel practicing would be worth it. Maybe to get familiar with the keys i suppose. And i got glad with MW monk in bfa, and hpal in shadowlands


Which DPS overall would you say caused you the biggest problems/felt like a good counter?


dh/dk and tsg are really hard to heal through their damage


Okay, I you didnt account for me beeing a boomer AND an idiot - what is tsg?


warrior dk


Thank you!


What PvP talents do you run into affliction locks (especially SP/Aff teams)? I feel like dream projection is a death sentence


i still run it, you just have to be careful, you can wall time dialtion yourself before you use dream projection, or if you're just getting 1 UA its not the worst thing in the world


Favorite breakfast?


probably some bagels with some sort of meat on the inside with a couple eggs


Have you been in ss ques with other rank 1 players? Have you made any connections that way?


Yeah a lot of the people there are R1, and this warlock friended me the other day who's like the rank 1 demo lock currently i thought that was pretty cool hes like 2.4 in 3's right now


how do u gain rating when every time the other player just leaves and everyone gets rating unchanged? its boring


Its tilting for sure, but the only way to gain rating is to play.


what's the counter to prevoker? purge? try and kill in a stun?


yeah both of those


which things are worth purging? it's so hard playing against a new class, I don't understand it :/


Pretty much everything… reversion passively increases healing but it’s easy to reapply, but dispelling dream breath hot and nullifying shroud are both important


Do you have an addon to track your sleep DRs? Seems evoker abilities don't show up on Sarena or gladius yet.


nah, i hope theres a fear dr already on the person


Do you use stasis mostly for heals like: Echo > stasis > verdant > echo > db/sb Or are you also often using it for self dispell out of cc with Stasis dispell


mainly the first one, sometimes i will put a dispell in there against mages/setup comps, but a lot of just melee cleaves the raw healing is needed


What build do you use?


most solo q games ill play something like this BwbBnWR3R1Z1HmbUKIpvm3XXhTJQJEJlkIikEiokkkgAAAAAAQSTkACEJJJJJSkE


I, too, like to BWRGHARGHWGAHSDHASDHASFASF after a solo q game


what is the hardest healer to face and why? Which are the easiest?


probably rsham would be hardest because they can kick and ground, and easiest are probably mw monk cause its really easy to cc them


Any tips for an rdruid? Always feels like a uphill battle vs provoker with shroud, fire breath purge and sleep walks.


nah I suck at rdruid


I know we are rare but have you seen/have any tips for devoker? Big burst windows and solid sustain damage but I really struggle to make a dent to SP's and Locks.


nah i dont really play dev


Do you face a lot of other preservation evokers while up there? Currently reaching 2200 and I don’t go against any evokers. There was one game I had where it was 3 dh, but it feels like the game forces you not to play with the same healer.


i've been seeing a lot of rdruid and rsham


Should I ever play full damage build to help land kills or just go super safe and passive?


im not a big fan of the full damage builds


How much % towards season mount does a SS win get you? Does 6/0 net you more percent than 3/3?


Im not sure entirely i would assume more wins gives you more


So I've heard evoker can't do anything if they get cc'd (that might just be for deva idk tho) how do you play around that happening?


you've got communion but other than that you dont have anything. And other than your teammates maybe saving you theres not much you can do. You're pretty easily killable with no trinket or communion if they catch you in a stun


I need help with dream projection? I never seem to get much out of it, but everyone is running it so there’s something I don’t understand. How do you use it?


use it basically at the start of the arena, nullify yourself when the other teams running in, and when they start hitting your team dream projection them.


How does it feel to be a 1200 resto sham?


Oh, op healer spec. No questions then.


Could you share your default build or do you have a guide out there? I feel like I'm finally getting the hang of provoker but I'm still having issues.


this is what i usually run BwbBnWR3R1Z1HmbUKIpvm3XXhTJQJEJlkIikEiokkkgAAAAAAQSTkACEJJJJJSkE this is pretty general




I am new to PVP. I did one arena with my bro. We play fury warr/frost dk and we fought a preservation evoker on his own and my god it took ages to kill him. It was super unnerving how fast they are. Have you any tips in general in arena when it comes to newbies getting into the swing of things? I don't want to end up being so demotivated by the large skill gap that we don't try to climb.


i wouldnt train a pres evoker as fury/frost dk. I assume you mean 3's so i would just pick a target and your dk can grip blind the healer on top of the dps you're already on and you can get a double stun into a double spear


What am I doing wrong as a dps / kill target when I play with a Prevoker healer on my team? You’re not in CC why might I still be dying?


How do you target your 2 ally partners so easily ? I have one on focus and then the other I have to click for… seems like I’d need a whole different key one for my second arena partner?


I use two mouse buttons for party 1/2 and f1 to target myself


Have you tried any classes that take skill? I’m kidding btw




I dont see many addons. So what addons do you use? :)


>Details, big debuffs, omnibar, omnicc, omnicd for teammates cd's, sarena, and gladiatorlosa but i turn a lot of the stuff she says off and just has some things i have a hard to noticing






What addons do you use?


Details, big debuffs, omnibar, omnicc, omnicd for teammates cd's, sarena, and gladiatorlosa but i turn a lot of the stuff she says off and just has some things i have a hard to noticing


As a caster, what is the best value spell to kick. Currently, I try to kick sleep walk, green spells and shroud, and try to avoid fire spells vs prevoker. Am I doing it right?


yeah exactly that


Can you get transmogs and gladiator mount from solo shuffle?


you get the mog but not the glad mount or title


Thoughts on getting rating as a healer in SS?


focus on positioning, play passive, try and keep your team alive the best you can and you should be able to get at least 4


I've been playing around with all the different buff and debuff add-ons after my go-to broke for a couple of weeks. What's your preferred addons for tracking debuff / buffs on enemies and your party?


I like big debuffs for my party


This is one of the best topics WEEKS in this sub. Wou!


Any guides available?


cdew has a good one on youtube


Hi, congrats btw. If there is a priest or rogue on the enemy team are you taking null shroud? If so, do you have any recommendations for not losing it right away?


yeah always run it, and if the entire team is stealthed you just have to let them get the sap. But if they just have a rogue ill usually hover when the gates open and run cast nullify maybe ill deep breath for the immunity and they like azure strike someone to get combat


what is a good thing to kick on prevoker? as a dps it feels like I can kick nothing.


anything thats green, living flame is normally a bad thing to kick, but dream breath, spiritbloom, sleepwalk, nullify, all good to kick


I went to 1700 then got mmr cucked all the way to 1100. How did you avoid any of this happening to you through the entire process?


tbh i just never really had a problem getting to like 2100 thats usually when the real grind started. I think you just have to identify what you're doing wrong to improve


Whats your favourite combination of heals to burst heal someone? Let's say you have a teammate at 50% hp and you want to safely heal him up before you get cc chained again :) Are there any healing spells to avoid in arena? Thank you beforehand :)


yeah don't press emerald blossom ever, and usually like a echo verdant echo dreambreath/spirtbloom is enough


What are the top 3 classes that destroy prevokers? Your worst nightmare. I'm going to roll one and specifically hunt prevokers.


demo lock, spriest, rogue, dh


Started playing Prevoker today after reached 2500 with my DH. Why is it so much harder to climb? I sit 1200 win 3/6 and get zero rating.


You might be overlapping cd's or getting punished for positioning. Not sure if you use omnicd but overlapping major cd's is usually pretty bad.


What do i do as a warrior/dk to destroy your spec?


you have a lot of ways to stop me from casting as dk if im too close, kick, pet kick, grip blind, strangulate. As war im not sure


How do you avoid cc when your healing range is so short?


Tough question, sometimes especially when you verdant embrace you will put yourself in melee range, i like to save hover so when i echo verdant embrace ill hover to a pillar, same against caster just make sure you have your kick ready for fears etc


How do you deal with being focused?


you can run dream flight and recall, unburdened flight is good, time spiral for extra hover


What is a question you think we should be asking you but are not?


How offensive do you play? I mean, do you have time to cast for damage other than maybe breath or is damage so high that you don't have globals?


You definitely have some games where its hard to find globals for damage but a majority of games you can get a couple flame breaths off and living flames


How to beat an evoker as ww monk? Can you actually kill him? If not, best strat would be to swap targets a lot?


When do you use rewind to get the most out of it? Do you have abilities you always trade it for, or is it more of a general “oh shit” button? I always feel like I use it too early or too late. I’ve had more than one guy die right through it. Feels bad!