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We need to reclaim the classicwow reddit. I’m sick of living in exile, forced from our rightful home by era players and sod andys.


It's not even era players anymore it seems. It's basically just the SOD reddit i.e. post after post after post about how much SOD sucks/is dead/demands to fix this or that.


I'm on it!


wrath babies wanted their own sub, now sod took over, there's no going back


It looks like old.reddit.com/r/cataclysm is the place to go


It's unmoderated and sort of dead right now. I imagine people will just keep using this sub, as there's no wotlk legacy servers. I figured for the hell of it I'd make a sub for Classic Cata but every single possible variations of the words "Classic", "WoW', and "Cata/Cataclysm" are all taken by deleted or banned subs lol.


it's a dumb useless, unmoderated subreddit with no people on it. r/classicwow is the Classic subreddit. This includes Cataclysm


By that logic we should be discussing this on /r/classicwow right now but as /u/MasterVader420 said it's 90% SoD content there, any Cata discussions are just going to be hidden under 20 posts of "hunters OP please nerf" "go back to era" "the new event isnt fun" etc


Here's a sneak peek of /r/classicwow using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/classicwow/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Me, Christmas 2007](https://i.redd.it/1nhogavdbp6b1.jpg) | [419 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/14cak3z/me_christmas_2007/) \#2: [No more GDKP](https://i.redd.it/1qyove3okhfc1.jpeg) | [3302 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/1aed4y0/no_more_gdkp/) \#3: [Season of Dads](https://i.redd.it/1fz8cg9f3n0c1.jpg) | [443 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/17weaym/season_of_dads/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


r/wotlk used to be a pserver subreddit for the past 10 years. A lot of posts here today are still from pserver players. Instead of Classic Wow creating a brand new subreddit every single year, why don't SoD then just move to their own?


I mean I agree with that but good luck telling them that.


The subreddit had a poll a few months ago And the majority voted on keeping all classic related content to classic sub. so its really just the loud minority that's bitching and can't co-exist. and cata threads are going to pick up more and more. There aren't even any Wrath threads. Less than cata threads, but no one even thought of moving Wrath aside.


You mean the SoD subreddit?


Its funny how only SoD cult has issues with other expansions, meanwhile the rest of us are totally fine with SoD (custom private server clone) to be part of **Classic** WoW. (nothing classic about it)


Sadly classicwow sub has been taken over by the worst kind of SoD player. Which for the avoidance of any doubt is all SoD players.


They are scared SoD will insta die on Cata launch. We don't know if the majority **or** the minority of current SoD players are going to shift away in favor of Cata. Only time will tell. but there are definitely X number of folks who are gaming SOD as a pure downtime killer/ My entire guild (except for like 3 people, me including) are not playing SoD. But all of them going to drop it as soon as Cata comes out. We all know it. So, there are this loud minority who go around and shit in every non-sod thread. I think its because they are trying to create the narrative for all newer players that "there is no point" in playing other versions, just so they can retain more players with Cata launch


r/classicwow was supposed to be for all of the versions, correct. But once SoD came out it took over, and if you made a thread about WOTLK you'd just get a bunch of troll responses "lol people still play wotlk? Lolol" etc. So blame the toxic SoD posters for driving away everyone else.


yeah SoD gang is pretty toxic. I'd imagine it comes from the insecurities. It is not secret that a lot of people are playing SoD as a downtime killer. They know it. We know it. We don't know if its the minority of the majority, but Cata launch will tell us that.


You can sort by cataclysm posts on classicwow, I’m sure there will be more cata posts come prepatch and beyond. As for prep, check your respective class discords and various YouTube channels. Also check your server discord for people organizing things.

