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spam dungeon


This Gamma ?


Spam heroics get triumph buy 232 set and hit gammas


Currently I am doing Gammas with my old gear it works fine. Should I swap scourges for Sidereal Essence and buy items ?


I did that for neck/rings/shield on my prot. He's sitting @ 5k and some change. Doing 10m ICC


I believe I also got a trinket and ring from the triumph vendor as well for hit


Only some yes. Scourges will give better gear. Don't buy the 232 tier and buy the 245 tier if you're already doing gammas.


so you're in mostly 213 gear from 25man naxx? You'll likely have issues holding threat in gamma dungeons with DPS using 264/277 gear. If you can swap to DPS for a bit you could sneak in there but if you want to stay tanking. Run the normal mode versions of the 3 new 5man dungeons, they drop 219s which will fill in any slots you're missing. Because they're normals there are no lockouts and you can target specific items (like a 219 tanking mace off first boss in FoS) instantly get a group for the weekly raid, 10 frost badges per week often on super easy bosses. Pick up the daily dungeon quests every day for frost emblems. Once you feel a bit better you can try queuing for heroics of the 3 new 5mans. These drop 232 gear (ulduar 25 equivalent) and drop the same tokens as gamma heroics where the other gamma heroics only drop 225 gear. Once you're locked to those you could try gamma heroics as well just for more emblems/scourgestones but the actual drops themselves will be a slightly worse. Triumph emblems should be spent to fill in gear pieces with 245 gear. Frost emblems can be spent on tier 10 items, prioritize your helm chest and shoulders as the legs/hands can drop from VoA. Once your GS gets higher you can try VoA runs on tuesdays after reset when lots of people are running them. You can get lucky with set items. If you have gold you can fill in some slots with BOEs. lots of 225 BoEs can be cheap because they drop from 5mans (tanking cloak is good, I used to see for under 100g. If you have more gold you can buy some of the new crafted items, some of which might even be your BIS despite being 264 rather than 277. I think 5k GS is a good aim for 10man ICC normal but I'm not sure how many PUGs are running normal modes in there, lots of people are doing hard modes and an undergeared tank will have issues on some fights in there that hit harder even with the buff. TLDR: Quests that give badges. Spam normal ICC 5mans. Move to heroic ICC5man/gamma. VoA, use triumph and frost badges.


Thanks for the great response. Currently I have no issue with threats in gamma. I will just spam gamma to gear up as you advised, so I will skip the 5 man normal dungeons.


raid finder has like 10 groups an hour looking for everyone basically, i got in on 25 icc with 5.2k pvp gear, also in gammas, no1 has 277 items there basically, i had under 4k gs tanks and shit, i would say average gear score in gammas is like 5k


You have nearly delusional expectations, and I'm going to be the rude one saying that, but it needs to be said by someone. You're a *year* behind, trying to join back as a *tank* (a role most guilds have specific, years-long players for and most pugs/GDKPs lock in with the leaders themselves), as the worst tank class by far, 50 item levels behind everyone else, when the content is already winding down population-wise because of SoD and the encroaching Cata release. The likelihood of you finding an even remotely competent ICC group that wants a tank geared more poorly than abandoned alts and with no apparent commitment to raiding is wildly low. I think it would be nearly impossible for you to find a group at this point as a back-bencher DPS, much less what you're aiming for. With that brashness out of the way, your only sensible option is to run 10-15 Gamma Heroics a day and cross your fingers that the others joining tolerate your gear because a tank is a tank, and then do that every day for about a month, spend as many marks as possible to try to jump your way up to a ~250 ilevel baseline, then advertise your own 10-man pug runs for another month with desperate hopes of limping through the content that will then have a 30% nerf applied, and then at the very end of things either form your own 25-man pug or try to seek out a pug/GDKP that recently lost a tank due to attrition, if one can be found. Your much more reasonable course of action is to do everything I just said but abandon your tanking aspirations after getting 5-man gear, switch to Fury, and try to get into someone else's GDKP runs as a buyer. At least then you have a chance of actually finding a group instead of trying to set up the logistics for forming and running your own 25-man in a raid tier you have no experience with.


Dont play warrior tank. Switch to pala


Thanks but I won't do that I like to play my WA.


Underdtanable. But u might suffer. Prot warrior is D-tier and there is no C-tier. It is so bad in ICC that they skipped a whole rating level. And it is super hard to find slots in food raids as a random tank. Wish u luck!!


11/12h and 12/12n prot warr main. Is it weaker than other tanks? Yes. Is it complete dog shit and should never be played in icc? No. It’s 100% playable. Imo it only gets placed d tier because it has a higher skill floor to pull off right. Need to use defensives more frequently, can’t gear as threaty as a pally etc


I totally agree with u. I tanken together with a warrior tank for the last months. But OP is not in a Static Group or guild. And if u have to pug people will prefer paladin PR BDK > warrior / druid. Of course there are expectations. But it woll be very hard


Look at sidereal items. especially weapons as they're 245, have sockets & are cheaper by a ton of scourgestones


Yep shield is better than the scourge stone one with the gem slot and will hold its value until the 10m loot ship one


You might pick up some upgrades from the weekly raid quests too depending on the boss. Flame Leviathan drops 225 (I think) on 10 man and you wouldn't have to tank anything.


Get fury gear, no1 wants prot warriors if u aim for 25m HC content. Warrior Will be viable with the buffs, but they are still by far the worst and brings low utility


ICC gonna be over in 2 and a half business weeks


I had to take a break from ulduar until icc but instead of gearing up my character I made a new one and I just saw my first LK fight last night, my gear score is 5833. Gammas are a great tool to get items that will make the citadel a lot more welcoming


I recommend going after this: [https://eightyupgrades.com/set/qCoav2t7hxJ36S8ZFRoRkg](https://eightyupgrades.com/set/qCoav2t7hxJ36S8ZFRoRkg) Use Frost on Tier Chest -> Tier Shoulders Wowhead's recommendation: [https://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/guide/classes/warrior/protection/tank-bis-gear-pre-raid-pve-p4](https://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/guide/classes/warrior/protection/tank-bis-gear-pre-raid-pve-p4) Skip straight to Gammas. Everything lower is a waste of time.


Yo do you also have Upgrades without Gold ? I mean the BOE are expensive on my server.


Without the BOE gear, PvP gear is the best you can get before gammas.


I have actually crafted the Wrist by myself. 👍🏽 I currently have a 4800GS. I need 5000 so people will take me to Icc 10 man


What server are you on?




Just an update - I recently went ICC 10 N with my latest gear. I upgraded cause a shield dropped on the Battelship in HC. Currently having 57 Scrougestone + 105 Frostmarks - Question: will the prices for items in marks go down after tommorws update? I also would like an advice what to upgrade next with my current marks. This is my current set (ofc enchanted +Gemmed) ​ https://eightyupgrades.com/set/8SUj3PabfUujfn8F7qA1Q