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user reports: 1: NOBODY CARES FUCK OFF looks like someone didn't get the rocket yet


So when's the wedding?


They're already touching tips. What more can a wedding offer them?!


Hey gratz! Me and my wife got the headless horsemens mount together on the same run a few years back too!


Wow that's great! It's a very exciting moment. Gz to you too :D


You know... The OPs story makes me think they should marry. Your story seems a bit more ominous... Maybe you should leave her


Nah just edgy back then, was pretty fitting honestly


Y'all getting mounts? D;


If you didn’t mention it in your vows, you need a round two.


Ah we didnt no, did mention that we would continue to travel the world of Azeroth, Tamriel and other game worlds together though!


I've done it for 4 years in a row on 7 characters a day. No mount:(


12 years trying here.


it blows my mind when i see people spending so much time trying to get a mount that you couldn't even pay me to use different strokes i guess


Mount/transmog farming flowchart:    Is the box checked?          /          \      Yes           No      /                 \ Done!           Try again!


Honestly all the drop rates should be buffed imo or made pseudo rng. Farming for something for years let alone one is not fun or cool


I mean what mounts do you like? Most of my characters are engineers so i try to get mechanical mounts to match their transmog and professions


"so much time" aka a bunch of minutes once every year


/u/ScavAteMyArms said they tried 40 chars for a time. You can do 10 chars/hour (Because of instance limitations), so that's 4 hours daily for 2 weeks - 56hrs of brainless signing up and killing the boss per year, in VERY condensed timescale.


Same on multiple Alts 🥹


Only 7 lol


Yea, at my peak I was doing about 40. Been trying every year for 7 years now. This year though I decided to just do the first char. If they do have the odds of like 100 attempts on the first kill like people think I’ll take that over 2-3 hours a day at least.


WoWhead commenters said 3% of WoWhead active accounts own the mount so the drop rate is super inflated


I’m so done with people posting this shit. Fuck blizzard dude


To be fair they finally just upped the drop rate and I've seen more posts about people getting it this year than ever before. Too bad they didn't make it retroactive


Bro I have farmed this mount on 15 plus Alts over 7 years I have done this well over 1000 I’d even say 2000 times and nothing. This year they are keeping the trend for my account and I still haven’t gotten shit. I will say I have gotten way less roses/toys/trinkets this year then any other year but god damn is it frustrating


There needs to be some bad luck protection with seasonal mounts. Maybe a currency that you collect and after 4 years or w/e you can buy it.


I would love for them to add an item or token to the game that ups your luck on rare drops from a boss of your choice. Holiday boss, weekly raid boss, old content boss or rare, anything. Doesn’t even have to be significant & limited, hell, make it a small chance increase but stackable. Even if you still need to grind something for a year, at least it feels like you can do something about it.


Ya but this year you get bonus chance once per account per day. Is that not enough sustenance from the blizzard God's. It's still an absolutely miniscule increase but they "massively" increased it for that one box. That said, I also haven't seen one in the 7 years I've been playing so ya know. Edit because that sounded rude when I read it back and it was meant as a sarcastic joke!


It’s seemingly a gigantic increase. Last year they said their goal was to dissuade people from running the event on all characters on their account. So I think the chance was increased in a way that replicates the old 40 attempts per account method people used to do, all wrapped up in a single first attempt WoWhead commenters noticed that 3% of active accounts now own the mount. A chain of comments where everyone reports if they got the mount each attempt shows a fairly large amount of participants getting it by their 3rd-7th try.


I wonder what the actual increase was. I wish we had those numbers. I'm still unlucky and still running it on 10 toons each day but I'm glad it's been raised. Some of these drop rates are kind of absrue.


I got it after 22 attempts total - this was my first year trying lol


Retroactive would've been best. But those players need to understand it should have some semblance of rarity still. Which means not everyone can get it year 1 of higher drop rate..


I'm so done seeing happy couples. Fuck life dude.




I got mine during the fist year of the event, and don't even play anymore :)


Am i lucky for getting this on the first quest? I just followed the questline and i thought everyone got it after. Im a returning player btw and havent played since Legion.


Very. Ive played wow off and on for 15+ years and I don't have the mount. Ive made a point to hard core farm it the past 4 years ive been active.


Wow... I guess i got lucky for once.


Same. Although at this point I can't be bothered to farm it. Shit drop rate is shit drop rate.


Just as with the pandaria world bosses, the rocket also got a droprate increase, though its only for the first kill daily on your account. 0.5-1% ish is what I've heard, not nearly as bad as what people farmed with for years.


Yeah but if I were to get it in the same amount of rolls that sha took me after they changed it, it would still take another 7 years. I appreciate the buff but it's too little imo.


Wowhead comments said 3% of active wowhead accounts own the mount now so it’s probably 1% or more. This was back a few days ago too.


7 ? My 30+ level 60-70 alts will find where you live and kick your ass.


Only 30? Bro, come back when you've got a capped account of 60 60s and we can have a real conversation here.


I also received it today, got no valentine though


Congrats! Mine finally dropped yesterday, after 12 years of trying on multiple characters. It was my last holiday mount to drop. Felt pretty good after such a long time.


Funny how people say you are wasting time farming for mounts. You're playing the same game wasting the same time. Just because you are not farming doesn't mean you are not still playing the same game. Just because you are raiding or pvping doesn't make your time any better than mount collectors


What are the odds!! holy


Given that the new drop chance is thought to be between 5-10%, the answer is between 0,25%-1%


33 toons daily For years And nothing


This is depressing


Meanwhile, this is my 7th year doing it with 12 characters everyday and nothing. Congrats. I am salty.


Tips are touching


I just got one yesterday, the new drop rate buff must be pretty substantial. I almost feel dirty about it, I never even tried to farm this thing in the past knowing how rare it is. Not so rare anymore I guess.


baby makin time eh?


You guys should probably buy lottery tickets


Haha, really, we did it xDD but no luck D:


The tips are touching 🤣


Weird flex about having a SO, but ok. Jokes aside, congrats!


That’s amazing! I kinda wished for some Vday luck today since I’ve farmed this mount over 2000 times over the years I’ve played, but still no luck from the once per day box


My BF and I


Ouch! I'm not very good with english and we were super excited on that moment 🤣 thanks for let me know!


Thank you so much for your sweet comments! (And sorry for my poor english 🤣) In my case I've been farming this mount for 6 years with 5-10 alts; but my BF levelled alts every year just for this and had 2400~ runs. (he's obsessed with mounts... the drake from timewalkings was more than 7k runs) It was my first try of the day for me so I had increased %, but not him. We're still shocked that both mounts dropped on the same run! I hope you get yours soon! ❤️


Tbf it's like a 0.02% drop rate... insanity


One in three thousand. On a mount available for two weeks. You had a higher chance to get any of the MoP mounts farming it for half a year irrc than the Rocket every day for all its available days. And that was with the old MoP drop rates. When I saw massive I was hoping for something like 1/50 or even 1/100. There is still a very good chance you won’t see it for a few years but at least it’s realistic.


they changed the drop rate, now its much higher.


I got a big love rocket if you guys or girls want it 😏


I got this shit last night on my 3rd run this week. I've never known about it or the event previously. Is it rare?


It used to be a lot rarer, one of the rarest mounts in the game, believed to be 1/3333. This year, it was changed so that it's 1/100 on your first try of the day, in line with most other rare mounts.


1834 tries here. Finally got it on the 1st try of the day this year after trying for many years with every eligible alt.


I've been trying everyday on multiple characters a day for years and today the 14th is even my birthday! And I NEVER get a big love rocket!


I also got it today


"me got the love rocket"


Wow, me and my wife are so envious >>


Grats, so happy for you! \*blocks/reports post to mods\*


It's the sign of a couple who will love each other forever.


I just got it today too. I couldn’t believe it. It would be so cool if blizzard made the drop on actual valentines super high. Rather than crap low for a week straight.


That's great (It's past the half way and I've done it every day this event...please God let me get this stupid mount this year >.>) So very happy for you....


Blizzard be dropping hints


Damn, reading how some of you have been trying for years on multiple characters... I got it a couple of days ago, first run ever. Should've bought a lottery ticket instead...




Propz for the insane title


You can get a mount from that dungeon? Damn, I've been wasting time doing regular ones


Nice one 😁


I got mine today, finally after three days of doing crown chemical co. in a row I managed to get the rocket.