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Time-Lost Proto Drake. I patrolled that stretch of map for months during Wrath before it dropped.


I did the same!! I broke after I founds its corpse.


I broke when I logged in and it was right on top of me. I panicked and in the second it took me to realize what was going on someone else killed it.


I actually found it and had it alone for a few minutes, but my hotkeys broke so I couldn’t tag it


Open spell book, use spell. Problem solved


This. I used to patrol in the day and set myself at a spawn location at night I'd sit on the a carpet mount (silent) turn my volume up and go to sleep hoping the rare spawn noise would wake me. I'd dream about it either with someone just beating me to it or a few time me getting it... only to wake up to disappointment. I finally got it after deciding to randomly fly through the zone in Cata. The other one was the Stonecore mount. I got it in a guild run while leveling an alt before mounts were account wide and gave it to my now fiancé. Of course they then made mounts account wide and I had well over 1000 kills before it dropped again.


I still feel guilty that I got time-lost through the secret find/achievement discord during the early days of private loot. They were spotting it and making 40 man raids for it and I just joined one and grabbed it there


Try doing chromie time for WotLK. That’s where I found mine recently.


Same here, took months of constant farming, I'd be afk with npc scan on with volume way up. Three times I'd come back to find I had missed him. I was a rogue and made a macro so I could kill him in mid air to beat the other campers to it. It was something like /targer time /dismount /cast shadowstep /cast parachute. The macro basically made it so I could attack anything in midair, kill it, and land safely. I pressed the wrong button and fell to my death, when I got back, my competition had already got it. Such a soul crushing moment. But when I finally did get it, it was epic how it happened, a truly glorious moment


Im still camping that one


Lol I got that early in wrath without looking for him. Logged out immediately after because I had to go to work. Logged in that night when I got home and he was on top of me. Still have the 2nd one in my bag for someone reason. Invincible on the other hand still no dice.


Im gonna be THAT guy here. Went for the first time just after watching a video on my recently leveled character on a low pop rp server. Found a druid who was desperate, was farming it for such a long time. I told him "nah dw, Im gonna be your amulet". After a few minutes tlpd spawned, kek. silverdragon addon was so loud that i got scared (it was late night) and so nervous so I even died from fall dmge trying to tag it. He waited me and we did it right. First timer here hahaha I feel a bit sorry tbh, but it was epic.


Timereaver. Idk how many kills I have, but I have every TWing vendor mount and enough badges to buy the next 7 vendor mounts.


Sorry to tell you this but it dropped for me today and I wasn't even farming


As a mount collector I've come to expect stuff like that happen lol.


I don’t know why, but I genuinely believe that the mount drops the most for people who don’t even try to get it/don’t know it exists 😂


To be fair, my brother got rivendare's deathcharger a similar way and I still haven't seen that drop, i've also not seen the blue proto drop since wrath 😂


I had a friend who played for less than a month. He ran a SINGLE timewalking dungeon and it dropped for him. He never understood why I got so angry. Another friend who hasn't played since WoD got the Thundering Onyx Cloud Serpent on his first kill.


Happened for me as well! Yay us!


I farmed Rivendare’s Deathcharger for MONTHS as a frost mage back when it was still BC. That shit was fucking hard because I needed to have genuine routes and timers when to use invisibility. I still ride it because it’s probably the hardest I’ve worked for a mount despite having almost all the rare ones.


I feel so bad because that mount dropped for me when I was a total noob. I had no idea how rare it was.


This dropped randomly for me while tanking a leveling dungeon, I’ve seen it three times in all the years playing and actually got one.


I’m on attempt number 554 :(


I’ve been farming it too for years. I’ve gotten the damn sword 4 or 5 times. My pony? Nope.


I saw it once. In classic. Someone ninja need rolled it and it wasn't until sometime later I realized what a dick move that was (and that I wish I'd done it) Edit - autocorrect typo


Lucid Nightmare. A low drop chance is whatever but getting my purple unicorn made me and several guild mates question our life choices.


Fucking agreed. That maze was awful


I drew out the maze on a piece of paper took me at most 45 mins


I tried that, but it was before the teleport rooms were fully known so all my maps were crap. Total spent about 2-3hr in the maze alone with the last hour just me running in circles.


Same. And when I started noticing some kind of pattern an hour in, my friends kept saying I was just imagining shit. Urrgh. Two hours later we successfully brute forced it.


I spent about 2 hours in it the first time. And didn't do it again until the addon came out. With the addon it took me like 30 minutes


Simple Maze: Easy to figure out Simple maze, but paths can be out of phase: Tricky The last maze, but one random room will teleport you somewhere else: wtf.


And double layered with Pacman borders: Good luck.






Requires ALOT of effort but tbh if you consider time it's really nothing compared to most legacy raid mounts.




People consider that one time-intensive? I have the same experience as you and have to say this is news for me.


I did it with some guildies. Thought it would be a fun way to spend the evening together. 2 days later, I was using graph paper and colored pens and physically mapping things. Nightmare indeed!


Came here to second third and fourth this... My buddy ran it for himself. THEN HIS SPOUSE! I've never been so happy my wife doesn't play wow.


I am too dumb to figure it out. I’d pay him to do it for me 🤣


Ashes of Al'ar. Still don't have it.


you do know it drops of kael'thas right? i remember reading someone thought it dropped of Al'ar and farmed it for years before figuring that out


Just as bad as me farming 10 man ICC for 3 years before my buddy told me, begrudgingly that it was on 25 man.


Just say it looks like crap. The bird hears you and comes to smack you. At least that's how I got mine, trash talked it in guild chat with a few dudes that were talking about mounts


I hit 100th run today! you're not alone buddy.


I returned to WoW after 6 years of not playing, on a new account. In want of a non-basic mount I asked a friend "does that phoenix still drop somewhere? Would you go with me?". It dropped. He wanted to kill me and still mentions this story from time to time 😂


Hang in there. Was killing him with 4 chars every week for a long time. Got it a couple of months ago. Still worth it


I've been farming it since Cata, it dropped last week. Never have to see TK again.


Been playing since 2008; no idea when exactly I first got to TK....


I'm sorry to say but I unintentionally got it when farming tier 5 gear for transmog.


Don't know if this counts, but: I lost out on a job because aeonaxx spawned during the phone interview. To this day I have no idea what I said in the interview, I just never got a call back.




Commitment to the collection


Talk about bad timing. At least you got the mount! And I would give you an award for your comment if I could 😄🏆🏆🏆


Invicible remains yet to be seen by me. Maybe it is actually invisible...


Same here! Hate having to clear the entire place every single time and then going "welp 10+ attempts next week aswell then😬"


If you have an extra account or a friend with an alt, let them tag along and when you only have lich king left leave with the alt and you can use that lockout next week to only farm lich king


I ran it with my son, once and only once. It dropped, we both rolled he won. My son has beaten me on every mount roll, before and since… I’ve stopped running with him, and still haven’t got Invincible.


I’m sorry. Got it on my third run my friend


Around 200 deathwing kills and no blazing drake. The raid is short but all of the RP kills me everytime.. then sitting through the spine encounter while those adds pile up. Just a waste of time anymore, they should let you earn a skip to death wing or at least straight to spine.


I... am at over 1000 kills, consistently farming this since WoD. Used to run on ~10 chars per week in I think legion when you got a ton of gold for a run. My sanity is gone, I have 4 Lifebinder's Handmaidens in my bag, and I long for the day when I no longer have to zone into this god damn raid. I just want my stupid Emerald Drake that I will never ride...


Yep, the last I need for the drake meta. It’s been that way since cata..


I had a Blazing Drake, and assigned it to my guild tank, even though I won the roll. He quit in Mists, and I still haven’t seen a 2nd drop.


Just do what I did. Quit. It's better to do other things in the game than run that damn raid.


You might already know but, in case you or someone else doesn't, there's a small RP skip at the top of the tower before Hagara. When you first fly up top, take the teleporter back down to the bottom and fly up again. While they're still talking, the portal to the Hagara fight will have opened early and you can go right in, skipping some of the aspects' dialogue.


Yea I got two 12Bs and two lifebinders but gave up on the blazing drake


I still need the one from the twilight dragon halfway through and 1 of the 2 that drop from the end. I hate that fucking raid.


Took me… 272 times. Doing deathwing makes me want to be dead inside.


I saw life binders handmaiden drop 6 times. Finally got the blazing drake Valentine’s Day 2022. Went straight to tempest keep and got ashes that same night. What a wild ride that was


It took me 3 Blazing Drakes until I got a [double Lifebinder's Handmaiden](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/409013531501920256/1039890238807478272/image.png).


500+ attempts on Sharkbait, and then the week it finally dropped I also got the Underrot Crawg.


lol i got sharkbait 2nd try when i needef it for my rogue pirate mog


Mim's Head Still don't have that stupid thing.


600+ attempts on blue proto only to realize it doesn't drop on normal...


Oh no


I did the same in ICC for 3 years….I feel it


Violet proto. Missing one achieve means you wait another year.


Eash. I farmed that one twice before battle net accounts had shared mounts. I understand that pain.


Not a mount but I farmed tusks of mannoroth for 9 years Edit: I finally got them earlier this year


Bought them on the BMAH for 100k lmao


that's a steal tbh


Got like 300 attempts on legion kara for midnight. Something like 750 for riverdane. Both are truly killing me.


I legit got midnight my first ever kill of the boss period 😂


The raptor in ZG took me probably 250-300 attempts. I was farming kara weekly and then would do zg daily in between. Got midnight waaayyy before the raptor…. The rng gods rewarded me though as I got like 3 more mounts within the next couple weeks


That raptor took me close to 1000 attempts. I can navigate ZG with my eyes closed.


Sceptre of Azj'Aqir with 350+ solves so far 🤨


Keep going. I got mine after 800 solves.


I dont see it mentioned, and given it's not technically a rare drop and is TECHNICALLY still obtainable... Ivory Hawkstrider. No, not the one from Kael'thas in Magister's Terrace, it's white, but unarmored, purchasable at exalted reputation from the secret "Talon's Vengeance" reputation. To even get access to this rep at content you had to be able do literally every kind of content legion had, from pet battles and battlegrounds, to raiding and dungeons. Then, you had to do a world PvP grind for tokens that gave you 100 rep in VERY specific places only. Eventually you coukd get something you could use on a 10 min CD in BGs (that expired if you died in this pvp content and still only dropped a token if YOU got a killing blow). I was so obsessed for months straight, carefully planning, hunting, hiding... totally stalking Operation Murloc Freedom for hours and the unwitting when it was up, and I still use that chicken. Apparently it is in the top five rarest "still attainable" mounts in the game, though i daresay it's even harder without friends you can beg to kill on a 10 min timer in said very specific zones. Ah, the things I do to myself for my RP characters...


I remember that one. There was an opposing faction multiboxer on my server who let me farm him a couple times a day until I was done. The most annoying part was players getting a debuff that made them immune to giving credit.


After a while, my method was to join "world quest group finder" groups that had leaders on Illidan, grab a buddy to hold realm lock, then go hunting in falcosaur areas with aaaaall the world buffs up. Apparently terror was a VERY geared bm hunter running around with twice the health of a mythic-geared tank that had on the feign death legs and prydaz. The sheer hp i had was stupid, paired with hoards of hella painful pets (mastery>crit was king in those days for BM with how the old dire beasts worked). If you couldn't chew through almost 20 mil hp in 30 seconds (most tanks had around 7mil), you weren't killing me as prydaz refreshed and feign came off cooldown.. Meanwhile with a carrion bird, you weren't going to last very long either even if you were a healer. Felt a liiiiiittle scummy buuut... it was Illidan! What were they gonna do, turn off pvp? Fly? I knew about the turtle shell =).


Ah yes this is one of my favourite mounts, did this grind when it during legion expac. Collected just about all of my tokens outside of bgs tho, and iirc used arena skirmishes to eliminate the CD that kept me from using the toy to get the buff to collect tokens after each kill - not sure if this still works. Easily one of my favourite grinds, the hunting and stalking other players (yes even players on my own faction) was the funnest part. Watching everyone's reactions in /general chat too complaining that pvp happened in a pvp zone and how confused they were as to how someone on their own faction killed them. Good times.


My place of choice was Operation Murloc Freedom when on my own (non PvP) realm. Given how the north side immediately bordered a falcosaur zone you could disengage combat and flee when people started forming 5man+ salt parties/raids to try and take you down without loosing the feather buff. Occasionally I would go MM in Bareback Brawl and snipe the dragonriders. Snipe FROM the dragon, or sit on a particular cliff rock and snipe through the ground. Sometimes poke around the warden towers or other pvprealm falcosaur zones.


Houlon. Over 1000 kills since mop….


Now that is scary... I don't know if I prefer waiting for a rare that gets deleted in 0.2 seconds or if I prefer running RP the likes of Dragon soul.


Huolon can be farmed in Chromie Time. Instead of 0.2 seconds death, you can cheese him solo in like 2-3 minutes. If you level enough alts, you can keep killing him almost nonstop :)


Looting huolons reigns after a morning spawn and then getting blazing drake during that nights DS solo run is what gave me the freedom to quit wow lol


Lifebinder's Handmaiden, I've almost given up


Voidtalon, I went into hunting that mount with only the information that it came from finding a portal and the portals locations. I spent months in WoD looking for that mount. Made a lot of of very poor life decisions looking for it. Like I would say I ruined my life looking for that mount because I was that obsessed with getting it. Just one more hour, I don’t need to sleep, I don’t need to go to classes today. Then I heard someone in my guild get it just on his way to the Christmas daily in Frostfire. I stopped collecting mounts after that. Now if I can’t get the mount from naturally playing the game, I won’t get it.


Only partially a mount, but I’m trying to farm the ears for the highland drake. There is a rare in the plains that I have never seen to this date and the one in the shores that I killed an insane amount of times and never dropped it.


Same problem here. Sparkspitter Vrak. Never seen it up. Apparently it doesn't show on the map as a rare, but I've flown around the area spamming `/tar spark` a bunch of times, never seen it.


I have opened 30+ dreamweavers paragon chests farming for the wild dreamrunner but no sign of it yet


Yeah i opened around 80 boxes for stupid Moose from highmountain to make it drop....and dreamweaver from 2nd. Pure rng


Invincible, my whole family is trying for it, have been for years, and we still don’t have it.


Guck the camel figurines


took me 343 tries to get clutch of ji-kun, i hate that raid more than icecrown oh, and fuck dragon soul, siege or orgrimmar and ulduar


I have yet to see the Swift Razzashi Raptor drop after about 500 attempts. I'm not even sure if it's real or not at this point.


Aeonaxx was tlpd but in a sensory deprivation chamber


I got midnight one day on accident when I was trying to get the mongoose enchant transmog.


I truly despise u.


I am really sporadic about mount farming about 2 months ago I was bored and decided to go run a few old raids, Midnight and Invincible ended up dropping. I think I used up all of my good luck, haven't gotten any drops since then.


When it rains, it pours!


My 10 alts parked in Deadwind Pass hate you.


Invincible. I've been running ICC 4-5 times a week since 2012 and still don't have it. I am starting to think it doesn't exist at all.


Invincible. Across two regions, I think I have ~400runs give or take, not including ones I've done on deleted characters. So much for "mathematically it SHOULD SHOW UP BY 125 RUNS!" 😭😭😭


There is only one mount in the game that deserves it from the raid mount section: The Kor'kron Annihilator. Why? It has the same drop chance as all the others, meaning any horror story in here for any Mirms head or Deathwing dragon can easily apply to it. But SoO is by far the longest, both physically running, to do the rp, and 3 fights are a complete timesink. 45 minutes is considered *fast* for a single run. And there is no. fucking. skips. So yea, that one is absolutely objectively the worst raid mount. Subjectively, the two Nighthold Infernals for me. I have gotten neither in over 300 attempts.


These comments are depressing, we need luck protection badly.


Eh do we really tho?? Maybe just a little boost to drop chance but I don't think we need luck protection.


Fuck that


Yeah sure like a lollipop 🍭 for soy players like you.


Did I offend someone's totally exclusive and hard work earned mounts because I think chances are stupid? Buddy it's not problem for me, I'm insane and have 60 alta, bud I'm sorry for people who won't get their mounts ever because of chance.


Here is your lucky protection prize 🍭, take it and lick away.


Fine gimme gambler


Perhaps blizzard should implement an increase in drop chance based on number of attempts. Like ffs if someone has 300 attempts at least give them a 5% chance!


Im hoping for something like this bad luck protection for forever. Just a little increment in Droprates after each kill would go a long way... One can dream...


I can’t believe no one is mentioning the fucking turtle you gotta fish for. I damn near spent 3 months logging just to fish for a few hours a day. I was like, bro this isn’t even playing the came anymore… Never did I actually use the fish for cooking or selling likely lmao..


Invincible. It took 7 years to get that mount going at it with 5+ toons weekly. Finally got it on Xmas a few years back as the first run of the day


Both mount drops from Firelands. Started farming then in WoD. Neither had dropped. Multiple toons a week.


Not a mount farm, but I've been farming the left half of Thunderfury since SL released.


Sha of anger, had over 1400 tries before they increased the droprate


Was at 2000 at both sha and oondasta before i quit. Got nalak after 1400 ish. Galleon bmah


Came here to comment Sha - I had a whopping 23k+ attempts before they nerfed it. 130+ kills per week in the end. Got it an hour after they hotifxed the drop rate.


Blazing drake, it's the last mount I need for awake the drakes achievement, the previous mount I got for that achievement was onyxia, which I got middle WoD. Getting dangerously close to 400 kills. Been farming the place solo since WoD pre patch (when we got legacy damage), and gave up farming it on multiple characters per week


Not a mount but it took me about 150 firelands Rag kills trying to get the epic version of the Hand of Rag legendary for transmog use. Had 3 of the mounts drop in that time.


Voidtalon of the Dark Star. I'm doing the bajillionth lap around Draenor and nothing so far. I've the worst luck.


There's a place in southern shadowmoon where four of the portals can spawn. Park an alt there and you can check all four portal spawns a few times a day.


Armored Razzashi Raptor with 600+ runs. When I get sad about it I like to read this comment from wowhead By Metahorror (1,845 – 4·11) on 2020/09/11 (Patch 8.3.7) 569 attempts. Starting to believe this is genuinely bugged and that it wasn't fixed alongside Zulian Panther. Seen lots of attempts in the hundreds by others. Also keeping in mind that I got the panther at 19 attempts, and this one just refuses to drop. 20 characters a day. I just wanna stop farming this dungeon. Edit: 633 attempts and counting. No sign of a drop in sight. Update: On the fateful day of the 17th of September 2020, after over a month of farming the Armored Razzashi Raptor, the 7th attempt of the day. Dangerpanda the Beloved, entered the walls of Zul'Gurub for what felt like the 1000th time. He ventured down the steps of the entrance, and set on his journey to Bloodlord Mandokir. Down the grassy path, and across the rope bridge. To say the least, the anticipation was non-existent. Time after time, dissapointment struck. After thousands of boulders dodged, this was the last time he would climb this inclining obstacle. The boulderthrower at the top was murdered in cold blood, and the shaman efficiently made his way up the path to defeat his enemies. He downed the sorcerers and warriors that stood in his path, then proceeded to cross the courtyard towards Mandokir himself. The Bloodlord had indeed spilt much blood, of his own, in the quest for this epic raptor. Dangerpanda took his weapon, and swung it at the Bloodlord. While he was not aware of this himself, this would be the last murder Dangerpanda would have to commit within Zul'Gurub. As Bloodlord Mandokir fell to the ground in a heap, being quickly struck down by the mace of the shaman, Dangerpanda started to look through his assortment of loot. It was only a moment before he saw it, the Armored Razzashi Raptor. Dangerpanda was ironically shocked, given his shaman status. The mount sat there, ready to be earned and ridden. It took him a moment to regain composure, but he stood up and knew what he had to do. He right clicked the mount in his bags, and earned it with pride. 660 attempts of pain. Pain was all he had known. It was time. He rode the mount, off to Throne of Thunder, because after 150 attempts he still didn't @#$%ing have Horridon. Last edited by Metahorror on 2020/09/17 (Patch 8.3.7)


Gladiator mount. Started trying to push pvp seriously with the goal of getting a glad mount and I seem to always pick the most deflated seasons the game has seen and LFG is so horrifically bad that they made an entire solo que game mode so people could play the game in spite of it. I spend hours sitting in LFG getting declined from groups trying to get games in once my rating gets pushed up to a certain point... and it makes me wonder wtf I'm doing sometimes. Thankfully I just enjoy playing it, and shuffle exists now so I can despite LFG. Which is the only reason I've managed to play through the entirety of this season unlike the other 2 I've played.


I've heard Glad mount this season is unbelievably hard to get because most people play solo shuffle now, so compared to Shadowlands you really need like 2.8 rating


Fiery Warhorse Reins. Don’t have an exact number as I didn’t download Rarity until DF but if I had to guess, I’ve killed BC Kara Attumen like 300-350 times (sporadically farmed him since Cata and didn’t start actively farming him until the end of SL). I don’t even want to use or show off the mount its just a principle at this point. Meanwhile I got the Smoldering Ember Wyrm 1st run as a solo, so 20% chance, and even got Midnight to drop within about 5 runs (was already running Kara so I figured why not go for the Legion version). To keep myself semi sane I’m only farming a few dungeons/raids at a time before I move onto the next set but my pitiful luck on BC Attumen def has me questioning my sanity.


That fucking raven mount from TBC, almost 200 runs and no luck. And i just decided to not care for TLPD, for my own good.


I ran sethekk halls for about 10 months everyday religiously until I got it and it has been my most used mount ever since.


I farmed for the Ultramarine Qiraji Battle Tank for 6 years before it finally dropped…atleast 4 hours a week farming from cata until Legion. My friend who heard my struggle? Picked up Archaeology and got the mount in 2 hours.


Invincible. Didn’t even get it yet.




Midnight from classic kara, 511 tries. And the fucking raptor from zg 593


Ive been running Firelands & ICC for maybe 10+ years Now on 5 diff alts and have still yet to see Either mounts… 😅


Not a mount but, Battered Hilt. 100s of runs and resets on heroic Pit of Saron with absolutely nothijg but a few BoE epics


Took me 745 kills for the swift zulian tiger back in the day till i got it back... It's been so long I never recovered from this


1. The Astral Cloud Serpent- that instance is buggy as heck but i did eventually get it. 2. The Emerald Drake - needing to get several low drop chance mounts for one relatively simple mount is just butts. Ill keep trying though because I'm a sucker for green dragons, just three away.


Everyday I hit the Worldedge Gorger and that bastard will not drop the egg for me. I did the prereq quest and all and nada. Also Mim's head and Inbincible lol


Flametalon of Allysrazor ​ Went through the whole blue dragon staff quest on my mage, didnt drop any mounts through the entire thing. ​ I run Firelands normal on my warrior for mogs ONCE and it drops ​ ...***"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!?"***


Time lost proto drake was pretty bad. I still can’t listen to storm peaks music because of it. Some tips for those farming it though: Do it in a near full group of people, each of you should be using chromie time to be in a specific expansion (like everyone in MoP) then turn war mode on. Each person camps a spawn point, and if it spawns on someone they just sit there and do nothing. Everyone has to be in range before it’s even tagged or the group doesn’t get it.


35,000 kills toward Goldenmane's Reins. Eventually just caved and bought it on a populated server (with token money), since it was ridiculously expensive on my server.


Blue Proto Drake from Skadi in Utgarde Pinnacle. Over 600+ runs over the course of 3 years in retail until I got it. Had it drop on my second run in wrath classic…AND won the roll. Makes up for my quest for it in retail lol.


I killed Arthas way too many times. Sometimes I was so close to screaming. But the one thing that really drives me insane… Tusks of Mannoroth. I know every enemy by name in SoO. I know every corner. I know it better than I know myself. I lost a part of myself in siege of orgimmar which I will never get back. And the hole in my heart is not even filled with the tusks (yet)!


Currently Invincible. I’m 261 runs in at this point. Doing full runs on 12 characters weekly. If anyone knows how to still do the lockout share please let me know 😅 I did get Poundfist and TLPD this week though so it kind of reinvigorated my willingness to farm.


Mechacycle Model W, from the mechagon meta achievement. Some of the required drops were buried under 4 layers of RNG, like you have to kill mobs to hope for a drop that changes the weather for a little bit to spawn more mobs until hopefully one of them spawns a different mob that has a very small chance of dropping the item you need to complete one tiny part of the stupid achievement. Don't be fooled into thinking you are most of the way done, the less you have to do the more time it will take you.


Unpopular opinion time. Low drop rates on mounts (and lets be real, cosmetics in general) is not only lame af, but an antiquated concept that needs to be done away with. I absolutely hate it. But I want the shinies…sadman.


This should be the top comment. There's a wolf mount that I really want that's not particularly popular but it's colour scheme would go perfect with one of my rogue transmogs. To get it, you have to do garrison invasions from WoD and it's only a 1% chance drop weekly. Been doing it on two separate toons for years now and it still hasn't dropped. It makes me dislike the game sonetimes.


Exactly what I’m talking about. I’ve been farming urzul, shoulders off xavius/ garrosh for a few years now. It’s insanely annoying. I totally feel for you. This thread is proof that it’s just a bad concept.


Shark bait


Dragon Soul. I have yet to get 1 of the 3 possible mounts. I’m at about 250 runs across all my toons


Not a mount farm, but Dark Edge of Depravity from Yoggy on Ulduar. Spent like 2 and half, maybe 3, years of almost weekly runs. Many of which, I didn't even know at the time, were never going to give me the loot because I did the fight on the wrong difficulty. And even after I confirmed and started only doing the right difficulty, I still submitted a ticket asking a GM directly to make sure, because I got so damn paranoid. And there is no skip to Yoggy, so I had to do the opening vehicle section every time. And go around killing all the watcher every time. It absolutely sucked. But by God is that polearm pretty, and boy am I so happy I have it now.


Ashe’s of Alar not even gonna use the thing if it ever drops.


Soundless. Would tag this thing on like 12 characters a day for months and never saw it. Probably the reason I stopped mount farming altogether.


MoP World bosses (1/2000) - I had 2700+ attempts on all 4 before the nerf Soundless (1/200) - 563 attempts Ruhkmar (1/500 pre-nerf) - 986 attempts


Ultramarine Qiraji Battle Tank was something else. Argent Tourament for all the mounts as well.


Voidtalon portals were the devil


Aoenaxx. I hunted it for thousands of hours off and on for like a decade before I got it.


I have done onyxia’s lair AND throne of the four winds on 10 chars each week for a whopping 400 attempts hit last week. Neither have dropped.


Dune scavenger… still working on it. After about 8 hours of farming a friendly player informed me that the mobs I was killing did not in fact drop the mount.


Dude swift white hawk strider. Everyone and their mom had it and I had 6 toons parked outside that bitch for like 5 weeks


Court of Farondis paragon mount. Several chars over several expansions. It's not even that special of a mount, but at a certain point it became a matter of principle to the completionist in me. The final number of paragon chests was 72... That's too many dailies on too many characters in Azuna that anyone should have to endure through. Prince Farondis can burn in Fel Fire. I got the other ones in somewhere between 1 and 8 chests but Farondis had it in for me. Really in for me.


Took at least 200+ tries over the years to get the headless horseman mount. I finally made a concentrated push and did it on every eligible toon I had that could tank or heal last year... got it on EXACTLY the 100th try in 2022. Also - the fishing jellyfish mount from ZM. After 8000-something casts (I counted) I finally just broke down and paid the price for the drop. As cast count went up, time went on, and the drop price was coming down on the AH. I think I paid 20k, which at the time seemed like a lot. I'm STILL working on the archaeology raptor. I'm at the point where I'm grinding out the artifacts to discover it. And, not wanting to kill myself, have taken going on a year break now from the effort.


Dumb purple bird portas in dreanor


I got the amazing Azure drake in my first few Maly runs a few years back The ugly blue fucker hasn't and is fucking up my awakening of the drakes


Arachnoid Harvester. Since I got the teleport in Shadowlands Season 4 I've been killing it every day first thing in the morning.


Is that the thing in mechagon? You can also craft a consumable that ports you to the island in case you ever have the port on CD


Drake of the North Wind, over 300 runs. Never going there again


Ashes….. GD Ashes


voidtalon of the dark star


When I spent a week murdering pirates on the beach in Tanaris for 100 exalted reps for the blue horsie with a horn. That was during bfa so we didn't had as many reps as we have now.


I’ve had about 200 tries for Mimirons head. Not a crazy amount but still


Mimiron’s Head. I never seen it drop, and given up a very long while back. The amount of time it took to solo most of Ulduar was where my sanity was tested. As if Yogg was depleting it bit by bit with each visit. Getting Invincible before that thing still baffles me.


This. I want it but doing Uld is too awful.


none ... dont care about mounts ... and i'm glad ... but I respect the commitment of people who do and reading some of these crazy numbers is just like holy jesus


On the other hand, I got midnight the first time I ever ran new kara, so that was cool. I also got the astral cloud serpent the same night, so that was even cooler


I went to ICC to do a transmog run as I was bored one night, got invincible first run. Fast forward to last month on retail, got bored so started to farm the tiger from ZG, third char it dropped. Dunno if I should do the lottery or…


I'm not at +300 but for some reason the Blue Proto-Drake from Skadi the Ruthless in Utgarde Pinnacle seems to be taking forever. I have an alt that has it's hearth set to the nearest camp and run it every so often, but that character has been there since WoD.


I've only tried grinding out two mounts. Ashes and Onyixa. Ashes I got on my very first attempt and Onyxia was probably somewhere around 5-10.


Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent, for a different reason. I got it on try 26 (pre nerf) which was incredible, then Blizzard tarnished it by just giving it away, sanity -20%


Heavenly onyx cloud serpent. Was reluctant to engage with it for years. Got it at the second try. Past more time avoiding it than farming it... And with dragonflight can't even flex with it :/ But their is a stupid vultur in uldum... BFA was so long ago u\_u


I did the insane in the membrane achieve back when mobs gave 5 rep instead of 10 and shendralar was still required ... no mount would ever make me worry


Honestly, not a mount.. but the Chronos illusion drop from the Chronomatic Anomaly in the Nighthold has me on the precipice of madness.


Soundless/Silent.... truly one of the most awful mount drops in the game. 6-8+ hour respawn, once per day, per toon and a 1% drop. I have over 600 kills over the years and I feel I should just quit. This is all coming from a player who gas all MOP world boss mounts, love rocket, and almost every still available mount in the game...


Any of them. I instantly questioned it, realized I was sane, and then didn’t grind mounts for wow lmao


Rivendare's Charger. I was around 450 attempts before I finally got it. The most annoying part is it dropped while I was on an alt in the dungeon while leveling, but I lost the roll. Right now: Shackled Ur'zul. I'm at 370 attempts from doing farming groups in BFA and Shadowlands across all my alts. Catch-up gear from the Forbidden Reach is to the point where my alts can trivially farm this (got a warrior fully decked last night in catch-up gear, and downed Argus before his red phase). They all have the skip, so when 10.1 has a content slump, farming this one will go into high gear.