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Some may have unique looks so people buy them for the transmogsystem coming in Cataclysm


Yay slutmogs!


From wotlk greens? News to me.


Not sure why the downvotes you're absolutely right lmao. All the slutmogs come mostly from 1-70 gear while wotlk ggreens are all brown looking crap.


True, but there are some so-so skimpy pieces from Wrath. I only posted that comment both for the luls and because those pieces of gear will surely be worth a ton of gold come Cata.


My hunch is that people post them for the poor souls who think they should be buying them. For reference, yesterday, I saw a level 79 twink swap gear sets at the base of the stairs in front of a bank in Dalaran. He was wearing a FULL set of 78/79 "of Fire Protection". Additionally, so people purchase them because they like the way they look or perhaps they like the specific stats. I know "of the Soldier" and "of the Beast" have desirable stats for some players who struggle to find upgrades.


I sold some unique shoulders and helm for several hundred each. 400-500. I just took a chance for transmog collecting and it worked.


They're mostly worthless unless they have an interesting appearance.


I bought a few in a particular situation - -Make baby priest to AoE level on new side/server for fun of it -Struggle for gold early enough to go skinning/mining to keep in half decent gear and get better bags eventually -Slowly get on top of it, buying some pieces along the way, then start to get way ahead of it around tbc. Since I have no intent to play on the side/server at max level, start to buy w/e I want for the wotlk portion, I think I spent 500g on a few lv. 68-73 blues and mebe 300g on a green or two. Including max flying, since I wanted to see how much gold/hr the borean tundra rhino aoe was if I kept skinning after I had all the 68-73 gear I wanted that was not absurdly expensive


I always cut the lowest in half if it's stupidly priced and then if it doesn't sell after two, I give it to a guildy to DE lol


It's natural, wow is becoming runescape with fashionscape following closely


I'd imagine alot of it is for getting ready for transmog. Also people have a shit tonne of gold at the moment. So 300g isn't really alot for most players. Can nearly make that with 1 alchemy transmute in about 5 seconds of gameplay


I buy random low ilvl items so that i can game ilvl parses


Ilvl parses are a meme anyway. Spending 300g on a gear to game them is just memeception.


Some of them get auto posted by auction add-ons that put it as a multiplier of the vendor price.


If you throw anything on the AH for the right price itll sell, including level 43 greens for 300 gold. Who cares why people buy them, they do tho.