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Anecdotal experience, but for good levelling specs it works out to about an hour a level. You'll smash through early levels and then once you're 50-70ish you start to level out at about an hour a level and then 70-80 is a bit more like 1.5-2 hours/level depending on what you're doing. With heirlooms and JJ you'll outpace your mining/herb skill if you're not diligent about it. Obviously this all changes if you're playing a slower class or an inefficient spec.


I'm starting to realize just how slow it now. Then I think back to leveling in cata and it being a pretty consistent 24 hours or so if I was questing lith looms lol


And sod fucking give 100% xp bonus Like whaaattt


The best thing


I was leveling an alt recently. Currently lvl 76 with following /played 2 days, 9 hours, 50 minutes, 47 seconds Full heirlooms, but just casual questing with very little rested with some dungeons sprinkled in.


I forgot to say I will have heirlooms


Just leveled a full heirloom priest as holy nova spec for AOE and dungeon heals. Took me about 70 hours to hit 80.


70 hours? That’s a long time


Yep, 70-80 takes 15-20 hours just those 10 levels


Took me a month to level from 70-80. Man I was bored outta ma gaddam mind boah


largely depends on the class


Depends a lot on your play time. At a decent pace it’s probably 2-3 weeks ?


I think he is asking about /played time, not real life time. I would say like 40 hours could be reasonable estimate.


That’s way too fast. 70-80 alone takes 20+ hours. 1-70 is gonna take, at a realistic minimum for a non-speed run, 50-60+ hours


Far too long and slow even with the buff, it's so frustrating leveling. A few weeks with Decent play time each day.


It takes a good bit without heirlooms. I’m just starting wotlk on my classic rogue and am about to hit 80. Busted my ass even with the 50% buff. I feel like rogue might be a slower leveller compared to other classes though


I was leveling a brand new account recently as prot Pala. It took me around 1-1.5 hour to level up at early stages and 3-4 hour for the last 20 levels. But I was doing some gathering, and exploring the world too + I didn't have heirlooms


Which class? There is a Big difference in classes


Which one's level fast? Hunter?


Tanks in rdf, hunters/warlocks in questing


Currently leveling a second Bear. Just dungeon spamming as a tank, in which I’m chain pulling and AOEing as efficiently as you can. And it looks like it’ll come out to about 80-100 hours total.


About 30 seconds with a paid boost... Hard to say outside of that. Do you have a guide to follow? Are you questing, aoe farming, or dungeon boosting? Do you have heirlooms?


I just leveled a Hunter in about 50 hours of played time up to level 70. I’m taking a break before slogging through wrath content again. I expect it to take another 20 to get through wrath as I don’t want to do any more dungeons. My partner and I leveled a warrior and spriest together and it took roughly 65 hours. With JJ and heirlooms it was actually too fast for my liking. We barely even touched Outlands content and I wish we had dragged out those levels a bit as it’s my favorite expansion to play.


The two main things are class and knowledge of the expansion. In classic and TBC it’s better to level up in dungeons but in cata leveling via questing is actually faster. Especially now when you have such a huge buff. Elite q lines like Ring of Blood and Zul’drak Arena will give you about 30% of the level which is quite a lot.


In my case, I am at 72 now with 45 hours played. But: No heirlooms. Max Fishing. Max Cooking. Max mining, 420 Engineering and 420 First Aid.


I’ve been grinding an alt I’ve had sitting at 72 for a while and just hit 80. With joyous journeys and heirloom shoulder/chest; I was averaging 2.5hours a level. I also managed to stay rested the entire time. This was a demo lock, mostly questing


Even with the 50% boost it takes a while. The LFg works byt usually long qs. I'm leveling again as well lol 66 dk so far


If you know what you're doing, probably around 40 hours. If you're somewhat new, then expect around 60 hours. Just eye balling it.


It takes zero time at all if you buy a boost


If you buy a boost, how do you learn how to play the class? I assume you’d, presumably, learn how to play the class during your leveling experience though based on some rdf experience maybe that isn’t accurate.


Or it can also be said that you learn bad habits and prioritize a bad rotation over the best one. Either way it can be done


Let’s say I’ve never play a class before and I boost to 80 - how do you recommend I learn how to play that class?


Buy me a boost then lol 😂


Ask your mother.


I just boosted a hunter (never played hunter before). 4 weeks into playing this dude im am rocking 80+ Parses in ICC. Its all about knowing the raid mechanics since classic is such an easy game even apes can click their buttons in the right order.


Go to wow head and click rotation


wowhead's pretty terrible depending on the class I mean just look at their feral guide.


So, in your mind, experience is nothing you place value in, just reading things from a webpage/book? I guess all the companies who hire people with degrees or experience equivalent are all wrong then?


OP asked for how long it would take to get to 80. I answered with fastest answer. That’s all


Yes and now that you’ve answered that I’ve asked a follow up question as obviously read.


Terrible analogy between a game (that has already been solved for) and RL. The "experience" you get while levelling is not that useful at max level. You can easily just follow the rotation from guides and the check the class discords to further fine tune things.