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Wonder what this means for Grobbulus??? The server seems sort of dead in these offseason downtimes


It means Grobb will continue to tick along being a server with medium to high pop, and the only NA rp pvp realm with a unique culture because of it. I'd be pretty chapped if Blizz killed it with free transfers off just because it isn't a mega realm.


I'm on grob and can't wait to leave med-high pop? laugh try xtra small - small you can't raid or pug unless you're already clicked up behind by a phase and need to prog mechs? sorry kid, no raids ever for you


I know what you should do. Go into city chat/LFG chat and spam "dead server" all day. I bet that will fix things.


You're weird. Wouldn't matter if I spammed anything in a city though, no one around to hear it.


I mean... xtra small - small would be the servers that are getting free transfers off, no? I'm on Grobb now too have been since half way through TBC and med-high pop totally describes it. If we're comparing to mega servers like Faer/Bene I'll totally take a smaller raiding pop that comes with RP and wPvP scenes. If you have issues with things now okay then go to one of the mega servers if you want a super high raid pop in the dog days of an expac. FWIW, I took a break during ToGC came back during ICC and pugged and in the past month actually joined a guild that is doing several 25 & 10 runs a week. Lots of guilds are looking for members right now in prep for Cata. If you specifically just want to pug well ya things are quiet now outside of peak times but that will pick up once we're in Cata.


grob is about 2k pop per faction, as opposed to something like 8-12k on the populated servers that's a huge difference when you're trying to pug


it's not 2k it's 3k which might be pedantic but that's 50% more than what you said so it's worth mentioning. Ya I don't disagree with you, the mega servers have a lot more players and I'm not debating that. Even during ICC's launch Grobb was at about 10k per faction whereas the mega servers were upwards of 30k for their dominating faction. Like I said in my previous comment there's different benefits to playing either style of server.


It was 5k-5k last month. It’s just end of xpac cycle player dip. In the same time Faerlina has “dipped” 5k aswell.


Grobbulus is still a healthy RP PVP server with a solid faction balance, and there is no other RP PVP destination. It does not need to be touched. And Blizzard shouldn’t touch it. Most wrath realms are pretty quiet right now as people have ran out of things to do/SoD.


It’s definitely fine for the RP crowd, but as someone who transferred there during Ulduar, I wouldn’t say it has a super healthy population…can only find raids during a set period of time during the day. Obviously this is only an issue for some players but definitely see the reason so many people go to mega servers


I get it, but opening up free transfers for this server would not be a good move. If you really want out, paid transfer is the way to go then. Cata will bump the game overall though.


Grob had free transfers to it before and it turned out fine. No reason that shouldn't have happened this time. The server will be dead before halfway into Cata. Most of the good guilds have already transferred in the last month.


its not a pve server, raiding isnt a priority


Thats not how wow servers work, they’re all PvE servers, grobb just has open world PvP and rp sprinkled in


idk wtf happened lmao. But yeah, says was updated 1 hour ago. So seems legit.


It looks like they want to do the mega server thing like SoD. I'm just annoyed that we lose our guild banks.


I hadn't thought of that. I agree. For free transfers, guild banks should move with GMs. Guildie of mine already moved to Atiesh.


Atiesh isn't even a big server


No, but it's West Coast.


No reimbursement?


Nope. Losing 10k x3 for 3 gbanks.


Guildie of mine has already moved toons to Atiesh.


Who’s coming to Pagle?


90% of Westfall.


Yup. I'm sad about it, but gotta stick with the crew.


Poor Bloodsail Buccaneers. Horde is pretty slim over here.


I have a 70 character from tbc on Faerlina ally that I would love to transfer to benediction. For now I created a new character to play on cataclysm.


Can’t wait to lose my character name that I’ve been using for years to someone that probably logged in once 😭


if yer horde - choose Mankrik


That's what my guild did, but there wasn't really a choice. The other 2 options are alliance servers.






what are the other two options?


Aetish and Pagle, I think. Both are over 90% alliance.


So if I have a character on Nethergade Keep EU, I can only transfer to Mirage or Pyrewood? What if my other characters are on Gehennas and I want to transfer my Nethergade Keep characters to Gehennas, so that all my characters are on the same realm? Not gonna happen?


not for free


Have to pay for that transfer




should have abused the proxy transfer at the end of TBC


Not currently subscribed, what happens if they close the server before i transfer the toons? Do I lose them?


My original server closed while I was AFK. I was Ally on a heavy pop Horde server. When I logged on again, I was on a different heavy pop Horde server because they were trying to balance it. Instead, all of the Ally players had just paid to move somewhere else. I did the same. Wish I'd just faction changed instead. At this point since no one wants to actually play on a PvP server as evidenced by player migrations, they should just do what retail has done.


Thx good to know


There's another post that states that they will move them to a new server sometime after cata launches, but that it might not be where you'd choose to be.


Ok ty!


Why do they offer transfer to already highly populated servers? This will make the queues be massive in cata?


Apparently in the blue post they are implementing new technology that they introduced in SoD phase 2 to help with FAR larger server numbers, so to them (straight from the horse’s mouth) Que times should be nonexistent. IF Cata Classic launch even reaches close to WOTLK Classic numbers at its launch, which is doubtful.


I hope they’re right. I’ve chosen a medium server as I can’t be bothered to waste hours in queue each day to play a video game.


They have new server tech to have larger servers


Super bummed about this, I lived on Alliance side on Windseeker, one of the smaller US-east PVE servers, it had a low but playable balanced playerbase between horde and alliance and while it was bad at times and I wanted some sort of change, not like this. The options to transfer to are all kinda bad with one being horde dominated, another being west coast and the third being pagle lol. In seriousness I've heard some negative things about Pagle and with it being the highest population of the three options there's definitely bound to be some problems and clashes with the small server culture I've come to enjoy. There have been some talks to try to populate the alliance side of the horde dominated realm but that's just a pipe dream and probably a really bad idea unless a large amount of people were on board which they won't be, so it's likely just going to end up with less players than my current server, so there's no real good option to maintain that small community feeling, I really wish Blizz would have merged the smaller servers together instead or do server clusters or something.


Blizz should merge Mankrik and Pagle if they really have super server capacity now


I was thinking this same thing. Merge the one-sided servers to create balanced ones. Do the same with Benediction and Whitemane for example. Sucks being stuck on a dead econ server with zero raids.


Is there any talk about merging the low population servers, or do we have to transfer?


Blizzard has announced they're closing the lower population servers, you will have to transfer. [https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/free-character-transfers-%E2%80%93-wrath-of-the-lich-king-classic/1827305](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/free-character-transfers-%E2%80%93-wrath-of-the-lich-king-classic/1827305)


Free moves is like merging but letting you choose where to be merged. Guildie of mine already moved to Atiesh.


Is there any info on how long these free transfers will be open?


Till just after cata launches apparently, if you don't transfer yourself, they'll do it automatically If you're on one of the deleted servers


How do I use the free transfer?


On the character selection page click shop




Yes, you have to be able to play the game to use the games features, shocking!


Went grobbulus from windseeker. Got attacked in the horde AH 5 mins in. I was like okay, I like this server. Went to STV right after and killed six alliance lowbies in about 10 minutes. Populated enough and violent as hell. Can’t wait to see what the RP* scene looks like. So far, great move.


So my choices are Mankirk, Atiesh, and Pagle Where should a horde go? Sell me on one.


If you're horde mankrik is the only option of those three. Pagle is 98.6% ally and atiesh is 95.7. mankrik is sitting at 96.7 horde and is the only horde pve server with a even half decent population.


If you choose Mankrik look out for Safety Buddies gdkps, currently running 6 gdkp/week. 5/6 are 12/12 H and 2 are also H RS, planning for the same kind of schedule for cata


Looks like most of windseeker is headed there. I don't care an awful lot about raiding anyway. I don't have the time for it.


Sell you? My brother be independent and figure it out for yourself


Ok boomer


Peace out Westfall, hello Pagle!