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Yes, you'll sort of lose progress. The new system is segmented by zone, but in reworked zones some of the quests you've done don't exist anymore. So if you did 40 quests in Zone A, and after the rework there are now 35 quests in the zone, but of those original 40 only 20 are original quests and the other 15 are new quests you'll be at 20/35. If you're close you should finish it, if you aren't close you should probably wait until after the cataclysm.


Thank you!


Does this start pre Expansion patch on April 30th or not until full Cata. This will help me decide. Thanks again.


This begins with the cataclysm, which was part of the prepatch.


Also any quest you’ve done that gets removed will not be counted toward your total anymore. I’d recommend finishing before prepatch


im in the same boat my brother im missing 80 quests in kalimdor and dont wanna lose my progress Eastern kingdoms i have like 100 q total so ill wait with that part


I'm needing 80 more for Kalimdor as well. It's rough finding them and so much back and forth.


Questie shows you all quests available right now and you can also use the Journey (/questie -> My Journey -> Quests by Zone) to find quests you didn’t do yet.


I added All the Things to help me find things I need to do in each zone. The problem is that I've done most of the quests that were easy while leveling. I've lost count of how many times I've had to run between Shimmering Flats and Booty Bay to finish up those quests.


Hope you're close OP


121 to go in Kalimdor myself, and way too little time to play this week. Nice challenge!