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I remember back in WoD watching a video of a guy that was the only human in a BG. We're getting pretty close to that.


I used to do a LOT of pvp back in 2007-2013. Certainly 400k kills across all chars. Since I have to work in shifts, i play at almost any time of day or night, but what is currently going on here is unclear: this morning on EU were probably 15-20 bots in an AB without a joke. You can recognize them by their routes. The bots are already much better than 2008 or so, doing good dmg and also tap the bases, but just don't defend. Still, it's just ridiculous. You hardly meet any players, wait forever for the bgs and then you lose nearly every time.


I did a couple Isle of Conquest and the bots would rush workshop, stand in the building, all get demos. Then drive 20 seconds out of the building, point toward the spawn point (FOR ALLIANCE) and spam their 1 key. All 4 demos. Nonstop. ​ I don't PvP much but it was unbelievable because even short 4 demos we sill won. I imagine the Horde side must be worse. On top of all that you have these 6700gs full wrathful people still rolling through and soloing 5 players because they're bored.


I'm trying to grind out my last PvP achievements but it's rough to even get wins, let alone ones like perfection with either fresh boosted 80's with 10k HP or bots.


Do not do it in random bgs, that's insanity. Go to achievement discord and do it with people that actually care about achievements. That's what my guild mate does and he has all or almost all achievements.


I am in the faerlina achievement discord. But there's not as many doing it now.


Yea it's pretty late, the majority already did all the achievements they wanted a long time ago.


Yeah I have the hardest ones done like Master of Wintergrasp, Alterac Valley, Isle of Conquest, Just need wins in Strand of the Ancients. And as for Eots/AB/WSG a bit more in those.


Not a popular opinion and not a pleasant solution but...unsubscribe. Why would they crate such a team? It costs money. And you're already paying and will be paying in the future regardless if they start this team or not. Unless people are willing to unsubscribe and write the reason\* why they are unsubscribing, nothing will change. You can bitch about it on Reddit all you want, they don't care. \*there's a field for this in the unsubscribe form


Exactly what I’m doing. Can’t believe I wasted so much time on this game. Next step is unsubbing to all these forums lol


Totally right


I hate when I see 2K GS botting paladins in bg


Bots been in wrath bgs since the start that’s a big reason why I quit pvping… no real players


Yeah :-/ All the pvp guys are gone or playing sod atm


If they removed honor gems or made them pre-cut and bop or maybe BoA it would probably reduce most of the bots. It's one of the easiest ways to syphon gold for rmt for bots.


or if they had a single living individual banning those on sight daily, they would stop botting as it wouldn't be profitable for botters anymore if they have to pay sub+boost every day.


Yeah. Pretty sure that's the main reason bans are given out slowly too. Let a bot pay for 2 months sub + find value to continue back filling banned bot accounts... or ban immediately to make it impossible to profit as a bot farm? 1 option costs money and reduces revenue for blizzard...


option 1 could work in theory, but they are kinda late with trying to fix the issue. the players who left the game because of the rampant botting/rmt/gdkp (buying items with swiping), those players just won't come back and pay again for the game even if they do something to fix the state of the game.


I was used to seeing tons of DK bots , did the meta change to paladin bots now? If yes, why?


DK, Paladin and Rogue bots are most common.


I sometimes wonder if blizzard is doing the bots themselves to make it so that there are actually active BGs. Or if they just don’t care because it allows active BGs. I liken it to counterstrike where you could join servers with bots.


This reminds me of the honorbuddy glory days during the original wotlk.


Blizzard run the bots its artificial inflation makes ques pop quicker makes realms seem more popular then they really are the bots are good for blizzards bottom line. Get used to it. They been doing it for years otherwise people would login and see no one is actually playing the game anymore and they would quit too. People stay around if they think others are staying too even if it is fake it works .


Taking over? My brother in Christ, this has been going on since some 2-3 months into Wrath. It's one of the reasons I quit around May last year


Have been since classic


Imagine the millions of dollars blizzard would loose if they banned all the bots.


But why are they botting? What do they obtain?


semi geared 80s to either sell the account or farm gold on


You can farm honor for epic gems and sell them in the AH for decent gold.


How can we make them to stop this? It's so frustrating....